Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Lost Friend

Chapter 17

by USA_Tiger 0 reviews


Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2015-02-01 - 8873 words

A Lost Friend

By: USA Tiger

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, Pokémon to WB and Nintendo, and Ranma 1/2 to Rumiko Takahashi.

Author note: This chapter had now been beta-ed by Tsuyu-the-Hanyou.

Chapter 17

“Where have you been!?” Hermione yelled as soon as Harry and Ryoga walked into the Gryffindor tower. Harry startled a bit and took a half step back.

“We were in the kitchens,” Harry said. “We had dinner there.”

“Why would you bother those poor house elves and why were you in the kitchens?” Hermione asked her hands on her hips. Many of the other students in the tower turned to watch the dressing down Hermione was giving Harry and to hear any gossip they could get on the ‘Chosen One’.

“Hermione, the house elves weren’t bothered that we were there, it’s not like we were in their way,” Harry said calmly. “And it’s none of your business why we were in there but I wanted to spend time with my friend.” Hermione huffed softly then sighed.

“I was just worried when I didn’t see you at dinner,” Hermione said. “And you missed the announcement Dumbledore gave.”

“What did he have to say?” Harry asked as Hermione finally let him and Ryoga pass to go to their corner of the room where Ron and Ranma sat.

“Oh, we have a new professor here at the school,” Hermione said. “His name is Horace Slughorn and he’s going to teach potions.”

“But Cologne is already teaching the potion classes,” Harry pointed out.

“Oh he’s only teaching the younger years so it doesn’t affect us,” Hermione said. “He use to teach here years ago, I looked him up and he was the potions professor before Professor Snape and he was the House Head of Slytherin as well.”

“I remember mum talking about him once,” Ron said. “Friendly for a Slytherin but he likes to ‘collect’ students.”

“Collect students?” Harry asked. “What are we, trading cards?” Ron looked confused by the reference.

“It’s something that some muggles do,” Hermione explained. “For sports. A lot like how you collect cards from the chocolate frogs.”

“Oh, why didn’t you just say so?” Ron said with a roll of his eyes then turned his attention back to the book in his hands. Harry tilted his head slightly to read the title as it didn’t look like Quidditch Through the Ages and he never seen Ron willingly read any other book before that wasn’t about Quidditch.

“Are you reading a potions book?” Harry asked. Ron blushed slightly and lowered the book.

“I can’t get into the Aurors unless I bring my grade up, yeah?” Ron said. “This Prince guy seems to know what he’s talking about, he’s got notes written on the sides about all the potions. I’ve been following his instructions in class.”

“Ron!” Hermione scolded. “That’s dangerous! Why would you do something foolish like that?”

“Well I wasn’t at first,” Ron said as his ears turned red in embarrassment. “But then I notice Harry doing the same thing in class that this Prince guy wrote in his book so I figured it was ok.”

“Can I see?” Harry asked holding out his hand. Ron shrugged and handed the old potions text book over to his friend. “Who’s the ‘Half Blood Prince’?” Harry added as he read the inside cover.

“Don’t know,” Ron said with a shrug of his shoulders. “Prince is one of those old pureblood families, but it’s all but died out and if this bloke is a half blood, then his family might not acknowledge him.”

“Why would they do that?” Ranma asked only half paying attention, he had been trying to find out from Ryoga what happen in the kitchens but Ryoga was steadily ignoring him since it was between him and Harry only.

“Cause of his muggle blood,” Ron said as if that explained everything. “A lot of pure blood families don’t like to mix their blood with muggles or muggleborns. It’s stupid, look at Monie, she’s one of the smartest students in the school and she has muggle parents.”

“Thank you for that ringing endorsement,” Hermione said dryly. “Who my parents are shouldn’t matter, but a lot of people in the school still look down on me because of them. And don’t call me ‘Monie’,” She added with a glare in Ron’s direction.

“Well Ron was right about one thing,” Harry said, interrupting any argument the two could start. “This Prince guy does know his potions pretty well. Whoever wrote this book has the most basic recipes for these potions, it wouldn’t be the best versions of the potions but they would be useable at least that’s what Cologne told me. But these notes have all the ways to make better versions of the potions, the ones that top quality shops would sell.”

“So my grade will be better if I do what this Prince guy wrote instead of what the author wrote,” Ron said happily as he took the book back.

“That’s cheating,” Hermione accused.

“How is it cheating?” Harry asked Hermione who gaped for a moment as she tried to find the answer.

“We’re suppose to follow the instructions in the books,” she said finally.

“Well, it’s written in his book so I don’t see the problem,” Harry said flatly. “I’m making my potions the same way, the way Cologne has taught me, and she doesn’t seem to have a problem with Ron using the altered recipe.”

“Maybe she hasn’t noticed,” Hermione said.

“Hermione, Cologne is a potions mistress, how could she not notice the difference between two potions that were brewed differently,” Harry pointed out. Hermione huffed again and leaned back in her seat, not having a counter argument.


‘Harry, please come to my office this evening after dinner to resume our lessons.

P.S. I quite enjoy Canary Creams’

Harry glanced at the note that had been delivered to him at lunch then quickly banished it. Dumbledore was finally ready to start lessons with him again and Harry wondered what it was the Headmaster was going to teach him now since they finished the occlumency lessons.

