Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter: Amoral and Amorous

Chapter 7 Petunia 4

by SleepyMatt

Petunia degrades herself.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Harry,Petunia Dursley - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2014-12-24 - 6911 words



Chapter 7 An Aunt's Anguish/Vernon Humiliated

Harry laughed as Hermione threw her arms around her neck while they stood on the train platform.

The Weasley family had already left, Arthur only having a few hours of work to help his wife bring their children home. Of course before they had left, Harry had been thoroughly hugged by Molly to make sure he was alright after she had done the same to each of her own children. They probably would have stayed for a little while longer if Arthur hadn't reminded her that there was a taxi waiting for them.

So it was with a fond farewell that Harry and Hermione said goodbye to Ron for a few more months. With any luck they would be seeing him again a little sooner though.

“Hermione I think you better let go, your Dad looks ready to come and throw me onto the train tracks.” Harry murmured into her hair, pulling back from his dearest female friend.

She sighed irritably. “Honestly, he glared at the post man when he called me adorable when I answered the door when I was five. He thinks everyone is out to corrupt his 'darling little girl.'” She pulled back and looked him in the eye. “Promise me that you'll write. If the Dursley's are too much, I'm sure I can brow beat my Dad with Mum's help to let you stay for at least a couple of days OK?”

Harry nodded simply with a smile on his face.

She frowned at him worriedly. “I need to hear it Harry. Promise me you'll be OK this Summer. Merlin knows I can't trust those horrid people after what they've done to you.” She placed a hand on his chest. “I know you took potions to fix what they did to you, but you shouldn't have needed them in the first place.”

Harry smiled a little more brightly at her. “I promise, Hermione Granger, that I will tell you if the Dursley's ever get to be too much. But don't worry, I had a...compromise in place with them last year and it should still hold for this Summer too. I swear, I'll be fine.”

Biting her lip one more time, Hermione re-wrapped her arms around him for one last squeeze before letting him go. “Then I guess I'll see you in September. Stay safe, please!” With that said, she started to scurry away, waving at him as she did so, wrapping her arms around her Mum and Dad, her Dad grabbing the handle of her trunk as they started to walk away.

Harry smiled softly for a few minutes, in the middle of the platform with his own trunk and an empty owl cage. He knew that in all likelihood that the Dursley's were waiting in the parking lot of King's Cross station, watching all of the freaks pour out of the station to blend in among the good normal folk.

Even though he had Petunia as a form of stress-relief for the next few months, he was reluctant to walk away from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. Doing so would mean the school year really was over and that he would be away from Hogwarts for months.

There was one thing however that made things a little more bearable however. Now he didn't have to feel nervous around his Uncle or Cousin. With the trace on his wand gone, if they tried anything all it would take is a jinx or two and they would realize that he could retaliate. Without the promise of his wand being snapped as punishment, they would be too cowardly to continue their actions toward him. Well Dudley would be at least.

Vernon wouldn't hit him out of fear that the neighbours would find out and accuse him of being a child abuser.

He wouldn't be without his magic for the next couple of months making things a little more convenient for him. Taking a deep breath as though to savour one last breath of air heavy with magic. With that done, he grabbed the handle of his trunk and began to wheel it off the platform and out into mundane King's Cross. Looking around he stifled a laugh as he saw the myriad of magicals trying to blend in and failing. There were several men in shirts and suspenders with their trousers so high they looked like they'd walked out of a WW2 era tailor.

Hell there was one man who was wearing a tie-die shirt along with cargo shorts and flip-flops, his wand not even hidden, the handle sticking out of the front of his shorts.

Shaking his head, Harry joined the throng of people trying to get out of the train station, being careful not to run over any toes. Not because it would hurt them for once, but rather because they'd notice that it didn't hurt when their foot was run over by a rather heavy looking trunk. He'd rather not get done for breaking the Statute of Secrecy through a bloody Feather-light charm of all things.

