Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter: Amoral and Amorous

Chapter 9

by SleepyMatt

The Burrow.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Harry,Molly Weasley - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2015-01-14 - 6425 words



Chapter 9

Harry had a hard time sitting still despite knowing that the Quidditch World Cup was still over a week away.

After being invited along by the Weasley's and being told they would come get him via Floo, Harry had practically been bouncing off the walls. Ever since that fated phone call, Vernon had been giving him looks of slight caution, believing that whatever was making him so happy couldn't possibly be good for the rest of them.

Other than that however, Vernon had actually been a fair sight calmer in the past few weeks. Seeing how suspicious the man was getting at the constant limps his wife was sporting, and his perusing of her mobile phone when he thought no one was looking, it was clear that the man had started to suspect that Petunia had strayed.

Petunia had actually begged him to sort things out, not wanting Vernon to find out and split apart their family. Given that the woman had just received a fresh internal coating of his spunk, his sated mind had been agreeable. With a bit of prodding, a confundus charm or two and a slight bit of memory tampering, Vernon now believed that he and Petunia were regularly having sex again (an image Harry could have done without), and as such was far more relaxed. He had not known that the reason for Petunia's neediness was that her husband was impotent, but the knowledge had added an extra sense of superiority whenever he met the walrus-like man's eyes.

The confundus charm was actually embedded in his mind, set to trigger whenever the man realized that while he had memories of sex with Petunia, he still couldn't get it up. When the thought crossed his mind, it would daze him slightly and force him to recall the false memories of his time with Petunia and nudge him into dismissing the 'impossibility' that he was still impotent.

It was a rather masterful piece of charms-work, if Harry did say so himself. If it wouldn't get him chucked into Azkaban, he'd show it off to Professor Flitwick.

It made Petunia rather happy too. Her husband practically showered her with affection and gifts like he had when they were first dating and most importantly, she wasn't about to be ousted as that 'weirdo who's been shagging her nephew'.

For his part in the whole affair, Dudley was simply too absorbed in himself to notice anything going on, bar the fact that his Dad was suddenly even more free with the pocket money. And anything that caused the coveted tenners and fivers to continue lining his pocket wasn't worth wondering about so long as it kept happening.

Laying down on his bed, the old spring mattress long having been replaced with a divinely soft feather one with a wave of his wand, Harry honestly felt like things had never been better. His relatives were being a lot less hostile, and he hadn't been worked to the bone that Summer, meaning he didn't have a bone-deep weariness dragging him around for once. His Aunt had gotten over her instinctive disgust for fucking him and was now rather enthusiastic when prompted and Dudley was still too lazy to actively attempt pursuing him to beat him up.

And to top it all off, he would be leaving the Dursley's behind in a few days time when the Weasley's finally came to get him. He'd get to be reacquainted with Ginny a fair sight sooner than he'd originally thought, he'd get to eat his fill of Mrs Weasley's amazing cooking, he'd get to fly with Ron and the Twin's on their brooms and he'd get to go and see a game of Quidditch between International level professional fliers. It was like being told that Christmas, Easter and his Birthday had all happened at once.

There was a time barely over four years ago that he'd been borderline depressed due to a lack of friends and positive social interaction. He had been terrified that he would end up all alone with no one to care for him, to care if he even died, because he knew the moment they could, the Dursley's would kick him out of their house and onto his arse.

His grades had initially been quite good, but Dudley and his gang had made actually being able to keep them that way impossible with bullying and intimidation. And these days having bad grades would lead to bad prospects for employment, and given what people said on the telly, chances were that he would get the worst job imaginable.

And look at him now. He had mystical abilities and the knowledge of how to use them due to a freak occurrence because of the actions of an insane mad-man bent on killing him. He could brew the most potent of potions when his impressive abilities with his wand weren't enough, and when that failed he knew of several rituals that could likely make his desires possible once more.

His Aunt, originally spiteful and dismissive of his very existence, now willingly spread her legs for him, regardless of where they were. Originally it had been out of fear, then it had been a means to help her family and now it was simply because she liked being fucked by him. His Uncle was too nervous to try anything against him, now that he had repaired his body and was nearly the same height and yet not nearly as heavy. Dudley perhaps sensed that the status quo had changed and as such when opportunities to harass him did come up, they were half-hearted and quickly abandoned.

