Categories > Original > Drama > Hollow Body Got A Hold On Me
Chapter Four
0 reviewsJai Eric Courtney recieved an Erudite result for his aptitude test, and plans to Choose accordingly. One horrible night before his Choosing ceremony will change his life, and his Choice. Now a ruth...
Stormy's POV:
The next week passed in a blur.
Get up.
Pick over breakfast.
Training, lunch, fight, dinner, training with Eric, shower, and then bed.
Today, we get to see our rankings. Next week, three of us are going home. I really hope Pistol goes home; he’s creepy, but I don't want my friends to leave. I don't want to leave.
Chaotic and Rebel have found out, that they enjoy fighting. Sometimes, we have to fight each other. We don't take anything personal; it's just part of initiation. Pistol seems to hold it personally, though. I beat him last three fights.
"Initiates!" Four hollers, over the babbling teens. "Look up!"
Eric flips the board, and we see our rankings.
1. Chaotic
2. Daniel
3. Rebel
4. Rowan
5. Stormy
6. Pistol
7. Jax
8. Justice
I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.
Even if the three initiates leaving are all from the transfers, I'm safe for now. Pistol looks pissed.
Jax doesn't look too happy, either. Justice looks like he might tear up. There's still a week until the cuts are made, so I have to hold, or move up, my spot until then to stay safe.
"Alright," Eric starts. "Visiting Day is today. We take faction before blood pretty seriously at Dauntless. So, even if your blood does show up, I wouldn't seem too attached. We're your family now." And with that, Eric leaves the training room.
Everyone heads down to the Pit, to see if our parents are here.
Mine are; I see them from a distance. I really wish they hadn't come.
"Kaitlynn!" my mother calls out to me from across the room, and her, and my father, hurry over to me.
Like, they’ve missed me.
They are putting on a show.
My mother throws her arms around my neck, and I stiffen, pushing her away from me. "I'm Dauntless, now. You're nothing to me." I say darkly.
"Nothing?!" my father yells, rage apparent in his volume, and tone.
I know people are staring, but I really don't care. These people never loved me. They only ever blamed me for their problems and, when I needed them the most, I was invisible to them.
"How can you say that?! We raised you for 16 years of your life!"
"Raised me?" I snort. "You ignored me unless you needed someone to blame. I raised myself, fuck you very much, and I did a damn good job." I turn to walk away when my father slaps me to the ground.
Well that was embarrassing.
I stand up, and dust myself off. I hold my body up straight, and enter his personal space, rage rolling off of me.
"Touch me again, and I will fucking kill you," fire, burning in my eyes. My parents believed my threat.
I believed it, too.
They hurried off, but turned just before they went out the doors.
"You're worthless! You're nothing! We should've aborted you when we had the chance!"
Oh really.
"I never asked to be born," I say darkly, and quietly. I know everyone in the Pit heard me. I turn, and climb up the stairs, trying not to go too quickly. I don't want anyone to think I'm running away, even though, that is exactly what I’m doing.
The dorm is empty when I get there, so I fling myself on the bed, allowing a few stray tears to hit the pillow.
Eric's POV:
I can't believe what I just heard; it was awful.
Stormy's parents only came to make her feel like a piece of shit.
It was all I could do to refrain from jumping on her father. I really hope that kind of thing wasn't a regular occurrence with them, but, from the looks of things...
Stormy went to the dorm. She had put on an apathetic face; maybe nobody else noticed, but I did. It was just a facade. Their words hit her to the core. Her words sent a chill through my spine. I really want go talk to her, but I know she needs her space, right now. So, I decide to go catch up on some paperwork in my office.
Stormy's POV:
It must be after midnight, when I'm jolted out of bed. There's something in my mouth, and hands are all over my body.
I try to scream, but I can't. There are three people dragging me from my bed.
Come on, wake up.
Wake up.
This isn't a dream; this is real. I don't know what to do. I don't have enough training for this, yet.
Maybe they just want to kill me; I can handle that.
I still struggle against my attackers. I feel cold air hit my exposed legs, and droplets of water hit my flesh.
We are at the Chasm.
"What, are we gonna kill her?" one of my attackers shouts.
"No!" says another. "We're just gonna fuck her up and make her factionless!"
