Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter: Amoral and Amorous

Chapter 3 Petunia 3

by SleepyMatt

Harry makes use of the recordings.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Harry,Petunia Dursley - Warnings: [X] [R] [Y] - Published: 2014-12-11 - 5908 words



Chapter 3

Petunia bustled around the kitchen wiping down the counters after having cooked Vernon a big breakfast.

“Why don't you put the boy to work while he's freeloading Pet? He might as well be of some use when we're stuck with him.” Vernon inquired of his wife, putting down his knife and fork.

She flinched minutely enough that Vernon missed it. Ever since she'd awoken on her bed still half naked with his seed drying on her stomach, Petunia had been doing her best to not think of Harry. With a few minutes and his freakish abilities he'd turned her into...into a whore. He'd used her like a disposable rag to cum on and then dumped her in her room.

Forcing a smile to her face, Petunia answered her husband. “I like cooking for you dear, it makes me happy.” It was also what was going to be the first of many attempts to assuage the guilt that had been plaguing her. If she had been stronger, surely she could have fought against whatever abnormality her nephew had enforced on her. Instead she had given in and fulfilled the incestuous desires of her sisters evil child.

Vernon grinned at her cheerily. “And I more than enjoy eating your fantastic cooking love.” A quick glance at the kitchen clock had him widening his eyes. “A bit too much it seems. I need to shake a leg if I don't want to be late.” He stood up and quickly wiped his face clean with a piece of kitchen roll and tossed it in the bin. He walked to the front door, Petunia following behind him and then gave her a quick peck on the cheek and headed out the door to his car to begin his journey to work.

Petunia trembled slightly as her guilt began to grow to suffocating levels. Even after Vernon had started to have problems in the bedroom, he'd remained very affectionate to her. There was always little instances of stolen kisses on her cheeks or brushing his hand against hers, each small gesture always making her feel secure that he still loved her.

Then in the course of an hour the freak had ruined it all. If Vernon ever knew how weak she was, how easily she had been taken into another's bed, he would hate her. No it would go beyond mere hate. He would be disgusted with her, and he would be right to do so.

After all, the pleasant ache between her legs reminded her, her body had enjoyed being at her nephews less than tender mercies. For the first time in years she'd had a truly satisfying orgasm, only it wasn't at the hands of her husband.

She wanted nothing more than to march up the stairs and smother the little monster with a pillow, but the fear in her heart stopped her. He'd already proven that he was somehow able to use magic outside of that damned school of his, so what would he do in retaliation. For all she knew of magic and its abnormal abilities, the things he could do to her could number in the thousands.

Sagging slightly as she walked into the living room, Petunia slowly sat down on the couch, wishing that there was someone else in the house besides her and the freak. Number 4 Privet Drive had been her and Vernon's home for over sixteen years now, and she'd always adored it. The neighbors were suitably proper and yet there was the occasional outlying incident that made for good gossip. The house was detached and the walls were suitably thick so she never had to worry about noise from neighbors and never had to worry that they could be listening in.

Now her home felt like purgatory. On the one hand she still had her husband and her darling son. On the other, she now had a lecherous little monster that had the sheer inhumanity to drug his own aunt and use her as a sex toy.

Petunia buried her face in her hands and sighed deeply. She'd continue to do what she had for the past day and night: avoid him and never let him cook or make a drink for her again. If he didn't interact with her she'd ignore his existence to her dying breath and then in four years come July if she remembers correctly, he'll be considered an adult so she can kick him out of her house.

'It won't be too bad' she thought optimistically. After all, he was only ever there for the Summer months and even then, he'd spent a good portion of last years Summer away at one of his freak friends house. Maybe he'll put his supposed fame to use and stay away a bit longer.

Moving her face upwards and taking a deep breath, Petunia turns on the television and does her best to push the memory of the day before to the back of her mind. It works for a little while as she watches the life of a scullery maid in her latest soap.


Harry groans the groan only teenagers can make when faced with the prospect of getting out of bed. His covers were delightfully warm and his pillow that usually felt so uncomfortable, currently felt like the softest thing in existence. He didn't want to move, he was too comfortable and comfort in Privet Drive was something to be cherished.

But the incessant pressure in his bladder proved to much even for him to ignore. And given that he'd been locked in a small cupboard until he was eleven at night time, he was usually quite good at holding back his bodily functions. Staggering briefly as he climbed out of bed, he groped along his end-table for his glasses and upon putting them on saw the world once again gain clarity.

