Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Return
Musings, Madness and Mum
A new day has come. What will the repercussions be after the shouting match with Dumbledore? And why aren't the house-elves making grilled cheese?
Harry awoke feeling a light pressure on his chest. He cracked open an eye, and saw a field of red hair obscuring most of his view. Long, bright red hair. Lily was pressed up against him, snuggling up to him and looking rather comfortable. Harry squirmed lightly, and tried for a few moments to escape her grasp. He could not do so, so he relaxed into her embrace. The movement had slowly awoken Lily, and after about fifteen minutes, the beautiful redhead groggily smiled up at him.
"Morning, Harry," she yawned. "Sleep well?"
"Mmm," muttered Harry. "Why are you in my bed?"
"You were having a nightmare," said Lily.
"Didn't seem like a nightmare to me," Harry said.
"Oh?" Lily said curiously. "Do you thrash about all the time?" Harry blushed. "What did you dream about?"
"It started out as a nightmare, and then I was in a crib and someone was singing to me. It was... nice."
Lily smiled. "My singing isn't that great."
"Sure it is," Harry disagreed. He hadn't actually known it was Lily who was singing.
Lily got off of Harry after another kiss to the forehead, and announced that she was off to take a shower. Harry, dressed himself in yesterday's clothes as his trunk was still at Privet Drive, and went down to breakfast by himself. When he arrived at the Great Hall, Ron and Hermione were already waiting just outside. Harry made his way over to them and grunted out a morning greeting. Ron was sniffing something. Harry thought he was smelling the food until Ron made a comment.
"Hmm," he said. "You smell nice." Hermione raised an eyebrow.
"Thank you, Ron," she said, clearly surprised at the compliment.
"Not you," said Ron. "Harry."
"I beg your pardon?" Harry gasped aloud. Hermione stared, jaw hanging open.
"I said you smell nice," Ron said. It slowly dawned on him what he had said. "I'm not Chasing for the other team! You just... smell nice."
"But I haven't even had a shower!"
"Now that you mention it," said Hermione slowly, after raising her eyebrow, "he does smell rather pleasant. Feminine, even."
"I - You - You're both nutters!" Harry stammered.
"And he didn't sleep in the dormitories," said Ron, ignoring Harry's Minister Fudge impression. He grinned slyly at Harry. "I thought you said you didn't like your popularity? And all of a sudden, you get a bodyguard, and a girlfriend... you lucky bloke!"
"Bodyguard?" Harry asked confused.
"Yeah," said Ginny, who had snuck up behind them. "The cloaked figure you had escort you into the school. And I must admit I'm rather upset about the whole girlfriend bit."
"Girlfriend?" Harry didn't seem to have started his brain this morning. He also didn't notice Ginny's forwardness.
"Yeah," Ron said, still grinning. "Must be why you smell so nice: up to something I suspect." He thought for a moment and turned to Ginny. "Wait a moment; I thought you were with Dean?"
"I was with Dean," said Ginny frowning.
"Was?" Ron asked. "As in, past tense? You... you're a scarlet woman!" Hermione sighed, preparing herself for the 'scarlet woman' speech.
"I am not!" Ginny retorted.
"You're not supposed to pick up one boy one day and be with another boy the next! It's not right!" Ron shouted. The newly clean Lily walked up behind Harry, once again donning her appropriated cloak.
"So what's this about your newfound ability at Necromancy, Harry?" asked Hermione, trying to divert the Weasleys' conversation. To Harry's dismay, it worked and Ron, who was up 'til then going on about Ginny's lack of Dean Thomas, suddenly went silent.
"Er - I don't know much about that," Harry lied.
Hermione sighed. "Honestly, I feel as I'm the brains behind you two. I read up on Necromancy last night -" she was interrupted by a comment from Ron.
"Do you not sleep?" he asked incredulously. Harry wondered if, behind the shadow charm, Lily was angry or not. Hermione, however, was not fazed by Ron's snide remark.
"- and it says here that you can control ghosts! That's pretty impressive. And vampires, too! And -"
"You're not scared?" Harry asked.