Harry knew that there was something fundamentally wrong with him. Professor Dumbledore would likely believe that the presence of Voldemort's memories in his head had influenced him into taking the wrong path. And maybe he would be right. Perhaps having the memories of a decidedly sociopathic adult bloom inside his head had led him into making decisions he otherwise wouldn't consider. But to blame his behaviour on them entirely would be wrong as well.

Ultimately it was like somebody had taped a knife to his hand. The ability to cause harm was there constantly and the only real thing preventing him from using that knife was his own self-control. Before the memories, Harry would have occasionally swung the knife but only when he had no choice. But after them, Harry knew just how satisfying it was to simply swing madly and enjoy what came.

Consequences seemed like a far off thing when the memories showed him numerous methods of concealing his actions. Hell he'd made a start on one a few days before when some strange film where a bald man in a wheelchair that could read minds, nudged a memory of something called Legillamency loose, and as a consequence of that Occlumency.

It was slow going and aggravating as all hell because he had to effectively cast Legillimency on himself and re-read his own mind to test his progress. It was like the whole television within a television within a television that just seemed to go on forever. It wasn't a widely practised form of self-teaching simply due to the fact that there was a definite correlation between use of the method and insanity. A focused Legillimency probe revealed a lot about a person, including some of the more negative things about themselves that they denied existed. A lot of people could not take knowing themselves that well. The adjusted individual was one that lied to themselves constantly.

All it told Harry was things he already knew. He might be a little sick in the head, but he enjoyed life that way. Better to be sick and happy, than healthy and depressed.

Laying back on his bed with his arms pillowed under his head, Harry abandoned his fruitless attempts to finish his History of Magic essay and simply stared at the ceiling. The work wasn't hard, it was simply so dry and boring that it just wasn't serving its purpose in distracting him from the Quidditch World Cup.

He would tire himself out with his Aunt but today was her grocery day so she'd be at Tesco's for a little while yet. Then again, Harry realized with a sleepy blink, maybe it wouldn't be necessary after all. He had been up late the night before out of a mixture of excitement and brewing enough potion for to let Petunia lace Vernon and Dudley's meals for the next year, so long as she was frugal.

Maybe it was time to catch up on some sleep...


“Arthur, we're really struggling right now, we need to think about paying for the children's school supplies!” Molly Weasley desperately tried to convince her husband, People may think she runs the family but that was only when it came to disciplining her children. When it came to a fair few other things, Arthur could prove to be too stubborn.

Like insisting that they'd be able to scrape by like they did every year, rather than selling one of the World Cup tickets. She loved Harry and Hermione, they were her Ronnie's best friends, but if Arthur would just sell one ticket then for once she might be able to get the school supplies as brand new instead of second hand.

She didn't like having to make her children get by on second-best, she wanted to give them all of the things they deserved. As it was she was sure that Ron was going to be distraught when he saw the dress robes that were currently her only option to give him and she couldn't blame him for it. They really were quite ugly.

“Molly, everything will be fine. We managed to get Bill and Charlie through and Percy as well now. We can manage again with the Twins, Ron and Ginny.” Arthur smiled at her as he used a muggle screwdriver on something apparently called an 'egg-timer'.

Why it was called that, Molly had no idea.

“Besides,” he continued, putting down the screwdriver for a second to scratch his nose before picking it up again. “It just wouldn't feel right. We already told Ron that he could invite Harry and Hermione, he'd hate having to tell one of them they couldn't come. And it wouldn't be fair to the others if we asked them to give up their tickets.”

Molly deflated slightly at the mentioned points, now feeling slightly guilty for trying to convince Arthur to sell one. With the fact that the Cup match was so close, tickets were long since sold out, and the sheer number of Galleon's people were willing to pay for them now was ridiculous. She'd seen one sold for over a thousand the other day when she'd been looking for some dress robes for Ginny.

But she didn't want to be the one who deprived her children and their friends of the chance to watch what was likely going to be one of the most exciting matches for the next ten or so years. People were already putting out pre-emptive Pensieve memory advertisements, being willing to sell a copy of their memory of the match.

