Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter: Amoral and Amorous

Chapter 5 Ginny 1

by SleepyMatt

A debt is paid.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Ginny,Harry - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2014-12-19 - 6145 words



Chapter 5 Ginny 1

Harry wasn't quite sure what to make of Pansy.

Ever since he'd spanked her bottom raw and taken her virginity, to say her mood around him was strange would be an understatement. When they came across each other in the hallways the sheer vitriol she hurled at him and his friends was indescribable. Even Draco had stared at her with a hint of bewilderment at the sheer venom.

Then when he met her in the abandoned classroom for their weekly sessions, the contraceptive potion having suppressed her monthlies as well, she was as docile as a lamb. She didn't even try to defy him in the most minor of ways. When he ordered her to give him a blowjob she worshipped his cock like it held the meaning to her life. If he wanted to fuck her, she simply bent over or rode him and let him finish where he wanted.

He'd spent an entire evening just cumming on her face and tits, alternating between blowjobs and handjobs and simply sliding his cock along her face. She simply closed her eyes and tilted her head back and let it rain down on her until she was practically glazed with his cream.

He had a suspicion that she was doing it in the hopes that something like the spanking wouldn't happen again but he had the niggling feeling that there was something more to it. Putting it out of his mind for now, Harry continued to write his charms essay in his usual messy scrawl.

“I don't know what happened over the Summer to change your mind toward studying but I'm glad.” Hermione smiled at him from her armchair in front of the fire, where she was doing her own DADA essay on her lap.

Harry shrugged sheepishly, feeling somewhat fraudulent because he'd had a fair portion of the knowledge of a Hogwarts graduate shoved into his head. “I guess I kinda realized that if I wanted to get a job in the wizarding world I'd better get working.”

Ron who was sat on the floor with his latest dream diary for Divination in front of him snorted. “Harry, mate, you'd just have to walk up to a shop and ask for a job and you'd be sorted. Madame Malkins would have you pose in her robes in her shops window to draw in a crowd.”

“Yeah, no. I kinda want to be more than a mannequin thanks Ron.” Harry responded dryly, his quill still scratching along the parchment. “I don't know why, I guess I just want a way to earn my own way you know?” And he did. Mostly so he didn't feel quite so guilty when he used the money his parents had set aside to make sexual potions, but they didn't need to know that.

“Harry, even if you don't get a job, you're set for life.” Ron's voice had a slight tinge of jealousy as it always did when it came to Harry's wealth but he ignored it with ease due to experience. “The Potter family owns shares in all sorts. I'm pretty sure Mum said something about them owning shares in the Daily Prophet as a matter of fact. I think they were the majority owner actually.” Ron's face scrunched up as he struggled to remember what his Mum had to say.

While Ron did that, Harry scratched out a misspelling that had happened due to the sudden news. His family owned shares in businesses? Why hadn't Mrs Weasley said anything. No wait, Harry was sure he knew why. He was too young to have to worry about his future finances. The Weasley matriarch probably didn't want him stressing out over things that the Goblins probably wouldn't let him touch until he reached his seventeenth birthday. Either that or it had slipped her mind. A lot of people tended to do that with stuff about his family – it was just such common knowledge the idea that they'd have to inform him just never entered their mind.

Ron suddenly snapped his fingers causing Harry's quill to slip and put a slash of ink through his next word. Harry shot him a dirty look causing the redhead to laugh apologetically.

“I just remembered what she was on about. Mum was complaining that the paper had gone down hill ever since there longer a Potter keep them in line.” Ron suddenly got very quiet as he referenced Harry's dads death.

Harry simply smiled at him and waved it off causing Ron to slump in relief. Harry was trying not to be quite so sensitive in regards to his parents death these days. It wasn't that he cared any less, he was just trying to make it so that he didn't react quite so strongly. If ever wanted to know more about them he'd have to be able to swallow the sting talking of their death caused in his throat. Besides he was determined not to let things get him down at the moment.