Smacking his lips, he walked across the hall to the bathroom and after taking care of business, he proceeded to brush his teeth and then have a shower. Putting his glasses back on after he'd dried his hair, Harry felt a burst of impatience. He knew that there was a medical potion in his repertoire that could fix his eyes so he'd no longer need glasses, but once again it was something that would require time to brew.

Supposedly the term lunatic actually came from the side effects of an improperly brewed medical potion that required precise timing alongside the lunar movements. One of the ingredients reacted extensively to the wholeness of the moon, and required precise monitoring to ensure that, that particular effect was neutralized. When the potion failed it gave rise to the consumer entering a state of madness when the moon was full.

The potion for his eyes would take a whole lunar cycle to brew, while the one to fix his malnutrition would take two. He'd have to find the Hogwarts kitchen if possible as well, as the malnutrition potion would require him to eat like a pig after taking it. Supposedly there was a more complex version of the potion that would conjure up the needed nutrients and use them to heal his body, but Voldemort had never learned it given how ready an access he had to food not to mention the fact that he had never actually had need of the potion.

Tom had probably discovered the location of the Hogwarts kitchen at some point, but actual memories were difficult to uncover. Knowledge was fairly simple in comparison, simple steps of method to gain results. On the other hand true memories were complex and the last time he'd tried to drag one to the forefront of his mind had left him with a migraine for hours.

Shaking himself out of his musings, he proceeded to get dressed and headed downstairs to make a sandwich to take back to his room. Walking into the kitchen he felt a thrill of satisfaction when he saw Petunia in the progress of making herself a cup of tea freeze and pale as he walked into the room.

“Morning Aunt Petunia.” he greeted her brightly causing her to stiffen even further before she shakily continued to make her tea.

'She's ignoring me.' Harry realized with amusement. Slipping past her he opened the fridge and pulled out a packet of chicken slices and butter, he pulled a packet of bread out of a cupboard along with a knife and got to work making his sandwich.

He nearly snorts in amusement when he finishes making his sandwich, when he realizes that Petunia is simply continuing to stir her tea despite it being more than ready, watching him nervously. Before she'd have taken the sandwich from him and told him he should be thankful for the meals he got at lunch and dinner, never mind snacks. However after yesterday, it looked like all he'd have to do is grin at her and she'd bolt.

Picking up the plate, he pauses as he walks past her. “I'll let you get away with ignoring me for today, but you won't be for much longer.” Harry smirks and then moving quickly slaps her hard on the ass.

Petunia yelps in shock and spins around with a furious expression on her face, but the moment her eyes came to rest on him she seemed to wilt pitifully. Harry simply smiled winsomely at her and continued out of the kitchen and up the stairs. He'd leave her be for the day, more because he needed to brew one last potion that he'd kept forgetting to make out of over eagerness to actually have sex.

A simple contraceptive potion. Having to consciously remember to pull out every time was quickly becoming irritating and it stopped him from simply losing himself in the pleasure of the act.

Easy to make and actually a potion Tom learned from a curious glance at a Witch Weekly magazine, all the potion really required beyond a few standard herbs was Queen Anne's Lace, to actually give it its contraceptive properties. The rest of the ingredients were simply there to enhance its effects to a one hundred percent guarantee of stopping pregnancy. It also increased just how much use could be gotten from a single seed. Given that Harry was going to put in a handful he'd have enough contraceptive potion to last for a good few years. Mostly because a single vial-full would effectively render render them infertile for three months a pop, but he had to hand it to whoever had made the potion. It was damned efficient and had no harmful side effects on ingestion and after it wore off the user could still bare children without harm.

He'd effectively lose half his stockpile of vials but they were going toward a worthy cause in Harry's eyes, and it wasn't as though he couldn't afford to buy more. Huzzah for disposable cash, and god thinking that made him feel like Malfoy. Ew. Bad thoughts.

Shaking his head, he shuffled into his room and quickly set up his cauldron and ate his sandwich while waiting for the cauldron to heat up. When he felt it was hot enough, he made several trips to the bathroom with a jug and started to fill it up, until it was halfway full with bubbling water.

Cracking his knuckles he got to work chopping up numerous plants.


Petunia had been hopeful that now that the next day was Saturday, with Vernon in the house she'd feel safer and more secure from the boys lechery. Evidently the world was conspiring against her when Vernon cheerfully informed her after coming home from work that he there was an opportunity in the air, if he went out the next day.

