Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Return
Dancing in the Dark
Saturday has come around again faster than you could say Saturday, and Harry still hasn't found a solution...
Oh, I should mention, I'm hopelessly lost when it comes to writing lemons.
And, I'd like to thank those of you who have rated and reviewed my story.
yojorocks: Do you really think Harry would do such a thing? Nice idea, though.
xanthos: Thank you.
Bringhimup: I don't know yet. I'm going to leave Hermione alone for a bit.
yojorocks: I couldn't think of a way to get Dumbledore to comply.
xanthos: I couldn't agree more... if only I wasn't the author - er, that is, thank you again.
Anybody anywhere on the seventh floor on that rainy Saturday afternoon would have heard that word very clearly. Then they would fall down, as the whole floor was shaking. The students that did happen to fall down would more or less have learned not to upset Harry Potter. Inside the Room of Requirements, however, bottles of expensive alcohols were shattering under the strain of being bombarded with massive amounts of magic.
"What do you mean?" asked Harry furiously.
"Exactly what I said," Lily said impatiently. "Dumbledore has done nothing but to scheme and plot for the past 15 years about how he was going to kill Voldemort. Since I died, he has ignored the students, the school, even the world outside, because what he mostly thinks about is ending the 'reign' of one Tom Riddle."
"Have you asked him about my 'personal guard'?" asked Harry wryly. Lily smiled a small smile.
"Yes," she answered. "He claims not to know anything about them, or why they're following you, or why they're in Order Invisibility Cloaks."
"Hmph," Harry muttered.
"I saw your OWL results today," Lily said.
"Hmph," Harry repeated.
"You received more OWLs than your father. I just thought you might like to know." Harry smiled.
"And you failed Defense Against the Dark Arts," said Lily. Harry's face contorted into an expression of horror.
"It stopped you from saying 'hmph' again, didn't it?" Grinning, Lily kissed Harry on the cheek, handed him a slip of paper and slipped out of the room. Harry scanned the page, and smiled widely. Six of eight possible OWLs was definitely good.
Lily walked into the kitchens, receiving a glare from Hermione, who was standing outside, as she entered. She shrugged, and descended the stairs into the main room. What she saw shocked her to the core.
After screaming, a beat up old house-elf glared at her. "It's the Mudblood from before," he muttered. "Kreacher remembers how she fouled the blood of the Potter line, oh yes, and birthed the murderer of the Dark Lord. Kreacher had hoped she was dead, but nothing goes to Kreacher's liking, oh no."
Lily scowled. "It's you, hmm? And you still call me mudblood. I guess James and Sirius didn't beat you enough. I'll admit it was fun watching you get hit with a Beater's bat time and again, but you still never learned. What the hell are you doing here? Poisoning Hogwarts students, I expect."
"I is not having to answer to the Mudblood anymore, she is not my mistress. I is only having to answer to Dumbledore, even though he is a filthy blood traitor." Lily frowned. Sirius had willed everything to James, Harry and her. There was no way that Kreacher would be here, unless Dumbledore had taken control of Grimmauld Place by force. Lily decided to leave to report this interesting revelation to Harry, but was blocked by another house-elf.
"Dobby is thinking yous eyeses is looking like Master Harry Potter's. Is you be knowing Master Harry Potter?" Knitting her eyebrows, she voiced her thought.
"Master Harry Potter?"
"Yes, Missy Red Hair. Harry Potter is the greatest and bestest wizard in the world, and he be freeing me from my old masters: evil, Dark wizards." He visibly fought his programmed response to insulting the Malfoys. "Dobby is being free, and even though Harry Potter is not liking it, Dobby is calling him Master." Lily smiled.
"Harry didn't tell me about you," she said. She suddenly clasped her hand to her mouth, knowing too late that that was the wrong thing to say.
"But Harry is telling all of his friends about Dobby. His Wheezy and his Lady be knowing about Dobby, so maybe you is not being one of Harry Potter's friends."
