Categories > Original > Drama

Consolation Prize

by JustAGhost 0 reviews

I need this.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Romance - Published: 2014-12-21 - Updated: 2014-12-21 - 320 words

The boy I love tells me he loves me. He told me so after 3 months of being together. I, on the other hand caught up a few months later. I love him. And he loves me.
But there's someone who gets in the way.
A friend of mine since I was 12. A girl who I've always envied. A girl who this boy desired for 8 years. Childhood crush. The perfect girl.
The pretty blonde hair; the slim figure from years of ballet dancing; the brain that I could never understand; the passion for romance. Everyone fell in love with her. Even me. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that he wanted her for so long.
The boy I love. I can't help but imagine he still has feelings for her. How can feelings that lasted 8 years disappear instantly? They can't.
Jealousy is a terrible thing. The green-eyed monster. I always wanted to have green eyes. They're pretty and seem suited to my jealous nature.
That's not true. I'm not a jealous person. Not in most cases anyway. But I have always been envious of her. Such a perfect girl that I idolised for so long. Then he came along and told me he loved me. He loved me and forgot you.
Should I feel good that he forgot you and fell for the below average girl? I should. But I don't.
Because I still see her perfection. That flawless beauty which radiates through from her insides making the exterior glow just as much. And I don't understand it. Why he bothers with me.
I'm just second place, I guess. The consolation prize. You ran the race for 7 years but still got stuck with the runner up ribbon.

Hi I'm not back but I just am dealing with some things right now and I needed somewhere to vent. Don't expect anything else from this account I just needed this. Ok bye.
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