“You remember the Mason's don't you Pet? Things were going well before the freak ruined the night with the cake, but it looks like I've been given another chance!” he exclaimed, going from disgruntlement at the memory of the failed dinner party, to excitement.

Petunia desperately tried to convey the message of 'don't leave me alone here!' with her eyes, even as she smiled at him. “That's wonderful to hear. After how hard you worked last year, you deserve another chance.”

Vernon hums agreeably as he mopped up the last of the gravy on his plate with a slice of bread. “Just a few games of golf while we sort out the details, and I should be getting a heft raise and bonus as a result.” he boasted proudly, before pausing as he tried to remember something.

“When is Dudley coming back again? Was it Sunday evening or am I picking him up Monday morning?” he asked thoughtfully.

Her smile turns a bit more genuine at the thought of her baby finally being home. “It's Monday morning dear. One of the boys couldn't come so they were able to save enough money to stretch it out for an extra day.”

“I'll have to remember to withdraw some money to give to the Polkiss's for the cost of taking Dudley, when I go to pick him up.” Vernon said with a smile.

“I hope he's enjoying himself out there.” she muttered to herself worriedly. She knew that there would come a time where her Dudders wouldn't need his Mother anymore, but that didn't mean she couldn't worry in the meantime.

“He'll be fine Pet, he won't let anything get in the way of him enjoying himself, he's got too much spine for that.” Vernon reassured her.

Petunia nodded absently as she picked up his dish and put it in the sink, filling it with hot water and washing fluid. The slight moment of good cheer born from thinking of her son and how much fun he was probably having, had disappeared after her thoughts once more turned to the fact she'd have another day alone with the freak.

She'd been careful all day, and every morsel of food and drop of drink she'd had, had all been made or poured in front of her by her own hands. His little threat earlier told her that he'd be trying to do something in the coming days, but she didn't know what. Or if he was going to attempt something later anyway.

She sighed silently, nodding her head when Vernon told her he was getting ready for bed. More than anything the stress of the day was from paranoia. She was constantly glancing over her shoulder to make sure that he wasn't standing behind her with his wand pointed at her back. With that in mind she glanced behind her once more before shaking her head.

Petunia put the clean dish on the rack and drained the sink, and then followed her husband up to bed. Maybe she'd feel a little less hunted in the morning.

In the back of her head, a voice wondered why she didn't simply go out for the day herself. It was countered by a resigned one saying that the freak would be there when she got back anyway, and she'd be damned before she got chased out of her home.


Harry once again awoke, cursing the sun and wondering whether or not it would be possible to explode the distant ball of giant suck. After a moment of pondering he has to concede that it would be impossible and reluctantly shuffles out of bed. It was after the first blast of cold water from the shower shocked him that he remembered what was planned for the day.

He had expected to have to wait when he remembered that the day before was Friday, and while he was confident that his plan would work, he'd rather not risk it with anyone else in the house. So he'd resigned himself to waiting for a while for Dudley to take off for a while, while Vernon was at work but serendipity intervened on his behalf when he found out that Vernon would be gone most of today as well.

Dressing comfortably, meaning jogging bottoms instead of jeans, Harry checks the clock and blinks in surprise when he realizes the time is ten past eleven. An unintended benefit of Petunia jumping at the sight of him was that she was no longer waking him at eight in the morning to make a start on chores. Putting it out of his mind, he opened the drawer of his desk and took out a small plastic CD case containing one of the DVD copies, having picked up the cases on the way back from Diagon Alley.

Holding it in his hands, Harry began to take deep breaths and began to slowly psyche himself up. With Petunia's obsession with appearing normal, Harry was certain that his plan had the integrity of steel, but to be absolutely sure, he had to be able to really sell it. That meant making sure she knew he was willing to actually use the recordings to ruin her.

That meant he had to be able to sell her bullshit while convincing her it smelled like roses. He did not want to be known as that kid who fucked his aunt, but he had to convince her that the hit to his reputation would not impede him from releasing the footage.

Feeling as confident as he was going to get, Harry walked down the stairs with the DVD in hand, ready to do some of the best acting of his life. He found his aunt sitting in the living room, getting ready to change the channel that she was watching. Once again she froze momentarily at the sight of him, before pointedly turning back to the TV.

