Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter: Amoral and Amorous

Chapter 6 The Train Ride

by SleepyMatt

A last rendezvous before Summer.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Ginny,Harry,Pansy - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2014-12-22 - 5332 words



Chapter 6 The Train Ride

The rumbling of the train as it made its journey back to London, was almost like a lullaby. Harry felt like he needed a good sleep these days.

Sirius Black had been an innocent man and he'd been locked up in Azkaban for thirteen years for no real reason and he'd escaped to set right a wrong. He had managed to make his way from a God forsaken rock in the middle of the freezing sea and made his way to Hogwarts on foot all to kill Peter Pettigrew – or rather Scabbers as they'd known him.

He'd made it and after a misunderstanding between Sirius and Ron's leg, it had looked like things could turn out for the better. It had looked like he wouldn't have to return to Privet Drive and endure only by the grace of screwing Petunia. It had looked like he would finally have a place that he could consider a home without bars on the window.

He should have known that it wouldn't last.

Due to the hectic night, Professor Lupin had forgotten to take his Wolfsbane potion and as such when he transformed he was violent. Sirius had tried to fight him off in his dog form, not wanting to hurt his friend but was hurt and then eventually caught himself by the Dementor's. He only lived because Harry had gone back in time with Hermione and use the Patronus.

He still couldn't believe Hermione had to travel in bloody time to complete her course load.

It had all culminated with him and her breaking Sirius out of Hogwarts before he could be kissed on the back of Buckbead the hippogriff. He had promised to keep in touch before leaving, sending a letter that made it onto the train with Ron's new mini-owl.

The events of the night also confirmed something that he'd been unsure about for quite some time. When he'd tried to draw out memories of Sirius Black, all he got were vague impressions from a younger Lucius Malfoy on the various scions of noble houses that would or wouldn't join Voldemort's cause.

The memories he inherited from Tom grew hazy around the seven years leading up to his attack on the Potter family. Whatever he had done to create the diary and whatever his death curse had left on Harry, it had been slowly confusing the mans mind. The increased viciousness in his final years of life hadn't been the actions of a man who felt he was running out of time. They were the actions of a man who was slowly falling further into insanity as his mind fractured.

The idea that Tom hadn't always been insane was actually rather chilling to contemplate. Every heinous action committed by the man with the sole intent of causing pain was a wholly thought out and rationalized action.

This was why Harry preferred to stick with sifting through Tom's knowledge rather than perusing his memories. They could get downright bone-chilling on the nights where he'd dream of Tom's first murder. Just some poor boy from the orphanage, pushed off a pier when he couldn't swim just to prove that he could.

Harry shivered and forced his eyes open before he was treated to the sight of the boy begging Tom for help only for him to smile and watch him sink beneath the water.

Sat across from him was Ron, but unlike Harry who was simply resting his eyes, the redhead had genuinely fallen asleep. Judging from the expression of suffering on Hermione's face, the snores that were rumbling out of him, had been going on for a while, Harry not noticing them due to a preoccupation with his thoughts.

“D'you have any idea how close we are Hermione?” Harry asked curiously, causing his bushy-haired friend to look up from her book, Hogwarts: A History. He honestly wasn't sure how she could read and reread the thick book, but if it made her happy then fair enough.

The girl jumped slightly and glanced up to look at him from her seat next to him. “I thought you were sleeping Harry, don't startle me like that.” Reprimand given, she bit her lip and frowned thoughtfully. “We just went over a bridge so we're maybe halfway there? Still another three hours at least.”

Internally Harry groaned. He loved going to Hogwarts so the journey there on the train didn't feel so tedious. It was filled with a suppressed feeling of excitement. Heading back to London and as such Privet Drive on the other hand was usually filled with a silent pit of dread in his stomach. This time it was just filled resentment.

He had nearly gotten away from them, nearly gotten to never have to see their faces again. Instead he was now stuck returning for yet another Summer. Ron had already said he'd try and see if it would be possible for him to stay over again, but had warned him that it just wouldn't be likely until later in the Summer. Harry would take any time so long as it got him away for a while.