Ever since the Firebolt got returned to Harry and Hermione had apologized for going behind his back, but not for worrying about a suspicious gift, Harry had been trying to soak up as much time with his friends as possible. Due to Scabbers sickliness and Crooshank's seeming disdain for the rodent, Ron and Hermione were nearly constantly at odds with each other. Or rather Ron was constantly accusing Hermione of harbouring a murderous cat.

Harry sort of got where Ron was coming from, thinking that Hermione should try to at least keep the cat out of the boys dorms, but in the end he didn't get what had Ron so irritated about it either. Scabbers was an old rat and well on his way to the great rodent heaven. And Ron usually complained about how useless Scabbers was.

As it was, he'd resolved to stay out of it. He'd spent too long apart from his first female friend and he felt quite guilty over shunning her for trying to keep him safe when he had a mass murderer after his hide. He'd actually briefly thought of using it as precedence to acquire Hermione, something that would have had her thinking of him as something not worth being a friend to. The idea of Hermione not being his friend was chilling to think of.

“U-uh, hi Harry.”

Harry winced internally as he turned to smile at Ginny Weasley. He had nothing against the girl, she was his best mates sister but the hero worship which had been bad enough the Summer before had gotten slightly worse. Now she wasn't too shy to approach him, just very timid when talking with him.

It was a bit of a shame really. He'd seen a helluva fire in her when interacting with others and she had a particularly wicked slapping hand from what he'd heard. That last revealed talent was due to the puberty fairy visiting Ginny early.

The Summer before she had been flat as a board. Now her waist had noticeably shrunk, or rather her hips and breasts had grown making it look more obvious. She'd never have the sweater puppies her Mother had, but Harry had sneaked a look at her behind a few times over the school year and was sure he could bounce coins off of it. Harry cleared his throat as the dual image of Molly and Ginny nude flashed through his mind.

While the Mother was a bit plump, she had a rack that Harry could get lost in and an ass that just looked made for fucking. She wasn't really all that fat in the end, having to wear thick clothes due to a lack of central heating in their home and poor insulation. He had a feeling Arthur agreed with him given the sheer number of children they had. Ginny looked slender and fragile but deceptive muscles in her arms suggested a toned look. In his mind he could see her with two small tits topped with the most enticing looking pink nipples and a slender waist leading down to a pretty pink pussy topped with a small thatch of red hair.

“Harry?” Ginny's concerned voice snapped him out of his stupor, causing him to cough somewhat sheepishly, studiously ignoring the dirty look Ron was sending him. He couldn't help it if he would shag his sister, he had hormones to contend with.

“Uh sorry Gin, did you say something?” Harry replied now that his mind was mostly out of the gutter.

She shuffled nervously for a moment before leaning closer so she could whisper in his ear. “I really need to talk to you alone sometime soon OK? There's something I think you need to know but Ron can't hear or he'll go mental.” Her eyes shot over to her brother nervously, who wasn't so subtly trying to listen in. “I know about your cloak, do you think you could wait for me down here midnight on Sunday? We can find somewhere where we can talk.”

Harry blinked somewhat surprised at the request but his curiosity had been risen. Speaking just as quietly he replied. “OK Ginny, I'll wait down here with my cloak and we can find somewhere. Why would it drive Ron mental?”

“Don't worry. I'll tell you Sunday night. It's something that doesn't really concern him but he'll be a berk about it if he hears.” Ginny stood up and gave her brother a look that she'd obviously inherited from her Mother. “Don't bother Harry about this, I've asked him to keep it a secret and it doesn't involve you anyway Ron.”

Said boy turned back to his dream diary, grumbling that he was just trying to look out for her.

Harry hid a grimace behind his hand as he ostensibly reached up to scratch his scar – something that had faded from its usually raw colouring to a lighter pink. Now instead of blinding pain, he occasionally got itches there and the odd dream-flash of memory. He'd say the trade-off was more than bloody fair.

Pushing away his curiosity with the knowledge he'd know what Ginny wanted in just two days, Harry instead thought on what he could now have Pansy do. Due to his frequent purchases through the owl order catalogue this year, all of them fairly pricey, they had sent a sort of luxury customer catalogue filled with things that would be extortionately expensive to most others.

