Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Potter Twins and the Sorcerer's Stone

Robes and Snakes

by InkedRose 0 reviews

Aralynn encounters Lucius Malfoy.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Arthur Weasley,Lucius,Ron - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2015-03-21 - 2981 words

Now that it was the middle of August, it was time for the Weasleys to gather what money they could find and travel to Diagon Alley, where they would be getting supplies for the start of the new school year at Hogwarts School and Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Burrow is chaotic as the Weasley family members run back and forth, trying to find as many coins as they possible could. Arthur ran up and down the stairs, turning over mattresses and scavenging through drawers. Molly empties every single pot she can. Fred and George dig holes near the chicken coop, where they had been burying coins of different value throughout the entire summer. Percy holes himself in his bedroom, where he counts the money he has been saving throughout his previous school year, and the summer. Ginevra, who was not yet old enough to attend Hogwarts, helps her family scour every item that's able to be closed. Ron and Aralynn remove cushions from the couch, and when a shimmer is seen in the sunlight, Aralynn shoves her hand between the wires of the couch and scoops a handful of clanging coins into her palm. "I found thirteen knuts and six sickles!" she exclaims, running up three flights of stairs before she slams into her father. "I found thirteen knuts and six sickles," she reiterates and drops the coins into the pouch her father has been carrying around while searching for money.

"Good job, Little Red!" Arthur beams, and then turns to continue his frantic search.

Aralynn jogged back down all of the stairs she had come up to rejoin Ron near the couch. "Have you found anything yet?" she asks, glancing to him. "We've done a decent job already, but it's not nearly enough for everything we're going to need."

Ron threw one of the couch cushions down in frustration. "No!" he roars, "no, I haven't found a single thing! Why don't you leave me alone about it?"

Aralynn blinks at her brother in response before knitting her eyebrows together. "Ron, what's wrong with you?" she inquires, "why are you acting like this?"

The boy throws himself down on the couch in exasperation. He rubs at his eyes irritably, and then looks up to her. "It's not fair that you're allowed to get new things, but mostly everything I have is secondhand. I want new stuff, too."

Aralynn frowns, sitting next to him. "I would get secondhand stuff, too, but I'm the oldest girl. Mum and Dad can't really give me George's old robes, and you've already gotten their books."

"It's not fair," Ron grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest.

Aralynn presses her lip together briefly then wraps an arm around her brother's shoulders. "When we're in Diagon Alley, I buy you something with the galleons Charlie gave me," she reassures.

Though Ron looks defiant to give in to her talk, he glances to her. "You promise?" he asks quietly.

"I promise," she reiterates.

Ron sighs in defeat with a nod. "All right," he agrees.

Aralynn gives him a smile and nudges him playfully. "Come on," she coaxes, "we should be leaving soon."

Having been bested by his sister, Ronald Weasley stands from the couch and walks into the living with his sister, but not without giving her a gentle shove. They stand near the fireplace and watch their family bustle about. Fred and George return to the house, their hands and knees covered with dirt, but with several bronze coins within their fingers. "We found a few knuts!" they chime together. "Think it'll help?"

"It always helps," Molly tells her sons and takes the coins within her own hands, and dumps them into the sack when Arthur opens it for her. "When will you be leaving?" she asks him.

"In a moment," he answers, knotting the sack towards the opening to tuck into his pocket.

"Can't I come with you, Daddy?" the young Ginny asks. "I want to see Diagon Alley!"

"No, no," he denies. "You're going to stay with your mother and help her around the house. We'll be back shortly."

Ginny stomps her foot angrily. "I want to go to Diagon Alley!"

"You will, Ginny," Arthur replies, "next year, when you're accepted."

"This isn't fair!"

"Oh, hush, dear," Molly coos and redirects her to the kitchen. "Will you be taking the Floo Network?"

"Quickest way," Arthur nods.

His wife pauses and fishes through the apron tied around her torso. She pulls out eight sickles, offering them to him. "We'll need more after this," she says, "get eight scoops, will you?"

"Of course," her husband agrees as he takes the coins from her palm. He then leans forward to press a kiss to her cheek. "Best be off," he says, gathering his children around the fireplace, "all right, Percy, you first."

Percy nods and steps into the fireplace. When his mother holds out a flower pot for him, he reaches into it and gathers a fistful of silvery powder. The family watches as he holds himself proudly, and then enunciates, "Diagon Alley." He throws the powder down and is sent away in a flare of brilliant green flames. Once the flames clear away, the fireplace stands empty.

Fred, then George, is the next to use the Floo Network to travel to Diagon Alley. When they disappear in the same green flames, Arthur goes through to wait for Ron and Aralynn on the other side. Aralynn waves to Ron with a smile on her face as he disappears and then steps into the fireplace herself. Molly offers her the flower pot, and Aralynn takes the last of the powder in her right hand. "Diagon Alley," she says as she throws the powder down to the wood. The flames rise and suck her away. She travels through time and space as a blob coalescing with the atmosphere until she regenerates in full, solid form. She takes a step forward to see her father and brother waiting for her. They smile at her successful transfer.