His arrangement with Petunia made things tolerable but it was simply tolerable in the end. He'd enjoy the brief moments of superiority shagging her gave him, but then after that it was just a cesspit of tension and restrained anger on the part of Vernon Dursley.

Speaking of shagging, after his first time with Ginny, he had definitely made use of her devotion to him afterwards. She wasn't quite as bossy as the first time, having only done that so he knew she wanted it but she wasn't afraid to ask him to speed up or fuck her harder. After that she had done whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. There were fifteen broom closets that had been visited between classes and feasts, and used thoroughly.

He was glad for the life debt these days simply because she was no longer so timid around him. A thought had then entered his mind, wondering how the school could turn on him when technically he had saved all of their lives and as such had a life debt from them.

Ginny had shot that thought down quickly. Life debts were formed not for happening to save someone's life but deliberately seeing or knowing a person was in danger and taking actions to save them. As a baby he hadn't intended to do anything, so it was simply considered fortunate happenstance. It also wasn't broad enough to gain a debt from an entire people to him if he had killed Voldemort intentionally. The debt owed then was from the people in charge.

His internal groan increased in volume as the thought of Ginny sent blood south. She hadn't stopped growing at all for the last few months, her tits now nearly big enough to fill his palm. He couldn't wait to see her after the Summer, a couple months of extra growth out of his sight sure to give him an extra treat when he comes back to Hogwarts.

He looked back at Hermione and told himself off when he realized that looking at his friend wouldn't help matters any. Slender with a tight arse and perky breasts, she had a prettiness to her that more people would notice if she wasn't constantly hiding in unflattering robes and behind a book. If she was following her Mother in growth patterns then she'd eventually have a nice set of sweater puppies. Blood continued to rush south, forcing Harry to think unsexy thoughts lest he surprise Hermione.


Harry shook his head and focused his attention on Hermione once more. “Yeah Hermione?”

His bushy-haired friend was looking at him worriedly. “Are you alright? These last couple of keep zoning out. I thought it might be because Sirius was after you, but it can't be that, so what keeps drawing you into your head?”

He smiled slightly and shook his head slightly. “Don't worry 'Mione, its nothing bad. Just thinking about what Ginny wanted to talk about earlier in the year.” He winced internally, cursing his mind for supplying that as an excuse. The blood rushing away from his crotch reversed its course as he thought of his first time with Ginny.

She frowned in reply. “What on earth could she have said that has you lost in your head a few months later?”

Harry stared at her thoughtfully, his recent knowledge on life debts coming to the fore, remembering the rush to save her from the troll. Glancing back at Ron, Harry shifted closer and whispered quietly. “She told me that she has a life debt to me. She, uh, paid it back by devoting herself to me. Its go me more than a bit weirded out.”

She looked at him pole-axed, but confused at the same time. “Um Harry, what’s a life debt? And what do you mean Ginny devoted herself to you?” She matched her voices volume to his own, a hint of incredulity slipping into it when she came to Ginny devoting herself.

Harry shrugged and forced himself to look uncomfortable. “Its one of those things that everyone magical seems to know about and don't think to tell the muggle-borns. Basically magic recognises that the person who is saved by another person owes them some form of recompense.” Like she owed him. And unlike Ginny she hadn't known enough to pay it back quickly, so the debt had likely grown. “Because the diary would have...destroyed her soul, magic viewed the debt as pretty huge, so she paid it back by devoting herself to me. It was really awkward, but at least she can talk to me without staring at her shoes these days.”

Hermione smiled briefly at the reminder of Ginny's shyness around him before it fell into a frown. “I'll have to look into getting some books from Flourish and Blott's to see if there's a way for you to cancel the debt. I doubt you're comfortable with it.”

“That'd be great thanks.” Harry smiled at her, while he grew slightly excited. That disconcerted look he'd seen in her eyes had occurred before he'd brought up just how Ginny owed him. Now that she'd heard about it she'd made a connection to the troll incident back in First Year. “Will you be all right for a little while with Ron? I'm going to go find Ginny and let her know. It'll probably make her a little happier.” Life debts weren't really covered in a lot of books, the knowledge about it being something passed down orally through family.

