Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter: Amoral and Amorous

Chapter 8 Petunia

by SleepyMatt

Petunia gives in.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Harry,Petunia Dursley - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2014-12-31 - 5329 words



Chapter 8

Petunia gazed at the mirror as though it may hold the answers to every great question ever asked. Why are we here? Is there a God? What came first the chicken or the egg?

What was so wrong with her that she had grown to enjoy her nephews freakish ministrations?

She shivered slightly and rubbed her thighs together as dampness began to grow. Petunia had always prided herself on being an ordinary woman, with good values and morals. She was a woman devoted to her family, and she had a loving husband and an absolutely darling son. She was a normal person.

Normal people didn't moan like a whore when their nephew fucks them in the shower with their son on the other side of a flimsy wooden door. Normal people didn't savour the feeling of sticky heat entering their womb when it comes from their nephew. They most certainly did not rub their pussy wantonly in their morning shower to the thoughts of a boy who had blackmailed and humiliated them.

It had to be some kind of freakish magic, she had thought desperately a few days ago. She had told him that he was getting what he wanted, gratification and control over her, why, just why did he have to use his magic to force her to enjoy it.

It had all come pouring out in a deluge of anger and shame, and desperate pleading to stop making her feel so good. Harry had paused and stared at her. His lips had trembled and twitched and redness had suffused his face.

For a brief moment she had feared that the simple wooden stick that was more dangerous than any gun would swing up towards, she feared that she pushed him too hard and was going to pay the price for it. Her fears were unfounded, turning into humiliation at what he had said after his next actions.

Harry had burst into form racking laughter, actually howling until he had trouble breathing. The redness and the trembling lips had all come from him trying to suppress his laughter only to give it up quickly. She had stared at him with outrage, demanding just what was funny about what she had said. What he had told her had sent what felt like cold water pouring down her spine.

“You enjoy what we're doing huh?” he had asked with an undertone of malicious mocking. “You feel good when I fuck you, when I cum in and on you? And you think its because of magic?” He had then taken out his wand, and held it up, tip pointing toward the ceiling. “I swear on my magic that I have never once used magic to force her to feel good when I fuck her.”

Petunia had stared at him nonplussed for a few moments, only knowing that magic had actually occurred to the orb of light that had flowed along her nephews wand. “And why would a freak like you swearing anything make me believe you?” she had questioned with a hint of scorn. After all, how could she believe anything of a person who had blackmailed and bribed her into sleeping with him, threatening to withdraw medicine that could help his own Uncle and Cousin in doing so.

She had to call it medicine to allow herself to use it to help Vernon and Dudley, because she could never be so freakish as to use a potion on her family.

He had smiled at her winsomely and motioned her to follow. It was as she followed him that she really began to see the resemblance between him and her sister's husband. He had gotten tall, nearly as tall as Vernon and his shoulders had broadened. His body had developed into that appealing v-shape that most men strive for, probably due to him magically tampering with his body.

Harry had led her to his room and to her shame she had moistened in anticipation, as her usual reason for entering his room was raunchy incestuous sex.

She certainly hadn't expected him to rummage in his trunk and pull out a book titled 'Mystical Pursuit of Justice and Truth Volume II'. He had then flipped through the pages for a few seconds and then held up the book, opened toward her on a chapter titled 'Magical Vows'.

'A simple way of ascertaining truth out of a wizard or witch, is the use of a magical vow. By swearing on their magic, they open themselves to severe repercussions should they attempt to break their vow. When used to prove a statement as true, the luminescence that appears can be used to determine how true the statement is. When white, it proves that they are being entirely truthful and the person who has taken the vow will be completely unharmed. The darker the colour, more of the truth they are attempting to obfuscate, and as such the greater the consequence they invite upon themselves.'

She had swallowed heavily as she recalled the pure white orb that had flown from Harry's wand. There was a bunch of pure legalese gibberish about why it couldn't be used as conclusive evidence in a court of law by itself, but she didn't need to know that. Her body took genuine pleasure from her nephews actions, each climax he wrought was from her...enjoying the ecstasy he dragged kicking and screaming from her body.