"Well, I'll go ask him right now, then." Lily was about to walk away, when Dobby's small figure hugged her legs.
"Can I be coming to see Master Harry Potter too?" Sighing, Lily nodded slowly, and Dobby cheered. All of a sudden, she was in front of an appropriately confused Harry with a House-Elf in a very uncomfortable position.
"Mum?" slipped out of his mouth, and Dobby gasped in shock.
"This is being the mother of Master Harry Potter?"
"Master?" Harry asked.
"Master is not telling his own mother about Dobby!" Dobby looked ready to wail. Thinking quickly, Harry replied, hoping to diffuse the situation before it became wetter than Cho Chang's tear glands.
"I must have done!" He looked at Lily fervently. "You know, Dobby!"
"Oh," Lily said unconvincingly. "That Dobby."
"Yes," Harry almost shouted. "That Dobby."
"Harry is telling his mother about Dobby!" Dobby squealed happily. Suddenly, he frowned. "I thought Harry Potter's mother was being dead."
"Nope," Harry said in retaliation. "The Ministry lied, and kept her in prison for fifteen years." Lily frowned, but it was a realistic explanation, though far-fetched. Dobby, however, would never believe that THE Harry Potter would ever tell even a white lie.
"Does Mistress Lily needing anything?" Dobby asked.
"Mistress?" both she and Harry queried.
"Yous is Lily Potter! The mother of the great Harry Potter!" Dobby said, as if that explained everything.
"But that doesn't mean you have to call me Mistress," Lily said slowly.
"Mistress is as nice and as good as Harry Potter!" Dobby wailed. Harry looked like he wanted to cry too, and Lily whispered recent events in his ear. Hesitantly, he spoke to Dobby.
"Dobby, I think I'll need a house-elf. Do you know anybody who would like to work for me?"
Apparently, this was too subtle as Dobby burst into tears, upset that he would not be able to serve Harry Potter.
"I think he meant you, Dobby," Lily said nonplussed. Instantly, Dobby's tears stopped, and he gave the pair a wet, toothy grin as he popped away.
"Well," Harry said, "at least he's better than Kreacher."
"Amen to that," Lily muttered.
At supper time, Lily sat next to Harry in her Muggle clothes. Some of the Slytherins glared at her, as if daring her to justify her attire, but she ignored them. Hermione ignored Harry and Lily entirely and seemed completely enraptured by Ron. Ron would occasionally glance at Harry, but turned away when Hermione hissed at him. Harry sighed sadly as he ate his mashed potatoes.
Harry wandered about he castle; it was too late to go zooming about on a broom. He wondered how he should go about doing - what he needed to do. He was afraid. Afraid of the sex, afraid she wouldn't love him, afraid he'd somehow do it wrong, and she'd die again...
Lily thought back to her first - and only, until Harry - last time she had sex. Two minutes. That was how long it took for James to strip her, get in, do his business, and get out. Pitiful. Lily had resolved she would never have sex again. And now she was getting ready to make love to her own son. This time would be as unusual as it would be special for the both of them, she realized. For them both, this would truly be the first time. And should this night proceed, and Harry was as sexually adept as his father, then Lily would accept it, but she promised herself to make this the best night she could.
At about nine 'o-clock, Harry knocked on the door of the Room of Requirement.
"Come in," said Lily's voice quietly. Harry turned the knob, and pushed open the door. The room had completely changed from the homey, tranquil bedroom that served as their sleeping quarter for the past week, to a romantic hotel room, lit only by firelight, from both a roaring fire and candle on the mantle above it. Shadows flickered on the Lily was not disappointed as to his reaction; he merely gaped as his jaw sunk to the first floor. Lily was dressed in a white terrycloth robe, revealing ample cleavage. Harry guessed it was a C-cup at least. Underneath that, Harry could see a loose, silky black baby doll hanging from her shoulders. Lily blushed and smiled; James had only looked at her in anticipation, as if she were a sack of meat. Harry suddenly turned away, embarrassed.
"It's alright," Lily said awkwardly.