With Hermione looking through ways to break free of the debt to him, magic would consider it her trying to welsh on it, thereby increasing the level of payment that would be required. Combined with the years it had been since he'd saved her...she might owe as much as Ginny or possibly even more.

If Hermione owed him a life debt, he wanted her to have to swear the same one as Ginny. He loved how it had affected the youngest Weasley, her personality completely unchanged but with his morals and enjoying being given orders by him. The guilt from attempting to manipulate Hermione was soothed by the reminder that Ginny claimed to have never felt freer before, due to her new willingness to break the rules because of her having his morality.

Hermione waved him off, as she pulled down her trunk and began to search through the various books, both for school subjects and others she'd bought because she liked to learn new things.

Taking that as a dismissal, Harry headed for the door of their compartment. “I might be a while trying to find her, so don't expect me back to quick.” he warned her as he slid it open and then closed it behind him. Reaching into his jeans pocket, he felt the familiar watery feeling of his invisibility cloak. The excessive use of the magical object had led to him finding out how to shrink the cloak down to the size of a tea cosy.

He'd rather he'd found out about that a great deal sooner. It would have made taking the thing around with him a hell of a lot easier. Of course he probably would have creamed himself if he'd found out it could expand, but unfortunately that seemed to be a pipe dream. It could still uncomfortably hide two adults, which would make any night time escapades with Ron and Hermione a lot more difficult.

Harry paused and shivered with distaste as a familiar mocking laugh filled his ears, emanating from a compartment he was just passing. He fingered the cloak wistfully for a second, wanting to put it on and torment the Malfoy heir,

“You're so funny Draco!” A girlish laugh came from the same compartment, Pansy's voice easily recognisable despite rarely hearing her speak so sweetly. Harry rolled his eyes, knowing that Pansy was hoping to wrangle out an invite from Draco to see him during the Summer. He sometimes wondered why she didn't simply glue her lips to his ass.

He was getting side-tracked. He needed to find Ginny.

“I'm going to the bathroom. Crabbe, Goyle come with me. Maybe we'll come across scar-head and have a little fun.”

“I hope you do. Make sure to say 'hello' from me too.” Pansy, her tone a contrasting nastiness to its sweetness moments before. Looks like Pansy was still feeling sore about the whole enslaving thing.

“A good pure-blood wizard should always try to facilitate a witch's request.” Draco answered, happy to have a extra reason to go and harass Harry.

His hand shot into his pocket and pulled out his cloak, it expanding quickly so when he threw it over his head it had returned to its original size, hiding him just in time as the pale-haired Slytherin slid open the compartment flanked by his thugs. To Harry's surprise they did seem to be heading to the bathroom, making him wonder just how paranoid Draco was that he felt he needed his meatshield's just to go to the toilet.

From the brief glimpse he'd caught of the compartment, Pansy was alone in there right now, no doubt sure that she wouldn't have to deal with him for a few months at least. And she was right.

With such information in mind, it was only right that Harry made sure he sent her off back home with something to remember didn't it? And he was on his way to find Ginny anyway, something that would go by much quicker if he simply used a Point Me spell now that he thought of it. He had removed the trace, he should get used to the idea he could use his wand outside of Hogwarts now.

Lifting up his palm with the wand flat in his palm, Harry muttered the spell and saw he'd been heading in the right direction. Remembering its general direction, he cancelled the spell and swung the compartment door open, startling Pansy.

“Who's ther-” She began only to get cut off.

“Who do you think Pansy?” Harry snarked as he swept the cloak off his body, revealing himself to her view. “Get up, we're going somewhere else.”

Pansy reluctantly stood from her seat, smoothing out her skirt as she did so. Most magical people were pretty awful about keeping up with muggle fashions but that didn't seem to apply to their children this generation. A simple skirt and blouse combo with tights under the skirt as a concession to cold weather, it wouldn't draw an odd glance.

“If someone sees me with you they'll start talking 'Master'.” Pansy informed him as she came to stand next to him. Internally she wanted to slap the smug green-eyed git across the face. She had never looked forward to the end of the school year more than she had that term. For months she had been treated like a whore by the boy who was dragging her from the compartment. She had been degraded, used as a tool to get him off, even though she was promised to another.