“What was that?” Hermione asked as she noticed Harry’s actions.

“Nothing, just a note from the Headmaster,” Harry said. Hermione nodded and didn’t question any further as she turned her attention back to her book. The last two days had been fairly quiet. As Hermione had said, the arrival of Slughorn didn’t affect any of the sixth or seventh year potion students, though Harry could see the man giving him looks every now and then that made Harry feel like a piece of meat, not a comfortable feeling at all.

Now that the tension of their budding attraction was addressed and they agreed to try one date to see how it went, Ryoga and Harry were back to being completely comfortable with each other. Harry would sometimes sit and stroke the silver ring that Ryoga gave him when he was thinking and surprisingly Hermione hadn’t noticed or had decided to leave Harry alone about the ring. Of course the potions book Ron was using seem to have all of Hermione’s ire, the girl still didn’t approve of the book. Harry didn’t see the problem, while he wasn’t making perfect potions Ron’s brewing had improved at least a little bit.

“Come on, we have DADA next,” Hermione said as she snapped her book shut and stood up. Harry sighed; classes with Snape were hell no matter what the subject, even if Snape did know what he was talking about.


“Ukyo-sama, are you sure this is a good idea?” Konatsu asked his employer as Ukyo squinted up at the board that listed the flights.

“It’ll be fine,” Ukyo assured Konatsu, she was surprised the ninja youth had insisted on tagging along instead of running Ucchan’s while she was gone. Konatsu insisted that Ukyo needed somebody to watch out for her. Ukyo wasn’t sure what the deal was, now that she knew that she was on her way to seeing Ranma again Ukyo had been sleeping much better at nights. It took a little time to arrange passports as well as tickets for her and Konatsu. Then she had to contact her father to look after her restaurant while she was gone.

“Quack,” Mousse said from the pet carrier by Ukyo’s feet, it was cheaper and easier to have Mousse go along as Ukyo’s pet duck than it was for him to travel as a human. That didn’t mean he had to like it. Konatsu sighed, he didn’t like the other boy and the way he was egging Ukyo on. And he had this feeling that they were being followed by someone.

“The 5:20 flight to London is leaving in 30 minutes from gate 5-A,” A voice said over the speaker system.

“That’s ours!” Ukyo said. “Let’s dropped ‘Mu-mu’ off, then get our seats.”

“Quack!” Mousse protested as Ukyo grabbed his carrier, his wings pressed against the side of the box to keep himself from being thrown around. Konatsu groaned and picked up their bags, he had no idea how Ukyo got her razor sharp spatulas through customs but then again who believed that spatulas could be a weapon? As it was, her giant one had to be mailed by her father to the place they were staying at and they didn’t even check Mousse to see if he was carrying any weapons.

‘Of course, who would believe a duck has anything on them much less weapons?’ Konatsu mused. He stopped for a moment and looked over his shoulder. The pretty ninja narrowed his eyes, he could have sworn he just saw someone duck behind a cart full of luggage.

“Konatsu, come on!” Ukyo called.

“Coming Ukyo-sama,” Konatsu said with a sigh.

‘Whew, that was close!’ Happosai thought as he watched the girly looking boy walk off. He needed to get to that plane and find a place to stow away on it since he didn’t have a ticket and why would he pay when he could just fly for free? Happosai darted through the airport, ignoring his instincts that told him to grope all the pretty ladies around him. This wasn’t the time to grace the ladies with his touch or to save all the silky darlings. ‘England, here I come!’


“Canary Creams,” Harry said to the gargoyle outside of the Headmaster’s office. The gargoyle jumped to the side and let Harry past to ride the stairs up to the office door. Harry wondered if he should even bother trying to knock on the door as the man within always seem to know when somebody was on the other side.

“Come in, my boy!” Harry heard as soon as he reached the top.

‘That answers that question,’ Harry thought to himself as he pushed the wooden door open. “You wanted to see me, sir?”

“Yes yes, sit down Harry,” Albus said with a smile, waving his hand at the overstuffed chairs he had in front of his desk. “Tea my boy? Lemon drop?”

“Err, just tea,” Harry said as he sat down. Albus smiled and nodded as he allowed Harry to doctor up a cup of tea.

“Now, I’m sure you’re wondering what is going on,” Albus said once Harry was settled.

“You’re note said it had to do with my training,” Harry said.

“Indeed it does. Sirius and Filius are doing a fine job in covering any spells that you would find useful as well as tactics in dueling. Madame Cologne, of course, has a handle on potions and anything else she feels you should know,” Albus said. “Now that your mind is properly protected, and I am sorry for putting you through what happened with Professor Snape, you and I are going to look through some memories.”

“Memories sir?” Harry asked a little confused wondering what good looking at memories would be.

“Yes, memories I have collected over the years that have to do with Voldemort,” The elderly wizard said. “I’m sure you are a bit confused but I promise you I will explain in time.”

“Alright I guess,” Harry said.

“Excellent,” Albus smiled then stood, motioning Harry to follow him over to the Pensieve set up on a table. “You remember how to use this, correct?”

“Yes sir,” Harry said, then leaned over with the Headmaster to fall head first into the memory.