I try to scream, and I'm thrashing around but, it's three against one, and they're at least as trained as I am.
I don't stand a chance.
I'm going to be factionless.
"Just because you've caused me so much stress, and trouble, I'm gonna take a little recreation out on you. Who knows, you might even enjoy it," he says with a snarl, and a dark chuckle.
I'm already half naked; I'm only wearing a t-shirt and panties, so it doesn't take long, even with my incessant struggling, to relieve me of my clothing. I watch as the articles are swept away, under the dark water of the river. I'm freezing.
Well, this is it.
I’m going to get raped, again.
Pistol removes his mask, and pulls the fabric out of my mouth.
"Surprised to see me?" he whispers, licking the side of my face, before punching me on the side of my head. I hear him fiddling with his buckle and zipper, though I can't see anything, anymore.
I've gone blind.
I feel myself fading, only slightly grateful that I won't have to be awake for this, when I hear screaming, and yelling.
Eric's POV:
I'm asleep when I hear the banging on my door. I pull on my black pants, and boots, and grab a t-shirt, before opening it.
"Four?" Why is Four standing outside my room. Four hates me.
I hate Four.
"What do you want?" It must be important.
"Three of the transfers dragged Stormy out of bed, and they were going towards the Chasm," Four said quickly, out of breath from running over here. At least, I have eyes in the control room.
We sprint towards the Chasm, and I hear screaming.
I feel rage take over my body at the sight before me. Stormy is unconscious; and naked. Pistol is leaning over her, clearly about to enter her.
I pull him off of her, and throw him into the river. I punch one of the others in the face, and he's knocked out. Four's got the other one.
I rush to Stormy, pulling my shirt over my head, as I kneel down beside her. She's so small it fits her like a dress, when I slide it over her head. Four looks at me weird; I realize, he's staring at my scar.
Yeah, he knows I didn't get that here.
"Go," he says. "I've got these two."
So I go, carrying Stormy away from here.
She's going to freak out, if I take her to the infirmary. She probably doesn't want anybody to know about what happened, tonight. I decide to take her to my apartment.
I lay her down on my bed, and cover her up as well as I can. I take the floor beside her. Nobody's getting past me.
I drift into an uneasy sleep, and haunting nightmares.
The next week passed in a blur.
Get up.
Pick over breakfast.
Training, lunch, fight, dinner, training with Eric, shower, and then bed.
Today, we get to see our rankings. Next week, three of us are going home. I really hope Pistol goes home; he’s creepy, but I don't want my friends to leave. I don't want to leave.
Chaotic and Rebel have found out, that they enjoy fighting. Sometimes, we have to fight each other. We don't take anything personal; it's just part of initiation. Pistol seems to hold it personally, though. I beat him last three fights.
"Initiates!" Four hollers, over the babbling teens. "Look up!"
Eric flips the board, and we see our rankings.
1. Chaotic
2. Daniel
3. Rebel
4. Rowan
5. Stormy
6. Pistol
7. Jax
8. Justice
I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.
Even if the three initiates leaving are all from the transfers, I'm safe for now. Pistol looks pissed.
Jax doesn't look too happy, either. Justice looks like he might tear up. There's still a week until the cuts are made, so I have to hold, or move up, my spot until then to stay safe.
"Alright," Eric starts. "Visiting Day is today. We take faction before blood pretty seriously at Dauntless. So, even if your blood does show up, I wouldn't seem too attached. We're your family now." And with that, Eric leaves the training room.
Everyone heads down to the Pit, to see if our parents are here.
Mine are; I see them from a distance. I really wish they hadn't come.
"Kaitlynn!" my mother calls out to me from across the room, and her, and my father, hurry over to me.
Like, they’ve missed me.
They are putting on a show.
My mother throws her arms around my neck, and I stiffen, pushing her away from me. "I'm Dauntless, now. You're nothing to me." I say darkly.
"Nothing?!" my father yells, rage apparent in his volume, and tone.
I know people are staring, but I really don't care. These people never loved me. They only ever blamed me for their problems and, when I needed them the most, I was invisible to them.
"How can you say that?! We raised you for 16 years of your life!"