But beyond all of that, the thing that she truly hated above all other things, was the gospel truth that her body very much enjoyed his attentions. Much like how the Dark Lords name had the common rabble flinching, the sight of her tormentor had her growing wet between the legs and she hated that he did that to her.

Nodding at her point, Harry tossed his cloak to Pansy and crooked a finger at her, telling her to follow. He had been on his way to get a last goodbye from Ginny, but now that he'd come across Pansy, he saw no reason he couldn't have his fun with both. He walked out of the compartment and began to walk through the train, having recast the Point Me charm, following his wands tip toward Ginny's position.

Pansy made use of the experience she'd gained over a few months of spying on her fellow students, her breathing silent and her footsteps as well. During that time she had amassed a fairly sizeable pool of information that Harry hadn't even used. She didn't know it but he'd been too busy dealing with the Sirius problem and wondering whether or not the man had actually helped murder his parents to use the info she'd gathered.

She was actually somewhat surprised by the sheer number of her classmates that were having sex and their partners. Hannah Abbot and Susan Bones were screwing each other, Cedric Diggory liked being called a whole myriad of foul things while Cho Chang rode him, Daphne Greengrass had a thing for masturbating in the public bathrooms. And they were only the tip of the iceberg.

She didn't know where they were going, but she had a feeling they were looking for someone or something given how intently Harry was staring at his wand. She looked back longingly at the compartment they'd left behind, wishing she'd had a bit more time with her Draco but if they were going to do what she thought....then at least she'd be able to one last glimpse at the Purity spell to think over during the Summer.

For his part, Harry was starting to have a little trouble walking normally as his cock stiffened at the thought of having both of his slaves at once. When he finally reached Ginny's compartment, when he slid open the door he had to hide his lower body behind it so he didn't give her friends a free show.

The youngest Weasley looked up in a mix of surprise and happiness as the person she was bound to stuck his head into their train compartment. “Harry? What are you doing here?”

He shot a quick smile at the other occupants in the compartment, some younger Gryffindor's that he recognized and a pretty blonde Ravenclaw, making most of them burst into giggles. “Hey Gin, I was just wondering if I could borrow you for a little while, I need to talk to you about something important. That OK?”

Realizing that Harry was hiding a certain part of his anatomy behind the sliding door, Ginny let a fleeting salacious smile cross her lips before schooling her face into a normal grin. “That's fine Harry, you need to see me now?” She questioned, getting up when he nodded. Unlike Pansy, Ginny was wearing a pair of jeans that showed off her legs fantastically and a simple green sweater to fight off the chill that was getting its last moments in before the Summer heat arrived.

The blonde Ravenclaw looked at Ginny as she walked to the door an expression of confusion crossing her face before it changed to understanding. Shaking her head with a small mysterious smile, she turned back to her upside down magazine and turned the page

The moment the door closed behind Ginny, Harry had taken out his wand and muttered the Point Me spell for a third time, this time looking for an empty compartment. The journey back to London always had a few less people on the train, due to parents coming to pick up students at Hogsmeade instead of Kings Cross.

To Harry's eternal thanks, the wand pointed to one just a little further down the carriage which he then led both Ginny and Pansy toward, opening the door for both of them to get inside and shutting it behind them. The moment he did so, his wand was out and layering a few spells around the compartment, including ones that would lock the door and make the glass window in the compartment show an empty compartment, as well as a noise dampener, making them unheard unless they suddenly started firing canons.

“Pansy, take off the cloak.” Harry ordered the moment he was finished, making the reluctant girl suddenly reappear near the door.

“What's she doing here, 'Master'?” Pansy asked mumbling the last word under her breath, feeling more than a little bit confused.

“Oh did I forget to tell you?” Harry asked brightly, before pulling Ginny a little closer to him. “Well Pansy, say hi to yet another person above you. If she tells you to do something, take it as an order from me.” With that said, the arm had wrapped around the redheads waist reached up to squeeze one of her breasts through her top.

