Categories > Games > Halo > Rebache

Act I Chapter IV: The Salvicon

by sgtlegendkiller 0 reviews


Category: Halo - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2015-07-04 - 6173 words

Act I Chapter IV
“The Salvicon”

A1C4 Track
Superstar ~ Saliva (Every Six Seconds)

D: 4:43 p.m. June 17th, 2016

“I am telling you, Jack!” Nathan argued with a whine in the middle of Ali’s living room. “If I had the money I would totally have a Daytona!”

“Nathan! Shut the fuck up, dude!” Jack sighed in protest. “I will make up a nose point for your Charger and then I will weld it on!”

“It wouldn’t be the same.”

“It would be cheaper!”

“Bah! It wouldn’t be the same though!” Nathan argued for the sake of arguing.

“’ey! Maybe if you quit wastin’ your money on women and video games you might be able to afford one…” Ali cut in smartly from the couch that he sat comfortably with Xbox One controller in hand.

“You shush!” Nathan snapped back.

“Nathan… You never tell a man what to do in his own home.” Sam chuckled as he got a water from the fridge in the kitchen that hid behind a large bar table from the living room.

Nathan huffed and left it alone by he exited the room. Jack face palmed as he chuckled loudly in unison with Ali. Sam just rolled his eyes as he poured the clear contents of the bottle into a large glass over several ice cubes. These antics were often and normal behavior for the group. Nathan usually had something that he had already brought up thousands of times to debate, and Jack and Nick would tag team as they would cast the debate completely down. As of now it was only the four guys in The Block for now, which easily enough to make it so there was never a dull moment.

The Block, as it was commonly referred to due to its bland and inconspicuous exterior design, was a large building that consisted of a living space that would rival a several room large penthouse and a large, fleet worthy showroom garage. This facility was built by Ali as his main residence and base of operation. Out of all of them, Ali had been at this racing practice for several years and had invested quite a bit of money into the facility. The couches and furniture were all made of dark hardwoods and white leather; the carpet was also white while the walls and ceiling were painted a slightly reddish grey color. It wasn’t that easy on the eyes at first, but it was quite homely. To add insult to injury: even the garage floor was polished and done up to resemble majestic white marble.

Sam usually would come and stay here at Ali’s place on occasion when things got a bit heated on the law enforcement side of things. It was secure here as the Block was located in the quiet several minutes away from the nearest town. It was a private lot that was surrounded by fence and such. Due to the layout of the property, the normal passerby on the roadway would probably assume it to be some sort of private airstrip and hangar and so it would be left alone. Sam had been here only two days and it seemed that the police had given up looking for his car. This might have had something to do with his father possibly covering something up. He might have told them that the Challenger had Colorado plates and that the car was heading out of state or something.

Once he had arrived here, he had sent a respond message to Mr. Czar’s contact with an address to drop the car at. With no other details to follow through with, Sam just was sitting tight until the vehicle was delivered. The only thing he had heard in return was that the car was on its way and would be there in 48 hours after me sent his message.

With a sigh, he sat next to Ali. At this point, Jack had left the room to follow Nathan.

“What’s up, kid?”

“Nothing… Just tired…”

“Ah…” Ali spoke without looking from the screen.

“Any word on the next Horizon festival?”

“No… not yet… It’s coming in late this year I think… I’ve heard rumors they it is going to be in Australia.” Ali speculated.

“Sounds fun…”

“Yeah.” Ali paused to concentrate on killing something in Marathon. “How long you been with me? 2013?” He asked suddenly.

“Something like that… We met at the 2012 Horizon in Colorado.”

“Yeah, that is right. We raced a bit didn’t we?” Ali chuckled.

“Yeah… in the preliminary rounds we did. Back when my Challenger didn’t have the balls it have now.”

“True… true…”

“We need to go to the next one…”

“Fuck yeah we do! Like… all of us this time.”