Managing to get out of the station, Harry shielded his eyes and looked around the car park, looking for the new car that Vernon had gotten the year before, a simple black Vauxhall sedan. When his eyes landed on it however, he was surprised to see Petunia stood by the car instead of Vernon. The walrus of a man would never let his wife stand outside waiting when it looked like it was going to rain.

Walking past the numerous cars that filled the parking area, Harry approached his Aunt. When she saw him there was no greeting. She got into the drivers seat of the car wordlessly and popped the boot of the car open, leaving him to sort out his trunk and owl cage himself. Swinging it all up into the boot with ease after a surreptitious glance around for watchers, he then walked to the front door of the car.

Sitting down and buckling himself in, Harry glanced at his Aunt and was somewhat surprised to see the slight look of strain on her face. It wasn't the usual look of a person who'd just seen a disgusting pile of filth that she usually wore when she saw him, instead it was a look of tiredness and stress.

Settling back into his seat, Harry stared out the window absently, staring out at the passing scenery. Normally it wouldn't take too long to get back to Privet Drive, but with the school holidays just starting the usually bad traffic was even worse than normal.

It only took half an hour of quiet driving for the curiosity he was feeling to get the better of him.

“How come you're picking me up instead of Vernon?” Harry asked pointedly as he turned to look at his Aunt. He quirked an eyebrow when he saw the minute flinch at her husbands name. He waited patiently for an answer only to frown when he didn't get one. The silence somehow seemed much more tense than it had before. Petunia's hands were flexing around the wheel of the car, as she absently made turns in the busy London roads.

“You going to answer me at any point?” he continued, still looking at Petunia.

Her lips thinned and her nostrils flared, before she opened her mouth. She closed it a moment later and worried her lip before opening it once again. “If you really must know.” She began to speak with muted venom. “Vernon's...appetite has caught up to him. The Doctor diagnosed him with coronary heart disease after he had a heart attack not long ago.”

Petunia stood on the brake as they came across a set of temporary traffic lights on red.

Harry kept silent for a few moments and waited for Petunia to continue. She did a few moments later.

“Vernon was lucky apparently.” She muttered, driving forward now that the light had turned green. “The damage was minor enough that they were comfortable releasing him with drugs to manage his cholesterol and help prevent blood clots. He has to follow a new diet as well.”

Now that they were finally out of London, Petunia began to drive a little faster, Privet Drive now only a short drive away.

Despite the fact that it was her freak nephew she was talking to, Petunia felt a little glad she was at least telling someone about her latest trouble. Combined with the recommendation from Dudley's school nurse, both of her boys were now on a strict diet, something that had them both more than a little disgruntled with her. They thought she liked watching them go hungry? She liked seeing her husband and son enjoy her cooking, something she hadn't gotten to do for a few months now.

“He's having trouble following the new diet, and the stress from work isn't helping. Dudley, bless his heart, is on a diet too because his cow of a school nurse doesn't see that he's big boned like his father.” Her lips thinned with displeasure. “They both seem to think I enjoy watching them starve, but I don't have a choice. It's do this or see my husband attached to a hospital bed again.”

Harry was sure she was only telling him this much because she had become slightly conditioned to follow his orders the previous Summer. The knowledge that his Uncle had suffered a heart attack didn't surprise him in the slightest. He was a large man with temper problems who constantly sought to succeed in his career. If there was ever a recipe for heart trouble, that sounded like it.

Harry knew what he was going to do for both Vernon and Dudley but he wasn't charitable enough to do it for free.

“What would you give to make sure Vernon gets better?” he asked in the fresh silence of the car. Said car swerved slightly as Petunia shot a sharp glance at him, taking her eyes off the road for a second before forcing herself to concentrate once more.

“What do you mean? Does this have something to do with your kind?” she responded quickly, her heart pounding at the idea that her husband could be healthy.