Pansy blushed at the sight of her Master casually groping the Weasley girl. She wouldn't call herself a prude, any shame regarding herself and sex had been thoroughly destroyed in the past few months, but it seemed so much more embarassing to be witness to molestation and be in plain view of the watched party. Her jaunts around Hogwarts under an invisibility cloak had let her see quite a few things she had never expected to see.

Her mind then processed what he had actually said, making her frown mightily but say nothing. She knew she'd have to listen to the Weasley now but the moment she figured a way out of this situation she'd make sure to show the little ginger bitch her place.

She stared suspiciously when Harry smirked and started whispering in Ginny's ear, wondering just what he was saying. Her eyes followed the girl when she stepped away from him and started walking toward her. She was unprepared for the girl to grab her by the face and murmur suggestively. “Our Master wants us to give him a bit of a show.” And then force her tongue into Pansy's mouth.

Pansy gasped and struggled weakly for a moment before reluctantly returning Ginny's kiss, wrestling her tongue with her own. When the other girls nimble fingers danced over her blouse, she didn't resist when she pushed the garment off her shoulders, letting it flutter to the floor, quickly followed by a lacy white bra.

She moaned into the other girls mouth when she felt warm hands cup her breasts, Harry evidently having moved behind her, a familiar hardness rubbing against her knickers-clad bottom under her skirt and through her tights. Pansy gasped for air when Ginny broke off their kiss so she could take off her own clothes, her sweater and bra hitting the floor, quickly followed by her jeans and underwear.

Harry didn't even bother with taking off Pansy's skirt, hiking it up around her waist and ripping a hole in her tights and pushing her panties to the side. Biting her ear, he whispered into it, excitement thick in his voice. “Get on your knees and start licking Ginny. Get her nice and wet.”

The order made it feel like ice water had been poured down her back. She licked her lips and gently knelt down. She shuffled forward so she was in front of Ginny, who had since sat down on one of the seats and spread her leg lewdly, displaying herself for both Pansy and Harry to see.

Taking a deep breath Pansy leant forward and parted the pink lips in front of her and hesitantly extended her tongue, dipping it into Ginny's honey-pot. 'At least she doesn't taste bad.' Pansy thought with a hint of misery as she started to lap steadily at the pussy in front of her.

It was too much for Harry to watch and do nothing, the sight of Ginny with her head thrown back moaning with Pansy's dark head of hair obscuring her crotch. With fumbling hands he dropped his trousers and boxers, revealing his turgid cock, rapidly leaking pre-cum. Falling to his knees none to gently, Harry pulled on Pansy's hips, presenting her ass to himself and burying her face even further into Ginny's crotch. There was no teasing or preamble, he simply fed the tip into her snatch and pushed himself forward until he was buried to the hilt.

For Ginny the pleasure came from multiple places. The simplest was the fact that she was having her pussy licked however reluctantly, sending little bolts of heat through her body. The next was the fact that she was doing this at the behest of her Master, simply fulfilling his orders sending a simple pleasure through her. The final reason was that it was one of the people she hated most that was being forced to service her. She gripped the raven hair between her legs and used it to force the other girls face harder against her snatch, rocking her hips instinctively in an attempt to increase her pleasure.

Pansy couldn't help but squeal into the wet female flesh her face was buried in, as a hot pole of flesh started to rapidly thrust into her. Every thrust forced her to bump up against Ginny's pussy, as bursts of lightning flashed through her body. The vibration of her moans were definitely appreciated by the blood traitor, given the fluttering of the bitches walls.

Harry groaned lowly as his cum-laden balls slapped against Pansy's clit and thighs, his cum boiling away and nearly ready to burst forth and drown Pansy's pussy with his seed. Finally he could hold back no more as he started to rapidly hammer into the crushing moist heat that was Pansy's snatch, vulgar wet noises escaping from her each time he forced his cock back in. At long last, Pansy locked up with a shriek and her pussy started to flex and contract around his member, providing the last bit of stimulation he needed to cross the finish line.