Harry found himself outside, on what looked like an old dirt road with Dumbledore. Ahead of them was a short, plump man wearing enormously thick glasses that made his eyes resemble mole-like specks. It was pretty clear that the man was a Pureblood wizard since his muggle clothing was a frock coat and spats over a striped one-piece bathing costume. (1)

“Sir, who’s that?” Harry asked as they followed.

“That, Harry, is Bob Ogden,” Albus explained. “He worked for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement years and years ago. This is his memory we’re looking at.”

“Where are we then?” Harry looked around, trying to figure out what was going on.

“You’ll see my boy,” Albus said as they followed Ogden through a thicket. Ahead of them was a rundown looking shack that had a dead snake nailed to the door. Somebody lived inside the rundown house as Harry could see light pouring out of the dirty, grubby windows. As Ogden reached up to knock on the door, it banged open and what looked like some sort of wild man was standing in the middle of the doorway. The man had thick, dirt-matted hair and small dark eyes that stared in opposite directions. When he opened his mouth to speak, Harry could see several of his teeth missing. In one hand the man held a wand while the other had a short bloody knife in it.

“Who is that?” Harry said as he stepped back in alarm.

“Morfin Gaunt,” Albus explained as they watched Morfin attack Ogden until an older man came out and told Morfin to return to the house. But he did so in a hissing tone that clued Harry in that he was speaking in Parseltongue.

“Should’ve made your presence known, shouldn’t you? This is private property. Can’t just walk in here and not expect my son to defend himself?” The old man asked.

“Defend himself from what, man?” Ogden said in a tone that said he thought the man had a few screws loose.

“Busybodies. Intruders. Muggles and filth,” The old man said. “What do you want anyway?”

“I’m head of the Magical Law Enforcement Squad.” Ogden said as he drew his coat around him.

“And you think we’re scum, do you? Scum who’ll come running when the Ministry tells ‘em to? Do you know who you’re talking to, you filthy little Mudblood, do you?” The man let the racist filth just spill from his mouth.

“I was under the impression that I was speaking to Mr. Gaunt,” Ogden said in a deadpan voice.

“Sir, I don’t understand what we’re watching,” Harry said as Ogden talked his way into the dirty little house.

“These are the Gaunts Harry,” Albus explained. “Morfin, I have already pointed out. This is his father Marvolo Grant.”

“Marvolo…. These are Voldemort’s relatives?” Harry quickly caught on, remembering the memory trapped in the diary in his second year, telling him that his middle name was Marvolo, named for his grandfather.

“Very good Harry,” Albus said with a smile. “Yes, these are Tom’s relatives from his mother’s side.” He nodded towards a corner where a fourth person, that Harry hadn’t noticed before, was. It was a very defeated looking young woman with lank, dull hair and eyes that, like her brother, looked in opposite directions. She was cleaner than either her brother or father but her grey clothing had her blending into the background of the house. Harry winced as Marvolo started to insult his daughter as she spilt a pot and started to clean up by hand instead of magic.

The rest of the unfolding scene revealed that Ogden was there because Morfin had attacked a wealthy muggle named Tom Riddle, causing the man to erupt into hives, and was to attend a hearing for the attack. At that time Harry heard a noise from outside and when he looked it was a man that he could only guess was Tom Riddle Sr. as he looked just like his future son. He had a pretty woman with him in the horse-drawn carriage that he was driving and he listened as Riddle talked about the house and people inside, none of it flattering. Behind him, he could hear Morfin hissing in Parseltongue to his father of how his sister, who he learned was named Merope at some point, had been spying on the young lord. This quickly led to an attack with Marvolo strangling his daughter for daring to pine after a muggle. Harry watched as Ogden separated the pair with a Revulsion Jinx and Morfin attacking the Ministry officer in return with a jinx that caused yellow pus to flow from Ogden’s nose.

Next thing that Harry knew, the scene shifted with Ogden back at the house with reinforcements, arresting Marvolo and Morfin on the spot and leaving Merope all on her own.

“Morfin was sentenced to three years at Azkaban,” Albus explained as the scenery in the Pensieve shifted again. “While Marvolo was only imprisoned for six months. Once Marvolo and Morfin were safely in Azkaban, once she was alone and free for the first time in her life, then, I am sure, she was able to give full rein to her abilities and to plot her escape from the desperate life she had lead for eighteen years. The village of Little Hangleton enjoyed a tremendous scandal. You can imagine the gossip it caused when the squire’s son ran off with the tramp’s daughter, Merope.”

Harry blinked as they were suddenly in a posh house. He could see a couple of maids running around, one of them holding a tray filled with breakfast items.

“So by now Voldemort’s mother is with his father?” Harry asked. When Albus nodded Harry frowned to himself as he puzzled out why a handsome man like Riddle would end up with a less than attractive girl like Merope. “The Imperious Curse? Or a love potion?” He figured.

“Very good,” Albus praised with a small smile. “Personally, I am inclined to think she used a love potion.”

They followed the maid up to a room where a much healthier Merope was waiting. She was dressed in fine clothing and filled out a bit from eating good food. It was pretty clear that the maid didn’t think much of her ‘mistress’ if the faces she made at Merope’s back were anything to go by. Merope asked about her husband, then dismissed the maid.