“It's simple really.” Harry said, turning to look out the car window. “I can brew a potion that will burn his fat stores to repair any damage done to his heart. It won't make him slim and fit, he'll have to work for that, but it will keep him somewhat healthy while making him lose a little weight.” He turned back to her and smiled almost mockingly. “There's just one thing.”

Petunia had a sinking feeling to counteract the rising hope in her breast. “What?” she asked quietly, a small hated part of her telling her to let Vernon sort out his own problems so she wouldn't have to do anything distasteful.

“You remember our arrangement last year, yeah?” Harry stared at her, smirking slightly at the flush that crept up her cheeks at the memory. “Well, in the end you were a little evasive, making it hard for me to really make use of it. I do this, I help Vernon and even Dudley if you want,” he paused to help get his point across. “You do what I want, when I want it. I could have you walk the bloody London streets and sell yourself and you don't complain. What I give them, don't forget I can take it away too.”

Of course Harry wouldn't actually have her whore herself out, he was much too selfish for that. It was one thing if it was a woman’s husband that he had to reluctantly share her with, it was another thing entirely when it was a bunch of strangers. And anyway, he was far from wanting for cash.

Petunia began to grind her teeth angrily, thinking over what Harry had just said, furious that he would extort her want to help her husband to fulfil his perverse wants. She hated magic and the people that used it, but in the end there was no denying that it could be used for some miraculous things.

Her decision was easy to make due to close to two decades of happy marriage. “I'll do what you want. them.” she murmured with an air of resignation.

Harry smiled darkly and shifted into a more comfortable position. “I had a feeling you'd see things my way.”


The potion that he was brewing for Vernon and Dudley would take far less time than the one he'd needed to sort out his own body. The rapid gain of weight and muscle required that his body be bolstered to repair itself and rapidly absorb the required nutrients and proteins required for it.

In Vernon and Dudley's case, the materials were already there, and the loss of weight didn't require their bodies be reinforced to deal with it. The potion could only act in a truly beneficial capacity.

Waving his wand over the pewter cauldron somewhat negligently, Harry watched the bubbling golden liquid with a mounting sense of boredom. The only problem with the potion he was currently brewing was that it actually did have a taste as it wasn't exactly something that most people would mind drinking. After all it would slim them down over time and make sure nothing bad happened in the mean time.

However for someone who hated magic as thoroughly as Vernon Dursley, some discretion was required. With an extra night and a few drops of honey and some lemon juice, the taste could be killed to the extent that it could be easily masked by whatever food or drink it was laced in. The moment it was done he would be having Petunia cook her husband and son the kind of tea they'd been missing so they were too busy pigging out to notice any odd after-tastes.

Turning away from the cauldron, Harry stretched with a groan causing his back to crack mightily. He had been back for two days at this point, and had had to go shopping for the ingredients again. He'd had a bit of a dumb moment the year before in that he forgot to throw out the ingredients he wasn't taking, meaning they had rotted and started to stink, necessitating that Petunia come in and clean them up.

He could see why his Aunt was willing to accept his conditions. Vernon seemed to have a permanent air of disgruntlement and aggravation. When he popped out his tablet for the morning he'd glare down at it angrily as though blaming it for his current troubles and then throw it in his mouth angrily. One point in his favour was that he was baring it fairly stoically, his disgruntlement being the extent of what he showed.

Dudley on the other hand winged and whined constantly. When Petunia brought in his tea that consisted of a small portion of pasta and a garden salad, the pig in a wig had practically thrown a fit. He had loudly proclaimed that the 'stupid bitch of a nurse' didn't know what the hell she was talking about and it was his body anyway, he should be able to decide what he ate.

The little fool had been surprised and cowed when Petunia had slammed the food on the table in front of him and told him off. “If you want something different then you can get up and cook it yourself. I've thrown out all of the microwave meals so you'll have to use the stove.” She had said. Her son had scowled but had moodily settled down and began to eat the meal.

