Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > True to Your Heart

Chapter 34

by youngandreckless 2 reviews

chapter 34

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-14 - Updated: 2006-08-15 - 282 words

Chapter 34

Pete's POV

"Merry Christmas baby," Stacey smiled.
"Peter Pan's gonna learn to fly, and land," Joe laughed.
"You're serious?" I turned to Stacey.
"Yeah, go, we're gonna sit and watch," she pointed to the bleachers, I jumped up and down, giving her a kiss, then I followed the guy.

Laura's POV

I watched Pete get all geared up then he listened to the people tell how him to go about this. "Pete's onna fly?" Jordan came sitting on my lap.
"Yup Peter Pan is gonna fly, and land without breaking the house," I laughed. I turned looking at Joe he smiled staring at me, then looking at Jordan. "What?" I asked. He just nodded looking at Pete.

Andy's POV

"He's adorable," I smiled looking to Ana.
"Thanks," She smiled. "Not many people would just take complete strangers into their house and babysit, so thanks alot,"
"We arent normal, and we figure if we can live with Pete a stranger is like family," I laughed as she laughed to.
"He is something else, thats for sure,"
"Oh yeah and it seems as he gets older it gets worse,"
"Then just picture him in ten years,"
"I try not to, it'll might kill me,"

Stacey's POV

Pete ran over to us during a little break. "Ahh did you see?" he jumped around. "Its soo exciting, I can fly and land! I just need my tinker bell," He laughed sitting next to me.
"Get your sister to be your tinker bell, she likes to fly," I laughed.
"Noo its gotta be you," he smiled kissing me.
"Hey Pete come on!" One of the trainers yelled.
"Be back," he laughed running down the stairs.
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