“You're right.” she sighed as she stood from her seat at their kitchen table. “We'll find a way to get by, we always do. When are you going to pick Harry up? We still need to get the spare bed down from the attic to put in Ron's room.” Molly then asked as she absently flicked her wand to get the dishes washing from her seat.

“Given that you've had Ron cleaning his room today ready, I can get the bed down and sorted the day after that? Gives him a bit of a break from his relatives at least.” Arthur started off as cheerful and somewhat thoughtful and then diminished into something a little bit grimmer. Molly could understand why. She had not been pleased with Fred, George and Ron when they'd taken the car to go and get him, but at the same time she'd been rather proud of them.

Ron had been worried enough to go and check on his friend and it had been a good thing too. Honestly, who put bars on a twelve-year-old boys window and locked him in their room. Any time away from them would be good for him.

“I'll go and see how Ron's doing with his cleaning then.” Molly announced as she stood from her seat. She loved her youngest son but if he could put it off he would. Climbing the stairs, she stopped and took a deep breath when she heard a bang emanate from the Twins' room. Knocking on their door, she simply held out her hand with a stern look at their innocent faces.

If it exploded, it had no business being in their house.


Harry did his best not to give in to the urge to smack Ron with a pillow.

There was one thing that he always seemed to forget about his best mate. He snored like a damn chainsaw, every inhale sounding like he was gargling rocks. Dragging his pillow over his head, Harry tried to drown out the noise so he could sleep.

He loved being back at the Weasley's again, but to prevent discovery he now had to forgo obvious use of his wand. That meant no muting Ron, lest Mrs Weasley come in to wake them like she had the past two mornings. Even then the more discrete options were difficult as well, the sheer number of people moving through the house making it next to impossible to be sure of privacy.

It also meant that he still had yet to be properly 'reacquainted' with Ginny. They had risked trying to shag in the bathroom only to have several heart attacks whenever the door knob rattled. The tension had made it both exciting and horribly frightening. Before they could really get going Mrs Weasley had called for Ginny to hurry up and get out of the shower so she could help her brothers with degnoming the garden.

After that they'd tried to sneak a quickie in behind the broom shed only to nearly be stumbled upon by Fred or George. They had both agreed then that it would be a better idea to wait for a better opportunity. Harry didn't want to have to use a memory charm on one of the Weasley's because they'd walked in on him and Ginny in the act.

A window rattling snore echoed through the room, making Harry groan into the pillow covering his face. Next time Harry was in muggle London he was going to a pharmacy and asking about those little bandaid things that apparently stopped snoring. In Hogwarts it wouldn't matter simply because he could pull the curtains around his bed and cast a silencing spell at them. However if he was going to stay at the Weasley's again then he'd be damn sure to bring it with him.

Sitting up with a disgruntled sigh, Harry briefly considered kicking Ron's bed before he left the room and then made the trek to the Weasley's kitchen. He'd get a glass of water seeing as he was up and hopefully by the time he got back Ron will have quieted down a little.

His curiosity natural got the better of him though when he heard voices conversing in hushed whispers as he walked down the stairs into the living room.

“Arthur, I even checked in the rainy day tin! We just don't have enough to pay for all of their books this year along with new robes, and that's not even mentioning the cost of the portkeys for the match.” Molly Weasley's voice reached his ears, the distressed miserable tone making him frown. He knew the Weasley's had financial troubles but he hadn't realized it was so bad they were struggling to pay for everyone's books.

Recalling the standard several Galleon price tag that was attached to the school textbooks and that they had a years worth for four separate children and that the books in use had changed since last year...they wouldn't be able to give the Twin's hand-me-downs to Ron and Ginny, adding a bit more to the price tag.

He had no idea how much a portkey cost. Voldemort had never actually paid for one, people just made them for him or he did it himself or apparated.

“Molly, love, we'll figure something out.” Her husband said soothingly, sounding only a little less distressed than his wife. “I'll put in some overtime at work and if needs be we can sell a few things. And if that's not enough...” he trailed off sounding ashamed. “Well, Bill and Charlie have always offered to send a little to help out.”