“I wonder if Vernon knows what a slut he married?” Harry had then asked questioningly, causing her to tremblingly lower the book in her hands to look at him.

She moistened her suddenly dry lips and then the book had fallen out of her weakened grip. He had stalked toward her with a liquid grace, as she recalled every orgasm she that she could remember.

Her nephew had outdone her husband's attempts in both number and sheer intensity.

What had followed had been him throwing her on the bed and...well.

Shaking herself out of her memories, Petunia turned her gaze away from the person sitting in the mirror. That woman had eyes that had dilated with arousal, had a face that had flushed with the memory of being fucked by the freak. That woman was practically a freak herself.

One of her hands trailed up her thigh to disappear under her closed nightgown and then under her knickers to trace over the lips of her pussy. She gasped at the feeling and forced her hand away from her private regions, staring at the woman – herself – in the mirror. Looking down at the hand she had just pulled away from herself, and stared at the moisture on her fingertips.

Hearing a slight shuffling noise behind her, Petunia turned away from the mirror of her dressing table quickly, her eyes locked on Vernon who had just shifted in their bed. Her heart pounded violently in her chest even though she wasn't even doing anything. When he settled in and began to snore heavily once more. She pressed a hand to her chest to still her beating heart.

She pressed her legs together with a muted whimper as she realized where she was staring, her eyes locked on her bed.

Perhaps the greatest source of her pity party that night was the fact that she couldn't even look at her bed without getting wet these days. After he had taken her next to her husband, he was in there a few nights every week, cock ready to plunder her depths. The most intense climaxes she had ever experienced had happened in that bed, not because of her husband, but because of the naughty thrill that sent a heady rush through her head because of the sheer taboo.

She was being fucked by her sister's son regularly. He rarely pulled out, always preferring to fill her with his hot cum. She was practically a limp mess every time he had his way with her.

Fucking right next to her husband and him not even realizing what had happened the next was empowering and dare she say addictive. When it had been revealed Vernon was impotent years ago, he had been told that if he were ever going to be given the pills that would allow them to enjoy their marriage bed, he would first have to lose weight and take up exercise. The side effects could occur easily in men in the prime of their health, never mind someone who enjoyed their wife's cooking and the telly a bit too much.

He had tried for maybe two weeks before giving it up as a bad job.

So having sex next to him when if he had put in a bit of effort it could have been him plowing her...well there was a certain petty revenge to it. And that feeling made her feel indescribably guilty. But what could she do? She could force herself not to feel pleasure when something so thick and large was spearing her rapid-

Petunia gasped and pulled her hand away from her pussy once again as her arousal got the better of her for a second time that night. Harry hadn't touched her in the past few days and it was driving her insane. She had actually found herself brushing against him in the hallway and kitchen willingly, bending over this way and that when he was nearby and yet there was no reaction.

She had become used to regular mind-blowing sex, regardless of where it came from. Her loyalty to her husband wouldn't let her seek relief from other men, and the only person who had been fucking her anyway hadn't been. She shouldn't be attempting to entice him, she should be counting her blessings that he was staying away. But whatever he had been doing at that school of his...he had gotten very good at pleasing a woman.

He got blowjobs from her, handjobs too, but they were always rushed, simply him seeking some relief. Maybe if she wasn't constantly being forced to swallow his now sweet tasting load or take it on her skin everyday she wouldn't be so bad. The manly musky smell of it always lit a fire in her loins and she'd be left to sort it out with her own fingers and it was never as intense.

Had she become unattractive to him? What if he'd found a younger woman in the neighbourhood? She wasn't that old was she? She-

Petunia shook her head, stupefied that she was getting so worked up over her nephew not giving her release. It was better this way, her body would learn that there was no pleasure to be had from something so wrong.

Standing up stiffly, she crawled into bed beside her husband and faced the door, doing her best to ignore the heat between her legs.

