Categories > Original > Horror > Blood Never Tasted So Sour

Chapter Two

by Xattack_on_fandomx 0 reviews

Dan POV: Dan can't take it anymore and takes matters into his own hands warning bullying

Category: Horror - Rating: R - Genres:  - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2014-12-23 - 813 words

Later on in the day the group of training vampire hunters were made to hike out to practise camouflage from vampires and to build up our stamina.

I felt built up anger inside me from the incident with Aiden Wilkams earlier on in the day. I watched him from the distance as he laughed with all the other bullies such as Harvey Williams and Melissa Hunt. He slowly turned to look at me. Elbowing his friends to look at me so they can 'bitch' about me. I continued to look at him which caused his smile to drop and all of them to look at me like I'm a freak as they all slowly turned to look away from me.

Have you ever felt like that were you want the people you hate the most to be punished mainly causing them pain? Ha maybe there right....maybe I do have the same mind as my mother..

We all got to the top of a large hill. Aiden decided to act like a big man and walk to the edge of the big hill. Which gave me an idea....what if I push him?....I mean if he did get injured no would care right?.....I mean no one would miss him if he died right?...

"HEY WHY DON'T WE PUSH DAN OVER THE HILL?!!" Aiden shouted. I clenched my fist as people started to cheer in agreement.

I don't even know why people bully me. I mean I'm just an average kid I didn't stand out from the crowd I have shortish kind of long emo styled brown hair and brown eyes and I would usually wear a black shirt and skinny jeans. I wasn't anything special to be honest. If it weren't for my mother I would probably be accepted by everyone not left to feel like shit.

"PUSH HIM PUSH HIM!" People chanted which caused me to become more angry and bottled up with rage. And that was it...I couldn't control my anger anymore and I exploded.

I screamed charging after him, I could see the fear in his eyes as I pushed him down the hill. Everyone gasped as he went tumbling down and stopped. At the bottom of the hill he was crying his eyes out "I THINK MY LEG IS BROKEN!!" He screamed and cried.

"What's going on?" Shouted the captain of the team as he ran over. Everyone looked at me with disgust and hatred.

"Come with me I'm sure Jayden would love to know what you have been up too!" Said the leader grabbing me by the arm to take me back into the building to see Jayden.


I felt intimidated as I walked into Jayden's office he was sat on a chair with his feet leaning on the desk. "How can I help?" He said as we walked in.

"This kid pushed Aiden Wilkams down the hill and broke his leg" explained the group leader hissing the words.

"Can you leave us alone I'd like to talk in private to Dan" Jayden said. I gulped knowing that he was probably going to beat me. Jayden was one of them guys who do not fuck around.

The guy slowly walked out shutting the door behind him. "You pushed Aiden down the hill?" He asked

"Yes sir" I responded
"Was it by accident?" He asked after. I knew I couldn't lie because I knew once he found out the truth the punishment I was about to get would be worse.

"No sir" I said hanging my head down. "Usually as a punishment for this kind of assault would be a beating and kicked off training....but I'm willing not to give you that punishment"

I lifted my head up to look at him with surprise "w-why?"

"Because I saw what happened yesterday the kid was being a little shit and everyone went against you and to be honest......your too good of a hunter to let here's what I'm going to do a couple of students are being given a one to one class which I would like you to join starting tomorrow"

My eyes gleamed with delight "t-thank you thank you so much sir!" I said.

"Remember tonight is the hunters parade and do not break the 8pm curfew" he warned me.

"Ok again thank you so much sir"
I couldn't stop smiling as I walked out of his office. Being in the one to one class with Jayden Parker...JAYDEN PARKER the hunter if all hunters this would be anyone's dream being able to be taught how to fight by my hero!!! And it could help my research on vampires as tonight I planned on breaking the curfew to get close to one.

But who knew I would discover something most shocking on this night that would change my life forever.......
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