Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Oh How We Were Wrong When We Thought Immortality Meant Never Dying

Chapter 3: Gone

by SluttyJacketPotato 2 reviews

Chapter 3

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2015-04-26 - 448 words

I sat on a bench in the park. I thought about what my parents would say about this. They would be... furious. Well, that's an understatement to be honest. It was tempting to pull out another cigarette, but it was possibly a bit too early. Only half an hour since the last one.

I decided to just go home, and be honest to my parents about what had happened. I walked down my road, the greyness of the sky just making it seem like such a bleek and run down place. Which i guess it was. This place was an open book.

I unlocked the door, closing it behind me. There was a funny smell, like petrol. I sniffed, walking slowly towards the door to the kitchen. I heard a small whimper, and i flinched. I made sure to not go too near the door, since it had a glass window through it. I put my head to the wall, listening.

"WHERE IS IT!?" a voice commanded from the kitchen, it was vicious, and it didn't belong to either of my parents.

"I can't tell y-" There was a cry. Mom.

I had to fight the temptation to enter the room, that would give up that i was in the house, obviously.

"I know you know where it is, now, TELL ME! or sonny boy gets a bullet through the head when he gets home." the voice said.

Just then, i made a mistake. I tripped over a leg of the hall table, giving away my position. Two men dressed in black appeared from the kitchen. They were dressed in black, both wearing sun glasses. They grabbed me as i yelped, dragging me into the kitchen. I saw my mother in the hands of one more man, in the same sort of clothes as the ones holding me. He held my mom in a semi-tight head lock, with a gun to her head. She had bruises on her face, and blood poured out of her nostrils.

"No, please let him go! LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS!" my mother screamed, recieving a-presumably-nother blow to the head by that guy's gun.

The guy holding my mother lowered her to the floor, handcuffing her, leaving her on her stomach. He walked over to me, grabbing my chin.

"What have you done with james!?" My mother screamed my father's real name.

"He has been silenced" The man stated, studying my face, still holding my chin.

I let out a quiet gasp as my mother cried. She was practically screaming. The man let go of my chin, turning to my mother and bringing out his gun.

Then, he shot her in the head.
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