It was toward the back of the catalogue when he'd been flipping through that he spotted two things that would be useful in acquiring more girls 'services'. The first was an invisibility cloak made using Demiguise hair. While his cloak was undoubtedly better, he'd rather not give Pansy his. The second was a Pensieve, a small stone bowl that was capable of holding hundreds of thousands of memories.

They had both arrived the day before.

Now he just had to give the cloak to Pansy along with some instructions and he'd just have to wait. That is assuming Pansy was any good at it.


“You want what...Master?” Pansy gasped as she sat on a desk her legs spread wide while Harry speared into her folds. She couldn't help but stare down at the place they were joined, watching the thick pole of flesh disappear into her body and reappear with a fresh coating of her juices.

“Its simple.” Harry grunted, his now harder thrusts as completion neared causing a slapping sound to echo through the room, as his cum-laden balls slapped against her ass. “I...want to know everything...about everyone....or at least as much as possible.”

Pansy wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him tighter against her, shuddering as his cock plunged depths only it had ever reached. A few seconds later she squealed and sunk her teeth into his shoulder instinctively, while she shook and trembled around him. The sudden increase in tightness, had Harry groaning himself as he shot a creamy load deep into her pussy. Unbeknownst to Harry, Pansy's eyes sharpened from their former hazed look, the sticky warmth deep inside her reminding her of a new goal she had set herself.

Leaning back she stared down at her pussy, leaking cum as it was and listened carefully as Harry pointed his wand at it and muttered a spell. She wanted to one day be free of his control but she knew that would likely take a long time. So in the mean time she was going to figure out the spell that would fake her purity, and use it so she could at the very least take Draco's first time if she couldn't give him hers. There was no way she was running the risk of some skank take what was hers.

“And how am I exactly supposed to help with that, 'Master'?” Pansy asked scornfully. She knew the standard gossip that circulated the castle but in the end the really juicy stuff was kept very much secret with the aid of magic.

Harry pulled up his boxers and trousers and redid his belt before reaching into his robe and pulling out the invisibility cloak he'd ordered. “Use that. At least two hours a night, you've got to look around the castle and find anything interesting. When you come back here next Saturday, I'll extract the memories and have a look through in a pensieve.”

Hearing the validity of his plan, Pansy rolled her eyes but nodded her head. “Anything else or can I go now 'Master'?”

Harry paused and looked at the girl who was staring at him impatiently. It had gotten him her services so just to be sure. “Yeah just one more thing. I want to know who's shagging who and I want you to get me a few hairs of the blokes involved. You have to be sure its their hair. You can go now Pansy.”

Pansy once again rolled her eyes, internally calling him a greedy bastard. It was bad enough that he'd coerced her into this arrangement but she alone wasn't enough to satisfy him? Oddly enough her pride in her bedroom abilities felt more than a little slighted. What was it that quantity could handle better than her sheer quality. She knew she was better than any other girl in this place.

Harry could practically hear what Pansy was thinking as she left, making him smirk. If there was one thing that Pansy didn't lack it was self-confidence bordering on arrogance.

Walking out of the room soon after, Harry couldn't help but be glad he had ensnared Pansy. He hadn't really realized it but his body had become used to having access to semi-regular sex over the Summer, and to have it suddenly cut off had left him a bit bereft. Now that he was using Pansy on a weekly basis, his thoughts felt clearer, the homework and essays didn't cause him anywhere near as much stress and he was in a constant state of semi-relaxation. It had certainly bloody helped in making his Patronus progress from 'vague vapour' to 'misty'.

The fact that was actually how the textbook Professor Lupin gave him to study referred to the 'grades' of the Patronus, had Harry wonder a bit about how odd most magical writers seemed to be.

And he was finally going to find out just what Ginny wanted to talk about the next night! It had been driving him up the wall, wondering what it could possibly be about. In the grips of paranoia earlier that day he had panicked and wondered if she somehow knew what he was doing with Pansy and what he had done over the Summer.