Taking a brief bathroom break, he then returned to the cauldron so he could stare at it for a little longer. The potion was particularly irritating, not because of difficulty or rarity of ingredients, but because it was a volatile little bugger. If you didn't keep it stirring when it began to bubble, or if you stirred it too thoroughly, the damn thing exploded.

For once it hadn't been something he'd taken from Tom, but one he'd found in his own time while looking through potion journals. The required reading for the Potions class were something he practically knew verbatim so he'd get the latest instalment in a monthly journal and disguise it in his Potions text.

Looking down thoughtfully at the slight silver vapour wafting off of the now still potion, Harry levitated the potion off the flame and put it down. Waiting a few moments for it to cool a little, he then began to bottle it up, several doses ready to be used by Petunia in the coming weeks and months, one bottle enough for a dose for Vernon and Dudley each.

He just had to do one last test.

Closing his eyes, he rapidly shook one of the vials in his hands and then opened his eyes to stare somewhat nervously at the fluid inside. To his relief it was still a golden colour and hadn't turned black. If it had then he would have inadvertently created a rather potent poison, that used fat to fuel itself.

Now he just had to give them to Petunia.


Petunia stared at the vial she held in her hands, wondering how such a small amount could possibly help. She had a larger collection of the things hidden away in the kitchen cabinet, behind a myriad of tins, but still he had told her that she should use one half of the vial in Vernon's portion and the other Dudley's.

Looking at the English roast that was steaming on two plates in front of her, she sagged slightly as she realized that for her boys to be happy this was the only path she could take. Pourning the vial carefully over the dishes, making sure it was absorbed properly and couldn't be seen. They had been missing food like this, so she was sure they would positively wolf it down.

Taking a deep fortifying breath, she walked out of the kitchen with both plates and entered the dining room.

Her prediction proved true, both Vernon and Dudley laughing and proclaiming she had come to her senses and had started feeding them real food again. They ate slowly, enjoying every bite and even mopping up the gravy with bread afterwards. They settled back with full belly's and happy smiles, making Petunia feel like she was on top of the world.

Her mood was ruined when she saw Harry leaning against the kitchen counter with a cup of tea, a smile on his face. “They enjoy their tea?”

Petunia silently nodded as she dumped the practically clean dishes into the soapy water and began to wash them anyway. She stiffened when the freak leaned a little closer with a smile on his face.

“Don't forget that what I give, I can take away just as easily. You owe you belong to me in your entirety.” Picking up his cup of tea, the freak then walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs.

Petunia put down the dish she was holding and gripped the edge of the sink tightly. She told herself that the trembling in her arms was from the cold.

It was all for Vernon and Dudley. She had to remember that.

He had let her get away with avoiding him the year before, she realized even after he could have ruined her. He could have drugged her like he had the first time, he wouldn't even need the blackmail from the recording. This was just another shackle on her ankles.


It was later that night that Harry decided that his first payment was due.

If he could have, he would have had Petunia sign a magical contract like the one he'd fooled Pansy into signing, but unfortunately that wouldn't work given that Petunia wasn't magical. Instead he would have to reinforce the idea that he....owned her, whenever the opportunity presented itself. He wasn't helping Vernon and Dudley for free after all.

With his magic available to him, he didn't need to wait for opportunities any more. He could make them himself.

Stalking across the quiet landing, Harry approached the master bedroom clad in his pyjama's, wand in hand. Grabbing the handle he quietly entered the bedroom, the noise Vernon's snoring ushering him in. Petunia was curled up against Vernon's larger form who was sleeping on his back.

Raising his wand with a smile a quick utterance of “Stupefy.” had Vernon sleeping an even deeper sleep. Another utterance of “Petrificus Totalus” had Vernon locked into place and unable to move. He'd save the last spell for a small demonstration.

Crossing the room after turning on a lamp on the dresser he placed his hand on Petunia's shoulder and shook her lightly and then a bit harder when she didn't immediately stir.

