Categories > TV > Supernatural > Bloodlines Re-Write

“Penina, are you ready yet?” Hozzie called to her twin sister upstairs “You won’t have time for breakfast if you take any longer.”

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Penina said, clattering down the stairs, her bag bouncing against her leg “What do we have?”


“I hate cornflakes, they have absolutely no taste.”

“I don’t like them either but Mum hasn’t been shopping.” Hozzie sighed and tucked a strand of her long black hair behind her ear “And I don’t know when she’ll be back.”

Penina bit her lip “She’s been gone since Sunday.”

“I know.”

“And it’s Friday now.”

“I know.”

“So maybe something’s gone wrong-”

“Penina, she’s always like this.” Hozzie said, biting her lip “She’ll have found some guy and she’ll be staying at his place until she realises that he’s actually a pig and then she’ll come. Then she’ll take it out on us. Then she’ll feel bad and buy us loads of stuff with money that she doesn’t have. She always does this.”

“I know but it’s normally only a couple of days.” Penina said “It’s nearly been an entire week now.”

“Whatever.” Hozzie saw Penina looking worried “Hey, I still have a fiver left over from the guilt money she gave us last time. What if we buy some chocolate and stuff tonight, build a den in the living room and watch movies all night?”

Penina smiled, cheering up “I like that idea.”

The twins sat at the table eating their cornflakes as quickly as possible because they were running slightly late “I hate school so much.” Penina said “Why can’t we just skip?”

“Because that social worker has been poking around and I don’t want us taken into care.” Hozzie said “I overheard her telling Mum she was monitoring our attendance ‘cos we’ve already taken so many days off.”

“Why don’t you wanna get taken into care? It beats Mum coming home and taking her anger out on us. And basically looking after ourselves.”

“What if they split us up?” Hozzie asked “I don’t trust social workers. No, we have to stick together.”

Penina nodded and the two of them put their dirty bowls into the washing up bowl and raced out of the house.

They were halfway down the road when they noticed an ambulance and several police cars outside one of their neighbours houses “Isn’t that Mrs Wilsons house?” Penina asked.

“Yeah, the old woman that gave us food when we were little?” Hozzie said “I wonder what happened.”

“Meh, she was old, she was gonna go eventually.”

“Yeah but we only saw her yesterday remember. She asked if we were okay.” Hozzie said, looking worried.

The twins got closer and noticed a tall man with jaw-length brown hair wearing a suit talking to one of the police officers “Do you think he’s part of the FBI?” Penina asked.

“Excuse me?” A guy to their right made them jump out of their skins. They turned to see a slightly shorter guy wearing an identically black suit “Did you know Mrs Wilson?”

“Who’s asking?” Penina asked.

“Detective Banner.” The man said, pulling a badge out of his pocket and showing it to them “FBI.”

“I knew it!” Penina cried.

“I was just wondering if you knew Mrs Wilson and if I could ask you a couple of questions about her.”

“Um, yeah, I guess so.” Penina said “What happened to her?”

“I can’t go into details but she passed away last night and we’re not entirely sure how or what happened.” He opened up a notebook “So, when was the last time you two saw Mrs Wilson?”

“Last night.”

“Can you give me a specific time?”

“Uh, I’m not one hundred percent sure but we were on our way home from school. It was probably just after four.”

“Did she say anything to you?”

“Yeah, she asked if we were okay. You know, the way neighbours do.”

“And did anything seem out of place? Anything at all, no matter how insignificant you think it might be.”

Penina shook her head and glanced at Hozzie “Can you think of anything?” Hozzie shook her head, keeping her eyes on the ground. She hated strangers “I’m sorry but everything seemed absolutely normal.”

“And you didn’t hear or see anything during the night? Something or someone entering her house or anything strange?”

“Wait, do you think she was murdered?” Penina asked excitedly “Who do you think did it?”

“I don’t think she was murdered; I just have to ask all the questions. Did you see anything unusual?”

“No. She was just some old lady and it was probably her time.” Penina said with a shrug then looked at her watch “Oh shit, I’m really sorry Sir but we’re going to be late. We really need to go.”

Without waiting for a reply, Penina took off down the road and Hozzie had to run to keep up with her “Penina, please stop, I hate running.” Hozzie panted.

“I’m not exactly fond of it myself.” Penina said, slowing down “But we’re running so late.”

“So long as we turn up.” Hozzie said dismissively “What do you think was with all the questions? Do you think someone did murder Mrs Wilson?”

“I don’t know. If they did, what would be the point? What’s the point in killing some innocent old lady?”

“I don’t know. I liked Mrs Wilson. She was the only person who cared about us on that stupid street.” Hozzie said.

“Whatever. We’ll never know.”
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