Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > True to Your Heart
True to Your Heart
(#) syntheticlove1 2006-08-13
THATS ME!! points to screen, rapidly jumping up and down
Great chapter!
No, we dont get notices that you reply to our comments, I look back and see if I get replied too.Author's response
haha thanks...hope you liked it. oh ok...thanksTrue to Your Heart
(#) syntheticlove1 2006-08-13
I did like it!
I swear, not just saying this, but you guys are really talented.
No lie.
I enjoy reading your stories, and I actually feel things when I read them.Author's response
aww i'm glad that makes us really happy to hear...we have been writing together for over 2 years now...we have fun and hope others like them...I'm glad you do!True to Your Heart
(#) syntheticlove1 2006-08-13
How many stories have you guys done all together?
And where can I read them?Author's response
i think last time we counted we had 9+ together...this is our first attempt at fall out boy fiction. The others have been gotti stories and originals...I have a fob story i started on our current message board...(link in our profile) and our other stories are found here....its a dead bored but we use it to host our stories... i have to say the fob are my favorite that we wrote...but the others are good too
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