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Chris Motionless battles his inner demons all the while trying to keep himself sane. (More of a summary on 'chapter one')

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2015-05-16 - 377 words

We all have that dark part of ourselves. The one that whispers in our ear, telling us to do the things we know are wrong. But what if that person, the other you, the one that goes against your conscious and everything you believe in, was you in a past life. How you ask? I will explain. There are so many other universes with so many other worlds. But the world we are living in now, Earth, is somewhere you live when in your past life, you screwed up so bad they sent you to this hell hole. To punish you, but also to see if you could redeem yourself. But we, as small minded imbeciles, just keep screwing up, not even caring where it brings us next. But don't get me started on human nature. I could go on forever. No, this story is about someone who fights constantly for life. Only instead of a nagging feeling, it really is like someone whispering, even yelling, in his ear almost all the time. Sometimes his past life even takes over his body, acting on his own. Going by a different name. Different personality. Sound like something you know about? Yes. Split Personality Disorder. Those deemed crazy by society are actually fighting so much harder then us. The way this happens, the way they take over the body is if you fight those urges to do bad things. If you fight them long enough, the person becomes so depraved and so locked up, feeling so out of control they force themselves out, making you the little voice that tells them to do good. Cruel way of seeing if we can redeem ourselves. But that's the Gods for you. Yes. Gods. You thought there was just one? You're funny. This is the story of a man you might know. He makes music for the misfits and degenerates. His name is Christopher Cerulli. If you're looking for a happy ending where upbeat music plays and everyone skips off into the sunset, you've come to the wrong story. But if you are looking for a story of despair that will mess with every single emotion you have, you have come to the right place. Read on and enjoy you misfits you.
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