Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Good Luck Charm

Chapter Ten- End Part One

by Black_Moon_Shadows 1 review

More than a nightmare.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Drama, Horror, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2006-08-13 - Updated: 2006-08-13 - 371 words

Chapter Ten
Ray drove at top speed to take Eveie home. She began to panic, wondering what was the emergency. The tiny Civic pulled into her driveway. Eveie jumped out and ran into the unlocked house. It was quiet for a moment before her mother ran up to her.

"CLEAN THIS FUCKING MESS UP!" Eveie was scared. She walked to the back end of the house and looked. Nothing. "IN THE KITCHEN, YOU MORON!" Eveie winced. She made her way to the kitchen, dreading what was in there. Thank God Lauren left with Jason... Eveie opened the swinging door and fell back.

Blood hand prints up and down the walls, on the counter. Puddles, puddles, by her feet. An abnormal scream clawed from Eveie's throat. She scrambled around the counter and slipped, landing next to Lauren. Tears spilled. Eveie gathered the bloody, blond mess into her arms and rocked her. Sobs escaped her.

"Lauren! Lauren!" She moved her hand lower and screeched. Squishy. Nothing on Lauren was squishy! Oh god, nothing on Lauren is squishy! Eveie looked sown and saw pink intestines filled with holes and blood. She dropped her sister and scrambled back, her shoulders hitting the counter. And she sat there screaming. Her voice became scratchy, and Eveie hiccupped.

There was a flopping/splashing sound. Eveie looked around. She turned to the front and saw a bloody Jason in front of her. His eyes were wide and he was looking at her. Stumps for arms waved in the air. Eveie screamed again. Jason began flopping towards her.

"Help..." he croaked. Eveie screamed louder. "HELP." His stumps were on her, all over her. Bloodying her. Get them off! GET THEM OFF! Help me! And Jason died right there. Bleeding on her, his stumps caressing her face.

"Ray. Ray. Ray. Ray."

"Yes, I'm Ray."

"Like a ray of sunshine."

"You can say that."

"My sunshine in this place?"

"Sure." His smile didn't meet his eyes. And, being as crazy as she was, she noticed.

"You're not happy?"

"I'm not happy."

"Why?" He looked away. "Why?" She pouted her lips, just like that first date. That only date.

"Because I love you."

'A crazy person never admits they're crazy.'
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