Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts

Avengers Of Kingdom Hearts

by Starfish17 1 review

Discretion : Join Sora, Kairi, and Riku with friends as they go through menny adventures. "It's time to realize that the Darkness is always just around the corner." -Unknown. Sorry that the sum...

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Roxas,Sora - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2015-03-27 - Updated: 2015-03-28 - 515 words

The Avengers Of Kingdom Hearts

Disclaimer : I do not own Kingdom Hearts Or any of the characters in the story. I do not make any profit by writing this story it is only for fun.

Discretion : Join Sora, Kairi, and Riku with friends as they go through menny adventures.
"It's time to realize that the Darkness is always just around the corner." -Unknown.
Sorry that the summary is really bad... but trust me the story is way better.

Ground Rules- This Kingdom Hearts Fanfiction is set up like a play. So unless you read the rules you won't have any idea how to read this fanfiction. Here are the rules:
1) Each Chapter is one seen. Some chapters are long, and other charters are short. It really depends on how long the seen is.
2) Each seen has the number of the seen (what chapter your on.) It also has the location of the seen (where you are) For example: you are at a pizza place. The pizza place is the location. Finally each seen has the name of the seen.(name of the chapter.)
3) To be able to tell who's talking at the time is the name that is underlined with the words next to the name. For example: Roxas- Hello.
4) When there is ( or ) between words this is a description of what is happening or how something or someone looks. For example: (Roxas slowly starts to fade out of existences.)

Ok those are all the rules! Hope you understand and I hope you enjoy the first chapter!

Seen:1 (Location- Twilight Town, on top of the clock tower.) seen Name: Saying Goodbye For Now!

Roxas- I'm going back to who I was...
I've thought about it a lot.
Axel- Namine said the same thing.
Xion- Roxas...
you have a heart, don't you?
Roxas- Well Namine and I we-
Xion- We don't really have hearts. Do we?...
Axel and I?
Roxas- I guess not...
Well I don't know if you do or not.
Xion- This heart is not something you can see, I've started wondering if it's something that you can't feel either...
If so then...
Nah never mind!
Roxas- I'm sure that Sora will find the answer. You know because he's me.
Xion- Yup, that's true!
Axel- You should go see them again, if you're looking for a answer.
Xion- Yah...
Roxas- So...
I have to go, Sora's waiting for me. I mean I guess he is. See you Axel!
Axel- See you soon, my friend.
Roxas- Take care Xion.
Xion- Don't worry... I will!
Roxas- You Promise!
Xion- Hehe, I promise!
Roxas- Well that's good...
I guess this is goodbye.
Xion- Don't forget me!...
Roxas- Don't worry...
I won't...

(Roxas slowly fades out of existences. )

Axel- Goodbye... Roxas...

Next time on The Avengers Of Kingdom Hearts! Sora is trapped in a nightmare. He thinks that he is dyeing...
But is he in danger or was it really just a bad dream. Find out in the next episode of: The Avengers Of Kingdom Hearts. seen 2 location: Destiny Island. seen name: Please Wake Up Sora!
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