“A year after their marriage, Merope became pregnant and released her husband from his mental enslavement,” Albus explained as the scene shifted again. “You can guess what happened.”

“He left her since he wasn’t under the potion anymore,” Harry guessed.

“Yes,” Albus agreed. “I believe Merope hoped that her husband had truly fallen in love with her by this point or that he would at least stay with her for the sake of their unborn child. Unfortunately for her, Riddle did nothing of the kind. He awoke into a nightmare and fled back to his family’s home claiming to be bewitched.”

“He had been bewitched,” Harry pointed out.

“Yes, but he did not say that exactly for fear of being thought insane,” Albus said. The scene around them shifted again, this time into what Harry recognized as Borgins and Burkes, the same store he flooed into by accident when he was 12. Merope looked much like she had when living with her father and brother, except now her belly was rounded with child where the future dark lord was growing. Harry watched as she tried to bargain with a man, that was either Borgin or Burke, over a locket that Harry vaguely remembered seeing her wear since the first memory.

It was a tacky looking thing, Harry mused, large and clunky looking with a snake made out of diamonds in the shape of an ‘S’ on the front. According to Merope, the locket belonged to Salazar Slytherin himself and had been passed down his bloodline. Something niggled at the back of Harry’s mind as he watched the store owner swindle Merope out of the locket for an amount that could barely be considered pocket change. He was sure he had seen that locket before but, for the life of him, Harry couldn’t remember where.

The last of the memories Dumbledore showed him took place at an orphanage where Merope gave birth to Tom Riddle, clinging to life long enough to name the babe before passing away of a broken heart.

“So she just gave up?” Harry asked after they left the Pensieve and were once again seated at the Headmaster’s desk.

“Merope Gaunt believed herself to be very much in love with Tom Riddle, when he left her she gave up on life and her magic,” Albus said sadly. “Not even the love for her child could pull her out of it.”

“That… that’s horrible. Horrible and selfish,” Harry said as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Instead of thinking of the baby she created with the person she loved, even if she deceived and controlled him, she only thought about herself.”

“Alas… sometimes the heart can work against us,” Albus said with a sigh. “You should return to your dorm my boy, it’s nearing curfew. We will have another lesson soon.”


“So all he did was show you memories?’ Ryoga asked as Harry told him about the lesson he just had with the Headmaster. The pair were up in the sixth year dorm sitting on Harry’s bed. Ryoga was sitting at the head leaning back against the headboard with Harry leaning back against his chest. Shirokuro laid on the bed with him, his head on Harry’s leg as the teen gave him a scratch behind the ear.

“Yes, but I have no idea what good a bunch of memories are going to be,” Harry said with a sigh. “While I now know how Riddle’s parents got together and what happened afterward, it really doesn’t tell me anything.”

“That is strange,” Ryoga agreed. “Shouldn’t he be teaching you spells to defeat Voldemort?”

“He said Siri and Professor Flitwick are doing a good enough job of that,” Harry said. “I guess I’m just confused by it all. All I really learned was that Merope Gaunt was a selfish woman who didn’t really care for her child, at least I don’t think she did. Or she was crazy in the end, her and her brother looked too closely related.”

“You think they were inbred?” Ryoga asked.

“I guess, Merope’s father kept going on and on about the pureness of their blood,” Harry said with a shrug. “And it wouldn’t surprise me, Padfoot’s parents were cousins.”

“My parents are cousins,” Ryoga pointed out.

“Are they first cousins?” Harry asked curious.

“No, the Hibiki blood line split into two families several generations ago. A magical family ended up marrying into Mom’s branch of the family while Dad’s stayed non-magical,” Ryoga told his friend. “Other than someone marrying a half demon of course. You would have to go back a while before my parents share a common ancestor.”

“Siri said that his Mother and Father were first cousins,” Harry said with a sigh. “And that the Black family is related to almost every pureblood family in the UK including the Potters. Every pureblood family is related in some way I think.”

“I see the problem then,” Ryoga said. “My parents are distantly enough related that the only thing they share is the family curse. But having children with someone who’s a closely related cousin…”

“Or a sibling, I think that might have happen with the Gaunts, Morfin and Marvolo were completely out of their minds,” Harry said. “I wonder how much of that ended up passing on to Voldemort and how much of his insanity came from the blackest of the Dark Arts.”

“Maybe that’s what the memories are about?” Ryoga guessed.

“Maybe… but why not just tell me?” Harry said, sighing again as he laid his head back on Ryoga’s shoulder. “I just feel this is a test or a game sometimes, Dumbledore has never given me a straight answer unless he had too. He swore at the end of the last year he would stop but sometimes I feel he’s still pulling the same crap.”

“You could call him out on it,” Ryoga suggested.

“If he doesn’t get to the point of these ‘lessons’, I think I will,” Harry agreed. The two teens sat in peaceful quietness for a few more minutes, with the air cleared between them about their shared attraction to each other, Ryoga and Harry were comfortable with each other again. “So what’s up with Hermione and Ranma? Monie looked ready to hex him and Ranma looked a little too smug.”

Ryoga’s arms tightened slightly around Harry’s waist then sighed, Harry was going to find out sooner or later and he could never lie to the smaller boy.