“G'way Vernon, I'm tired.” she mumbled as she brushed his hand off of her and curled up a little further beneath the covers. Giving her a deadpan stare, he reached out with his wand this time and gave her a firm prod in the side.

She jumped slightly and turned onto her back with a sleepy glare on her face which faded away rapidly to be faced with an expression of shock and fear.

“Are you mad?!” she hissed urgently, glancing to her left at her husbands snoring form. “Vernon's right here, get out before he wakes up!” She'd love to see her husband wake up and wring the freaks neck but then that freakish headmaster would probably find out somehow.

Harry smirked and waved his wand pointedly, drawing her fearful eyes toward it and then pointed it at Vernon and said “Silencio.” before Petunia could even think of intervening. Vernon's snoring was mercifully silenced.

“What did you do?” she murmured quietly, before looking back at the wand that was falling to her nephews side. “I thought you couldn't use that outside of school?” Both questions were filled with the quiet sort of fear, the one people exhibited when confronted by someone with a loaded gun.

He span it around his figures in a display of dexterity, having learned to do so in many boring History of Magic lessons and grinned at her. “A little bit of potion work, and its untraceable, and even if anyone looks at it, it will still register as such. So no owls from the Ministry will be coming here.” The grin on his face grew as his wand halted in his hand pointed at Petunia this time, the word “Evanesco.” leaving his lips.

Petunia blinked dumbly for a second, wondering just what that was meant to do when she felt a cool breeze waft over her now bare body. She squealed and pulled the covers up to cover her chest instinctively, scowling at the boy who had just vanished her night clothes. Her scowl grew when he proceeded to drop his trousers revealing his hardened member.

Glancing at her insensate husband next to her, she turned back to her nephew with a scowl of pure vitriol. “No. I might have agreed to do what you say to help Vernon, but this is just wrong. Vernon is right here, I am not doing something so abnormal with him in the room.”

The smile on Harry's face dropped to be replaced with a blank look. “Well, that just goes to show how little you care for Vernon. I've got my wand idiot woman, it wouldn't take me two seconds to reverse what the potions already done for him.” With that said, he pointedly raised his wand in Vernon's direction.

It wasn't pointed there for long.

“Wait, wait!” Petunia let go of the duvet covering her and grabbed Harry's arm to force down his wand. She looked up at him with trembling lips and nodded her head jerkily. “ what you want, just...keep helping Vernon.”

Letting her do so, he reached out and pulled the duvet down the rest of the way. He smiled at her nude body now exposed to his eyes once more and climbed onto the bed beside her on his knees, his wand raising up once more, the tip lighting up with a light pink light which he trailed over her opening causing her to gasp.

Whatever the freak had done, it felt like somebody had just stroked pure arousal over her pussy, causing her to moisten rapidly. Feeling the bed dip slightly to her side, she turned her head and stared at the cock that Harry was presenting toward her, and then not resisting when he grabbed her head and lead it to his cock.

Deciding that her best option was to simply get things over with, she wrapped her lips around the purple head of his cock and lathered it with her tongue. She moaned around the tool stuffing her mouth despite herself as he once again prodded her pussy with his wand, this time the wooden stick vibrating rapidly against her clit and pussy lips.

Harry barely had the concentration to keep the magic flowing to his wand as he felt the wet mouth around his cock sucked lightly. She evidently remembered some of the things that got him going from the year before as the tip of her tongue targeted the sensitive underside of his dick-head. He ran his free hand through her blonde hair, forcing his cock a little deeper into her mouth, smirking cruelly at his Uncle's sleeping form.

If Vernon said or did anything that aggravated Harry, he probably wouldn't even feel a true need to retaliate. All he would have to do is think of the man's beloved wife sucking on his cock while moaning like a whore under his ministrations.