He'd been glad a moment later that he'd drawn the curtains about his bed and placed a silencing charm over them after he'd sworn violently in the still night.


“Harry? Are you down here?” Ginny called out quietly and nervously, clutching her nightgown around her. To her the room seemed empty but like she said, she knew he had an invisibility cloak so he could be stood by one of the chairs for all she knew, making silly faces at her.

“Yeah I'm here.” Harry answered her from over by the portrait hole, his head popping into existence suddenly. Ginny barely withheld the urge to jump in fright. “Shall we get going?” he invited, opening up the cloak so Ginny could come under.

She blushed slightly at the thought of being so close to him before sucking it up and stepping under the cloak. Her face became even redder as she felt the heat coming off his body soak into her.

“There's a room with a couple couches behind a tapestry at the top of the stairs.” Harry whispered as they opened the portrait door causing the Fat Lady to snort in her sleep. “Will that be good enough? I've cleaned up in there so I can do my homework there when Ron and Hermione argue.”

Licking her lips, Ginny nodded yes and followed his lead, until eventually they were in front of a tapestry depicting Hogwarts in the middle of Winter. Brushing it aside, Harry pressed his wand against a small discoloured part of the wall causing it to slide silently out of the way. Ginny wanted to ask him how he knew but she'd finally gotten the courage to come forward regarding the events down in the Chamber the year before.

He led her to the room after closing the wall behind them and swung the invisibility cloak off of them as he did so. Ginny paused for a second to mourn the loss of heat as he moved away from her but sat on one of the couches while Harry sat on the one opposite.

“So what's this about Gin? Why'd we need to be in private for this?” Harry asked as soon as he sat down. He'd never realized just how much he hated not knowing things.

Ginny bit her lower lip and decided that she'd best get started. “Harry do you know about Life-debts?”

Harry frowned as he racked his memory for the term. Tom had heard of them but he'd never actually incurred one so he never really read up. “I've heard the term before but I don't know what one actually does. Why?”

Ginny let out a low breath. “When you saved me from Riddle last gained one from me.”

Harry's eyes widened. “OK....what exactly does that mean Gin?”

“Depending on how you saved a person and what you saved them from, life-debts can be settled in a lot of ways. What you did for me,” Ginny fiddled with the belt of her nightgown nervously. “You saved my soul. I wouldn't have had any chance at any afterlife if Riddle had succeeded. That means the debt I owe you is huge. Maybe if I owned ten times the Malfoy's fortune I'd be able to pay you back with that, but I don't.” Unlike Ron, there was no hidden jealousy in her voice, only acknowledgement that she didn't have money. “I could pass the debt on to any children I have, but I can't do that, I owe the debt not them.” Her hands stilled on the belt of her nightgown. “I have to make a choice and soon Harry, otherwise the debt will grow because magic will view it as reluctance to pay up on my part. It won't just be a debt on my part any more, but could grow so my whole family owes you.”

Harry looked at her utterly baffled. He'd never known that saving a person meant that magic wanted you to pay it back. The sheer cost of the debt was huge from the sound of it and it might end out causing his favourite magical family to owe him, when he felt he owed them so much more. “Is there some way to nullify the debt if I say you don't owe me anything?” Harry asked desperately. His hands had tightened into fists, his fingernails digging into the flesh of his palm.

A small smile grew on Ginny's face. “If you'd been anyone else, I would have thought they'd try and wait until the whole family owed the debt. That’s how most 'noble' houses do things. And its why I won't regret this.” Ginny's pulled her wand and held it up in front of her. “In accordance with the most ancient magic of the debt of life, my life, saved by Harry James Potter is now his. My soul and my body are his. I will belong to him to the end of the life he saved. So mote it be.”

A small bulb of magic shot from the tip of her wand and bathed the room with greenish light, as though they were amidst the Aurora Borealis.

Harry stared at the redhead feeling absolutely pole-axed. He could feel the magic that was just invoked and he knew that Ginny had actually bound herself to him for life. “Why?”