“It happened while you were with Dumbledore-sensei….”


“Come on Ranma, you need to finish your Charms work,” Hermione said as she badgered Ranma about his school work.

“This crap isn’t even due for over a week,” Ranma said in a bored tone. “I got plenty of time to work on it.” Hermione huffed at the pig-tailed boy. Even thought Ranma wasn’t in regular classes just yet all of the teachers assigned his homework to make sure he understood the material. Of course, Ranma being Ranma, the youth didn’t enjoy doing the school work either way and was putting it off as long as possible like most boys his age. On top of that Ranma just plain didn’t enjoy school having spent most of his life on the road. The amount of times he had gone to school could be counted on one hand and when he had gone, Ranma would sit at his desk, half asleep, bored out of his mind, while the teachers droned on.

It wasn’t that Ranma was stupid of course, and he did pay attention to the teachers, no matter his attitude Ranma’s grades reflected that he understood what he was being taught. But he still hated homework. And he hated being bugged and pushed into doing it instead of relaxing by Hermione.

“It’s never too early to finish homework, I understand if you don’t understand the lesson but that’s why-“ Hermione started to say before she was cut off.

“I understand the spells,” Ranma said. “I just don’t see the point of doing the work, right this second.”

“You’re essay will be rushed if you do it at the last minute, honestly doesn’t anyone care about their grades around here?” Hermione huffed, she had to go through this with Ron often enough. Harry wasn’t that bad, he usually would try to finish his assignments unless he was distracted by Ron.

“It’s due in a week, so I’ll do it later,” Ranma drawled as he closed his book, he was tired of looking at the English letters, it was giving him a headache.

“Ranma, you’re years behind us and it’s going to take work to get you caught up in time to take your OWLS this year,” Hermione said with a sigh. Ranma shrugged his shoulders in an uncaring way.

“I get this stuff can make life easier but I plan on spending my life teaching the Art, waving a stick has nothing to do with that so I have all the time in the world to learn,” Ranma said.

“You can’t plan on that! Your silly fighting style isn’t going to get you through life,” Hermione huffed then shivered as the air suddenly became colder. She looked up from her books at Ranma who was glaring at her coldly.

“Do not call the Art a ‘silly fighting style’,” Ranma said in a dead serious voice. “I have dedicated my life to learning Martial Arts, this whole magic thing doesn’t even compare in the end. So if I want to put off doing this stupid homework until later I will.” Hermione gulped, she had never seen the Japanese teen like this before. Ranma leaned forward deciding to use his trump card to get her off his back. “Listen Granger, if you don’t lay off I’m going to tell Harry what you did.”

“Wh-what do you mean?” Hermione said a slight waver in her voice.

“You know, the spell you cast at his tryouts?” Ranma said with a smirk as he leaned his chin on his hand. “The one that made that one guy miss that shot and gave Ron-san his place on your sports team?”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Hermione said with a sniff.

“Sure you do and if you don’t get off my back, so will Harry,” Ranma said. Hermione huffed at Ranma and turned her attention to her homework and books, not saying another word to the other teen though she did shoot a glare his way every few minutes.

On the nearby couch where Ryoga was laying watching the fire in the fireplace while waiting for Harry to return, Ryoga heard every word even though Ranma had been speaking softly. Ryoga had very good hearing and was used to keeping an ear out for any nearby sounds while on the road. He knew he would have to tell Harry this, this wasn’t something he could keep from his friend.

End flashback…

“She did what?” Harry said his face pale in shock then started to redden in anger. “I can’t believe her! Why would she do something like that?”

“I don’t know,” Ryoga said with a shake of his head, rubbing Harry’s arms as he tried to calm the rightfully angry wizard back down as he eyed the objects in the room that started to shake. “What are you going to do about it?” The shaking stopped and Harry sagged back against Ryoga’s chest again.

“I don’t know,” Harry groaned. He tried so hard to make the tryouts fair as possible, he had really thought Ron had done better than McLaggen and had been relieved that Ron was on the team not only because it was his friend but also because McLaggen was an annoying git who didn’t understand the concept of keeping his mouth shut or being a team player. “I think even if I go down there and confront her about it, everyone is going to think I was in on it since Ron is one of my best friends. And let’s be honest, McLaggen was the only other person that was any good but I don’t want him on the team. He would drive everyone nuts.”

Ryoga hummed softly, resting his chin on the top of Harry’s head.

“So don’t,” He said at last.

“What?” Harry leaned his head back to look at Ryoga, dislodging the other’s chin off his head.

“Don’t say anything, just leave everything the way it is,” Ryoga explained. “Confront Hermione-san when it’s just the two of you. See what she has to say for herself.”

“I guess,” Harry said. “I think I might have to go to Professor McGonagall too. I don’t want to get Hermione into trouble but…” Harry shook his head; this was a little too much. He had been accused of being a thief and a cheat plenty of times but he had always tried to be fair when he could.

“You handle this how you want it to be handled,” Ryoga said, knowing he would go with whatever Harry decided.

“Ok, first chance when we’re alone then,” Harry said with a sigh.