"Ron was," Hermione said hesitantly. "But I know you'd never use any powers you may have to hurt people."
"Yes, Potter. You're too much of a goody-goody to use any advantage properly." Malfoy, having not had his ego thrashed enough this week, had asked Harry for a hexing. Harry declined.
"Malfoy," he acknowledged.
"It must be the mudblood in you," Malfoy sneered obnoxiously. "Got it from your filthy mother, I expect." Luckily, there was no one around to spectate as Harry held his wand out to the cloaked woman. "What's wrong, Potty? Not got the balls to fight me yourself?"
"Malfoy, I have no desire to expend any energy on you today, nor any other day. But since you've asked for it, meet my filthy mother," Harry said smiling. "Mum, this is a Death Eater." Within three seconds of their introduction, Malfoy was on the ground, oozing slime from multiple orifices, scratching himself frantically, and bawling silently as his hair fell out and numerous boils grew on his face. Lily whipped back her hood.
"Actually, I'm not filthy, I'm rather clean. I've just had my shower," she said rather cheerfully. Ron was stunned, Hermione was scandalized, Ginny had perked up, and all three were very pleased to see that Malfoy was down for the count.
"My father..." Malfoy managed to say.
"Yes, yes," said Harry, unconcerned. "We'll send your daddy an owl to let him know you got beat up by a dead lady. I'm sure he'll appreciate any mail he gets in Azkaban. Now if you'll excuse us..."
"You brought back your mother?" Hermione asked. "Why would you do that? And I've read about three different rituals you can use to bring back people, and they all say that the 'finished product' isn't as sentient as the rest of us!"
"Hello?" Lily called out. "I'm right here!" She waved for extra effect. "I'm perfectly sentient, thank you! And do you really think they'd sell good books about Necromancy at Flourish and Blott's?" Hermione looked appropriately ashamed.
"Oh," she mumbled. "Sorry."
"Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm famished," said Lily with finality. "Can we continue this discussion with some food?"
"A woman after my own heart!" Ron exclaimed cheerfully.
"Sorry," Lily said. "I'm married, remember? Besides which, I think I'm a bit too old for you." Ron looked hurt as Ginny grinned. Harry's blush went unnoticed.
"Now you have to worry about your own love life, big brother," she said. Very quietly, she continued "and less about mine." Harry doubted anyone was supposed to hear that.
Donning her hood, she stepped into the Great Hall. Harry followed closely behind her, and the three remaining students stood staring after them.
"Wait a moment," Ron said suddenly, as if reaching an epiphany. "What the devil are we waiting about out here for?" He, too, walked into the Great Hall. Shrugging, Ginny and Hermione followed suit.
They were the last to take their seats, and for the most part, the other students stared at, what to them looked like some Death Eater wannabe seated at the Gryffindor table. Dumbledore did not look too pleased by this, but he did not act on any irritation.
When everyone was finished, Dumbledore stood up and cleared his throat.
"Due to last night's... unfortunate circumstances, classes are postponed one week as we try to find you another Defence professor -" Dumbledore's announcement was quite well-received as cheers rang out along the Hall. Well, from everyone who wasn't a Slytherin. Dumbledore forced a smile. "Yes, yes, thank you."
Hermione was scandalized. "No classes! Oh, no!" She turned to Harry. "Think of all the learning opportunities we'll miss!" Harry sighed.
"Yes, Hermione," he said blandly. "Absolutely terrible. Whatever shall we do?" Ron found this a good chance to score some points with Hermione as she huffed as Harry's reply.
"It's, er - not that great, Harry," he managed to get out without a reaction. Hermione smiled at him.
"See?" she asked. "Ron's grown up." Ron's chest swelled with pride. Or was he growing breasts?
"You really need to sort out your priorities, Harry," Ron said wisely.
I seem to remember you saying that about Hermione a long time ago, Harry mused. Besides, I've got my priorities just right, thanks.
1. Keep Mum alive at any cost.
2. Stop Voldemort.
3. Using my new abilities, tell Peeves to constantly attack Malfoy.
See? Priorities are just fine.