Ginny shrugged. “It was the best choice and the only one I could make without regret.” She smiled at him before changing couches so she was sat next to him. “My Mum always said you should try to make the choices you won't regret later.”

He ran a hand through his messy raven hair. “What, what does this mean exactly?” Harry had definitely heard the whole her swearing that she belonged to him thing, and it had sent his thoughts into a decidedly impure direction.

The redhead patted him on the shoulder comfortingly. “It is what it sounds like. I'm pretty much your property and you can do what you want with me. When it comes down to it, I'm still me but I'm a Me with your morals. No matter what happens I'll be beside you.” Ginny looked at him with slight amusement. “The amount of shits you give about what right and wrong can be counted on fingerless hands can't they?”

The sudden profanity from the usually meek redhead startled a laugh out of Harry before it trailed off as he looked at her. “ might end out regretting this. I'm not exactly the nicest person these days.” He fidgeted uncertainly for a few moments before it burst out. “For Merlin's sake I've enslaved Pansy and been using her as a sex toy!”

“OK.” said Ginny.

“OK?!” Harry repeated dumbly looking at her thoroughly flabbergasted. “I tricked a girl into becoming my personal fuck toy and you just say OK?!”

Ginny rolled her eyes heavenward as though praying for strength. “Harry, your morals are now my morals. If anything I think the bitch isn't good enough for you but who you want to use as a cum dump is up to you, and how you go about it is up to you as well.” She shot a him a smirk. “To be honest I'm surprised you haven't had me drop the nightgown already, surely you've realized I'm naked under this.”

Harry flushed and felt his eyes flit down to the chest of her nightgown. He coughed uncomfortably. “Um, sorry, what?” He'd eyed up his mates sister a few times over the year but he hadn't expected a situation like this. He liked the Weasley family to much to try and coerce Ginny and the idea of trying to seduce her hadn't really crossed his mind.

Ginny smirked and tugged the belt of her gown loose, letting the top half spill down off her shoulders to pool around her waist after pulling her arms out of the sleeve. She felt a thrill of pleasure when she saw Harry swallow nervously, his eyes locked on her now bare tits.

They looked nearly exactly as he'd imagined them. A pale lily white with the pinkest nipples he'd ever seen, both of them hardened into little nubs. Of its own volition, his hand reached up and started to palm her breast, causing her to lean into his hand with a sigh. His mind cleared slightly when he felt her hand on the back of his head, but before he could do anything else she leaned closer still and pressed her lips against his. Harry hesitantly massaged her lips with his own, the scent of various citrus fruits filling his nose while he absently realised that Ginny tasted like strawberries.

He had never actually kissed a girl before. The idea of kissing Petunia was a whole magnitude more disturbing than fucking her and Pansy was just a girl he used for relief, having no affection for her. He decided he rather liked kissing, liking it even more when Ginny licked his lips and slowly coaxed his tongue into her mouth. A sigh escaped through his nose as his tongue wrestled with her own, the scorching heat of the kiss stoking a fire in his belly and causing his member to rise to salute.

Ginny's hands refused to be idle, the one she'd used to pull him into the kiss slipping down to his chest while her other free hand tugged at his belt frantically. Harry had fallen back slightly in surprise when she'd kissed him so she was half on top of him, making her job harder than it should be. She made a slight noise of triumph as they separated for air, finally managing to undo the belt. Her lips trailed across his jaw and down to his neck where she bit lightly while both hands got to work on removing his trousers.

Harry was barely able to hear and heed Ginny's instructions when she told him to lift his hips. A noise of protest left him when her lips moved from his neck, while she pulled down his trousers, boxers included and tossed them away. Knowing that he'd be traversing the cold hallways of the castle at night, Harry had kept his day clothes on, rather than a thin set of pyjamas. He was now completely naked from the waist down, his cock on display to the youngest Weasley's eyes.

Strangely enough, the fact that Ginny was doing this willingly (had planned on doing this, given that she had been naked beneath her nightgown) made him slightly self-conscious.