"Raised me?" I snort. "You ignored me unless you needed someone to blame. I raised myself, fuck you very much, and I did a damn good job." I turn to walk away when my father slaps me to the ground.
Well that was embarrassing.
I stand up, and dust myself off. I hold my body up straight, and enter his personal space, rage rolling off of me.
"Touch me again, and I will fucking kill you," fire, burning in my eyes. My parents believed my threat.
I believed it, too.
They hurried off, but turned just before they went out the doors.
"You're worthless! You're nothing! We should've aborted you when we had the chance!"
Oh really.
"I never asked to be born," I say darkly, and quietly. I know everyone in the Pit heard me. I turn, and climb up the stairs, trying not to go too quickly. I don't want anyone to think I'm running away, even though, that is exactly what I’m doing.
The dorm is empty when I get there, so I fling myself on the bed, allowing a few stray tears to hit the pillow.
Eric's POV:
I can't believe what I just heard; it was awful.
Stormy's parents only came to make her feel like a piece of shit.
It was all I could do to refrain from jumping on her father. I really hope that kind of thing wasn't a regular occurrence with them, but, from the looks of things...
Stormy went to the dorm. She had put on an apathetic face; maybe nobody else noticed, but I did. It was just a facade. Their words hit her to the core. Her words sent a chill through my spine. I really want go talk to her, but I know she needs her space, right now. So, I decide to go catch up on some paperwork in my office.
Stormy's POV:
It must be after midnight, when I'm jolted out of bed. There's something in my mouth, and hands are all over my body.
I try to scream, but I can't. There are three people dragging me from my bed.
Come on, wake up.
Wake up.
This isn't a dream; this is real. I don't know what to do. I don't have enough training for this, yet.
Maybe they just want to kill me; I can handle that.
I still struggle against my attackers. I feel cold air hit my exposed legs, and droplets of water hit my flesh.
We are at the Chasm.
"What, are we gonna kill her?" one of my attackers shouts.
"No!" says another. "We're just gonna fuck her up and make her factionless!"
I try to scream, and I'm thrashing around but, it's three against one, and they're at least as trained as I am.
I don't stand a chance.
I'm going to be factionless.
"Just because you've caused me so much stress, and trouble, I'm gonna take a little recreation out on you. Who knows, you might even enjoy it," he says with a snarl, and a dark chuckle.
I'm already half naked; I'm only wearing a t-shirt and panties, so it doesn't take long, even with my incessant struggling, to relieve me of my clothing. I watch as the articles are swept away, under the dark water of the river. I'm freezing.
Well, this is it.
I’m going to get raped, again.
Pistol removes his mask, and pulls the fabric out of my mouth.
"Surprised to see me?" he whispers, licking the side of my face, before punching me on the side of my head. I hear him fiddling with his buckle and zipper, though I can't see anything, anymore.
I've gone blind.
I feel myself fading, only slightly grateful that I won't have to be awake for this, when I hear screaming, and yelling.
Eric's POV:
I'm asleep when I hear the banging on my door. I pull on my black pants, and boots, and grab a t-shirt, before opening it.
"Four?" Why is Four standing outside my room. Four hates me.
I hate Four.
"What do you want?" It must be important.
"Three of the transfers dragged Stormy out of bed, and they were going towards the Chasm," Four said quickly, out of breath from running over here. At least, I have eyes in the control room.
We sprint towards the Chasm, and I hear screaming.
I feel rage take over my body at the sight before me. Stormy is unconscious; and naked. Pistol is leaning over her, clearly about to enter her.
I pull him off of her, and throw him into the river. I punch one of the others in the face, and he's knocked out. Four's got the other one.
I rush to Stormy, pulling my shirt over my head, as I kneel down beside her. She's so small it fits her like a dress, when I slide it over her head. Four looks at me weird; I realize, he's staring at my scar.
Yeah, he knows I didn't get that here.
"Go," he says. "I've got these two."
So I go, carrying Stormy away from here.
She's going to freak out, if I take her to the infirmary. She probably doesn't want anybody to know about what happened, tonight. I decide to take her to my apartment.
I lay her down on my bed, and cover her up as well as I can. I take the floor beside her. Nobody's getting past me.
I drift into an uneasy sleep, and haunting nightmares.
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