Categories > Anime/Manga > Attack on Titan > Freedoms Cost

The Plan

by Piper5 0 reviews

"Good, we can capture him then" Erwin said.

Category: Attack on Titan - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2015-04-24 - 536 words

Erwin crouched on one of the buildings, Hange and Mike were with him along with two other soldiers.

"Thats him?" Hange asked as they wanted the short raven haired man walk from the shop and agilly swung onto the buildings in front, starting to run.

"He seems to be in a hurry" Mike stated, frowning.

"Never mind that now" Erwin ordered.

He and his soldiers jumped down from the building, he landed easily, along with Hange and Mike while the others struggled a little.

They walked into the shop.

The trader who seemed to be sweating buckets now, hid something small and silver from there view then said shakily "You promise he won't come after me s-sir?"

Erwin raised his eyebrows, suprised at how truly scared the trader was of Levi.

"We promise" Hange butted in.

"You told him to come here at mid day tommorow like we planned right?" Ewin demanded.

"Y-yes sir" The trader said.

"Good, we can capture him then" Erwin said.

"Whats your name?" Mike asked, deciding not to sniff the man, he probably smelt foul.

"Gareth J-james S-sir" The trader stammered.

"I know you're like the best soldiers out there but are you sure you can capture him sir?" The trader asked nervously "His a strong and fast little bugger"

"The little bugger you seemed completly terrified of" Hange pointed out, smirking.

The trader squeaked "Levi's big in the underground, everyone who's met him is scared of him. When I first met him I sold him some fake goods and it landed with me on the ground and a dagger sticking out of the end of my shoulder! And me lying in my own blood and vomit, he said he only had let me live because he knew I could be of use to him then he left me there! I almost died last time I tangled with him so forgive me for being a little nervous!"

Mike rolled his eyes, not all all impressed by the trembling man in front of him.

Gareth asked warily "So that money you promised me?"

Mike sneered "Here you piece of filth"

He throw him a small bag of pennies, hardly worth that much but the trader was very pleased, grinning broadly as he opened the bag.

To be so pleased with that amount of money, really shows you how poor this city is Hange thought, suddenly feeling a little sorry for the man who was now hugging the bag close to his chest like it was a baby.

"Come on, we'll come back here tomorow" Erwin told his squad, everyone followed him out.

"I booked us an Inn, its pretty basic but we'll be out of here soon" Erwin said as they walked away from the squad.

Hange asked Mike "You okay?"

He looked more pale than useal.

"Fine, I didn't eat before I came, pretty stupid of me and now theres nothing good for me to hunt" Mike said, keeping his voice low so the other two soldiers didn't hear.

"We'll be getting out of this dump soon, don't worry, lets just hope the street rats as good as Erwin made him out to be" Hange replied seriously.

"Lets hope" Mike agreed.
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