"So..." Harry said. Silence, until Lily spoke.
"You don't have to do this, you know."
"You've died for me once already," Harry said. "If this is the only way for you to live the life you should have had..." The sentence remained unfinished, the tension in the room almost visible.
Finally, Lily stepped forward, and kissed Harry softly on the lips. He placed his hand gingerly on her cheek, and from there, it moved to her back, just as her hands ran through his hair. Sometime during this, their eyes had closed and Harry's opened as he broke the kiss. He watched as Lily looked as if she were floating on air, opening her eyes slowly with a faint smile on her face. She grabbed his head again and they kissed once more, Lily poking at Harry's teeth with her tongue. Lily gasped in delight as his jaw opened, and his tongue embraced hers. As the tongues mingled, Harry instinctively lowered a strap of the baby doll down her arm, caressing the smooth skin below. Lily moved her hands towards Harry's slacks, opening the button at his waist and lowering the fabric, revealing his boxers. Their kiss went on for an eternity, until both parties knew their lover's mouths more intimately than they did their own.
Harry took the initiative, and pushed Lily back onto the bed, which expanded by itself. He climbed on top of her, the limited musculature not being heavy enough to cause Lily any pain. Her head turned to the right, giving him access to her neck. The baby doll had fallen off, ending up crumpled on the floor, and his hands moved lower, as hers yanked Harry's shirt off.
"Oh, Harry," she sighed, feeling the sensations of his lips against the nape of her neck, the warmth of his breath, the roughness of his fingertips as they worked on her nipples. He lowered his head, and kissed her firm breasts, careful not to touch the sensitive areolas. Lily whimpered in frustration, wanting to feel pleasure that had only been given snippets of. She grabbed his head and forced it down on to her breasts, and he happily licked and bit the erect nipples. Lily screamed in unadulterated joy. Harry, encouraged by her scream, kissed his way down her front to a line of red hair that led right to her pussy. He blew gently at the puffy pink folds, which shined in the candlelight due to the juices that flowed out of her. After doing this a couple times, Harry looked up and noticed that Lily was writhing on the bed in ecstasy. Harry grinned, and licked at the wet, leaking edges of Lily's sex.
"Oh, Godddddddd," she groaned, writhing harder, her hands flying over her body. Harry licked her again and again, and as he lapped away at the sweet nectar, Lily cried out, closing her eyes. Her whole body burned and she came, the leak between her legs becoming a gushing river, and Harry struggled trying to get every last drop of the succulent stuff.
Lily smirked seductively, and pulled Harry up to her. Their matching eyes literally glowed brighter with unseen power, but Harry did nothing as her nose touched his and she kissed him forcefully, passionately. The kiss ended with Harry's lower lip gently but snugly trapped between Lily's teeth. Her tongue ran over the grooves, and she opened her mouth, letting Harry's lip go. Harry licked her collarbone and smiled, receiving satisfaction from Lily's gasp.
"H-h-harry..." she whispered. "Now... please!" Harry nodded, and his body sunk down hers once more, until his painfully hard penis was pointed straight at the entrance to her body. And he pushed forward, splitting the lips and impaling her on him.
She howled loud enough for the whole school to hear, if the room wasn't blanketed with a Silencing Charm. She smiled up at Harry with an expression of worry on his face.
"Keep going," she whispered. Harry nodded, still concerned, but he thrust into her again. Instead of the pained, twisted cry she had emitted earlier, this was a quieter cry which told of passion, of love, of lust, of pure joy. Satisfied, Harry began to pump like a piston, and Lily panted and moaned and loved every second of it. This was truly making love, truly beautiful, and the best thing either of them had ever felt. Time slowed down, and Harry spilled himself into Lily, just as Lily's muscles contracted.
Their worlds exploded as they were sent over the edge, the ritual heightening every motion, every pulse, every feeling. They held each other tightly, not daring to open their eyes, to speak, in fear of ruining this one perfect moment in time. They fell asleep, Harry's not completely soft member deep within her, their arms wrapped around the other's bodies, their whispered words having been missed by the other... "I love you..."