Harry just snorted and shovelled a spoonful of yogurt into his mouth as he watched Ron get yanked up by the collar.
"Come on, you," Hermione said with enthusiasm. "Let's get to the library and study." Ron tried to finish his two remaining sausage links as Hermione hauled him out of the Great Hall. Harry didn't even try to stop the laugh that wanted to escape.
"Ah," Harry said. "'Tis the price of growing up." Ginny grinned, and stood up, finished as well.
"See you later, Harry." She walked off, destination unknown. Lily was the only one left seated near him; the Gryffindors were too intimidated by her dark cloak to sit next to Harry.
"What happened to the infamous Gryffindor bravery?" Lily asked, grinning unseen beneath the shadow charm.
"Dunno," Harry said. "Must have disappeared when Voldemort -" the Hall flinched. They didn't seem to have anything better to do than to listen to his conversation. "Voldemort returned." His utensils clattered onto his plate. "Oh, well," Harry sighed. "Let's go." Nodding in Dumbledore's direction, Harry sauntered off in the direction of the Quidditch Pitch.
"Now what?" Lily asked.
"Now I think," said Harry.
"At the Quidditch Pitch?" asked Lily sceptically.
"No," replied Harry, smiling. "In the air."
"Daddy's boy," Lily chided, grinning.
"I fly better," said Harry smugly.
"Anyone flies better than your father," Lily grunted.
A few hours later, Lily was speechless.
"Mum?" Harry asked. No response. This had happened several times during the past five minutes. They were in the stands, Harry more relaxed than he had been since he could remember. Lily just sat there in her appropriated black robes, shaking. This time however, she slowly turned to face Harry.
"Sorry, Mum," he said after a moment. Lily wrapped him up an a hug to rival one of Mrs. Weasley's. Or Ginny's. It must be a redhead thing, he thought. He pulled away, and she appeared grinning.
"Oh, please," she said grinning. "I'm not an old bag yet. Just don't kill yourself!" Harry just stared. "What?"
"Sure! I'm not as stuffy as I used to be. Your dad taught me to have a little fun!"
"Oh," Harry said, clearly not expecting this change in what he knew of her character.
"Lemme guess," she said. "Sirius said I was the killjoy, never any fun, and that he and your dad would sneak you away to ride with your dad on their broomsticks?" Harry just gaped. "I'll take that as a yes. Do you really think I'd have let you out of my sight at that age?" Harry saw the logic in this, but remembered her reaction at the Dursleys' house. "Come on," she said warmly. "Spend some time with dear old Mum."
They sat in the stands for another couple hours, talking about before Halloween 1981. Lily sat back laughing. Harry did not find it as amusing.
"I doubt that very much," he said blushing.
"It's true! It happened! You picked up a piece of shit from your nappy and threw it at your father! I was so proud... and pardon my language."
Blushing, Harry checked his watch and changed the subject. "It's about lunch time."
Lily stuck her tongue out at him. "Spoil my fun, then."
During the afternoon, Lily had left the school to announce her return to Remus. Though Ron had attempted to coax Harry into playing some chess, Hermione had dragged him back to the confines of the library after the second game, leaving Harry alone with his thoughts. It was now mid-afternoon, and Harry, without any of his belongings, sat in the Room of Requirement on a very comfy velvet chair, and thought about recent events.
Voldemort kidnapped me, made me perform a ritual with various ethical ramifications - Harry's thoughts were interrupted. When had he become Hermione? Anyway, she needs human life force to live, like a vampire or something. And when she comes back from the dead, what I know of her personality - which granted, isn't much - completely changes.
What I've heard from Sirius and Remus and various professors was that Mum was the Hermione back then: always into books, there was never any time for fun. School was important, because she was the outsider and she wanted to prove to everyone that she belonged here. Now, she completely changes. Then again, I can see what happens: she's 18, she's made it, aced her NEWTs, and everything's slowed down. She has time to waste for the more mundane things, like Quidditch. But what about the first day? She lapsed back into the mothering figure she's supposed to be for me, and now she's back to her fun loving self.
Harry thought about it more.
But she is my mum, and she is 21, so I can see how that would be confusing - hormones and all that.