“No!” Molly's voice, now above a whisper sounded a lot louder in the silence of the night. “No. We are not taking money our children have earned for themselves.” A slight sniffling noise could be head, and Harry bit his lip angrily. OK if it was bad enough that Mrs Weasley was holding back tears then he really had to find a way to help out.

“You're right. You're right Molly.” Arthur's voice sounded tired and the shame in it was magnified. Silence returned as Molly's sniffles quieted down and then stopped entirely. “We'll figure something out in the morning when we're both not exhausted. I'm going to bed, are you coming now or later?” Pause. “OK.”

Harry could only assume that Molly had nodded or shook her head, only to freeze when he realized that they would have to go past him in order to go to bed. Moving quickly he practically vaulted the couch and lay down on it, keeping quiet as he did so. Hearing some shuffling steps followed by a few creaking steps as someone headed upstairs, he let out a quiet sigh of relief when he wasn't spotted.

“Harry? Dear, how much did you hear?”

Damn. Sighed too soon.

Sitting up on the couch Harry looked up at Molly. It was clear that she was ready for bed, her red hair carefully brushed and her usual house dress forsaken for a simple dressing gown. The sight simply reinforced Harry's wish that the Burrow had central heating. There were runes and charms that provided the same thing but they were damnably expensive in magical society. The thick dress that the Weasley woman wore made her seem more plump than she was. With only the dressing gown on, all Harry could see was more curves than the harshest race track. Where Ginny was all compact and slender, her Mother had a softness that was appealing all in itself.

Clearing his throat and his mind of his dirty thoughts, Harry met her eyes. “Enough to know that my staying here and eating your food is probably adding more strain than you need.”

Molly looked upset. “Harry, its no trouble to have you here! We're just having a little...difficulty right now and it probably sounded worse to you than it is.”

“But if you could sell a ticket it would take off a lot of pressure right?” Harry asked both earnestly and yet hesitantly at the same time. He wanted to help but the prospect of missing the World Cup wasn't exactly...appealing.

Molly bit her lip. “Well...yes.” she answered before hurrying on. “But I couldn't ask any of you to do that! You've all been looking forward to it so much, it just wouldn't be right to deny you the chance.”

“But even just one would be worth a lot wouldn't it? How much money could selling one get you?” Harry pressed.

“Close to fifteen-hundred Galleons.” She answered semi-reluctantly. Given that the tickets were for top-box seats, she'd be able to push for quite a bit. It was hard turning down Harry's offer to sell his ticket when that kind of money was on the line. “But it doesn't matter, I won't sell your ticket Harry.” She forced herself to add sternly. With the no-nonsense tone in her voice, it was clear that she wasn't going to budge on the issue.

Harry frowned before coming up with a new idea. “OK, instead of selling it to someone else, why not sell it to me?” Leaning forward, he continued earnestly. “Fifteen-hundred Galleons for the ticket, and an extra five-hundred to cover food, accommodation and travel costs. That sounds fair to me. I have a cheque-book that I can go and get from my trunk.”

Staggering back slightly, Molly lowered herself into a char, internally goggling at the money that had just been offered. “Harry, its sweet of you to offer but it just wouldn't feel right.” She said gently, touched that he was willing to give so much. “I can't take your money.”

Harry gave her a frustrated look. “Mrs Weasley, it isn't charity or anything. I want to go to the game but if you won't let me by the ticket off you I won't go. So let me buy it or it'll go to waste.” His look changed to one of pure cheek. “You know I'm stubborn enough to do it.”

She frowned at his threat, but like he said, she knew he probably would force himself to go though with it. “Are you sure?” she asked, feeling both relief that he'd pushed the issue and irritation for the same reason. At his answering nod, she sighed. “Fine. But its fifteen-hundred Galleons only. I couldn't take the other five-hundred in good conscience.”

“Why not? Your giving me shelter, food and your paying for a portkey – something I'm sure is quite expensive. I'll be writing out a check for two-thousand either way.” he said in turn.

“Harry, that barely costs us a hundred Galleons, you'd be giving us four-hundred Galleons for nothing.” she huffed exasperatedly.