The Ritual was sated for another week.
And, I'd like to thank those of you who have rated and reviewed my story.
yojorocks: Do you really think Harry would do such a thing? Nice idea, though.
xanthos: Thank you.
Bringhimup: I don't know yet. I'm going to leave Hermione alone for a bit.
yojorocks: I couldn't think of a way to get Dumbledore to comply.
xanthos: I couldn't agree more... if only I wasn't the author - er, that is, thank you again.
Anybody anywhere on the seventh floor on that rainy Saturday afternoon would have heard that word very clearly. Then they would fall down, as the whole floor was shaking. The students that did happen to fall down would more or less have learned not to upset Harry Potter. Inside the Room of Requirements, however, bottles of expensive alcohols were shattering under the strain of being bombarded with massive amounts of magic.
"What do you mean?" asked Harry furiously.
"Exactly what I said," Lily said impatiently. "Dumbledore has done nothing but to scheme and plot for the past 15 years about how he was going to kill Voldemort. Since I died, he has ignored the students, the school, even the world outside, because what he mostly thinks about is ending the 'reign' of one Tom Riddle."
"Have you asked him about my 'personal guard'?" asked Harry wryly. Lily smiled a small smile.
"Yes," she answered. "He claims not to know anything about them, or why they're following you, or why they're in Order Invisibility Cloaks."
"Hmph," Harry muttered.
"I saw your OWL results today," Lily said.
"Hmph," Harry repeated.
"You received more OWLs than your father. I just thought you might like to know." Harry smiled.
"And you failed Defense Against the Dark Arts," said Lily. Harry's face contorted into an expression of horror.
"It stopped you from saying 'hmph' again, didn't it?" Grinning, Lily kissed Harry on the cheek, handed him a slip of paper and slipped out of the room. Harry scanned the page, and smiled widely. Six of eight possible OWLs was definitely good.
Lily walked into the kitchens, receiving a glare from Hermione, who was standing outside, as she entered. She shrugged, and descended the stairs into the main room. What she saw shocked her to the core.
After screaming, a beat up old house-elf glared at her. "It's the Mudblood from before," he muttered. "Kreacher remembers how she fouled the blood of the Potter line, oh yes, and birthed the murderer of the Dark Lord. Kreacher had hoped she was dead, but nothing goes to Kreacher's liking, oh no."
Lily scowled. "It's you, hmm? And you still call me mudblood. I guess James and Sirius didn't beat you enough. I'll admit it was fun watching you get hit with a Beater's bat time and again, but you still never learned. What the hell are you doing here? Poisoning Hogwarts students, I expect."
"I is not having to answer to the Mudblood anymore, she is not my mistress. I is only having to answer to Dumbledore, even though he is a filthy blood traitor." Lily frowned. Sirius had willed everything to James, Harry and her. There was no way that Kreacher would be here, unless Dumbledore had taken control of Grimmauld Place by force. Lily decided to leave to report this interesting revelation to Harry, but was blocked by another house-elf.
"Dobby is thinking yous eyeses is looking like Master Harry Potter's. Is you be knowing Master Harry Potter?" Knitting her eyebrows, she voiced her thought.
"Master Harry Potter?"
"Yes, Missy Red Hair. Harry Potter is the greatest and bestest wizard in the world, and he be freeing me from my old masters: evil, Dark wizards." He visibly fought his programmed response to insulting the Malfoys. "Dobby is being free, and even though Harry Potter is not liking it, Dobby is calling him Master." Lily smiled.
"Harry didn't tell me about you," she said. She suddenly clasped her hand to her mouth, knowing too late that that was the wrong thing to say.
"But Harry is telling all of his friends about Dobby. His Wheezy and his Lady be knowing about Dobby, so maybe you is not being one of Harry Potter's friends."
"Well, I'll go ask him right now, then." Lily was about to walk away, when Dobby's small figure hugged her legs.