"Made it through in one piece, huh?" George taunts.

"Thought we might see an arm land before the rest of you," Fred adds.

"Not to worry, boys," she grins triumphantly. "I'm the master."

"Yes master!" they cry together and begin bowing towards her with their arms outstretched. Aralynn laughs and follows behind her father when he begins to head for the shop of Diagon Alley.

Though she had heard a lot of different things about it, Aralynn had never been to the Alley, herself. She had always dreamed of it, of course, most magical children do. Diagon Alley was rumored to be beautiful and funky and interesting, and she wanted to witness, firsthand, all that was beautiful and funky and interesting about it. Now that it was her time, and she was old enough to attend the supply runs, she could feel excitement coursing through her veins. This year was directed around her, and that was exciting, in itself. Never mind the new things she would be receiving, all she could think about was the shops, the people, and the merchandise.

They step into the cobblestone alley, and Aralynn's face lights up with awe at the beauty of the area. There are shops lining each side of the alley of all different colors: blues and reds and greens and golds. It is all very mesmerizing for the first-time and returning eyes. As they weave their way between shops, Aralynn stops to study several items concealed behind several shop windows. There are jars full of animal organs, vials filled to the brim with questionably colored liquids, showcased wands and robes, unsteady stacks of books, and other shimmering trinkets that should would love to inspect, and even buy, regardless of whether or not she knew what it was.

"Keep up, Aralynn!" Arthur shouts from the head of the group.

Aralynn looks in her father's direction and jogs to catch up with the rest of them. As much as she wished she could stop and stare and gawk; she knew there was a limited amount of time they had, especially before their start date at Hogwarts. The first of September was in two or so weeks, and it was absolutely vital that they get the supplies they need before traveling to Platform 9 and ¾ to board the Hogwarts Express. However, she studied as much as she could along their walk down the cobblestone roads. "Dad?" she inquires, "where are we going?"

Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions," he answers. "It's best we get you fitted before going anywhere else. That will be the longest of our trip, and it's important to see that through before shopping for your books and such."

Aralynn nods in understanding and travels to stand next to Ron. She gives him a small nudge with her elbow and displays a wide grin from ear to ear. "Isn't this exciting?" she asks him.

"Brilliant," he mutters sarcastically, "absolutely brilliant."

"Are you still irritated from earlier?" she wonders with furrowed eyebrows. "I told you I would buy you something Ron, please don't be like this."

"I'm fine," he replies with a tone that is a little too hard.

Aralynn sighs in defeat and ambles away from him to give him distance. When they stop in front of an aged shop, that of which is Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, Arthur turns to the older half of his children and tells them they are allowed to wander Diagon Alley by themselves, so long as they behave. When Fred and George half-heartedly agreed, Arthur Weasley arranged for the eldest of the current group, Percy, to be their designated 'babysitter' for all intents and purposes. Percy gladly agreed, and walked off with the twins, who were huffing and puffing with mutters of feeling betrayed by their father.

"Come on, children," he says to Ron and Aralynn when he turns to them. Arthur escorts the children inside of the shop and he glances back and forth. "Madam Malkin?" he calls out, "it's Arthur Weasley, and I've come to get my daughter fitted for her Hogwarts robes!"

"Arthur?" says a high-pitched voice. From the back room, a stout and wide body comes bustling towards the register, where the three Weasleys are standing. "Arthur Weasley, you are a sight for sore eyes! It's been such a long time since we last met!"

"Indeed it has," he nods with a smile. He looks to his children and pulls Aralynn to stand in front of him, and he places his hands on her shoulders. "Madam Malkin, this is my daughter, Aralynn. She's going to be a first year at Hogwarts in September, and we don't have any girls' robes to fit her, so we've come to the finest sewing establishment in all of England!"

"Oh, Arthur, you flatter me!" the small woman exclaims with flushed cheeks. She turns her attention to young Aralynn, looking her over with an unfaltering smile. "Oh, you're absolutely gorgeous! Not to worry, darling, we'll have new robes fitted for you in a jiff!"

Aralynn gives the friendly woman a small smile, and follows behind her when she starts to lead her into the back room; where all of her measuring and sewing is done. The silver-haired woman comes to a stop and gestures to a small platform for Aralynn to stand on. "It'll make you taller," she says to Aralynn, who is already quite a bit taller than Madam Malkin herself. "It'll make it easier for me to hem the bottom!"

Aralynn obediently steps onto the platform, as instructed. Madam Malkin gives her a cheerful smile and disappears into a curtain-protected room. When she returns, she has black cloth, needles, and black thread in her hands. Aralynn watches as she pulls out her wand and mutters something under her breath and begins to levitate. The woman floats upwards and helps Aralynn put the robe on her body. Afterwards, she immediately begins pinning the cloth back to fit her body.

