Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Good Luck Charm

Chapter Fifteen

by Black_Moon_Shadows 0 reviews

Watching our memories go by.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Drama, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2006-08-13 - Updated: 2006-08-13 - 583 words

Chapter Fifteen

I Can See Him Dieing

November 5, 2005

Eveie was sitting on the couch under her flanel blanket. She smiled and waved to the camera. She twirled a piece of hair, then stuck it in her mouth and chewed.

Ray: 'Eww. Gross, Eveie.' Eveie sticks out her tounge.

Eveie: 'Just for you baby.'

Ray: 'Thanks. I'm not touching your hair for a while.' He puts the camera
onto the table and walks off. At the edge of the screen in Eveie. She's craning her neck to see Ray in the other room.

Eveie: 'I love you, too, baby.' Ray walks back in, adjusts the camera, and sits on the couch with Eveie. Eveie kisses him.

Eveie: 'You know, we should do somthing this weekend. You know? Cause everone else has somthing planned, we should do somthing too.' Ray looks at Eveie and grinns wickedly.

Ray: 'We could have hot, wild sex in the shower.' Eveie smacks Ray.

Eveie: 'In your dreams, perv.'

December 25, 2005

Ray is asleep. The carmera is panning around the room, facing him.

Eveie: 'Wakie, wakie'. Ray opens an eyes and looks at Eveie tierdly.

Ray: 'Baby, what the fuck do you want? It's eight in the morning.'

Eveie: 'And christmas.' Eveie walks over to Ray and sit on his chest, placing the camera by the bed. She kisses him.

Eveie: 'I love you Ray.'

Ray:' I love you Eveie'.

Eveie: 'i've got your presant right here.' She reaches under the covers and Ray gasps. She pulls back and kisses him.

Eveie: 'Get up and you'll get it later.' She begins to get up, but Ray pulls her back.

Ray: O'h no you don't you little tease...'

March 4, 2006

Ray has the camera. Eveie is cutting up some crank, getting ready to snort.

Ray: 'I don't like when you do this.'

Eveie:' What?'

Ray: 'Get high. '

Eveie: (Looks up from her task) 'What's wrong with it?'

Ray:' A lot.' There's silence for the longest time. Eveie breaks it by begining to snort.

Ray: 'Why do you get high?'

Eveie:' Out of habbit. Because it's fun'.

Ray:' I hate when you're high'. Eveie looks up, slightly pissed.

Eveie: 'What the fuck? Are you the girlfriend, or am I?'

Ray: 'What's that supposed to mean?'

Eveie: 'Your acting like a pansy over a little crank. Get over it.' Ray throws the camera on the table and walks out. A sideways image of Eveie fills the screen. In silence, she snorts a little more crank, the reaches over and turns the camera off.

April 27, 2006

Eveie is sitting on Ray's lap in the bedroom.

Eveie: 'What do you love about me?'

Ray: 'Everything. Your eyes, your smile...' Eveie laughs softly. A moment of silence follows.

Eveie: (softly) 'Take off your shirt. ' Ray takes off his shirt, and Eveie hands him the camera. It now shows her in her bra, leaning down to kiss his chest. She sits back up.

Eveie:' I love you, baby.'

Ray: 'I love you too. What do you love about me?'

Eveie: (laughs) 'That's easy. Your dick (Ray laughs). Your hair, your lips.' Eveie leans down and kisses Ray. He sets the camera on the tabele by the bed.

It shows Ray taking Eveie's bra off, the gently kissing her upper torso. Eveie slips under the covers.

Ray: 'Oh... Fuck'. Ray and Eveie begin thrusting and meeting thrusts.

Eveie: 'Mmm. Ray, harder.'

Battery Low

Ray: 'Fuck Eveie...'

Camcorder Turning Off

Eveie:' I love-'

Battery Dead

I Don't Want To Be... A Murderer
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