It began as an insidious whisper in the back of her mind. 'I've given up so much for this family, sacrificed everything. If I can enjoy it in some small way, is it really that wrong of me to do so?'

She tried to forget the small seed it had planted in her mind.

She failed at both things and was awake until early morning before finally falling asleep.


Harry yawned and stretched as he stepped out of the front door to Gringotts bank. He would have to return the next day, but the majority of what he needed to look over had already been done. After Ron's comment on the Potter's practically owning the Daily Prophet, Harry had decided he had better get an idea of what else he owned.

He owned quite a bit.

The Potter's pretty much did own the Daily Prophet, the only other backer having passed away three months before his parents death. His Dad had quickly bought the shares from the man's son, securing nearly total control of the most popular newspaper in magical Britain. A few dropped words had let the editor know he was aware of his power over the rag now, meaning he'd have to be a lot more careful over what he printed.

Harry had no desire to see the paparazzi turn on him over anything minor, like a small scandal or two. He'd potentially save on a lot of hush money this way. He also owned a small company that procured potion ingredients from the more dangerous animals of foreign countries and imported them in, along with a few restaurants up in Northern Scotland.

There was also the regular payments he got from authors and toymakers and all sorts for using his name and story in their products. Dumbledore had authorized it, and after an angry letter, explained that it was an additional layer of protection. With so many conflicting descriptions of his looks and actions after that fateful Halloween night, people had absolutely no idea where to look for him or what he even looked like.

It was with begrudging agreement that he hadn't followed through on the desire to steal every left sock Dumbledore owned.

However as a result of his various meetings with the Goblins and the people who actually ran his business's (and wasn't that weird to think of), Harry rarely had the energy to actually fuck Petunia. Out of a need to relieve stress more than anything, he simply had her suck him or beat him off in the small windows of time he had so he could relax a little. The last time he'd actually shagged her had been when she'd accused him of fucking with her mind to make her like what he was doing.

That abnormality was all hers. He couldn't help it if she'd gotten slightly addicted.

And she was addicted. He had noticed the casual brushes, the constant bending over around him, not to mention the lacy underwear that happened to be revealed when she did so.

He could sneak into her bed tonight and indulge her and himself but the leaden feeling of his limbs nixed that idea. He had run himself slightly ragged getting everything done, and all he wanted to do was go the damn hell to sleep. Stopping on the quiet London pavement, Harry grimaced and held his wand out over the road, but pointing downward.

With a noisy crack, a small black London cab seemingly came out of nowhere and came to a stop in front of him. Pointing up hailed the Knight Bus. Point down for your local magical cab company.

“Where to lad?” the cabbie asked when Harry climbed into the back-seat, lifting his flat cap to glance back at Harry in the rear-view mirror.

“Privet Drive, Little Whining please mate.” Harry answered as he did up his seat belt. Accidents in magical cars were rare but they still happened.

While there were many people who could apparate, those who lived among Muggles usually used the cab or bus to get home. People would notice that you claimed to work in London and yet never seemed to take a car or bus to get into the city.

“That'll be two Galleons and four Sickles, please have them ready when we get there.” With his piece said, the cabbie pulled away from the curb and pressed down on the accelerator.

They didn't even drive for three minutes.

Getting out of the car, Harry handed him three galleons with a “Keep the change.” and walked down the street to the house of his relatives. Entering number four Privet Drive, he slowly climbed the stairs and entered his room, collapsing on the bed with a blissful sigh, not even bothering to take off his clothes.


Harry nearly rolled his eyes as Petunia managed to drop a fork just as he was about to stand up from the kitchen table, having finished with his toast. Instead he just smiled. He had taken to eating in the kitchen these days, finding Petunia's skittish behaviour and then her attempts at enticement to be rather entertaining to watch.

He leaned his head against his fist and watched as Petunia bent over in front of him, her skirt raising and giving a tantalizing view of her thighs. Vernon had called from the living room, asking Petunia to make him a cup of coffee while she was out there, his Aunt replying in the affirmative, telling him to just give her some time to finish drying and putting away the dishes.