"Can I be coming to see Master Harry Potter too?" Sighing, Lily nodded slowly, and Dobby cheered. All of a sudden, she was in front of an appropriately confused Harry with a House-Elf in a very uncomfortable position.
"Mum?" slipped out of his mouth, and Dobby gasped in shock.
"This is being the mother of Master Harry Potter?"
"Master?" Harry asked.
"Master is not telling his own mother about Dobby!" Dobby looked ready to wail. Thinking quickly, Harry replied, hoping to diffuse the situation before it became wetter than Cho Chang's tear glands.
"I must have done!" He looked at Lily fervently. "You know, Dobby!"
"Oh," Lily said unconvincingly. "That Dobby."
"Yes," Harry almost shouted. "That Dobby."
"Harry is telling his mother about Dobby!" Dobby squealed happily. Suddenly, he frowned. "I thought Harry Potter's mother was being dead."
"Nope," Harry said in retaliation. "The Ministry lied, and kept her in prison for fifteen years." Lily frowned, but it was a realistic explanation, though far-fetched. Dobby, however, would never believe that THE Harry Potter would ever tell even a white lie.
"Does Mistress Lily needing anything?" Dobby asked.
"Mistress?" both she and Harry queried.
"Yous is Lily Potter! The mother of the great Harry Potter!" Dobby said, as if that explained everything.
"But that doesn't mean you have to call me Mistress," Lily said slowly.
"Mistress is as nice and as good as Harry Potter!" Dobby wailed. Harry looked like he wanted to cry too, and Lily whispered recent events in his ear. Hesitantly, he spoke to Dobby.
"Dobby, I think I'll need a house-elf. Do you know anybody who would like to work for me?"
Apparently, this was too subtle as Dobby burst into tears, upset that he would not be able to serve Harry Potter.
"I think he meant you, Dobby," Lily said nonplussed. Instantly, Dobby's tears stopped, and he gave the pair a wet, toothy grin as he popped away.
"Well," Harry said, "at least he's better than Kreacher."
"Amen to that," Lily muttered.
At supper time, Lily sat next to Harry in her Muggle clothes. Some of the Slytherins glared at her, as if daring her to justify her attire, but she ignored them. Hermione ignored Harry and Lily entirely and seemed completely enraptured by Ron. Ron would occasionally glance at Harry, but turned away when Hermione hissed at him. Harry sighed sadly as he ate his mashed potatoes.
Harry wandered about he castle; it was too late to go zooming about on a broom. He wondered how he should go about doing - what he needed to do. He was afraid. Afraid of the sex, afraid she wouldn't love him, afraid he'd somehow do it wrong, and she'd die again...
Lily thought back to her first - and only, until Harry - last time she had sex. Two minutes. That was how long it took for James to strip her, get in, do his business, and get out. Pitiful. Lily had resolved she would never have sex again. And now she was getting ready to make love to her own son. This time would be as unusual as it would be special for the both of them, she realized. For them both, this would truly be the first time. And should this night proceed, and Harry was as sexually adept as his father, then Lily would accept it, but she promised herself to make this the best night she could.
At about nine 'o-clock, Harry knocked on the door of the Room of Requirement.
"Come in," said Lily's voice quietly. Harry turned the knob, and pushed open the door. The room had completely changed from the homey, tranquil bedroom that served as their sleeping quarter for the past week, to a romantic hotel room, lit only by firelight, from both a roaring fire and candle on the mantle above it. Shadows flickered on the Lily was not disappointed as to his reaction; he merely gaped as his jaw sunk to the first floor. Lily was dressed in a white terrycloth robe, revealing ample cleavage. Harry guessed it was a C-cup at least. Underneath that, Harry could see a loose, silky black baby doll hanging from her shoulders. Lily blushed and smiled; James had only looked at her in anticipation, as if she were a sack of meat. Harry suddenly turned away, embarrassed.
"It's alright," Lily said awkwardly.
"So..." Harry said. Silence, until Lily spoke.
"You don't have to do this, you know."