“Merlin, you're huge.” Ginny muttered under her breath as she looked at the monster Harry had been hiding in his pants. “You wouldn't get a days peace if girls knew you were hiding this.” She wrapped a dainty hand about the shaft, the sudden feel of her soft palm on him, startling a hiss out of Harry. “With how ready most girls would be to drop their knickers for the Boy-Who-Lived, I'm surprised they haven't tried to find out your size. Why haven't you taken advantage of your image.”

Despite the pleasurable position he was now in with Ginny's hand slowly stroking up and down his cock, Harry managed to scowl at her question. “Simple enough really. After last year I don't trust any of them. I tried to stop that berk from getting bit by a snake, and people started whispering that I was the Heir of Slytherin and setting a ruddy monster on people. The year before they all wanted to be my friend, then after that bit with the snake in the duelling club, I became public bloody enemy one.”

She gave him a sympathetic look which was a rather odd sight given that she had had moved her head excitingly close to his member. “Poor boy.” she said, before shooting him a wicked look. “Maybe this will help you feel better?” With that said she opened her mouth and engulfed the head of his cock with little fanfare.

Harry slouched backwards into the arm of the chair, a sigh of bliss escaping him. It was evident that Ginny had never done this before, her tongue moving awkwardly around the tip and his shaft as she took him in deeper. Pansy had gotten pretty damn fantastic but that was due to constant practise, but Ginny more than made up for it in enthusiasm. She sucked and bobbed her head in a steady rhythm, using her spit as lube for her hands which were working the part of his dick that didn't fit into her mouth.

She looked up at him with mischief in her eyes before suddenly taking him further into her mouth than ever before, the tip of his cock nudging against the entrance to her throat and then letting it pass. Ginny made a choking noise but with pure Weasley stubbornness forced it down her throat even further. She just about managed to take in an extra two inches, and hold it there, spit drooling from her mouth to coat his cock and even trickle over his balls.

Her hands weren't idle either, at first pressing down on his thighs to make sure he didn't surge upwards and force her to take more than she could handle and then gently cupping his balls with the other, rolling them in her palm and lightly massaging them.

Harry felt the heat boiling in his abdomen began to reach a familiar threshold. Had it been Pansy or Petunia with their head in his lap, he would have simply finished wherever he wanted. But this was Ginny and she'd given herself to him willingly. “Gin...I'm nearly there.” he groaned into the hands he thrown up over his face.

Mentally Ginny sighed in relief as she pulled his cock out of her throat, coughing slightly as fresh air made its way in abundance into her lungs. Out of curiosity more than anything she kept the head of his cock in her mouth, and started to slip one hand up and down his shaft at a near blistering pace while the other continued to tenderly cradle his cum filled nuts. She winced when the first shot landed in her mouth, quickly pulling away and letting him paint her face instead, cringing at the taste.

Harry watched with a mixture of amusement and slight offence as she cringed before swallowing his offering, his cock twitching excitedly at the erotic sight. His pleasant view came to an end when Ginny pulled her wand from her night gown and cast scourgify at her face, magically scrubbing her skin clean of his sperm.

She shot him a of apology mixed with distaste. “Sorry Harry but if you ever want me to swallow you've got to find a way to change how you taste.” Ginny looked up when Harry scooted off of the couch and moved onto the floor in front of her. She didn't resist when his hands fully opened her robe, revealing a small light pink slit topped by a small wispy bush of red hair, but she did look at him slightly confused. “Harry what are you-”

Ginny was cut off when Harry dived in between her legs and started to lick her twat. She shivered when she felt the flat plane of his tongue swiped over her lips, sweeping up her juices. The feeling was completely alien compared to her slender fingers or the hard, rigidity of a transfigured toy. Her hands worked their way into raven hair, trying to force him in deeper when he reached up and spread her outer lips to force his tongue into her channel.

For his part, Harry didn't particularly mind the taste that was staining his tongue, the muskiness of it along with its scent had his cock throb hungrily, aching to be buried in the heat binding his tongue.