“I didn’t make any of them since Colorado…” Sam sighed. The reason he hadn’t made them was distance traveling and planning. In 2013, Horizon was placed down near Rio; in 2014, it was northern Italy and southern Spain; then the last one in 2015 was in the center of New York State. He could have made New York but his car was in need of a new transmission and was rendered useless.

The two sat in silence for a moment.

“That is ok, Bro. You’ll make this year. I’m sure I’ll be able to take your money again!” Ali laughed loudly.

“Yeah… sure…” Sam smiled as he sipped his water. “Hey? You remember Captain No Face?”

“Fuck yeah! That dude won the festival too! No one thought he would at first…” Ali admired.

“What ever happened to him?”

Ali was about to answer when a buzzer sounded off in the living space. He paused his game and quickly checked his tablet. “That truck is here…” Ali said as he opened the gates to the Block remotely. “Cmon…” Ali got up from the couch.

Ali and Sam left the living space for the garage section of the building. Once there, Ali opened the large bay door just as the large truck pulled up before it would reverse into the open bay. The car on the back of the single cab truck was covered and protected from sight with a large, heavy duty black tarp that hid the form of the vehicle well. After the truck had backed in, the driver and a helper got out to very quickly unload the car from the ramp without a word. The car had barely been off the trailer for five seconds before the driver and the helper began to leave. With the shake of his head, Ali just closed the bay door as the business was done.

Nathan and Jack, who were in the garage going over some things on one of Ali’s cars, came over to find out what car lie underneath the cover. Sam, knowing what it was, took the honor of removing the tarp. The cloth came off with ease to reveal a light blue Ford GT; a pair of white racing stripes ran from front to rear bumper underneath a spoiler wing that easily had six inches of clearance from the rear of the car.

“Why didn’t they just give you the GT40? That wedge is better than the new ones!” Nathan grumbled out with distaste.

“Nathan… Holy fuck! You are a hard core purist!” Jack countered Nathan’s negativity only for Nathan to stick his tongue out to spite him.

Ali gave a quick whistle in admiration as Sam went around the supercar to get a feel of the exterior. After a few slow rounds about the car, Sam opened the door of the vehicle and slipped into the driver seat. Inside, the black leather was as it was originally designed with the exception of a LCD display that had been custom fitted to the dash.

The key seemed to be already sitting in the ignition and so he turned it; the engine gave a series of click before barking out a satisfying roar. As the car eased down to an idle, the LCD screen illuminated with a symbol or brand of sorts; the gleaming geometric lines of a triangle with little circles perfectly around each corner and a fat triangular arrow pointing down to the base of the main triangle. The symbol faded as a diagram of the car appeared with several stats of what the GT held. Among these stats was what the car would put out. This was a quite hefty 1000 horses that would propel the vehicle from zero to 60 in a time of an estimated 2.7 second up to a potential top speed of 240 miles per hour. The stats and car diagram minimized from screen to reveal a GPS with a route plotted out for the starting line of the race. A count down timer clocked that there was only 12 hours until the race started; meaning that the race was to start at five A.M. the next day.

“Well shit…” Sam stuttered.

“What?” Ali popped his head in the still open door.

“This is serious, isn’t it?”

“No shit, bro. You don’t just slide a car like this to someone unless it is.”

“Get in.” Sam smirked suddenly.

“What? Why?!”

“I’ll show you...”

Ali got in quickly and the two found themselves only minutes later sliding around Ali’s little test track behind the Brick. The GT burned rubber with each swerving turn as Sam got a feel for it; Ali was left whooping and yelling loudly in joy as Sam threw the GT around the small track several times.

The car was an absolute blast to drive. It was probably the most powerful car Sam had ever driven before to date. The fact that it was literally a factory built track car helped the way the car performed even without the massive upgrades and modification. Who ever built the car had put quite the impressive traction control system into the supercar; it would only squeal tires for a brief moment before the system kicked on to jolt the rolling car forward with rocketing acceleration. The vehicle had also been tightly tuned for quite the cornering ability. It would do very nicely for the race.