Petunia really was desperate for it wasn't she? A slow smirk began to make its way across his face as Petunia put some instant coffee in Vernon's preferred coffee cup – practically a bowl with handles on - and put the kettle on to boil.

“You really do want it don't you?” He spoke up quietly, his voice barely audible over the noise of the kettle. “I don't even need to bring up the potions or the DVD, you're just a horny housewife who wants to be fucked.”

Petunia glanced back at him quickly before turning back to the tea with suddenly tight shoulders. “I don't know what you're talking about.” she answered, not even believing herself as the seed planted last night once again began to whisper in her ear.

Harry snorted and stood up and walked behind her and pressed against his crotch against her ass, his hands pressing against the counter, trapping her there. “Please, you think I didn't notice how often you were bending over around me, how your hand just happened to pass over my crotch when we passed each other?” He rubbed his stiffening member against her ass,. “Face it, you want this inside you.”

Petunia was quiet for a moment, the kettle becoming noisier as each moment passed. “Fine.” she snapped finally, an almost curious tone to her voice. “You're right. I love how good it feels when you fuck me. Your cock is huge and makes me cum more than Vernon's ever did. Now,” she looked over her shoulder at him, an almost manic need gleaming in her eyes as she started to rub her ass up and down against the bulge in his trousers. “Will you please fuck me? Please, I need it! I need your cock! I've given everything for those two, if it requires a bloody big cock shagging me then I should at least get to enjoy it!”

Harry actually paused, slightly stunned at the turn of events. He had expected vehement denial, not quick admittance! Shaking his head slightly, the click of the kettle brought with it an idea. He wouldn't deny that messing with Vernon had become a slight addiction, but this way he'd get to see just how much she wanted it.

Lifting up one of his hands, Harry poured a fair amount of boiling water into the cup, leaving enough room for some milk and something else too. His arm wrapped around Petunia's waist and lifted up her skirt while his now free hand lifted up the steaming cup and held it below Petunia's crotch. “Add something to Vernon's tea – I think you know what – and maybe I'll take the time to shag you bow-legged. Deal?”

Petunia stared down at the dark bitter drink with a slight indecisiveness. It was one thing to admit she desperately wanted the freaks cock, but did she really want it this badly? Her pussy practically quivered with excitement as his rock-hard bulge rocked against her ass. Biting her lip, she leaned back against him and glanced to her right through the open kitchen door.

Angling her crotch slightly, she looked back down and let out a careful trickle of golden fluid, and then let out more when she realized she was aiming correctly. Apparently she was needy enough to do this to her husband, having begun without even really thinking. The cup quickly began to fill, though her stream tapered off before the cup was filled.

Moving out of Harry's grasp, she shakily grabbed a kitchen paper towel and dabbed her pussy clean. Petunia could feel him hovering behind her as she added milk and an extra teaspoon of sugar to disguise the taste of her...additive. Stirring it thoroughly, she stilled her shaking hands before adding the cup to a saucer that seemed much to small along with a few chocolate biscuits.

Picking it up and feeling a slight success that it didn't rattle in her hands, Petunia walked out into the hall and into the living room. Seeing Vernon sitting on the couch with his reading glasses on as he did some paperwork for his job, she put a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him when she put his cup on the table next to his work.

“Thanks Pet.” he mumbled as he turned the page of the report he was looking at.

She then beat a hasty retreat only to gasp silently when she felt a hand grab her arm and tug her around the corner, and then press her against the door frame front first. Slightly stunned, she simply stared forward and realized that she could see through the gap between the door and the door-frame, and as such could see Vernon hunched over his paperwork.

A familiar hardness brushed against her rear once more while one hand worked its way under her blouse and the other up her skirt. She raised a hand and bit into it rapidly as her heart began to pound at what felt like a hundred miles a minute. Her decision to bite into her hand was proven wise as long pianist fingers brushed aside her sopping knickers and delved into her moist pussy and another set started to pinch and role her nipples.