“Still ignoring me huh?” Harry injected humor into his voice before crossing over to the TV. Due to the angle it was at, there was no danger of anyone looking in through the window and seeing anything so he felt safe showing it here. “If that's how you want to be then fine, but your going to want to see what I have to show you.” With that said, Harry first turned the TV down so it could be barely heard and then turned on the DVD player.

Petunia felt a mounting sense of dread when she saw him pop open a plastic case containing an unadorned DVD and put it in the player. Her instincts were proved correct when the picture showed an image of the freaks room. She felt the blood flee her face as he fast forwarded it until it showed her entering his room and then the carnal acts that followed.

“You recorded it.” she stated hollowly, feeling as though her stomach was trying to burst out of her body. She shot him a fearful stare, having a feeling what this was about but hoping she was wrong. “What is this about freak?”

Harry turned back to her with an easy smile. “I'm pretty sure its obvious Aunt Petunia. You do what I say, when I say and this doesn't get shown to everyone. I could send it anonymously to Vernon after finding a place to stay in the wizarding world, hell I could take it to the police.” Seeing her eyes dart to the DVD player, he continued. “And before you think of destroying that DVD, I've got several copies. I even have one stashed in my kinds bank, which just so happens to be guarded by dragons.” The look on Harry's face became ruthless. “To be short, I. Own. You.”

Petunia licked her lips and began to argue. “If Vernon finds it he'll kill you, and if you take it to the police its fairly obvious that you've drugged me. You're bluffing.” she finished weakly, not really believing it herself.

Harry snorted. “If. If Vernon finds me. And given that my kind have charms that regularly make muggles ignore a honking big pub in the middle of London, he'll never manage it. So he'll have to make do with you.” He crossed the room and let himself lazily fall into a chair. “Now I doubt he'd physically attack you, but he'd probably want a divorce. And he'd inevitably get it. And as for the police,” He screwed up his face to look frightened and defeated, “oh please officer you've got to help me. There's something really wrong with my aunt, I think she needs help.” His face became dismissive. “No one would take you seriously, you'd get done for statutory at the very least, and they'd probably come to check the house out and see the holes that were for locks outside my door and look at the cupboard under the stairs.”

With every other word, Petunia could see her hope for escaping the situation go down the drain, the final nail in the coffin being the mention of the cupboard. She'd seen enough forensic documentaries to know they could probably find signs that Harry had lived in there for a time. They wouldn't understand that he was a freak, that they needed to stomp the magic out of him. Feeling the world crashing down around her, Petunia simply sat there pale and trembling, her brain working desperately to find a way out. It found none.

In the ensuing silence, Harry stopped the DVD and ejected it from the player and returned it to its box. Just as he was opening his mouth to continue, the ringing of the phone shattered the void of sound.

“I need to answer that.” Petunia babbled nervously before scurrying out of the room, ignoring the phone in the living room for the one in the kitchen, needing to escape her nephew for a moment. She paused for a moment to take a deep breath and calm down before answering the phone. “Hello? Petunia Dursley speaking.” she said after picking up the handset.

“Just me Pet.”

Petunia's features eased slightly at the familiar and comforting voice of her husband as she sat down at the kitchen table. “Vernon! I thought you would be busy golfing with Mr Mason by now.”

A chuckle echoed down out of the ear piece. “We finished about half an hour ago after finalizing the deal. My bosses will be quite pleased with me if I do say so myself.” There was a brief moment of muffled noise before his voice returned. “Sorry about that Pet, the wind is starting to pick up. I was just phoning to make sure you decided to put your feet up today.”

Petunia noticed Harry walk into the kitchen with the now hated CD case in hand, before forcing a happier voice. “Oh Vernon, I told you I'm fine but I did relax in the end.” Or she had until the little bastard dropped a bombshell on her. She glanced behind herself at said boy confused when she saw him stare thoughtfully out the window before dismissing him from her mind for now.

“I don't like how much you've been doing these past few days, if the freak wants to stay under our roof, then he can damn well earn it.”

Upon hearing that Harry stiffened and with one last glance out the window, decided on a course of action. The high fence Petunia insisted on for the garden would prevent any observers. Watching the exploits of the night before last had gotten him up to half-mast, and he had a ready if unwilling means to solve it. Walking back into his aunts view, he pointedly held up the DVD and placed it on the table before reaching for the hem of his boxers and pants, forcing them both to drop to the floor. The incredulous look on her face had him going straight from half-mast to full.