Harry gave her a dry look in return. “Then think of something to teach me, or give me, or hell, think of it as an advance payment for twenty years of Christmas jumpers. I've got money sitting in a vault that chances are I'll never really use. If I want to spend it on my favourite people, then I consider it well spent. I'll write the cheque in the morning.”

Molly stared at him for a few moments before sighing and gracing him with a smile. Standing up from her seat, she continued to smile at him before bending over and giving him a gentle hug and a kiss on the cheek. “You really are a sweet young man, Harry.” she said as she straightened before taking notice of his flushed averted face and his green eyes that constantly flickered from her and the wall his head was turned toward. “Harry?”

Coughing nervously and pulling a cushion over his lap discretely, he explained. “Um, Mrs Weasley, you should really do up your gown again.” No amount of self-restrain could stop his eyes from constantly darting back to her chest, where her robe had slipped revealing a portion of milky white breast and the edge of a rosy pink nipple.

Confusedly Molly looked down and flushed when she realized what he meant. Readjusting her robe, she muttered a thank you before walking to the foot of the stairs, eager to escape a suddenly embarrassing situation. Before she did however, she looked back at Harry when she realized he was still seated. “Harry? Aren't you going to bed?”

Licking his lips, Harry embarrassedly answered her. “Um....I can't quite stand up this minute Mrs Weasley.” His dick was solid enough to act as a coat hanger at that moment.

Molly opened her mouth to ask why, before realization dawned as her eyes flashed to the cushion he'd dragged over his lap. Flushing once more, she simply nodded and said “Good night Harry.” before retreating up the stairs.

As she did so, she silently wondered just what she could give him for the extra four-hundred Galleons. She couldn't just take them off him, it would leave a dirty taste in her mouth. She didn't exactly have anything worth four-hundred Galleons lying around otherwise Harry wouldn't need to give her money.

She'd have to think of something.


It had been two days since his late night chat with Mrs Weasley, and Harry was quite chuffed that it seemed the she had accepted the money and wasn't about to try returning it like he thought she would.

The morning after their talk, he had written out a cheque the moment Ron had left the room the next morning and had passed it to Molly the moment no one else was around. She had looked at it in disbelief for a few moments as though she were sure it wasn't real before giving him a grateful hug and words of thanks. Feeling her breasts press up against him had made him break it off quickly with a flush lest she be poked by his stiffening member. With bright red ears he had retreated from the kitchen.

He was sure she knew why as well given the amusement twinkling in her eyes when he left.

Currently he was enjoying a beef stew that had been teasing his nose with its scent all morning, Ron and the others having left for the broom shed a few minutes before. They were used to good food and large portions, but Harry had made due with very little for the first eleven years in his life. It had definitely taught him to savour his food when he got it, and when he did wolf down food, he did so with great reluctance. The food at Hogwarts was divine, but Molly Weasley's cooking was in a league of its own.

“Harry? Could you help me with something in the pantry?” Molly's head suddenly appeared as the door to said room opened.

“Be right there Mrs Weasley.” Harry answered amicably after having one last spoonful of stew and placing the empty dish in the sink. He had no idea what she could need help with that she couldn't use her wand for but he didn't mind helping before heading out for Quidditch. Stepping past Molly into the sizeable Weasley pantry, Harry looked around the room and wondered what he was there for. “Er, Mrs Weasley, what do you need me to do?” He was surprised when he heard the door close and then even more so when she took out her wand and proceed to lock the door and hit it with a few sound cancelling charms as well. “Mrs Weasley?”

Molly turned around and looked at him with a look of slight conflict. After she'd gone to bed the other night, knowing that Harry had gotten aroused because of her, an idea of how to pay him back for his generosity had entered her mind. She knew her ambivalence to the idea couldn't be so simple, she had never once entertained being disloyal to her husband. So why didn't the idea of doing so with Harry not elicit an immediate refusal from her was the question she'd needed to know.

It hadn't taken long for her to find out about the life-debt from Ginny. The knowledge that she'd paid it back without consulting her or Arthur first had initially been upsetting but it was up to her how she handled her affairs. Finding out the sheer depth of the debt however gave her an idea as to why she was so...willing.

While Ginny had been fairly quick to pay back the debt, it had still been several months after the event. The debt had likely 'extended' beyond Ginny alone by the time she'd paid it, and her decision on how to repay Harry was likely influenced by it.