Harry then decided to forget about it - his mother wasn't going anywhere, so long as he found a way to get her the life force she would so desperately need, and so long as he didn't spend so much time with Hermione, he just wouldn't worry about it. Now that he thought about it, the life force was another priority for him. He knew St. Mungo's would have the Kiss victims in a ward somewhere, he just needed to find out where. He swallowed his pride and went to the one person he knew could help him.
"Hermione!" he called out, afraid to be too loud in Pince's library. Sure enough, a 'shh!' was made from between the shelves, and Harry sighed. But Harry did feel a tap on his shoulder. So he turned, and saw the gloomy face of Ron.
"I'm so bloody happy to see you!" he exclaimed quietly. "Hermione's got me reading books and all this other rubbish! I can't stand it!"
"Why not?" Harry asked grinning. "They're your priorities." Ron's face flushed, his own words being thrown back at him and his voice lowered even more.
"You know I only said that to score points with Hermione -" He went redder.
"I thought you loved me," Harry said, feigning being hurt. Ron attempted to best Harry's Minister Fudge impression from the morning. "Oh, come off it. I'll see if Hermione will release you after I find her."
"She's over this way," Ron said, a little happier now. As Harry was led over to Hermione, Madam Pince glared at him from between the shelves.
"Harry," Hermione greeted curtly. She didn't seem pleased.
"Er - Hi, Hermione," said Harry.
"I know what you did," said Hermione, before Harry could bring up St. Mungo's.
"What I did?" asked Harry worriedly. Hermione grabbed him by the neck, and leaned in closely so no one overheard.
"You brought your mother back to life by having sex with her!" she hissed. "I found a book on Necromancy in the Restricted Section. What you've done, it's immoral, and disgusting, and -"
"Now just hold on a minute!" Harry said, trying to defend himself. "I didn't have much of a choice! Supposedly, Voldie had nukes planted in every major city throughout the world, and he was holding Professor Snape! He didn't exactly tell me what my part would be in this ritual, and just shoved me into a room with her!
"Honestly," Hermione said incredulously. "You believed that load of codswallop? Voldemort with Muggle weapons? Are you terminally thick? Why would a pure-blood supremist touch anything made by a Muggle?" Harry thought about it for more than a moment, and swore loudly. Madam Pince came along, attracted by the noise.
"Watch your language, young man!" she said harshly. "Be quieter or leave!" Harry and Hermione could only nod meekly, and Ron laughed silently, watching Hermione get scolded by the librarian. When Madam Pince left, Hermione still glared at Harry.
"I don't see why you're so bothered by this!" Harry whispered. "I'm the one who was shoved into a room and pretty much raped by my own mum, not you! I'm the one who had to put up with Voldemort staring me in the face, not you! So I'll thank you to ignore the nitty-gritty about whatever rituals I'm forced to take part in, thank you very much!"
"I'm bothered by the fact that you're not bothered by this!" Hermione hissed back. With that, she left the library huffing, Ron being yanked by the arm behind her.
At supper, Harry was left alone by everyone, which suited him just fine. He went outside afterwards and proceeded to sit underneath an oak tree by the lake. He lost track of time, alone with his thoughts, until Lily came back. She looked exhausted, like she'd been in more than a few fights, but she also looked pleased, as she had purchased some more clothing. She was wearing Muggle clothes, a tan trench coat, a black blouse and blue jeans. The wind made the coat flutter and tousled her hair. Harry thought she looked very pretty - but Hermione's words had gotten to him, and he was bothered by the emotions he was feeling.
"Hey," Lily called.
"Hi," Harry mumbled. "How was Remus?"
"He was sulking," she frowned, "just like you are now. What's wrong?"
"Nothing," he said. Lily sighed.
"Come on, Harry," she said skeptically. "Your father was exactly the same way: he'd want to talk about something, and when you asked him, he'd sit there and sulk about it. Now what's wrong?"
"I'm wondering how the hell I'm going to keep you alive," he lied. Her frown grew deeper, and Harry was worried she saw right through his lie. She didn't make any indication of it if she did.