She breathed heavily as the slender digits slid in and out of her snatch with a steady rhythm, her eyes locked on the side of her husband's head through the gap. She shook slightly and reached down with her free hand to grab Harry's and press it harder against herself, her hips rocking back and forth to meet his fingers as they brushed against her sensitive walls.

Her anxiety and her excitement were both through the roof, her pussy wetter than ever as she allowed her nephew to molest her, while her husband sat a few feet away not knowing. That her son could come walking down the stairs and see his cousin pinning her against the door frame with his fingers buried in her quim and his hand up her blouse added an ever greater thrill to it.

Her eyes widened as Vernon finally picked up his coffee and blew on it before raising it to his lips. “He's drinking my piss.” she whispered unbelievingly, the sudden eroticism of her husband drinking her offering pushing her to climax. The hand under her blouse moved as quick as a snake, sliding down and out to move up quickly and clasp over her mouth.

She moaned into it and shook as her pussy positively gushed around the rapidly moving fingers buried in her snatch, humping them as a fresh deluge of honey squirted from her pot to cover Harry's hands and actually slightly stain the carpet beneath her. She trembled as the aftershocks of her sudden orgasm caused her to twitch rapidly and lean on the broad frame behind her to keep herself up.

As she struggled to get her legs working properly once more, the hand covering her mouth disappeared from her view. Her nephew's wand appeared in her vision and waved in front of her, the world abruptly being incredibly silent and her breathing and Harry's suddenly seeming so much louder. Just as she was about to step away from him, he suddenly pulled her closer and then waved his wand over them once more.

Before she could even open her mouth to question him as to what they were doing, he was nudging her back into the living room, staying intimately close with her the entire time. Petunia nearly froze in fear when they actually entered the room with Vernon, expecting him to jump up and demand to know what was going on. She stared with disbelieving eyes as he simply carried on working.

“He can't see us, can he?” Petunia whispered, turning her eyes to Harry's own.

“Can't hear us either.” he replied at a regular volume. “That's what I did with the wand earlier. So long as neither of us hits him, he won't even realize we're in the room. So be careful unless you want him to get an eyeful.”

Petunia followed his careful movements willingly but frowned at his last words. “What would he get an eyeful of?” She yelped indignantly when Harry sat on the other end of the sofa to her husband and then pulled her down with him, so she landed on his lap. Petunia had a feeling she knew what Harry meant when she realized he was resting against the arm of the sofa, while she was sat in his lap...facing toward Vernon.

Harry smirked from behind her, waving his wand over them for one more spell. “Evanesco.” he intoned, feeling a hint of relief as his cock was freed from the confines of his jeans and boxers. Instead it was replaced with a new kind of pressure, that being the pillowy flesh of Petunia's ass grinding his member against his abdomen.

Petunia shivered slightly as she felt the freak's throbbing pole press between her ass cheeks like a scorching bar of metal, noting with a perverse wonder that she could practically feel his heartbeat through it. She felt a first hand display of his improved strength as he lifted her slightly by her waist, letting his cock spring free and then set her back down his dick now pointing up from between her thighs and rubbing along the wet flesh of her pussy. She looked up at Vernon nervously, excitement burning in her heart as the heady rush of fear from possible discovery sent her pulse racing.

Sliding the top of his length along Petunia's pussy lips, he bit his lip and groaned as he felt her juices coat his cock and trickle burning trails down to his balls. Hooking his arms under Petunia's legs, he lifted them up and spread them slightly, potentially giving Vernon a view of Petunia's pussy if he were able to see. “Come on you whore, help me stick it in.” he grunted as he jabbed the blunt head of his knob against her pussy, making her jump as he mashed her clit.

