Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood and Darkness


by DarknessBliss 2 reviews

Everything pulls apart.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Horror,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2015-04-15 - 1181 words

Sloane guided Gerard to a black sheilded SUV and a man with blond dredlocks stepped out of the driver's side and opened the backseat door. "Sir," the man said.
"I need to be up front to give Linde directions to the airport," Sloane explained to Gerard with a smile. "So I apologize for leaving you alone in the backseat, Sweetness".
"It's okay," said Gerard and he climbed into the backseat, stealing one last glance at his beloved Helena.
He got into the car and Linde closed the door. He went to the driver's side and opened the door. He turned to Helena and stared at her for a moment before getting into the car.
Sloane went to the passenger's side and blew a kiss at Helena, "Don't worry! I'll take very good care of him!"
Helena furrowed her brow and bared out her fangs in a vicious hiss. Sloane got in the car and Linde started the motor. The car backed up, turned around, and drove off into the road. Wind and dust blew through Helena like the sadness of a lost love, much as it was.
Niccolo grabbed her arm and dragged her towards a old Geo car. George was crying and was trying to go to Helena, but Tabatha stopped him. Everyone watched as Niccolo got Helena into the backseat while he and one of his lackeys got into the car. The other vampire freak tried to get in the back with Helena, but Niccolo called out, "No, Alex. You stay here".
The vampire freak, now known as Alex; was confused, "Why?"
Niccolo glanced over to the other vampiric freak and looked at Gerard's covenant , "To show that I'm not a complete asshole, here's a present from me to all of you".
He nodded once to the driver. The freak hit the accerator and the Geo sped down the road in a dirty dust wind. Alex tried to run after them but couldn't. He shook all over when he turned to the vampires and ghoul.
"Tabatha, take George inside. We'll bring you some after we're done," Mikey commanded. Tabatha smiled as she grabbed George's hand and quickly got the crying child inside the house.
"What should we do with him?" Frank said with a sharp-toothed grin.
"We know what we should do to him," said Serafina.
"The real question is, what should we do to him?" Bob rephrased the question while he reached into his jacket pocket and brought out a knife.
"I think we should use him to plan out our attack on Sloane and Niccolo," Ray suggested.
Everyone nodded and there was a chorus of 'yeahs' and cheers. They slowly came over to the screaming Alex within their shadows.

Billie Joe and the rest of them left as soon as Slone left. They were walking back to the church in Canceler's Forest.
Hayley was shaking her head in regret, "We should've killed those bastards".
"Sorry. Ville's orders," said Tre. "Hurt. No kills".
The group finally reached the churchand got inside. They stopped when they saw a man standing on the altar. Billie Joe stepped foreword and spoke to the stranger, "Can we help you?"
"My name is Mige," said the man. "I'm a friend of Ville's".
"Where is Ville?" asked Brandon as he looked around the church. "He never showed up to help us".
"He's doing a job right now," Mige replied. "Until then, he has left me to give you all a little 'search and destroy' mission".
Mige moved from his spot and gave Billie Joe an envelope. Billie Joe opened it and read the contents. He turned to the others, "Hang onto your stuff, boys and girls. We're having a litle bonfire".

The sheilded SUV was driving down the scenic route to Holy Redeemer Aero Field Club. Sloane told Gerard that her cargo plane was there. Once they arrived, they quickly got out of the car and into the plane. Linde and Sloane went into the cockpit and Gerard was put in the cargo tank.
Gerard was all alone again and when the plane started to take off, he watched the night sky through the door of the cargo tank. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. He unfolded it and laid it on his lap. He tapped his fangs down and bit into his wrist. He let the blood drip onto the paper. His thoughts reverted to Helena and like magic, the blood was absorbed through the paper until it was pure white again.

Helena was in the back of Niccolo's car. She looked at her watch and saw that an hour has past. Read it in the hour, Gerard told her not too long ago.
She took out the folded paper and unfolded it. It was blank.
Why would he hand me a blank piece of paper? thought Helena. Then she had to cover a gasp. The blank paper was magically being filled in with words in the color of blood. Words, to Helena's amazement, that belong to Gerard. She read it eagerly.
I am in a cargo plane heading to Vienna. I am alone. I'm watching the brightest stars of America being speded away for the dull dimmed ones of Europe. Like I'm being speded away from you.
I know what waits for me in Vienna and if I have to endure torture or even death, I will gladly die to save you.
I know I swore to you that I won't throw my life away to save you, but the way things are now, I rather be dead for holding onto my love for you then enter into a loveless marriage to a woman I've come to despise.
We've only been apart for an hour and that already is torture. Not to see you, kiss you,, or touch you makes my blood either burn like fire or cold like ice.
Helena, there's something else you should know. Something I never told you.
Before I took you as my own, I have watched you for years. You were only twelve years old when I first saw you and, although I would never admit it at the time, it was love at first sight. I waited five years until I went and got you. When I looked into your eyes for the first time in close proxy, I knew I was going to make you my eternal bride.
I wanted to tell you this because I don't know if I'll live long enough to be able to. But I will try. I will fight and I will come back to you. I don't know how but I will.
Until then, live and fight.
I love you for all eternity and into the next.


Helena felt like crying again but she fought the urge to. She did enough of that tonight. When Niccolo finally stops the car, she will fight. She will fight.
A/N: Now that's devotion. Bad things are gonna happen in the next few chapters. Rate and review if you like.
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