The next morning Harry was sitting on his bed as he got ready for the day. It was the first Hogsmeade weekend of the year and more importantly, today was his date with Ryoga. Ranma was keeping an eye on the Eternal Lost Boy down in the Great Hall so he wouldn’t get lost. To say Harry was nervous was an understatement. His only experience with dating was with the Ravenclaw Cho Chang, a girl he had a crush on during his 4th and start of his 5th year but the date didn’t go over so well, Harry never wanted to set foot is Madam Puddlefoot’s Tea Shop ever again. She had wanted to talk about Cedric who she dated the year before when the older boy had been killed and was upset when Harry didn’t want to talk about him. There had been other things as well that had made that date go wrong.

But Harry had a feeling that he would have a better date this time around, at least he hoped so. He twisted the ring on his finger as butterflies flew around in his stomach, he felt like such a girl. Glancing around the dorm room to get his mind off of the upcoming date, Harry smiled to himself as he saw Ron sitting on his bed pouring over that potions book again. No offence to his friend but Harry never thought he would see the day when Ron wanted to read something other than Quidditch books or that wizarding comic about a mad muggle. It was nice to see Ron take his education very seriously for once, it assured Harry that Ron really was trying his best to get into the Aurors. Turning away from his friend, Harry didn’t see Ron waving his wand while reciting a spell the boy found in the margins of the book.

“Levicorpus,” Ron said, looking up as Harry gave an alarmed yell as he was hoisted into the air and hung here by his ankle over his bed.

“Bloody hell!” Harry said as he waved his arms in alarm. Ron looked up at Harry in surprise and alarm, he hadn’t meant to cast the spell on Harry or anyone for that matter. “Ron! Get me down!”

“Merlin!” Ron yelped then started to franticly search the book. “Hold on, hold on…. Liberacorpus!”

As soon as the counter-jinx hit Harry, releasing him from the spell, the teen hit the bed then bounced off the mattress onto the floor.


“Merlin Harry, are you ok?” Ron asked as he hurried over to Harry’s side. Harry groaned as he sat up rubbing his head. He slugged Ron in arm with his other hand. “The bloody hell was that for?” Ron asked as he held a hand over the spot.

“For casting a jinx on me,” Harry said as he climbed off the hard stone floor. (2)

Ron blushed and stood up as well. “Sorry, I didn’t mean too, it was a spell in that potions book I was using.”

“Well, watch where you’re pointing your wand next time,” Harry said with a sigh. In the back of his mind, there was something really familiar about the spell but Harry couldn’t put his finger on what off the top of his head. “Come on, let’s just go down to breakfast.”

“Great, I’m starving,” Ron said as he snatched his wand off his bedspread. “Then it’s off to Hogsmeade! I want to go to Honeyduke’s and pick up some chocolate bars then we should-“

“Ron, I’m going to Hogsmeade with Ryoga,” Harry said interrupting his friend.

“What? Why?” Ron asked.

“Well… um… we have a date,” Harry said as his cheeks flushed.

“Date? As in a date date?” Ron asked. “Like holding hands and snogging?”

“I don’t think we’re going to go as far as a snog on the first date Ron,” Harry said as he blushed brightly.

“I thought you liked girls, mate,” Ron said.

“Last time I dated a girl didn’t go over so well,” Harry pointed out. “And well… I like Ryoga, at least enough to try dating him.”

“Huh… oh well I guess I’ll go with Hermione then,” Ron said with a shrug of his shoulders.

“You don’t have a problem with me dating another guy?” Harry asked. Ron scratched the side of his nose as he tried to put his thoughts into words.

“Well I hope you’re not dreaming of ever snogging me,” He said as last. “No offence mate but I’m not interested in that. But if you want to go with another guy as long as you’re happy with it…” He shrugged his shoulders again.

“Thanks Ron,” Harry said, relieved that Ron was ok with the idea. He loved the other boy like a brother but sometimes he couldn’t tell what the red heads thoughts were on certain subjects. He was thrilled to bits that Ron wasn’t a homophobe.

“Sure thing mate,” Ron said with a grin. “Come on, I’m starving and you gotta meet your lover boy.”

“Ron!” Harry yelled, laughing as he followed the other out of the dorm and toward the Great Hall.


When they arrived in the Great Hall, Ron and Harry found the rest of their friends sitting at the Gryffindor table. Ron squawked in protest when he saw Ranma was once again acting as a human vacuum and eating everything in sight, hurrying over to get his share of the food. Harry chuckled and moved over to sit next to Ryoga at the table who offered a shy smile.

“I still can’t believe he eats more than ten Ron’s,” Harry joked.

“You should see his father eat,” Ryoga muttered. “Both of them can clear a table in no time flat.”

“Nihao!” Shampoo greeted happily as she slipped into the seat next to Ranma. “Ranma go with Shampoo to village? Shampoo never been, Great Grandmother wants Shampoo to pick up items from stores.”

“Err, yeah I guess,” Ranma said as he slowed down eating to answer the purple hair girl. Shampoo smiled happily, as long as she didn’t call it a ‘date’ Ranma seemed content to go with her.