Once Sam had a feel for the car he drove back into Ali’s garage and parked it. Ali helped him fill up the gas tank and check the fluids before he sat next to Sam on the couch in Ali’s living room. Jack and Nathan had left several minutes prior to them putting the car up for the evening and so the place was peaceful enough from Nathan’s constant debating with Jack. Sam sat thinking in silence with an open Heineken in his hand.

“You ok, kid?” Ali asked him as he looked up from his phone.

“I don’t know…” Sam responded before taking a sip from his beer.

“Are you nervous? Scared?”

“Kinda…” Sam sighed.

“Don’t be, man. It’s alright.”

“Dude… it is a million fucking dollars! How can I be calm?!”

“You remember what I’ve told you hundreds of times before: Race like it is your last race.”

Sam sighed slowly. “Your right.”

With that, the two resumed the silence that had lost his hold on the living room temporarily. The two stayed quite for the rest of the evening; the only noise they made was when they played some video games together on Ali’s Xbox One. Since Sam had to be at the race with the car at five am, he tried to take a few sessions of somewhat unsuccessful sessions of sleep. In the early morning, he got up and got himself some coffee before throwing his leather jacket on as he walked out to the car. He opened the garage door and left in the Ford GT for the plotted point on the GPS.

Sam arrived at the location to find a pack of seven supercars waiting on a small rest stop used for emergencies off the side of the Salvicon. Sam pulled off to the rear of the line and got out of the car. As he exited the vehicle, all of the other drivers who had been waiting next to their cars. He seemed immediately out of place in comparison as the rest of the drivers seemed to be wearing either racing suits or dress clothes as opposed to his jeans, t shirt, and leather jacket. He noticed some scowling looks of the others as he looked around.

“Another American?” The driver ahead of him spoke in a heavy Italian accent as he leaned against an orange Lamborghini Adventador J. “Where do they find guys like this?” He chuckled with the following laughs of a few others.

Sam ignored him and looked down the line to get a feel for the cars. In the impressive lineup was a Ferrari Enzo FXX, a Hennessey Venom GT, a Koenigsegg Agera R, a Lamborghini Adventador J, a Maserati MC12, a Pagani Zonda R, and a SCC Ultimate Aero. This was quite a stack that he would have to face against the Ford GT, while he clearly did not have the highest speed capability here, it seemed a pretty even match over all. It would make things interesting later on.

Before anyone else could say something, a blackened SUV pulled over in the rest stop besides the line. The driver got out and quickly told the drivers to get into their cars and line up on the Salvicon. With hast, all of the drivers entered their vehicles and quickly started them. Sam was placed in the rear of the double wide line up next to the Adventador J. As the vehicles were all in place, several things became projected onto the inside of the windshield much like some of the 00’s Pontiac cars. Among the things projected was what position he was in and how long he had to go before he would reach the finish line. The race was going to be a very hefty 100 miles from this point until the end. It would be one hell of a race and he hoped that he was ready for it.

With all of the drivers snapping into position swiftly for the green light, the race was ready to begin. The guy from the SUV moved to the side of the road in front of the pack. He drew a flare gun from out of his jacket before he checked his watch for a few moments before he raised his flare gun into the air. The racers began to rev their engines as they got ready for the shot to pierce the sky. Sam held the engine’s rpms at a substantial level that was just below the threshold of redlining. The shot was soon fired and the eight drivers stamped their accelerators down.

Off the launch, the first to belt off from the stand still was Sam, the Adventador, and the Aero. They were just a split second ahead of the rest, so they didn’t gain much ground between the others. With all the cars accelerating, the Maserati and the Zonda were quickly taking the fighting just behind the Adventador who had the advantage of AWD over the rest of them. Sam kept with the pack as best as he could, but for the mean time he was snuggled in the mid rear for the moment; his saving grace was his power shifting and traction control. With these two things he was keeping up well. In seconds, all of the vehicles had broken easily over 100 mph and they did not taper off from aggressive accelerating.