She had briefly entertained trying to avoid having to do so, but such debts and the methods that acted as repayment happened for a reason. This was her best option in the end, and the only reason it hadn't happened sooner was because Ginny had tried to pay it back when she did.

“Mrs Weasley?”

Snapping out of her thoughts, Molly smiled at Harry and simply decided to stop delaying the inevitable. “Harry...the other night, you couldn't stand up because it was hard right?” she asked, aiming right for the heart. She barely withheld the urge to laugh when Harry's face lit up like a tomato.

Shocked that she had brought it up, Harry could only stutter non-coherently for a few seconds before sagging with silent mortification. “Erm...yeah. Why do you ask?” He answered lamely, his face burning with humiliation.

Molly simply smiled before seemingly changing the conversation at random. “Harry...about the money. I can't accept it-”

She was cut off when Harry protested her words vehemently and asked her why. Waiting for him to calm down, she continued when he did so. “-Unless you let me do something for you first, OK?”

Abashed at his outburst, Harry didn't connect the dots between what she was alluding to with their sequestered private location, too relieved that she would accept the money. “That's more than fine with me Mrs Weasley.”

“Good.” With that said, she gently grabbed Harry's face and pressed her lips against his, using the opportunity presented by his shocked gasp to slip her tongue into his mouth. He started to respond slightly clumsily out of instinct before meeting her duelling tongue with increasing ability as his shock abated. Feeling his member suddenly harden and press against her abdomen, she broke free and quickly sank to her knees in front of him, her hands getting to work on his belt.

“Mrs Weasley!-” Harry started, before she cut him off amusedly.

“I think you can call me Molly, dear.”

“Molly.” he continued slightly exasperated. “What about Mr Weasley? You don't have to do this!” He told her even though his libido was desperately telling him to shut up and just go with it.

Finally undoing his belt with a hiss of victory, Molly looked up at him. “There's a reason why I had to bring up the problems with Arthur Harry. I handle our finances, he won't know about the extra two-thousand and where it came from unless I tell him. So he doesn't really need to know, right?” Before he could say anything in return, she pulled down his trousers and boxers, only her reflexes stopping her from being slapped in the face when his cock was freed from its cloth prison. “Oh my, you do have a big one don't you dear?” she said breathlessly as she wrapped a hand around the shaft of his cock, her other hand coming up to gently cradle his plum-sized nuts.

Any thoughts of protesting the treatment he was being given immediately left Harry's mind. It had been nearly a week since he'd had sex last, and the last few attempts with Ginny had been interrupted, leaving him with a hell of a case blue balls. As such he simply threw his head back and moaned as his best friends Mother started slowly wank his cock.

Smirking slightly at Harry's actions, Molly felt she'd teased the boy enough and as such brought her lips to his purple crown and kissed it softly before taking it into her mouth. She breathed deeply through her nose, lathering his tip with her tongue before slowly bobbing her head down so she could extend the same treatment to his shaft. She traced her tongue over every bump and vein of his cock that she could reach, humming gently at the surprisingly sweet taste of his pre, causing him to emit yet another gasp. While all of this was happening she gently squeezed and rolled his balls in the palm of her hand, feeling his reaction to her blowjob through the occasional twitch when she hit a particularly sensitive spot.

Remembering just what she had inadvertently flashed to him the other night, Molly let go of his cock and balls entirely and moved her hands to the back of her dress while keeping his cock in her mouth. Pulling the zip down, she peeled the top of her dress down to her waist, exposing her bra-clad tits to the air, the nubs of her hardened nipples easily visible through the white fabric. Moving her mouth from his cock when she was sure he was sufficiently lubricated, Molly ignored his groan of protest and lifted her tits with one arm and carefully aimed his cock with the other. The underside of her breasts easily accepted the wet pole of flesh and gradually engulfed it until its tip poked out from the top of them, easily in reach for her to lean her face down to continue tonguing it.