“Excuse me,” A voice said from behind Harry. He turned and was faced with a younger student who from the badge on his school robe was a Hufflepuff. “I was asked to deliver theses.” The boy handed a scroll to Harry, Ryoga, Hermione and Ranma then moved down the table. Harry frowned confused, watching as the Hufflepuff handed another scroll to Neville and Ginny then moved to the other side to give one to McLaggen.

“What’s this?” Ranma asked as he held up the scroll.

“I have no idea,” Harry said as he slid the ribbon keeping the scroll rolled up off then opened it to read. “It’s an invite for lunch in something called the ‘Slug Club’ at Three Broomsticks this afternoon.”

“Slug Club?” Ranma repeated as he read his scroll as well. “The hell is that?”

“It’s hosted by Professor Slughorn,” Hermione said as she noticed the signature at the bottom of the scroll.

“Why would Professor Slughorn invite us to lunch?” Harry asked.

“I don’t know, but I think we should go,” Hermione said as she closed the scroll back up.

“Why? He’s not our professor,” Harry pointed out; he really didn’t want anything to do with this man after hearing Slughorn ‘collected’ students.

“Oh don’t be rude Harry,” Hermione scolded lightly. “He’s still one of the professors here at the school and think of what we might learn during lunch.”

“So why the hell were we invited?” Ranma asked as he waved his scroll around. “I ain’t even in any potion classes and P-chan here is in the Old Mummy’s class too. I don’t see a reason why either of us were invited.”

“Well I guess you’ll find out when you go to lunch,” Hermione said.

“Hermione-“ Harry started to say with a sigh since having his date interrupted by lunch with the new professor wasn’t high on his list of things to do today.

“We’re going to the Three Broomsticks for lunch anyway,” Hermione pointed out.

“I think Harry and Ryoga got other plans Monie,” Ron pointed out. While he didn’t want to go to some club meeting with one of the professors Ron was a bit miffed that his two friends were invited but he wasn’t.

“We’ll still likely have lunch at the Three Broomsticks,” Harry said with a sigh as he stuffed the scroll into the pocket of his robes. “The only other places I know of are Madame Puddlefoot’s and Hogs Head.”

“Well come on, the gates should be open and we can head down to Hogsmeade now,” Hermione said as she pushed away from the table. The boys sighed and followed her, Shampoo latching onto Ranma’s arm.


“So… where should we go?” Harry asked as soon as they were in the hamlet. The rest of the group had separated from them, Hermione and Ron going one way and Ranma and Shampoo the other. This left the two dark hair teens to themselves. Hermione had taken one look at the two blushing boys when they said it was just the two of them today then just gave a little grin before dragging Ron off. Harry, who was still pissed at Hermione for what she did to his tryouts and had to find the time to get her alone so he could tear her a new one, was not surprised that she figured out they were on a date without saying so.

“I’ve walked through here a couple of times but I haven’t really explored,” Ryoga said. “We could just go and see what we find.” Harry smiled and took Ryoga’s hand, heading down the brightly colored streets. Harry and Ryoga visited the different stores, chatting about what ever came to mind. While visiting the side streets Harry had never gone down before they discovered even more tiny shops that Harry had no idea were even there. One of which was a small café on a street corner. The owner was glad to serve, telling Harry she never believed what the paper had said the year before since the few times she seen him in Hogsmeade he seemed like a good kid. Harry blushed and thanked the older witch.

Soon they were seated at one of the outside tables surrounded by a warming charm to keep out the snow and the cold, people watching as they sipped on their drinks. Ryoga filled the air with conversation as he told Harry about some of his many misadventures, like the time after Checkers had her puppies.

“You really thought Ranma was your sister?” Harry asked with a small laugh. Ryoga blushed slightly and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Yes and no. I was sure I didn’t have any siblings at all and there is no one in my family that has red hair but when you rarely see your own parents…. I just wasn’t sure,” Ryoga said with a sigh. “I always wanted a brother or sister and I guess suddenly having a sister drop into my lap that I could protect… I guess I just hoped and let myself be fooled. I felt like such a fool when my Dad confirmed I was their only child.”

“Why would Ranma even do something so cruel?” Harry asked. Ryoga sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

“Could be any of several things. His ego, the fact I was trying to trick him so I could spend time with Akane alone, the fact I was trying to spend any time with his fiancée at all,” Ryoga explained. “Ranma isn’t a... overly cruel person but I always end up as the butt of his tricks. A lot of how he is could be blamed on his father.”

“From what little I heard about him, Ranma’s dad doesn’t seem very nice,” Harry said.

“Genma Saotome… there are a lot of ways to describe him. He’s pushed Ranma to be the very best martial artist in the world and then calls him a weak girl if Ranma ever loses. He’s the one who made Ranma go through the Nekoken training and isn’t above using Ranma’s fear against him,” Ryoga explained with a grimace. “He once tried to use me to punish Ranma by telling me I was his new heir of the Anything Goes School. I didn’t really believe him but it was giving me a chance to get back at Ranma some so I went along with it. He tried to get me to use Ranma’s cat fear on him and threw a fit when I refused. And the whole reason behind all that? Ranma ate the last of his snacks.”

“So Ranma’s father went through all that to punish his son instead of just going to get more food?” Harry asked in disbelief. When Ryoga nodded Harry gave a snort of disgust and shook his head. “He sounds a bit like my uncle. Uncle Vernon used to trick me when I was really little, getting my hopes up that I would finally be treated like one of the family but then he’d take it back laughing at me.”