Trembling with excitement, she did as he asked. Grabbing the shaft, Petunia gently coaxed it into her pussy, whimpering as it slowly sank into her tunnel, forcing her walls to part for its entry. The new angle of entry had it rubbing against her in whole new ways, stimulating a different set of nerves. Tearing her eyes away from Vernon who was still carrying on with his work, she instead looked down at the man-meat slowly stuffing her and the plum-sized balls beneath them. For whatever reason, the only thing she could really think was that this particular seat of the couch would stink of her arousal for weeks, as her pussy liberally coated the man-bits not already inside it.

Harry growled deep in his chest, planting his feet on the couch and using the extra leverage to thrust the last few inches deep into his Aunt. Peeking around her, he felt the urge to laugh mockingly at his Uncle grow, as he watched the man take another sip of his coffee. The fat old fool wasn't only drinking his wife's piss, said wife was barely a foot away from him, speared on the 'freaks' cock. Keeping his eyes locked on the man, he withdrew from Petunia and thrust back in with bruising force, sending an echoing slap of flesh on flesh through the room.

“You know.” he started conversationally as he started to rock in and out of Petunia's snug heat. “Vernon woke up the other night, when you squeezed my cum out onto his face.”

“What?!” Petunia squawked, her pussy quivering in a mixture of arousal and alarm at the idea that her husband had been awake for that. She moaned loudly as a particularly hard thrust actually caused her to raise from Harry's lap, the cock-head practically kissing her womb. “I said...he wouldn't wake up.”

“Well, to be honest I woke him up.” Harry admitted cheerfully, gritting his teeth a moment later as her pussy grew tighter around his member. “Thing is...he never moved. He just lay there...and watched, even when you poured my cum...all over his face.”

Petunia started to pant heavier at the idea that her husband had actually seen her take the freaks cock into her anus. She should be feeling a burning mortification and shame, but instead it just sent a thrill of excitement through her.

She realized in that moment as her climax thundered through her body, that she was just as big a freak as her nephew. Maybe she didn't have magical abilities, but she was certainly abnormal. After all...who found the idea of being caught by their husband being pumped full of cream from her own nephew mind-bogglingly erotic.

Petunia squealed loudly as her body convulsed, her pussy squirting around Harry's cock, worsening the stained fabric beneath them even further. Her snatch started clenching and relaxing quickly, trying to milk Harry's cock for his cum.

It got its wish moments later.

Harry groaned as he forced himself balls-deep into the pliant woman above him and started to quickly pump her full of his spunk, a fair amount escaping the seal of her pussy and trickle down over his balls.

Feeling his tired Aunt slump against him, Harry savoured the heat her slender body gave off, as his softening member slipped out of her, letting even more of his cum trickle out.

He might actually call in come the Christmas holidays, he decided as he dipped his fingers in her snatch and lifted them to her lips. Feeling her lick his fingers clean without orders, Harry silently wondered just what it was he was forgetting. It was something important he knew, but he couldn't quite figure it out. He was too damned relaxed to care.

For his part, Vernon lifted his head and stared at the coffee cup in his hands. Had Petunia gotten some new grains? He'd have to tell her to switch back, this new one was terribly bitter.

Chapter End.

OK, apparently Molly has even more haters than I thought so I decided to cut her out. Next chapter we'll see either Ginny or I'll go straight to the Quidditch world cup and show Narcissa. This part with Petunia originally happened at the start of the chapter and then we went to the Burrow for Molly.

Originally the idea was that money was getting tight at the Weasley household and Molly was getting desperate. Harry offers to help pay for a few things, no strings attached, but Molly is too prideful. Instead she offers to teach him about bedroom activities, and he takes her up on the offer, with slight reluctance. Things quickly escalate. After the fact, Molly states that if he wanted to help her family, then he had to let her work for the money.

For those Molly fans out there, don't worry, I'll release a sort of separate one-shots series including her.

After that the plan is to head back to Privet Drive for a few days at Christmas, then we'll be heading back for the Yule Ball.

Pansy, Padma (Or is it Parvati in Gryffindor?) Fleur and Ginny will be seen to in the course of a few nights during and around the Yule ball, Cho too. XD

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.

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