The vehicles raced down the Salivcon as they all approached 200 mph. The group was quite aggressive in to what places they could keep. The Aero, Adventador, Maserati, and the Zonda were up front dueling it out for the first spot. Sam struggled to stay dead in the middle of the group; it was quite unnerving as the Agera and the FXX road neck and neck on either side of him while the Venom GT closely flanked Sam’s tight side. Despite all the movement and speed, he stayed aware and on edge as he maneuvered with them as flowingly as possible.

Soon the pack was collectively going over 200mph. At this point, the cars with the acceleration began to drop from the lead as the faster cars crept forward. The Aero and Adventador easily stayed up in front for the time being while the Zonda began to drop back with the slower vehicles. The Venom, being of the two fastest cars next to the Aero, quickly could make a break if it wasn’t for the aggressiveness of the other drivers on either side of Sam. Every time the Venom would make a move to get around, either the Agera or the FXX would block its route.

Eventually it would seem that the Venom got fed up with the toying after several attempts. With a much for forward approach, he began accelerating straight towards Sam’s right flank portion of the GT’s bumper. He spat out a curse word as he tried to move to the side to give the Venom some room; the issue was that neither the vehicles on either side would allow him to maneuver. To add to this, the Zonda was in front of him. He was boxed in. Unable to move, Sam watched as the Venom slowly nudged the rear of his car slightly before backing off to prepare to do it again.

Sam turned his wheel to the right slightly and the GT drifted suddenly at the FXX next to him. The FXX moved only a little bit before the two cars made contact and traded some paint. As the two cars had a bit of a scrape, the driver of the FXX seemed to panic as he snapped into the right lane away from Sam. Unfortunately for the driver, he failed to notice a semi-truck in the furthest right lane. Without any time to react, the FXX slammed into the rear of the slow moving semi. With the force of probably 120mph of difference, the Ferrari exploded on impact into a burst of fragmenting metal. Sam snapped back to his previous spot out of shock. With an opening now presented to it, the Venom GT, who had just avoided the wreckage by mere inches, accelerated forward passed Sam.

“Holy fuck!” Sam yelled out in distress before he tried to ignore the fact he had literally just caused someone’s death.

The sudden happened would have probably passed through Sam’s mind at some point before; racing on the Salvicon at 200+ miles per hour could potentially be fatal. The thing that bothered him was how easily he had not noticed the truck. Perhaps he wasn’t fully awake. He hoped this wasn’t the case as he would not want to end up like the FXX driver. Too much of his dismay, the Venom GT simply accelerated passed him as nothing had just happened. Sam swallowed his feelings and shook his head to clear himself before barreling on.

The race continued as such for quite some time. The positions shifted between the cars several times as there were bends and some obstructions on the Salvicon. For the most part the Aero, Adventador, and the Venom GT struggled for the lead while Sam maneuvered around with the Agera, Maserati, and Zonda just a bit behind the front. The opponents were quite aggressive; there had been several points in which paint was traded between the cars. Sam could handle this alright for now. It would only be an issue if the heavy nudges would start; especially at these speeds.

Sam swiftly maneuvered around a semi-truck as he overpassed the rest of the slower half of the group. Somehow he made the slip ahead of the Agera that was blocking him of just about everything he tried to do. He knew that he probably couldn’t keep up with the front group, but he could most likely stay between the two parts of the pack. There wasn’t all that much ground to make up as it seemed that the cars were all in the same general range of specs.

The cars roared on down the highway for several minutes. As the clock ticked and the racers approached a highly populated area, traffic began to be a more serious issue. The race shifted from trying to keep up the most speed to trying to focus on dodging the cars on the highway. The Maserati was the only one who couldn’t handle the traffic as it would seem, as he ended up clipping a pickup truck hard. He very well was not harmed, but his vehicle was rendered unusable and he ended up just rolling to a stop on the shoulder of the road.