"Don't worry about it," said Lily, ruffling his hair. "I know you'll think of something. Come on. Time for bed." Upon hearing this, Harry looked up to see Lily grinning at him. He smiled, feeling tired anyway. Lily leaned over and kissed Harry's hair. She offered her hand to him, he took it, and they walked together in silence back to the school.
"Morning, Harry," she yawned. "Sleep well?"
"Mmm," muttered Harry. "Why are you in my bed?"
"You were having a nightmare," said Lily.
"Didn't seem like a nightmare to me," Harry said.
"Oh?" Lily said curiously. "Do you thrash about all the time?" Harry blushed. "What did you dream about?"
"It started out as a nightmare, and then I was in a crib and someone was singing to me. It was... nice."
Lily smiled. "My singing isn't that great."
"Sure it is," Harry disagreed. He hadn't actually known it was Lily who was singing.
Lily got off of Harry after another kiss to the forehead, and announced that she was off to take a shower. Harry, dressed himself in yesterday's clothes as his trunk was still at Privet Drive, and went down to breakfast by himself. When he arrived at the Great Hall, Ron and Hermione were already waiting just outside. Harry made his way over to them and grunted out a morning greeting. Ron was sniffing something. Harry thought he was smelling the food until Ron made a comment.
"Hmm," he said. "You smell nice." Hermione raised an eyebrow.
"Thank you, Ron," she said, clearly surprised at the compliment.
"Not you," said Ron. "Harry."
"I beg your pardon?" Harry gasped aloud. Hermione stared, jaw hanging open.
"I said you smell nice," Ron said. It slowly dawned on him what he had said. "I'm not Chasing for the other team! You just... smell nice."
"But I haven't even had a shower!"
"Now that you mention it," said Hermione slowly, after raising her eyebrow, "he does smell rather pleasant. Feminine, even."
"I - You - You're both nutters!" Harry stammered.
"And he didn't sleep in the dormitories," said Ron, ignoring Harry's Minister Fudge impression. He grinned slyly at Harry. "I thought you said you didn't like your popularity? And all of a sudden, you get a bodyguard, and a girlfriend... you lucky bloke!"
"Bodyguard?" Harry asked confused.
"Yeah," said Ginny, who had snuck up behind them. "The cloaked figure you had escort you into the school. And I must admit I'm rather upset about the whole girlfriend bit."
"Girlfriend?" Harry didn't seem to have started his brain this morning. He also didn't notice Ginny's forwardness.
"Yeah," Ron said, still grinning. "Must be why you smell so nice: up to something I suspect." He thought for a moment and turned to Ginny. "Wait a moment; I thought you were with Dean?"
"I was with Dean," said Ginny frowning.
"Was?" Ron asked. "As in, past tense? You... you're a scarlet woman!" Hermione sighed, preparing herself for the 'scarlet woman' speech.
"I am not!" Ginny retorted.
"You're not supposed to pick up one boy one day and be with another boy the next! It's not right!" Ron shouted. The newly clean Lily walked up behind Harry, once again donning her appropriated cloak.
"So what's this about your newfound ability at Necromancy, Harry?" asked Hermione, trying to divert the Weasleys' conversation. To Harry's dismay, it worked and Ron, who was up 'til then going on about Ginny's lack of Dean Thomas, suddenly went silent.
"Er - I don't know much about that," Harry lied.
Hermione sighed. "Honestly, I feel as I'm the brains behind you two. I read up on Necromancy last night -" she was interrupted by a comment from Ron.
"Do you not sleep?" he asked incredulously. Harry wondered if, behind the shadow charm, Lily was angry or not. Hermione, however, was not fazed by Ron's snide remark.
"- and it says here that you can control ghosts! That's pretty impressive. And vampires, too! And -"
"You're not scared?" Harry asked.
"Ron was," Hermione said hesitantly. "But I know you'd never use any powers you may have to hurt people."
"Yes, Potter. You're too much of a goody-goody to use any advantage properly." Malfoy, having not had his ego thrashed enough this week, had asked Harry for a hexing. Harry declined.
"Malfoy," he acknowledged.