Petunia breathed heavily through her nose, partly from the large appendage taking up any room in her mouth and the heat spreading through her body and clouding her thoughts. The majority of her reluctance slowly started to fade as she rocked her hips against her nephews wand, only barely able to keep on sucking on Harry's cock. Her climax sneaked up on her without warning when he upped the vibration on his wand and pressed it firmly against her clit. She squealed loudly around his cock, stiffening as molten pleasure flowed through her body, her pussy trying to milk a cock that wasn't there.

The sudden vibration around his cock was enough to push Harry over the finish line as well. He forced his cock as deep as he could without entering her throat, his cock twitching as it quickly filled up her mouth with his thick spunk. He shivered slightly as he felt her tongue wriggle as she started to swallow his offering.

Pulling his cock out of Petunia's mouth he waited for the woman to catch her breath as she absent mindedly licked up a drop of his cream that had stained her lips.

Finally having enough air in her lungs to speak, Petunia gave her nephew a tired look. “There, are you happy now? I sucked your filthy cock, now please just let me sleep in peace.” Her hope that he would leave, was shattered when he looked down pointedly at his till turgid member.

Harry shook his head and after glancing thoughtfully at Vernon, felt a cruel idea form in his mind. Waving his wand, Vernon suddenly slid down the bed a little, leaving a generous space between his head and the headboard of the bed. He then pointed the wand at the door and cast another silencing spell, to mute any noise that may escape the room to wake Dudley.

After that he turned back to Petunia who had jumped at the sudden display of magic in front of her. He then smiled nastily at her. “Get on your knees over Vernon's head, facing the foot of the bed.” She continued to lie on the bed merely staring at him, her upper body raised on her elbows, not really believing what she had just heard. He allowed her a few seconds to process, before he spoke again. “Move. Show Vernon how much you care.”

The sudden noise of his order jolted Petunia out of her stunned state. With great reluctance she sat up and crawled over to Vernon, swing her leg over her husbands head, silently apologizing to him all they while. She had to keep on reminding herself that she had to betray her husband in order to help him, lest she freeze up again. She shivered as she felt Vernon's breath brush over her sensitive snatch, for once hating that she had her husbands head between her legs.

Moving along the bed on his knees, Harry situated himself behind Petunia, silently revelling in the position of power he was in. Looking down at her pale ass cheeks, he remembered the orifice he'd had Pansy lick on Ginny on the train ride a few days ago. Despite his curiosity, Harry had never actually penetrated that particular hole, but with idea bouncing around in his mind he couldn't find a reason not to.

“Spread your cheeks.”

He watched her reach back slowly, gripping her left cheek and pulling it to the side, revealing her wrinkled pink hole. Harry raised his wand, the stick never having left his hands in the past fifteen minutes and actually poked the tip into her anus and muttered “Scourgify.” quietly. A startled noise escaped Petunia as her insides were magically cleaned to a level that an enema simply couldn't match. He then pulled the tip out and pointed it down at his cock. A pale clear fluid slowly poured from his wand to land on his cock, the sudden cold shock making him jump slightly, before he wrapped a hand about his dick to lube it up.

He then proceeded to do the same to her asshole, working the slick fluid into her tight ring with his finger as well.

Petunia gripped a portion of her and Vernon's duvet and dragged it up to her mouth to bite into to silence a whimper of fear. She had heard of anal sex, it was occasionally featured in magazine articles about how to spice up your marriage, but she had never even dreamed of trying it. It just sounded painful and uncomfortable. However she knew better than to argue. It was clear that he could put people to sleep with a flick of his wand and there was nothing stopping him from doing so to her and using her anyway.

Sure that his Aunt was suitably prepared or at least as much as she could be, Harry held his cock steady and pressed the head of his cock against her back door. The tight ring of muscle stayed stubbornly closed to his entry for a few moments, before slowly starting to spread under his dick's insistence. He stared entranced, absently hearing and ignoring the whimper that escaped Petunia as his cock slowly forced its way into her rectum.