"Are you their only girl?" Madam Malkin asks to make conversation.

"I'm the eldest," Aralynn answers. "Ginny is my sister. She's the youngest in our family."

"Are you excited to be starting Hogwarts?"

"Yes," Aralynn replies with a small smile. "I've heard it's wonderful."

"Oh, yes, it is," the woman responds. "Albus Dumbledore is the headmaster. He's a generous and kind man."

"I've heard that," the girl responds. "My mother and father talk about him a lot. Percy does, too, sometimes, and Ron collects the cards from the Chocolate Frog packages."

"Does he have a card of Albus?"

"I think so," Aralynn replies. "Though, I've never seen it. He likes to keep them hidden away. He's afraid that Fred and George will do something to it."

Madam Malkin lets out a hearty laugh. "They are very valuable cards, if you have enough of them."

Aralynn smiles down at her, and watches her with her needle and thread. "Did you go to Hogwarts?"

"Yes," she agrees, "I was in Hufflepuff."

Before Aralynn can ask any further questions, Madam Malkin excuses herself to the curtain-covered room once again. The bell above the shop door rings, thus indicating someone has either left or entered. A tall, platinum blond-haired man with a pale, pointed face and grey eyes begins to walk towards the room where Aralynn stands alone. As he does, the walking stick in his right hand hits the flooring with a proud thud every few seconds. Beside him is a slender boy with his head held proudly, who bears a strikingly uncanny resemblance to his counterpart. When the two come into full view, Aralynn watches them with a nervous feeling twisting in the pit of her stomach.

The elder of the two matches his cold, grey eyes with Aralynn's warm, green ones. The two hold a stare before he takes three steps forward, and now stands only inches away from her. "And who are you?" he asks with a smooth voice like a snake's hissing.

"Aralynn," she replies, "Aralynn Weasley."

"Weasley is it?" he mocks in a tone tinged with disbelief. "I see."

Aralynn narrows her eyes at the man, and glances to the boy. "I've told you who I am, now it's only polite you tell me who you are."

"Oh, yes, of course," he replies lazily, "where are my manners? My name is Lucius Malfoy, and this is my son, Draco."

Draco Malfoy says nothing, but makes eye contact with the girl, which seems to be his way of saying 'hello'. The room is silent for a few long moments before he turns towards her. "Hello," is all he says.

"Hello," Aralynn replies, then looks to Lucius Malfoy. The two give her an uneasy feeling.

Madam Malkin returns from the other room, and begins sewing Aralynn's robe without sparing a single glance to the two blond men. She sews in silence for several minutes, and then says: "Is there something I can do for you, Mr. Malfoy?"

"In fact, there is," he replies haughtily. "My boy need robe, as his first year at Hogwarts is soon starting. I have his measurements here. All I need you to do is fashion them."

When Lucius Malfoy sees that Madam Malkin is making no effort to oblige to his whim, he then adds, and with a venomous tone, "immediately."

Madam Malkin's eyes flicker with irritation. "As you can see, Mr. Malfoy, I am currently with a customer. I will be happy to serve you, but you will wait your turn."

"I demand to be served now!" he shouts. When Madam Malkin does not react, Lucius takes his cane, and drives the base of it into the floor.

The woman masks her anger with cheerfulness, and turns to him with a bright smile. "I will be with you as soon as I am done with my current customer, sir. Thank you for your patience!"

Lucius begins to visibly boil with rage and disrespect. He turns his eyes to Aralynn, and gives her a hard look for several moments. "I will be seeing you again soon, Weasley."

Aralynn furrows her eyebrows at the way he says 'Weasley'. Before she can ask why he enunciated her name in such a way, he turns sharply and leads his scowling son away from the two women. Aralynn considers asking Madam Malkin what the issue with Lucius Malfoy was, but she decides it's better if she doesn't.

Once the woman finishes Aralynn's measuring and pinning, she helps the girl step down from the platform. "Wait up front with your father, please," she asks. "I'll return shortly."

Aralynn returns to her father and brother, and sees her father is stewing.

"How was it?" Ron asks.

"Fine," she replies. "Until that blond man and his son came back there. Did you see him?"

Ron nods. "He and Dad had an argument outside. I couldn't hear what was going on. What did he say back there?"

"He and Madam Malkin argued," she replies, then looks to Ron. "He asked who I was, and when I told him, he didn't seem the believe me. When he was leaving, she said 'Weasley' as if it were some sort of fake identity. It was strange."

"Sounds like it was," Ron agrees.

Once they left the shop and began to move on to their next location, Aralynn kept repeating the conversation she had with Lucius Malfoy in her head. She couldn't understand why he seemed to disbelieve that she was a Weasley. How could she be anyone different? Molly and Arthur Weasley were her parents. Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny were her siblings. She had red hair, like the rest of them. How was it possible that he could see her as someone else? She couldn't wrap her head around the answer. She didn't know. She is Aralynn Nicole Weasley, and no one else.
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