"It must be the mudblood in you," Malfoy sneered obnoxiously. "Got it from your filthy mother, I expect." Luckily, there was no one around to spectate as Harry held his wand out to the cloaked woman. "What's wrong, Potty? Not got the balls to fight me yourself?"
"Malfoy, I have no desire to expend any energy on you today, nor any other day. But since you've asked for it, meet my filthy mother," Harry said smiling. "Mum, this is a Death Eater." Within three seconds of their introduction, Malfoy was on the ground, oozing slime from multiple orifices, scratching himself frantically, and bawling silently as his hair fell out and numerous boils grew on his face. Lily whipped back her hood.
"Actually, I'm not filthy, I'm rather clean. I've just had my shower," she said rather cheerfully. Ron was stunned, Hermione was scandalized, Ginny had perked up, and all three were very pleased to see that Malfoy was down for the count.
"My father..." Malfoy managed to say.
"Yes, yes," said Harry, unconcerned. "We'll send your daddy an owl to let him know you got beat up by a dead lady. I'm sure he'll appreciate any mail he gets in Azkaban. Now if you'll excuse us..."
"You brought back your mother?" Hermione asked. "Why would you do that? And I've read about three different rituals you can use to bring back people, and they all say that the 'finished product' isn't as sentient as the rest of us!"
"Hello?" Lily called out. "I'm right here!" She waved for extra effect. "I'm perfectly sentient, thank you! And do you really think they'd sell good books about Necromancy at Flourish and Blott's?" Hermione looked appropriately ashamed.
"Oh," she mumbled. "Sorry."
"Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm famished," said Lily with finality. "Can we continue this discussion with some food?"
"A woman after my own heart!" Ron exclaimed cheerfully.
"Sorry," Lily said. "I'm married, remember? Besides which, I think I'm a bit too old for you." Ron looked hurt as Ginny grinned. Harry's blush went unnoticed.
"Now you have to worry about your own love life, big brother," she said. Very quietly, she continued "and less about mine." Harry doubted anyone was supposed to hear that.
Donning her hood, she stepped into the Great Hall. Harry followed closely behind her, and the three remaining students stood staring after them.
"Wait a moment," Ron said suddenly, as if reaching an epiphany. "What the devil are we waiting about out here for?" He, too, walked into the Great Hall. Shrugging, Ginny and Hermione followed suit.
They were the last to take their seats, and for the most part, the other students stared at, what to them looked like some Death Eater wannabe seated at the Gryffindor table. Dumbledore did not look too pleased by this, but he did not act on any irritation.
When everyone was finished, Dumbledore stood up and cleared his throat.
"Due to last night's... unfortunate circumstances, classes are postponed one week as we try to find you another Defence professor -" Dumbledore's announcement was quite well-received as cheers rang out along the Hall. Well, from everyone who wasn't a Slytherin. Dumbledore forced a smile. "Yes, yes, thank you."
Hermione was scandalized. "No classes! Oh, no!" She turned to Harry. "Think of all the learning opportunities we'll miss!" Harry sighed.
"Yes, Hermione," he said blandly. "Absolutely terrible. Whatever shall we do?" Ron found this a good chance to score some points with Hermione as she huffed as Harry's reply.
"It's, er - not that great, Harry," he managed to get out without a reaction. Hermione smiled at him.
"See?" she asked. "Ron's grown up." Ron's chest swelled with pride. Or was he growing breasts?
"You really need to sort out your priorities, Harry," Ron said wisely.
I seem to remember you saying that about Hermione a long time ago, Harry mused. Besides, I've got my priorities just right, thanks.
1. Keep Mum alive at any cost.
2. Stop Voldemort.
3. Using my new abilities, tell Peeves to constantly attack Malfoy.
See? Priorities are just fine.
Harry just snorted and shovelled a spoonful of yogurt into his mouth as he watched Ron get yanked up by the collar.
"Come on, you," Hermione said with enthusiasm. "Let's get to the library and study." Ron tried to finish his two remaining sausage links as Hermione hauled him out of the Great Hall. Harry didn't even try to stop the laugh that wanted to escape.