Petunia bit into the duvet with clenched eyes as she felt like she was being split in half at a snails pace. She had never felt so utterly stuffed in all of her life and when she felt his balls come to rest against her pussy, she felt like she had been punched in the back of the throat. To her mounting shame there was a hint of naughty pleasure hiding under the sting, the sheer taboo of what she was currently doing actually serving to excite her slightly. She felt one of hands disappear under her and moaned loudly in surprise as once again his wand started to vibrate against her honey pot.

Harry groaned in pleasure and silent disbelief over the sheer tightness of the ring that was squeezing the root of his shaft. Her asshole had a drier heat to it, the only moisture being provided by his pre-cum and the liberal amount of magical lube he had applied. Dragging his cock back out of her was both torturous and sheer ecstasy as the tight hole squeezed around him as he moved outward, freeing itself from her vice-like clenching anus. The sudden shock of pleasure from his wand touching her pussy, caused her ass to tighten to even greater levels, making him gasp at the sudden rapturous feeling.

Feeling some of her honey coat his balls as they slapped back against her pussy when he thrust back in, Harry felt a malicious glee as he wondered what Vernon would say if he woke up and saw his precious wife so wet from getting her asshole fucked by another man. Pulling back out and thrusting back in again, a choked off moan of pleasure escaped his Aunt as he swiftly stuffed her again.

It was like a lightning bolt from no where. What was stopping him from showing Vernon? The fat lump was underneath him and Petunia right now, getting a front row seat of his wife taking a rod of flesh in her back door, her pussy dripping above him. Harry had also cast the Body bind spell on him, originally to stop him from rolling on top of him and Petunia when they got down to it, so he couldn't even move. And after the fact, it would only require a simple Memory charm to wipe the slate clean.

There was just one thing he needed to add that extra little spice. Hunching over Petunia's back, he hissed out his next command from between clenched teeth. “Tell me you love my cock you whore! Tell me you love me fucking your arse and make it dirty!” The moment the order left his lips, he briefly removed his wand from her pussy and pointed it down at Vernon beneath them and cast 'Ennervate' silently, before removing his wand from beneath them.

“...ove your big fat cock in my arse!” Vernon woke quickly as the revitalizing magic coursed through his body, hastened slightly by the occasional drip of warm fluid on his face. His eyes blinked rapidly as he failed to process the sight that greeted him upon opening them. An unrealistically huge cock was spearing into the rear end of the woman above him with a quick rhythm.

“Keep fucking me! Pound my slutty married arsehole!”

Vernon's face purpled rapidly as a spike of pure fury roared through his body as he recognized the voice as his wife's and his eyes recognized the thighs and private areas above him. His wife was fucking another man with him in the bed! He internally howled in rage and hurt and betrayal as he tried to move his body so he could force the bastard off his wife and snap his bloody neck.

To his horror however, no matter how much he struggled he couldn't move at all. He couldn't even scream out his anger, as his jaw remained stubbornly locked closed. The only part of his body that could move were his two eyes and no matter where he looked, all he could see was some bastards dick stuff itself into his wife's rectum. Even when he closed his eyes, he couldn't escape the situation as he felt the proof of his wife's arousal drip onto his face, her pussy wetter than he'd ever seen it for him.

Harry experienced a burst of exhilaration as he imagined the man beneath him feeling the pain of betrayal. He had belittled him and used him for labour all of his life, dehumanizing him by rarely if ever actually using his name. Now he was fucking his wife directly over his head, savouring the tight heat that was strangling his cock as he pounded into Petunia, his balls slapping against her pussy and coming away wet with her juices.

Not knowing that her husband was awake to witness her betrayal, Petunia stiffened as one of the most powerful climaxes of her life thundered through her body, the pain from her asshole having long faded and been replaced with an odd pleasure. She wailed and sobbed as she flexed around the member wedged into her asshole, her pussy actually squirting a small deluge of her honey as she shook and trembled under the pleasurable onslaught assaulting her body.

