Categories > Original > Drama

the story of a successful stoner

by stonerbaby00 0 reviews

this is my opinions and my stories about living the life of what a typical person would call a "stoner" but to me its just living everyday life. this is based on true stories and actual facts.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2014-12-21 - 223 words

this is my story. ALL OF IT. ever ounce of my being is being described. i think im telling this not only for what i though chould actually help somebody but also for my own person sanity. it tells the story of a little girl from illinois who grows up, after geing tossed around between divorced parent, friends, and living in the 21st century. this is me describingthe things im most passionate about and shareing all of my secrets and memories. now being 17 this is the adventure of a day to day teenager transforming into an adult. im starting this a little late but i figured since its almost a new year i can start from there. first is my backstory. iv grown up, iv had bad things happen(nothing like serious just things leading to the way i feel now), iv had some of the most amazing life experiences i think anybody would be lucky to have, and the feelings and knowledge i have in my "melted brain" as people would call it.

this is it. this is who i am. have fun reading and send me questions... i mean about anything. im an open book. not only personally but for advice as well... im on the eclipse of great things i feel like and i want to take you with me.
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