“One second Vernon.” said Petunia before muffling the mouthpiece against her shoulder. “You can't be serious. I'm on the phone with my husband, your Uncle!” She stared up at him with a pleading look on her face. “At least let me finish talking to him and hang up before you start with...this!”

Harry barely managed to hold back a smile of victory. It was a gamble to try this before he could be sure she would give in, if she had called his bluff he would've been screwed. As it was, he kept his voice even as he replied. “Vernon's probably getting worried Petunia. You'd best start speaking to him again but don't forget to take care of your new obligations.” He glanced pointedly at his cock and then at her lips. “That is if you don't want several people seeing you beg for my cock on camera.”

Locking eyes with her nephew and seeing that he was serious, Petunia slowly brought the phone up to her ear.

“! Pet! Are you there?”

“Sorry Vernon.” Petunia replied tremulously, reaching out with her free hand to wrap around the shaft of Harry's cock. “There was someone at the door.”

“It wasn't one of those salesman was it? You'd think with the number of doors they get slammed in their face, they'd realize no one wants them darkening their doorstep...”

Harry tuned out his Uncles voice and instead stared down at his Aunt with cruel satisfaction shining in his emerald green eyes. He stared as she held the mouthpiece away for a moment to spit on his cock, re-wrapping her hand about it and starting to slowly pump the now lubricated flesh. He groaned appreciatively, thrusting his hips slightly against her wet hand before reaching out and placing an insisting hand on top of her head. Where the last time he'd done this he'd earned a glare, all that Petunia's eyes conveyed this time was defeat.

Petunia focused on the sound of her husbands voice, doing her best not to burst into tears and make him suspicious, all while choking on the guilt of servicing another while she talked to him. She puckered her lips slightly and kissed and licked the purple head of Harry's cock, the familiar taste of his pre-cum staining her tongue with each sweep. Feeling the hand on her scalp grip a bit tighter, Petunia closed her eyes and finally took the head into her mouth and began to suck.

“Pet? Are you eating something?”

She pulled her lips off the rod of flesh and replied quickly. “I, uh, I'm eating one of Dudley's ice lollies, the orange ones he doesn't like.”

Tugging on her hair once more, Harry reveled in the headiness of the power he held over her, along with the pleasure that was causing the heat in his stomach to grow. She was bobbing her head back and forth now, sucking and licking what fit in her mouth and stroking what didn't with her free hand. The fact that it was all happening while she was on the phone with Vernon only made it all the more sweeter, the sheer hate he held for the man being soothed by his wife's tongue. Feeling himself getting ready to blow, he tugged her mouth off of his cock and wrapped his hand around her own and used it to pump his member more vigorously.

With a noisy sigh of gratification, Harry's hips jerked repeatedly as his cock spat string after string of cum over Petunia's face, some of it landing in her hair while the weaker shots fell short and landed on her blouse.

“I've got to go now Pet OK? I'll see you in a few hours. I love you.”

“I love you too.” Petunia mumbled back, a hint of her current misery making its way into her voice as she felt the seed of the freak quickly start to cool on her skin. Hearing the dial tone come through the earpiece, she put the phone down on the table and stared up at Harry with resigned horror. “Your a monster.”

Harry shrugged. “I'm what you made me. Clean off your face and go to your bedroom.” He smirked at her. “I'm not done with you yet.” Seeing a spark of defiance enter her eyes, he simply tapped his finger on the DVD meaningfully causing her to wilt. She shuffled past him to the sink and quickly cleaned off her face and hair using kitchen towels dampened under the tap. “Get yourself nice and wet for me, while I get something from my room, OK Pet?” he added Vernon's name for her mockingly.

Watching her go, Harry let the mask of confidence he was projecting fall for a moment as he marvels in the fact that his scheme actually worked. Luck rarely seemed to be on his side, but for once it seemed it was. Shaking himself out of his stupor, he pulled up his trousers and boxers for the moment and then he raced upstairs taking the steps two at a time and quickly retrieved the contraceptive potion from his room and then headed for the master bedroom. After he ditched his trousers and boxers once again, now that he wouldn't be tripping over them walking up the stairs.

Walking in he felt a contemptuous smile slide across his face. Petunia had stripped completely and was currently on her in the middle of the bed, with one hand working between her legs while the other gently massaged her chest. Harry paused for a moment and actually took a look at Petunia's tits, this being the first time he'd seen them without a bra in the way. Just enough to be above a handful and topped with rosy pink nipples, they were actually a rather nice set. Putting them out of mind for now, Harry instead focused on the glistening fluid he could see adorning her fingers. “That didn't take long. You really are a slut aren't you?”