“I don’t like your family,” Ryoga said with a small growl.

“I don’t like them either. Dudley… Dudley’s main fault is that Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon spoiled him and he thought it was ok to bully me since they did it all the time. He might have turned out alright if it hadn’t been for them. Uncle Vernon is just a bastard and Aunt Petunia is a jealous old bitch,” Harry said bitterly as he stirred his drink with his straw.

“Harry-chan… did they… I mean…. How bad was the abuse?” Ryoga asked softly. Harry sighed and stared down at the table. “You don’t have to say anything, I’m sorry I brought it up.”

“No it’s ok, a lot of people don’t really ask and I don’t like talking about it, mostly because nothing ever changes. I tried telling my teachers in primary but nothing ever came from it and I learned to keep my mouth shut after it got back to my guardians,” Harry said. “How bad was it? Well…” Harry reached up and rubbed his face, he generally didn’t like talking about his home life with his relatives as nothing seemed to change if he did. But now he knew he never had to return to the Dursley’s as the blood wards had collapsed after he teleported to Japan.

“It’s not as bad as you might be thinking. For the most part it was verbal abuse and neglect, my guardians called me ‘freak’ and ‘boy’ all the time. I honestly didn’t know my name was Harry until I started school. They didn’t like me making better grades than Dudley so I really had to dumb down my school work and I did all the chores in and around the house. Cooked too, didn’t get much of it, but they did feed me enough to make it. Only time I wasn’t fed was when I was being punished for using accidental magic, not that I understood that at the time. My aunt and uncle tried to beat it into my head that magic wasn’t real,” Harry explained. “And I slept in the cupboard under the stairs even though the house had 4 bedrooms.”

“If they had 4 rooms, why the cupboard?” Ryoga asked, upset that this all happened to his friend and love interest growing up.

“I wasn’t good enough to have a room, I was a freak to them remember?” Harry said. “One of the extra rooms was the guest room, only Aunt Marge slept there, and the other one, that I used once I started getting my Hogwarts letters, is Dudley’s second room where he keeps all his broken toys and the stuff he doesn’t want but is too spoiled to throw out. And of course I was never allowed to join in on holiday and birthday celebrations, I was either locked in my cupboard or sent to Mrs. Figgs.”

“Did… did they ever hit you?” Ryoga asked softly almost afraid of what the answer would be. Harry nodded slightly and sighed.

“Yeah, a few times. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon didn’t like touching me if they could avoid it. A few smacks here and there by my uncle and of course he was fond of throwing me into my cupboard. Aunt Petunia tried when I was younger to hit me with a frying pan, I always dodged her attempts,” Harry said. “Mostly it was Dudley who did all the physical abuse, he loved using me as his punching bag. Remember the day we met?”

Ryoga nodded, he remembered it well. A little nine year old boy who looked much younger with the biggest green eyes he had seen on anyone, those eyes always stuck with him all these years.

“It was my birthday that day. Dudley had heard about ‘birthday spankings’ from some older kids and wanted to do the same to me,” Harry said. “Of course, it was intended to be more than ‘spankings’ but you put a stop to it before it could get worse.”

“At least I stopped that,” Ryoga muttered under his breath looking depressed.

“It’s ok Ryoga, all of that is in the past now,” Harry said as he reached over to touch Ryoga’s arm.

“Yeah but now I feel I’ve ruined this date,” Ryoga said sadly.

“Talking about my past with my aunt and uncle is painful but I’m kinda glad I did, I never really told anyone. Hermione and Ron got a few ideas of what went on but I never really told them much,” Harry said with a shrug of his shoulders. “Besides, you know the best part of it all?”

“Hmm?” Ryoga looked up at Harry curiously. Harry grinned and leaned forward slightly.

“I don’t ever have to return there so I can put my past behind me and look to the future. It might be a short one if I’m not able to bump off Riddle or he kills me first but it’s still something to look forward to,” Harry told him.

“I won’t let that bastard lay a hand on you,” Ryoga growled protectively. Harry’s cheeks became pink as he blushed, the pit of his belly warm as Ryoga spoke so protectively about him.

“Come on, we still have some time before we have to go to that stupid lunch with that Slug Club thing, we can make the day nice again,” Harry said as he stood, holding his hand out to Ryoga. Ryoga gave him a goofy smile and grabbed Harry’s hand, letting the younger teen lead him away.


Author note: First new chapter of the year for this story ^_^, e-yea!

(1) Remember, I'm more familiar with the movie than I am with the book. This memory wasn’t shown in the movie so I'm mostly going by what I can find on the internet. I don't own any Harry Potter books so I can't go reference that. On a second note, where the hell do all these wizards and witches get their ideas of how muggles dress?!

Beta note: They probably go to a second hand muggle store and grab what they like. Of course, they don’t know how they dress, just that it’s ‘muggle’ clothing.

(2) I know this didn't happen in the movies, in fact it seems to be a pretty common spell or something as the DA learned it. But in the books this spell was in Snape's old potion book and Harry used it on Ron by accident. Except this time Ron is the one with the book so he used it on Harry by accident.

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