Ginny felt her breathing become laboured and panting as warmth crept from her core and up her body. She tugged insistently on his hair, pulling him up from her pussy and growled at him. “Enough!” Just,” She forced him up from his hunched over position desperately. “I want you inside me, now dammit!”

He certainly had no objection to that. Tugging her forward so she was sat at the very edge of the seat, and with a bit of movement situated himself in a position to penetrate. Before moving forward and as such being unable to stop, he forced himself to ask. “Are you sure?”

Ginny's answer was simple and direct. She reached down between them and spread her pussy, showing the darker pink that lurked inside her.

Harry could take a hint. Pushing the crown of his knob against the entrance of her snatch, he watched as she slowly opened up to him and accepted his length inside of her. Out of the corner of his eye he caught a wince cross her face as she stretched around him, but all he could focus on was his cock slowly sinking into her, eagerly swallowed despite the slight pain it was causing. When he felt his balls meet her ass, Harry mustered the will that had seen him through years at Privet Drive and held still to allow her the time to adjust.

Feeling a hand stroke over his face, he looked up from their joining and met her eyes. Ginny smiled at him softly and nodded for him to continue. Pulling back until only the head remained inside of her, Harry forced himself to move slowly and not simply hammer into the willing girl beneath him, instead sinking himself back inside slowly. Every inch of movement was agonising, as her scorching wet walls slid over his pole. This continued for several minutes until she herself stopped it.

“I'm not made of glass Harry, so move faster and make sure I'm feeling this in the morning!” She glared furiously at him her, bright-brown eyes looking like fire.

With that ringing endorsement, Harry gave in to what his body was urging him to do from the beginning and began to hammer into the snatch of one Ginevra Weasley. The breathy sighs from their earlier slower rhythm changed to match the personality Ginny showed to everyone else. They became ecstatic moans and gasps of pleasure to provide a background noise to the slap of flesh on flesh as his balls struck her ass. Her juices were being produced on overdrive as she eagerly rocked her hips to meet his thrusts.

Harry was internally marvelling at the sight of Ginny writhing around him and the imagery was only hastening the second climax that was bubbling up from his balls. The frequent flexing of her snatch around him indicated that he didn't have long to wait until he could fill her up.

Ginny shrieked as lightning danced through her body as her first orgasm not wrought by her own hand thundered through her. Her pussy eagerly tried to milk him for his baby batter, trying to restrain the length still pounding into her. Finally after a few massive thrusts that actually forced her further into the seat, Harry groaned as his cock pulsed and started to paint her walls with white cream, providing the material that could help form another human being.

The amount quickly proved too much for Ginny as it escaped from the seal of her pussy and trickled down her ass onto the couch, staining its fabric.

Harry panted as he withdrew, letting a fresh deluge of his cum to flow from her snatch and made the stain worse. “I don't have any contraceptive potion on me.” Harry admitted quietly, not having expected the situation to become this.

Ginny laughed weakly. “I drank one before I came down into the common room. I was prepared for this.” She smiled up at him with happiness in her eyes. “I'm rather glad it did happen. That was awesome.” A giggle escaped her.

Harry laughed himself before looking curiously at the cream that lingered on her pussy lips. “Does it really taste that bad? I'm not curious enough to try it myself sorry.” He knew of one but he had never cared whether or not Pansy or Petunia liked the taste. With Ginny now in the equation he'd better get brewing.

Ginny snorted. “Yeah it kinda does.” She forced herself to sit up properly and looked at him seriously. “When this next happens, you'd better have it sorted out.”

He smiled simply from imagining the next time, before his mind fell upon the Slytherin girl he had access to. “Say, Ginny. Has Pansy ever been a bitch to you? Wanna get even?”

Chapter End.

Woo, Ginny has entered the equation!

Next chapter will probably be on the train ride back to London, and then the chapter after that will be Petunia again and then the chapter after that may be Molly Weasley. Don't know if my idea for bagging the older Weasley will work but its not non-con so don't worry. Not entirely sure how it'll play out.

Cheerio people!
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