"Ah," Harry said. "'Tis the price of growing up." Ginny grinned, and stood up, finished as well.
"See you later, Harry." She walked off, destination unknown. Lily was the only one left seated near him; the Gryffindors were too intimidated by her dark cloak to sit next to Harry.
"What happened to the infamous Gryffindor bravery?" Lily asked, grinning unseen beneath the shadow charm.
"Dunno," Harry said. "Must have disappeared when Voldemort -" the Hall flinched. They didn't seem to have anything better to do than to listen to his conversation. "Voldemort returned." His utensils clattered onto his plate. "Oh, well," Harry sighed. "Let's go." Nodding in Dumbledore's direction, Harry sauntered off in the direction of the Quidditch Pitch.
"Now what?" Lily asked.
"Now I think," said Harry.
"At the Quidditch Pitch?" asked Lily sceptically.
"No," replied Harry, smiling. "In the air."
"Daddy's boy," Lily chided, grinning.
"I fly better," said Harry smugly.
"Anyone flies better than your father," Lily grunted.
A few hours later, Lily was speechless.
"Mum?" Harry asked. No response. This had happened several times during the past five minutes. They were in the stands, Harry more relaxed than he had been since he could remember. Lily just sat there in her appropriated black robes, shaking. This time however, she slowly turned to face Harry.
"Sorry, Mum," he said after a moment. Lily wrapped him up an a hug to rival one of Mrs. Weasley's. Or Ginny's. It must be a redhead thing, he thought. He pulled away, and she appeared grinning.
"Oh, please," she said grinning. "I'm not an old bag yet. Just don't kill yourself!" Harry just stared. "What?"
"Sure! I'm not as stuffy as I used to be. Your dad taught me to have a little fun!"
"Oh," Harry said, clearly not expecting this change in what he knew of her character.
"Lemme guess," she said. "Sirius said I was the killjoy, never any fun, and that he and your dad would sneak you away to ride with your dad on their broomsticks?" Harry just gaped. "I'll take that as a yes. Do you really think I'd have let you out of my sight at that age?" Harry saw the logic in this, but remembered her reaction at the Dursleys' house. "Come on," she said warmly. "Spend some time with dear old Mum."
They sat in the stands for another couple hours, talking about before Halloween 1981. Lily sat back laughing. Harry did not find it as amusing.
"I doubt that very much," he said blushing.
"It's true! It happened! You picked up a piece of shit from your nappy and threw it at your father! I was so proud... and pardon my language."
Blushing, Harry checked his watch and changed the subject. "It's about lunch time."
Lily stuck her tongue out at him. "Spoil my fun, then."
During the afternoon, Lily had left the school to announce her return to Remus. Though Ron had attempted to coax Harry into playing some chess, Hermione had dragged him back to the confines of the library after the second game, leaving Harry alone with his thoughts. It was now mid-afternoon, and Harry, without any of his belongings, sat in the Room of Requirement on a very comfy velvet chair, and thought about recent events.
Voldemort kidnapped me, made me perform a ritual with various ethical ramifications - Harry's thoughts were interrupted. When had he become Hermione? Anyway, she needs human life force to live, like a vampire or something. And when she comes back from the dead, what I know of her personality - which granted, isn't much - completely changes.
What I've heard from Sirius and Remus and various professors was that Mum was the Hermione back then: always into books, there was never any time for fun. School was important, because she was the outsider and she wanted to prove to everyone that she belonged here. Now, she completely changes. Then again, I can see what happens: she's 18, she's made it, aced her NEWTs, and everything's slowed down. She has time to waste for the more mundane things, like Quidditch. But what about the first day? She lapsed back into the mothering figure she's supposed to be for me, and now she's back to her fun loving self.
Harry thought about it more.
But she is my mum, and she is 21, so I can see how that would be confusing - hormones and all that.
Harry then decided to forget about it - his mother wasn't going anywhere, so long as he found a way to get her the life force she would so desperately need, and so long as he didn't spend so much time with Hermione, he just wouldn't worry about it. Now that he thought about it, the life force was another priority for him. He knew St. Mungo's would have the Kiss victims in a ward somewhere, he just needed to find out where. He swallowed his pride and went to the one person he knew could help him.