"You've died for me once already," Harry said. "If this is the only way for you to live the life you should have had..." The sentence remained unfinished, the tension in the room almost visible.
Finally, Lily stepped forward, and kissed Harry softly on the lips. He placed his hand gingerly on her cheek, and from there, it moved to her back, just as her hands ran through his hair. Sometime during this, their eyes had closed and Harry's opened as he broke the kiss. He watched as Lily looked as if she were floating on air, opening her eyes slowly with a faint smile on her face. She grabbed his head again and they kissed once more, Lily poking at Harry's teeth with her tongue. Lily gasped in delight as his jaw opened, and his tongue embraced hers. As the tongues mingled, Harry instinctively lowered a strap of the baby doll down her arm, caressing the smooth skin below. Lily moved her hands towards Harry's slacks, opening the button at his waist and lowering the fabric, revealing his boxers. Their kiss went on for an eternity, until both parties knew their lover's mouths more intimately than they did their own.
Harry took the initiative, and pushed Lily back onto the bed, which expanded by itself. He climbed on top of her, the limited musculature not being heavy enough to cause Lily any pain. Her head turned to the right, giving him access to her neck. The baby doll had fallen off, ending up crumpled on the floor, and his hands moved lower, as hers yanked Harry's shirt off.
"Oh, Harry," she sighed, feeling the sensations of his lips against the nape of her neck, the warmth of his breath, the roughness of his fingertips as they worked on her nipples. He lowered his head, and kissed her firm breasts, careful not to touch the sensitive areolas. Lily whimpered in frustration, wanting to feel pleasure that had only been given snippets of. She grabbed his head and forced it down on to her breasts, and he happily licked and bit the erect nipples. Lily screamed in unadulterated joy. Harry, encouraged by her scream, kissed his way down her front to a line of red hair that led right to her pussy. He blew gently at the puffy pink folds, which shined in the candlelight due to the juices that flowed out of her. After doing this a couple times, Harry looked up and noticed that Lily was writhing on the bed in ecstasy. Harry grinned, and licked at the wet, leaking edges of Lily's sex.
"Oh, Godddddddd," she groaned, writhing harder, her hands flying over her body. Harry licked her again and again, and as he lapped away at the sweet nectar, Lily cried out, closing her eyes. Her whole body burned and she came, the leak between her legs becoming a gushing river, and Harry struggled trying to get every last drop of the succulent stuff.
Lily smirked seductively, and pulled Harry up to her. Their matching eyes literally glowed brighter with unseen power, but Harry did nothing as her nose touched his and she kissed him forcefully, passionately. The kiss ended with Harry's lower lip gently but snugly trapped between Lily's teeth. Her tongue ran over the grooves, and she opened her mouth, letting Harry's lip go. Harry licked her collarbone and smiled, receiving satisfaction from Lily's gasp.
"H-h-harry..." she whispered. "Now... please!" Harry nodded, and his body sunk down hers once more, until his painfully hard penis was pointed straight at the entrance to her body. And he pushed forward, splitting the lips and impaling her on him.
She howled loud enough for the whole school to hear, if the room wasn't blanketed with a Silencing Charm. She smiled up at Harry with an expression of worry on his face.
"Keep going," she whispered. Harry nodded, still concerned, but he thrust into her again. Instead of the pained, twisted cry she had emitted earlier, this was a quieter cry which told of passion, of love, of lust, of pure joy. Satisfied, Harry began to pump like a piston, and Lily panted and moaned and loved every second of it. This was truly making love, truly beautiful, and the best thing either of them had ever felt. Time slowed down, and Harry spilled himself into Lily, just as Lily's muscles contracted.
Their worlds exploded as they were sent over the edge, the ritual heightening every motion, every pulse, every feeling. They held each other tightly, not daring to open their eyes, to speak, in fear of ruining this one perfect moment in time. They fell asleep, Harry's not completely soft member deep within her, their arms wrapped around the other's bodies, their whispered words having been missed by the other... "I love you..."
The Ritual was sated for another week.
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