Vernon stared up blankly as he received a his wife's squirt on his face, blinking rapidly as he felt his grief overcome his rage. It would have been one thing if she had hated what she was doing, if she had been assaulted. Though it was terrible to admit, he would have deeply preferred that for it meant she wasn't cheating willingly. With the context he'd been provided, Vernon could only conclude Petunia held utter contempt for him, given that she was fucking another man above him.

The sudden tightness around his cock quickly pushed Harry over the edge as well, causing him to groan as he started to hose down her innards with his cream, filling up her rectum with his spunk continuing to thrust all the while. His thrusting churned a slight amount of his jizz to escape her asshole and trickle down her inner thighs. Once he felt that he had spent the last of his load inside of her, Harry pulled out his cock with a slight pop, revealing his Uncle's face to his view for the first time since he'd woken him, while Petunia's hole quickly shrunk now that the obstruction of his cock was removed.

The man's piggy eyes locked onto Harry's own green one, and the sheer rage that bloomed in them nearly took his breath away. Any threat he might have felt was utterly ruined by the shiny beads of Petunia's fluid dotting the man's face and dampening his fringe and moustache. Harry smirked cruelly at him and making sure Petunia wasn't watching, gave him a little wave.

Seeing a small bead of his cum escape Petunia's asshole, Harry decided there was just one last cruelty that he would visit upon Vernon before performing a mercy and removing the memory of what he'd just witnessed. Gripping the woman's hips, he tugged her back and down slightly and with a bit of estimation, forced her asshole closer to her husbands face until she was practically sat on it. “Come on, slut, squeeze out my cum, show your husband what you've got filling you up.”

Petunia would have moaned in protest if she thought it would actually get her anywhere. As it was, her thoughts were clouded heavily by the mind-blowing orgasm she had just experienced, she simply complied. Locking her eyes on the wall in front of her, she silently sent one last heartfelt apology to Vernon and clenched her muscles. With the sheer amount of the sticky heat in her innards, it hardly took any effort. A few small dollops of her nephews cum escaped her rosebud and landed on her husbands face, a vulgar noise escaping her as she forced it out to her embarrassment, the thick cream flowing out a bit easier after the first few. She felt the ejaculate stick to her cheeks slightly as it pooled out around what she was sure was her husbands forehead, feeling guilty for the slight relief expelling the fluid onto her husband gave her.

Vernon for his part in the grand scheme of things had gone past anger, rage or humiliation. He was practically catatonic as his wife expelled the freak's semen onto his face, the only feeling he experienced being a slight nausea, as his mind struggled to comprehend what Petunia was doing. He knew that his inability to perform in the bedroom had strained things between them

Feeling that he'd tormented the man enough, Harry ordered Petunia to stop and re-stupefyed Vernon before she realized he was awake. His Aunt had collapsed to the side of her husband, still panting for air after what was officially the most humiliating night of her life. He cast a cleaning charm on Vernon after getting a good look to imprint the pathetic sight of his Uncle into his mind. The cream he had unloaded inside the man's wife originally was now decorating the man's forehead, several slimy trails going down to cover one of his eyes. Seeing that Petunia wasn't really taking anything in, he then pressed his wand to the man’s temple and carefully removed the memory of what he had seen with a silent Obliviate.

Stretching out his back, Harry felt more energized than he had ever felt before. Last year he had felt a modicum of vengeance on his Uncle, but now he truly felt like he'd made a step towards being even with the bastard.

They were far from being truly even however. Harry had thirteen years of abuse to make up for.

Chapter End.

Wow....does this give you an idea of how much I loathe the Dursley's? I actually feel a little bad for Vernon in this chapter, but meh, that’s how this one came out.

Next chapter will likely be a Petunia and then Molly chapter, the fist portion being Harry having another go at his Aunt before heading to the Burrow.

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, or whatever equivalent holiday you have!

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