"Hermione!" he called out, afraid to be too loud in Pince's library. Sure enough, a 'shh!' was made from between the shelves, and Harry sighed. But Harry did feel a tap on his shoulder. So he turned, and saw the gloomy face of Ron.
"I'm so bloody happy to see you!" he exclaimed quietly. "Hermione's got me reading books and all this other rubbish! I can't stand it!"
"Why not?" Harry asked grinning. "They're your priorities." Ron's face flushed, his own words being thrown back at him and his voice lowered even more.
"You know I only said that to score points with Hermione -" He went redder.
"I thought you loved me," Harry said, feigning being hurt. Ron attempted to best Harry's Minister Fudge impression from the morning. "Oh, come off it. I'll see if Hermione will release you after I find her."
"She's over this way," Ron said, a little happier now. As Harry was led over to Hermione, Madam Pince glared at him from between the shelves.
"Harry," Hermione greeted curtly. She didn't seem pleased.
"Er - Hi, Hermione," said Harry.
"I know what you did," said Hermione, before Harry could bring up St. Mungo's.
"What I did?" asked Harry worriedly. Hermione grabbed him by the neck, and leaned in closely so no one overheard.
"You brought your mother back to life by having sex with her!" she hissed. "I found a book on Necromancy in the Restricted Section. What you've done, it's immoral, and disgusting, and -"
"Now just hold on a minute!" Harry said, trying to defend himself. "I didn't have much of a choice! Supposedly, Voldie had nukes planted in every major city throughout the world, and he was holding Professor Snape! He didn't exactly tell me what my part would be in this ritual, and just shoved me into a room with her!
"Honestly," Hermione said incredulously. "You believed that load of codswallop? Voldemort with Muggle weapons? Are you terminally thick? Why would a pure-blood supremist touch anything made by a Muggle?" Harry thought about it for more than a moment, and swore loudly. Madam Pince came along, attracted by the noise.
"Watch your language, young man!" she said harshly. "Be quieter or leave!" Harry and Hermione could only nod meekly, and Ron laughed silently, watching Hermione get scolded by the librarian. When Madam Pince left, Hermione still glared at Harry.
"I don't see why you're so bothered by this!" Harry whispered. "I'm the one who was shoved into a room and pretty much raped by my own mum, not you! I'm the one who had to put up with Voldemort staring me in the face, not you! So I'll thank you to ignore the nitty-gritty about whatever rituals I'm forced to take part in, thank you very much!"
"I'm bothered by the fact that you're not bothered by this!" Hermione hissed back. With that, she left the library huffing, Ron being yanked by the arm behind her.
At supper, Harry was left alone by everyone, which suited him just fine. He went outside afterwards and proceeded to sit underneath an oak tree by the lake. He lost track of time, alone with his thoughts, until Lily came back. She looked exhausted, like she'd been in more than a few fights, but she also looked pleased, as she had purchased some more clothing. She was wearing Muggle clothes, a tan trench coat, a black blouse and blue jeans. The wind made the coat flutter and tousled her hair. Harry thought she looked very pretty - but Hermione's words had gotten to him, and he was bothered by the emotions he was feeling.
"Hey," Lily called.
"Hi," Harry mumbled. "How was Remus?"
"He was sulking," she frowned, "just like you are now. What's wrong?"
"Nothing," he said. Lily sighed.
"Come on, Harry," she said skeptically. "Your father was exactly the same way: he'd want to talk about something, and when you asked him, he'd sit there and sulk about it. Now what's wrong?"
"I'm wondering how the hell I'm going to keep you alive," he lied. Her frown grew deeper, and Harry was worried she saw right through his lie. She didn't make any indication of it if she did.
"Don't worry about it," said Lily, ruffling his hair. "I know you'll think of something. Come on. Time for bed." Upon hearing this, Harry looked up to see Lily grinning at him. He smiled, feeling tired anyway. Lily leaned over and kissed Harry's hair. She offered her hand to him, he took it, and they walked together in silence back to the school.
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