Sam found himself having a hell of a time with staying with the Aero and the Adventador. The traffic was not really a challenge to Sam as he was used to it. It would seem that the two in front of him were either experienced with car dodging or very lucky somehow. As it stacked up, Sam was right on the two lead car’s heels through the traffic. Through the octane and soon to slim traffic, another small group of individuals would join the fray with the racers; in Sam’s rear view mirror he spotted a trio of Highway Reapers blasting towards them. Their lights and sirens flashed and rang out vividly as they quickly gained ground on the pack.

The three Vipers quickly made their approach swiftly as the traffic quickly separated down the middle for the police vehicles. As the interceptors got closer a notification appeared onto Sam’s windshield right below his position marker. The message read “Each participant will receive an additional 100,000$ for each Law Enforcement vehicle disabled regardless of finishing position.” The message left a sudden cold feeling of dread; he knew that the message had been given to each of the racers. He would have no part in hurting a police officer.

Slowly but surely, the Vipers caught up to the pack. As they did, Sam could see one of them was Interceptor #042; his father’s car. He cursed under his breath and watched as the trio moved in unison to take care of the rear of the pack. With a few shunts and nudges, the Zonda seemed to give up as it began to pull over quickly to the left shoulder of the highway. One of the interceptors broke from the trio in order to ensure that the Zonda’s driver would be taken off the road. The pair of Vipers sped up to once again match the dwindling pack as the Salvicon began to open up of traffic.

With the new situation at hand, and a new intention for devastation laid down on the table for them, Sam decided to get some ground from the Vipers as best as he could. The Agera stuck close to him as he joined the Adventador up front. For whatever reason, the Aero and the Venom had begun to back off as if they wanted to meet the Vipers. As the two backed up, they waited until the interceptors had gotten to them before they boosted off to match their speed to them. With a seemingly cooperative measure, the Aero and Venom gave a series of nudges and shoves to one of the Vipers.

The two racers had managed, in a matter of seconds, forced the Viper into the side of a sedan. The sedan was sent careening off the Salvicon into a low sandy spot where it would slide to a stop and The Viper’s metal was crumpled quite a bit from the collision, however it would be fine for continuing the pursuit. Despite this, the interceptor began to slow down rapidly; this was most likely to check on the occupants of the sedan to see if they were harmed like any good officer would do. The only Viper left now of the trio was Interceptor #042; Sam’s father.

Without any backup, the lone Viper stayed back quite a bit behind the pack so that the pursuit would continue until more interceptors and support would show up to back him up. However, the Aero and Venom seemed very interested in going in for the kill. Against the interceptor’s suddenly desperate movements, the two racers quickly got the Viper into a sticky situation. With the Aero behind the Viper and the Venom to the right flank, they began nudging and shoving the Highway Reaper towards the cement wall that served as the inside edge of the highway. Slowly but surely, the two racers had put the Viper in a rolling block that was only inches from the cement wall.

With the gritting of his teeth, Sam decided to take action. He quickly put his car in front of the Venom as he slowed down to meet the rolling block. With his car in front of the Venom, he suddenly slammed on the brakes. His tires locked up and the car quickly slowed down suddenly enough that the car behind him rear ended him. Even after the hard lurch of the collision, Sam continued to break for another second to fully grind the Venom away from his father. With a new opening for him, his father quickly took the chance to steer free from the close scraping of the wall; the Aero kept close in following the Viper as it moved. Sam stamped the gas pedal down and quickly accelerated after the Aero, leaving the now slowed Venom behind him with only heavy cosmetic on his front bumper.

