Categories > Original > Fantasy

princess of michief

by ZombieKilljoy 0 reviews

Loki`s long lost family, found but can he stops his destroy on New York and win them back.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [!] [V] [?] - Published: 2015-07-12 - 1851 words

Thor look down into the bassinette at the two year gently sleeping, cuddling her stuffed animal that her father gave her after her birth.
"Please Thor. Punishing him by taking her is much more punishment to me than to him." Sigyn cried as she rushed into the room.
Thor turned to his brothers wife with sorrow in his eyes.
"Then now take her tonight and tell me not where and hide. I have orders that by morning I must take her to Midgard and hide her. You must hurry and get her out of Asgard. I can help by making sure that the halls are clear but you have to do the rest." Thor told her.
Sigyn nodded her head and grabbed a small bag to put clothes in. Thor left the room to make his rounds and see where the guards were and worked out who could leave their posts and at what times for his family to leave as soon as possible.  Sigyn walked over to Faora`s crib, her daughter with Loki. She had multiple children with him like her older sons Vali and Nari or Sleipnir or Jormundandr, who Odin had sent off to another world when he got to big. She learned his name was now the loctnus monster but he was not a monster.
She made her way into the twins rooms and gently woke them up and guided them into the next room where she gathered her daughter in her arms and guided her sons out of the room and through the halls and waljed with them hurriedly after urging them to hush.
"Sigyn." Sigyn stopped in her tracks and turned around to face Frigga.
"Where will you go?" She asked, walking over and picking up Nari.
"Midgard. In a cabin deep in the woods where we will be let be." Sigyn told her.
"Leave the boys they will be safe hidden in the palace on private guards not available to Loki, they are heirs to the thrown in case something happens to both sons of mine  and I can always help with you seeing them when I want to see Faora." She begged.
There was a commotion and then yelling from Odin and Sigyn and Frigga knew it was now or never so she ran with the squirming two year old well Frigga held back the crying twins.
Thor looked on from the balcony as Sigyn held on tightly to a bundle as she rode Sleipnir across the rainbow bridge to the brifrost.
Ten years later
"Faora, Sigyn whispered, shoot it now." She said, Faora released a arrow and it hit the rabbit in the neck, killing it.
"Dinner mother." Faora told her, running over and picking up the dead animal up and giving it to her mother to.cook.later.
Sigyn had been with child when she ran off and at Frigga`s request, she gave him to Asgard that same day, but she regretted it so she never went back to her home and hid herself and her daughter from everyone including Heimdell who had seen her struggles and stopped looking at her. She could not go back anyways. Frigga informed her that johetheim had attacked Asgard and that they told Loki that she and Faora were killed.
"Yes and a fat one. This will make plenty to eat for the both of us for dinner." Sigyn praised her eight year old daughter.
"Lets go!" Sigyn looked on as her daughter ran across the field.
Her hair was in a fish tail braid with strands sticking out from rsndom areas. Her pale skin shinned and her emerald green eyes lit up as she looked behind her at her mother. It was truely the most beautiful sight Sigyn had ever seen. Her daughter truely did look exactly like her father in every possible way from her skin to her jett black hair to her eyes but she had her mothers good natured spirit.
Sigyn took off after her daughter smiling and making her squirm in laughter before she starting running again and turning herself into a doe. Sigyn shook her head with a smile.
"Don`t be unfair Faora!" She called out.
Suddenly the sky grew dark and thunder rumbled making both Sigyn and Faora stop and being frightened, Faora turned to her human form and ran to her mother who waited for her with open arms. The sky clapped with thunder and swirled in light and grey clouds before a beam fell to the ground and a tall man appeared. He was blonde and wore funny armor of red and silver.
"Sigyn?" He asked.
"Thor..." Sigyn whispered. "What is wrong?"
He walked over to them looking down to the small child clinging to her mother.
"He has gone crazy with power and is on a rampage to destroy Midgard. I talked to mother and father and they think that if you come out to him he will stop his maddness and come back home.
"I can`t just go.... Faora is not....."
"He is captured for now and where he is, he can`t escape so she will be safe." He replied, looking down at the child still.
"Fay, close your eyes and hold onto me." Sigyn told her daughter, going down to eye level.
"The others are waiting. The other children." Thor said last before calling out to the sky.