Petunia swiftly pulled her fingers from between her legs and let go of her breast, he face burning in shame. All she'd had to do to get herself ready was imagine the freaks cock on someone else and touch herself for barely a minute and she was moist. Hearing a slight thump as something was tossed on the bed beside her, she looked down curiously at the vial stoppered with a cork and then looked up at him confusedly.

“Drink it.” he ordered simply walking toward the bed.

Petunia shot him a fearful look. “What will it do to me?” she asked, remembering what happened the last time she'd imbibed something the freak made for her.

Harry stopped his prowl forward and sighed irritably. “Look you can always not drink it and try to explain to Vernon how you got knocked up. Its a contraceptive. It works for about three months. Drink it.”

He needn't have said anything after that. The moment Petunia realized what it was, she had popped out the cork and downed the light blue liquid without hesitation. She was already being used as a sex toy, she had no desire to carry his bastard young.

“Good Pet.” he sneered mockingly. Petunia shot him a weak glare at using her husbands pet-name for her and turning it derogatory, but made no other protest. “Now turn around and get on your hands and knees.” As she did so he climbed onto the bed and shuffled forward so he was on his knees behind her, his cock resting in the crack of her ass.

Moving his hips back, Harry pressed the helmet of his cock against her nether lips and silently basked in the sheer authority he now had over the woman who had decided a good majority of his actions in the years passed. The moment over, he held his member steady with one hand and slowly began to force it forward into a now familiar snug wet heat.

Petunia's arms shook beneath her as the indignity of her current situation smothered her. As if it wasn't enough that the freak now held power over her, that he was about to fuck her in the bed she shared with her husband, his gargantuan cock was forcing her to feel pleasure as he did so. As the first few inches slid into her, she hastily stifled a gasp of reluctant pleasure as the new angle allowed Harry's cock to stretch her in new ways.

Getting impatient, Harry simply gripped her hips and surged forward, his cock's tip nudging against her cervix as the majority of his member slid into his aunt. He vaguely heard a mixed yelp of pleasure and pain escape her, but dismissed it as he rapidly withdrew his cock and thrust forward once again. Petunia's already shaky arms failed her, causing her upper body to collapse onto the bed. Her hands gripped the covers tightly while a silent expression of mortification crossed her face as Harry threw restraint to the wind and started to hammer her pussy into submission.

Petunia buried her face in her bed covers as involuntary gasps and mewls of pleasure escaped her throat, further deepening the feeling of betraying her husband. Each time Harry's cock rushed back inside of her, she felt a coil in her abdomen grow tighter and tighter as her body prepared itself for climax. If he were simply taking his pleasure from her and ignoring her body's wants, then she'd at least feel less guilty but he denied her even that small comfort.

Harry wasn't too far behind her, his balls boiling with a fresh load of cum ready to be unleashed. Feeling the increased fluttering and clenching around his member, he began to thrust even more speedily while reaching underneath Petunia and starting to viciously rub her clit. Hearing her muffle her wail of release by biting into the covers, Harry speared as deeply into her folds as he could and groaned with pleasure as he started to paint her womb white with his cream. The moan of protest from Petunia merely heightened the nerve-tingling pleasure. The sheer amount he'd injected into her was proven, as a small load followed his cock out of her and dripped down onto the bed beneath them.

Petunia panted with exertion, her body glistening with sweat as she felt a sticky heat inside her womb for the first time in years. She didn't move or react when Harry climbed off the bed and left the room, nor did she for several minutes as her mind tried to understand her new station in life. She could only hope that she'd be able to endure what her nephew had in store for her.

Chapter End.

Well that's the last Petunia chapter for a little while now. There will be more when he returns from Hogwarts for the Summer before his fourth year. As Harry is using this knowledge to get revenge first and foremost, the next girl is pretty obvious in the end. Actually wondering if I should change the summary to make mention of this. The girls who are nicer to him won't be getting their turn for a little while yet. Maybe fourth year. Not sure.

Pansy, as a means of getting back at Draco. How? That's going to take a bit of thinking on my part. Or it might not. Some times things flow easy, or they get difficult as all hell.

Also to the dude who mentioned the Knight Bus, its not because I forgot about it. Totally. ->

Cheerio! Leave a review on the way out XD
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