It wasn’t very long before Sam had caught back up with the Aero and the Viper as they were not accelerating all that quickly as the Interceptor was trying to maneuver away from the racer. Sam made a quick approach, and with his all American V8 supercar, he drove the nose of the Ford GT into the rear of the Aero. Upon collision, the cars buckled hard as the Aero’s rear was lifted from the ground. As its back bumper was shoved up onto the GT’s nose, its rear tires lost contact with the pavement. The driver seemed to panic in the moments of traction loss as he tried to steer his car clear of Sam’s vehicle. This resulted in the Aero losing control as it turned sideways in a struggle for grip; the super car ended up just rocketing off into the concrete median with such force that it would spin the car around until it stopped motionless as it disappeared behind Sam in his mirrors.

About this time the Venom, now driven by a very enraged driver, had caught up with Sam and gave him the same kind of nudge that Sam had given the Aero. He cursed as he barreled on, using the force to his advantage to accelerate ahead of the Venom. After a few moments, the rival car had begun to move around Sam’s right. It would seem as if he was going to try to perform a California stop on Sam by the rate he was moving. Sam, however, took a split decision to slide over to slip around a civilian car. In the split second that the civilian car was between the Venom and himself, he slowed down slightly before turning sharply at the Venom as he passed the civilian. The Venom’s driver was taken by surprise and wasn’t able to react before Sam’s car gave a hard shunt to his vehicle. With such a shove, the Venom driver recoiled and was sent in the opposite direction. With the sudden change of direction, he lost control of his car and he ended up crashing nose end into an off-ramp railing; his car was violently split down the middle from the potentially fatal impact of the guard rail.

With the two aggressors taken care of, Sam checked for his father’s Viper. As he looked to his left he saw that the interceptor was fine and still going strong. Unfortunately he had also managed to lock a quick gaze at his father, who promptly and very clearly mouthed the words ‘what the hell, Sam!?’ Sam sighed before looking back down the road as he punched the accelerator down. Ignoring his father, he pushed on for the two other remaining racers. Traffic had cleared up quite a bit and now it was a race towards the finish line that was still several minutes out. Here Sam had a bit of a disadvantage as the Agera and Adventador could reach a higher top speed than the GT. He dangerously drove the shaking vehicle at close to 240 mph; despite the hits, the only thing that he had to deal with was a slight turning towards the right from the collision of the Venom, but this was easily handled.

His saving grace was another batch of Highway Reapers that had joined into the pursuit just in front of Sam as they went to harass the two lead vehicles to get them to stop. This slowed them down enough that Sam eventually caught up. With some planning he quickly got around the two and immediately had to change his offensive to defensive as he was locked in a battle to keep both the other racers and the interceptors behind him. As he lead the whole frantic group of cops and racers, a police helicopter had joined the pursuit and now stayed overhead to watch and speculate. His efforts paid off as he was the first to pass the finish line that had been marked by a drawn line and a carefully placed flare on the side of the road.

“Fuck yeah!” Sam yelled as he slapped the steering wheel in victory. “Now for the heat…” Sam panted as the adrenaline had filled his veins.

Sam continued to keep the police behind him as he let the racers ahead of him. Even though they had lost, they still pressed on with their speed, thinking that Sam was helping them. He knew that the best way to get rid of the police would be to split from the two other racers by getting off the Salvicon. If the helicopter would follow them then that would be the best, he could handle the Reapers on the ground if need be. He looked forward for an off ramp to use to his advantage.

Up ahead he saw one that would lead off towards a large town to the south of the highway. He positioned himself for it as fast as he could by moving his car but a foot from the wall as he raced on. Without pressing on too much, he let the Reapers move around him. They immediately surrounded him, one of them going to his front and another closed in the side. His father’s interceptor began to crawl forward on Sam’s flank. Before he got too close, they had reached the off ramp. As they did, Sam snapped the wheel to get onto the off ramp, threading the needle between the off ramp’s railing and an SUV so close that the railing had actually taken his driver side mirror off. With the sudden change of direction, he left the highway with the Vipers still on it. He looked back to see that not even his father, who had plenty of room to follow after him, was behind him. Unfortunately for Sam, the helicopter was following him.