Sigyn didn`t know what to say before they were sucked into the sky and dropped into a large round room where a gold man stood along with two human boys and a small wolf pup. A horse was outside the room but it was most impaticular with eight legs and stood tall as if it were of a royal heritage.
"Back to Midgard Heimdell..... To S.H.I.E.L.D."
A whoosh again happened, and the wolf and two boys followed behind them. Sigyn hugged her daughters head well they swished around and let go when they landed on a air ship.
"Boys, meet your mother and sister." Thor commanded, as people came from within the air ship.
The two boys walked over and without hesititation, hugged Sigyn. The wolf was nipping at her hem of her dress. Tears welled up in her eyes as she picked up the small wolf into her arms and held him to her chest as he licked her face purfusely.
The room that was set up for Sigyn was big enough for the four children and Sigyn to share amoug the five of them. Sigyn put the kids to bed before she followed Thor to the prisioner chambers where Loki was being held. The halls were cold and dim as they made their way down them.
"She is a spitting image of Loki." Thor said, trying to break the ice.
"She is. It is hard to look at her and not see him shining in through her every day." Sigyn replied.
"Are you ready to see him?" Thor asked, coming to a silver door and stopping to look at her.
"Would you be if the one you loved was told that you ran off and your death was a lie?" Sigyn asked before walking in the room.
Thor looked on at her before following behind her.
"Sigyn?" Thor heard Loki ask.
"Yes love. It`s me." She replied.
"I thought you dead." Loki told her, walking to the glass wall.
"Yes I heard. I had escaped before the frost giants invaded Asgard...." She replied, placing her hand up to the glass where his hand lied.
"Where is.... What of Faora?" He asked 
"Safe. Here but safe." She sighed. "Loki you need to end the madness and come home. We can be a family once more with all the children and live tog....."
He slammed his fists against the glass.
"DON`T LIE TO ME SIGYN!!!" He shouted, taking Sigyn a back.
"Calm your self brother. She has done nothing wrong to you."
"She has hidden her self for six years from me brother! More than enough time for me to be angry."
"We will come back later well you think brother." Thor said, when he took notice that Sigyn was fighting back tears.
"Sigyn, no don`t leave me again. I missed you dearly." Loki cried out as Sigyn and Thor left the room.
That was when Faora took her chance to hop in the room and look around at the man her mother and newly met uncle were talking to. Frenrir and Nari were right behind her as long with Vali who had doubts about following.
"Who are you!?!" Loki snapped with venom.
"None of your concern. Who are you to our mother?" Vali demanded.
Loki got a look of shock.
"Your mother? How old are you?" He asked, walking up to the glass and examining the children`s faces.
"What is it to you?" Nari barked.
"Tell me you mewling quimms!" He shouted, banging on the cell.
"Thirteen." The twins replied.
"Twelve." Faora replied.
"He`s Ten." Nari told the man behind the glass.
"CHILDREN!" Sigyn shouted frantically, running into he room with Thor.
"ROOM! Now." Thor boomed.
The four kids scurried off, leaving the dark haired man alone to look at them in awe.
The next time he would see them, they would be trying to get away from him.
"Those are our children? They look just like you except for our daughter. I guess those jokes that you had a secret side lover were a joke after all." Loki chuckled sadly.
"If you plan on seeing them again Loki, you will drop this madness and face the music. Otherwise you will never see them again." Sigyn tried her best to threaten but it fell on deaf ears.
Loki merely smirked at her before sitting down on the ground and looking up at her.
"No dear wife. If you don`t stop telling me what to do, you will not see these kids again. I have many ways of teaching you a lesson my dear." He smirked.
"Loki! Don`t say something that you can not hold to do. And don`t you dare threaten those children. You made your bed now lay in it." Thor growled.
"Brother, I don`t threaten.... I make promises." Loki replied, laughing.
"How cross do you think mother is?" Vali asked, sitting on the large bed next to Nari and Faora who had Fenrir in her lap.
"Mother is very forgiving." Faora quipped.
"But uncle is not." Nari added.
Sigyn walked in looking pale and upset.
"Bed children. We have a long day ahead of us. Let`s not waste it arguing on such a nice night." She told them, not making eye contact.
It was plenty dark when Faora woke back up. She looked at her mother who had tear streaks down her face which indicated that she fell asleep crying. Faora had not seen her mother cry except for once when she was very young. Faora could not remember that time very well but it was such a long time ago.
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