With a gasp of exertion he started to pump her full of his cum, continuing to thrust as he did so causing the white cream to spill from her pussy and slowly crawl down her thighs to stain her ruined tights, before he slipped her panties back into place after pulling out his still stiff cock, slick with Pansy's honey and his own discharge.

Stepping around Pansy who was still licking Ginny albeit weakly, he gripped her hair and tugged her face out of Ginny's crotch. Gripping a few strands of hair he used them to clean his cock slightly, he then pulled Ginny up onto weak legs and sat down in her place and then pulling her down onto his lap facing toward him. With a little manoeuvring he fed his cock up into Ginny's pussy, thrusting upwards while pulling her hips down to spear her on his cock causing her to squeal.

Pansy rubbed her slightly sore jaw and squirmed uncomfortably as she felt her panties get sticky with her Masters cum, all while watching him thrust upward rapidly, holding Ginny in place while gripping and spreading her ass cheeks.

Catching her eye, Harry smirked and spoke up between gasps for air. “Come Pansy. Ginny's got...another hole to...keep your tongue...busy.” As though to reinforce just what he was asking of her, Harry prodded the puckered pink hole that was Ginny's asshole. He shivered ecstatically when the girl whined in protest but nonetheless crawled along the floor and started to tongue Ginny's rosebud while cringing.

Ginny moaned and gasped as the only dick she ever wanted in her, speared deeply and quickly through her inner walls. Each thrust brought with it a flash of heat that spread through her body and a full feeling that she had yet to experience from anything else. The wet tongue flickering over her rosebud was alien at first, but the knowledge that it was the biggest bitch she had ever met licking her asshole had her flexing rapidly around Harry's cock with increasing frequency. Finally the climax that had been building up arrived. She froze in Harry's lap and squealed as her honey-pot began to try and milk Harry for his baby batter as lightning coursed through her body,

The clenching around his sensitive cock was able to push Harry over the edge quite quickly after that. With a weaker groan than his earlier one, he nonetheless started to cum deep into her snatch, her honey and the cum she couldn't hold in trickling out of her pussy to flow over his balls. With a bit of effort, he rolled Ginny off of him and to his side and grabbed Pansy's surprised face. Pushing his cock into her mouth, he then pulled out his slightly cleaner cock and used her hair once again to dry it off. After that he stood up and crossed the compartment and slipped on his boxers and trousers, turning back to the miserable looking girl on the floor.


She looked up and held in the tears that wanted to escape her eyes. “What. Master?” She spat angrily, never having felt so humiliated in her life. She had orgasmed while eating out another girl and then the bastard in front of her had her lick his bitch's asshole. What more could he want?

With a smile, he pointed at Ginny's panting form and more specifically at her pussy. “Why don't you clean her up using your tongue? Don't waste a single drop of my cum.” She glared at him with the resignation of a person who knew better than to argue. Crawling over to Ginny, she opened her mouth once again, wincing at the soreness of her jaw and started to lap the creamy load from Ginny's snatch, expecting it to be disgusting.

To her surprise it was actually sweet and tasted more like butterbeer than anything else. With a small portion of her hesitation gone, she began to lick it up rapidly, then attaching her lips to Ginny's pussy to suck out what hadn't come to the surface. A few seconds later she leaned back and wiped the back of her arm across her mouth and chin, cleaning away the girl-cum that stained it. Looking back at Harry, she scowled. “It's done Master. Can you cast the Purity spell now so I can go? Draco will be wondering where I've gone.”

Rolling his eyes at the certainty she had that Draco cared enough to wonder where she was, he obliged her and pressed his wand against her panties and said the spell. Feeling a little guilty for how he'd treated her in this session, he quickly cast Scourgify at her to clean her hair of the cum in it, and then cast Reparo at the tights, mending the ripped hole.

She thanked him with slightly less hostility and left the compartment with a slight limp.

Looking back at Ginny Weasley who was still panting slightly, Harry readied his wand and started casting spells to clean her up.

Chapter End.

There we go, a threesome involving Harry, Ginny and Pansy. I hate writing threesomes. Y'all better appreciate it.

Next up will be Petunia, might be shorter than usual and then we have Molly coming up and then I'm thinking Narcissa at the World Cup.
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