Sam concentrated on driving first and foremost as he slowed down to slide around the right corner of the intersection the off-ramp dumped onto. He made the turn easily before he rocketing off down the road towards the center of town. Somehow through several slips and lucky turns he finally had found something that probably would only work in the movies. He had no options at this point; no matter what, running form an aircraft was pointless with-out cover of a tunnel or a bunch of trees. That is how he was always taught. On the west side of the town there was an aqueduct with several bridges that he might be able to at least get off the streets. What he was to do down there under the bridge was completely unknown to him.

He watched the helicopter in the air and what angle it was to the street. After passing several of the bridges on a street that ran parallel to the aqueduct, the helicopter was at the position in which it wouldn’t be able to see directly down underneath the bridges. After grumbling something about how stupid this was, Sam snapped the wheel to the side of the road. The GT turned and quickly plowed through a loosely placed chain link fence just before driving over the edge of the street level. For a brief moment, the car had left the ground as it dove into the aqueduct. After the very short moment of weightlessness, the vehicle slammed against the ground with the nose slightly down. The gut-wrenching impact shook Sam viciously to discomforting levels. He grunted with pain and struggled to keep his focus as he braked hard to stop beneath the bridge.

The GT quickly slid to a stop in the dark shadow of the bridge. Sam barely allowed the car to stop before stumbling out quickly. Holding his now sore side, Sam ran swiftly to the base of the bridge. He thought it might be possible to wait until he could crawl up onto the street without the helicopter could see him. It was farfetched, but there was a chance. His ascent was halted by the sounds of the GT revving its engine. Sam turned in surprise to the car. What he would see would be hardly describable to him. There was a section of the rear that flipped upwards like doors to reveal several metallic Sci-Fi like thruster like objects that were hidden in the back of the car. The tires of the vehicle began to spin wildly and vivid blue flames shot out of the thrusters violently. The car lurched forward driverless as it was swiftly propelled further down the aqueduct. After the GT roared down the aqueduct several hundred meters, a high pitched whir that was emitted from the car quickly grew in intensity. The ringing whir sound hit an apex before the entire vehicle suddenly exploded violently in a huge plume of blue and purple hues.

“What the fuck!?” Sam covered his eyes as the explosion’s illumination hurt his eyes in the still early dawn.

The helicopter moved quickly away from Sam’s location in order to follow the now exploded car. Sam forced himself to shake the confusion from his head and use the chance to get away. And so, he quickly climbed up onto the side walk that ran along the bridge. He headed over the bridge with a very forced casual manner; the forced part was due mainly impart of confusion and the still apparent discomfort he felt from the impact. He looked at the result of the explosion that was illuminated by the search light of the helicopter that hovered above as they watched the burning wreckage of the supercar. He had never seen anything like that before; neither any thrusters like that installed into a car or even an explosion of that color. What bothered him was the question of whether it was rigged to kill him or if it was rigged to happen when he exited the car to destroy evidence. Neither was comforting to his racing thoughts.

Soon he had reached a safe distance from the wreckage that the police would most likely not bother him. In fact a pair of cruisers had sped past without paying any mind to him. His luck would somehow once again help him as he managed to find a public bus that was just about to leave a stop. He quickly got onto the bus and sat quietly towards the middle. The bus rolled off and he looked out the window to watch the buildings slowly pass by. He tugged lightly at his jacket to straighten out his collar before leaning against the inside of the bus. His eyelids felt heavy after a while; he found that he was slowly falling asleep. There was much to think and figure out. In such a short time he had won a million dollars and in just the same time span nearly died at the same event. It was really a lot to soak in. With a slow yawn he slipped further towards sleeping. His body couldn’t take it anymore and so it began to plunge into unconsciousness.

‘What a crazy morning’ he thought.
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