Harry stared down at her in a dazed sort of stupor as he took in the sight of his cock being sanwhiched between the gargantuan bra-clad tits of Molly Weasley. He moaned as she started to slid her pillow-soft flesh up and down his cock, her tongue paying special attention to the crown of his knob. The velvet-smoothness of her skin felt like heaven on his shaft, every movement feeling absolutely divine and gradually stoking a fire in his belly. Had it been anyone else, Harry wouldn't have bothered to say anything, but because it was Mrs Weasley, he thought it best to warn her. “Molly...I'm about to cum.”

He wasn't actually sure if she heard him, because she simply continued to move her tits up and down his cock. Taking that as implied permission, Harry groaned as his release hit him just as his cock re-entered her cleavage.

Molly shivered slightly as she felt Harry's sticky cream erupt between her breasts, feeling each shot paint her skin, the tip briefly making reappearances at the top as he thrust against her chest to leave a few strands of cum on the upper-slopes of her breasts. She let the still-hard cock slip out of her breasts grasp and simply stood up, the heat between her legs too insistent to ignore. Letting her dress drop to the floor quickly followed by her panties, Molly turned around and bent over, bracing herself on one of the shelves, then glancing at Harry over her shoulder. “I don't think I have to tell you what I want, do I Harry?”

He nearly tripped over his jeans in his haste to manoeuvre behind her. Harry smoothed his palms over the cheeks of her ass with a silent wonder, feeling the slight give of her flesh and its cushy softness. With her wide hips and generous bust, he could only conclude that Molly Weasley was simply made for baring children. Gripping the base of his shaft, he rubbed the head of it over the lips of Molly's pussy, gathering the moisture on it before he pushed the head in. Grabbing her hips, he slowly began to push forward, deeper into her pussy, shivering all the while as her scorchingly hot pussy massaged him on his way in.

Molly moaned loudly as she felt herself stretch to accommodate Harry's member, feeling thankful that she had thought to put some muting charms on the door. Before that day she had only ever been with one man other than Arthur, before they had started dating, and Molly could safely say that out of the three of them, Harry definitely had the biggest cock. With its slow insistent push into her, she could feel herself slowly mould around him, gripping him tightly.

Finally sinking himself to the hilt, Harry bit his lip and forced himself not to immediately start hammering away. If this was what Mr Weasley felt every time he shagged his wife, it was no wonder they had so many children. Feeling her flex around him, his self-control was broken. Pulling back until only the tip still resided in her, he then thrust back in with near-bruising force, his flesh meeting hers in a loud slap.

That one thrust set the pace for the rest of their time in the pantry. Harry started up a rhythm of deep fast thrusting, causing Molly to gasp and moan in concert with him, rocking her ass back to meet his violent lunges. Any qualms he had about fucking his best friends Mother were entirely gone, the amount of pleasure he was deriving from the act being entirely too enticing.

For her part, Molly was entirely too thankful that the pantry shelves were so sturdy, as she jerked and shuddered with every thrust of the vigorous young man behind her. She had stepped into the pantry thinking it would be over fairly quickly and in an unsatisfying manner. After all, Harry was only a boy. But the rapid tightening of her pussy quickly told her that her assumption had been beyond wrong, as her climax quickly crept up on her. When it arrived, it did so with great fanfare. She screamed as it thundered through her, her pussy desperately trying to entice the cock still hammering into her to stay and deposit its load there.

Harry couldn't resist its offer. Pushing himself into her as deep as he could, Harry moaned as his cock jerked and shuddered as it painted the walls of her womb white with his cum, which escaped her pussy as he filled her over capacity. Finally after what felt like an entirely too short eternity, Harry slowly withdrew his softening member, gravity assisting to pull a few drips of their mixed essence to land on the pantry floor.

Harry really hoped this was just the first in a long line of payments.

Chapter End.

Hey...hey remember when I said I'd skip over Molly? Guess what. I was such a liar XD No instead, its Narcissa we're going to be missing out on, she won't appear until the time of Order of the Pheonix I'm sorry to say. Or am I being a liar again? Who knows.

Well either way, I hope y'all enjoyed reading that as much as I did writing it. I know that the last part seems a little rushed, but in the end, Molly Weasley seems far too loyal to cheat on Arthur without some other factor influencing her.

One thing I can tell you I have planned is some fun involving Hermione and her Mother in the Summer of fifth year. Sound good?

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