Categories > TV > Power Rangers > Times Present, Times Past

Hope And Need

by Dagmar 0 reviews

Attraction and loneliness can be a powerful motivation

Category: Power Rangers - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Jason, Kat - Published: 2006-08-16 - Updated: 2006-08-16 - 11699 words


See earlier chapters.

Okay, this has taken long enough - and was getting WAY too long - so I decided to split the chapter into two parts and post the first bit now rather than keep everybody waiting. The second half probably won't have quite as many pages, but still ...better than nothing, right? Feedback, as always, is welcome, and hopefully the rest will be done within the next two weeks. Enjoy, I hope! DB

Times Present, Times Past

Chapter 6: Hope And Need Pt. 1

/Angel Grove, The Past /

Darkness had fallen and the first rays of the moon were painting the water's surface with a tremor of silver light before Kat could bring herself to return to their campsite. After Jason had left, she'd walked to the shore, dried herself as best she could and sat against a tree, her mind in turmoil.

What had happened here?

She didn't believe for a second that Jason had deliberately been spying on her while she was bathing; most likely, it was by chance that he'd entered the clearing just as she was standing up. Anyway, she didn't held it against him that he'd seen her in the nude - however, she couldn't help asking herself why she didn't.

By rights, she should feel offended, or outraged, embarrassed at the least, but ... she didn't. If anything, she'd felt surprised, stunned, completely pole-axed. Instead, the fact that he couldn't control his body's visible reaction to what he'd seen made her feel curiously flattered.

That's exactly the problem.

She knew enough about Human biology to realize that becoming aroused by the sight of a naked female was quite a normal reaction in a healthy young man, especially in light of their friendship and isolation. However, she had very much not expected the butterflies starting to dance deep in her own stomach or the ache within her belly, the responding tingles skittering along her skin.

"I shouldn't feel that way," she moaned softly to herself, burying her face in her hands. "Not now, not here, not about Jason!"

It had taken her the better part of an hour to even acknowledge to herself that most likely, she wouldn't have stopped him if he'd chosen to come to her. Desperately, she called up images of Tommy - her boyfriend, the man she loved - but even recalling his smile and warm brown eyes didn't prevent the realization that after months of separation from him with no contact at all she craved more than memories. Their situation was so dire, the hardships of living in the wilderness without adequate supplies and protection so severe, that she often felt lost and very much alone, only Jason's company helping her over the rough spots.

While she freely admitted that she'd always thought of him as cute and a generally nice guy, Kat very much wished she could forget one late-night conversation with Tanya while her friend had still lived at her house. For she had confessed with a slightly guilty giggle that if she had met Jason first, or at the same time as Tommy, without Rita's interference, she had no idea whom she would have fallen in love with. And now, at the worst possible moment, her words came back to haunt her.

When he'd first come back from Geneva to join the team, she'd registered his good looks (which not even nearly a year's worth of hard living and the resulting scruffiness in his appearance could hide), but thought no more of it. She'd been prepared to like him, if only as Tommy's best friend; it had come as a pleasant surprise that they meshed well together on their own, too. In time, Kat had come to value his integrity, intelligence and dedication. The thing to cement their relationship, though, had been the events following Tommy's abduction by Prince Sprocket - Jason had been her rock then, supporting her in her efforts to snap Tommy out of the brainwashing without question, and it had made them friends as well. Only now, being marooned with Jason in the past, this friendship apparently had begun to change into something ... more.

And it had happened without Kat even noticing.

The blonde young woman sighed deeply as she slowly stretched her legs and leaned back against her tree trunk.

"Why me? Why now? Why do I always fall for guys who should be off-limits?"

Kat had no answers for her questions. She'd mooned over Tommy while he was still together and happy with Kimberly. It had taken her a long time and a lot of patience to get together with him, she missed him terribly every day - and now that they were a couple at last and everything was fine, she had to get sucked into the past with Tommy's best friend. A man she knew she could easily care for just as much ... if she let herself.

Well, I'm not going to! I love Tommy, I'm not going to hurt him like Kim did, we'll get back and all will be well. So there!

If only her resolution didn't sound so weak to her own ears!

Swallowing hard, Kat slowly got to her feet and turned towards their camp site. It was past time she returned, although she wanted to do anything but that. How could she face Jason after what had happened between them earlier?

Nothing really did happen, though. And I'm going to make sure nothing more will.

Wishing desperately that she could believe in her pep talk to herself, Kat left the clearing with dragging feet.


Jason sat at the fire idly plucking feathers off a decent-sized turkey when Kat returned, piling them in a heap next to him. He seemed oblivious to the serene beauty of the moonlit night at the shore of Angel Grove Lake, but then, he was taking great pains not to let his inner turmoil show.

He'd never been more grateful for - or more frustrated at - an interruption as when that bird had started to squawk up in the trees and thereby broken the tableau they were caught in. The temptation to wade into the water and crush Kat in his arms had been near overwhelming, and when the electric mood between them was so crudely shattered he'd taken the opportunity to disappear post-haste, his mind in turmoil and his body throbbing painfully with unfulfilled need.

As Jason moved away as fast as possible, he fought the desire to hide behind a convenient bush and relieve the ache that had literally sprung up by his own hand, but he knew that it would only be a temporary surcease. Plus, he was all too aware that he'd only be fantasizing about Kat while he was doing so, and that simply could not be. She was his friend, yes, but ... nothing more. No matter how much he might wish it to be otherwise. Furthermore, Kat was his best friend's girl. The one woman he knew he dare not think of in that way - not if he had hopes of retaining his sanity and what little honor he had left in the matter.

For Jason knew only too well that what he had come to feel for Katherine went far beyond friendship by now. He'd been attracted to her from the moment he'd first looked into her clear blue eyes in the Power Chamber, but as she had eyes only for Tommy, he'd put that attraction aside. Shortly after, he'd met Emily, and was able to forget about it ... but he was single again now, had been for a while, and being isolated with her had brought back all the old sensations he'd believed safely buried in his subconscious. Kat was everything he could dream of in a girl, from her stunning looks to her sweet personality, and the way she was coping with their situation went beyond anything he had expected. She didn't whine, didn't complain (well, not much; both of them groused now and then when things got too hard), and her quiet strength and determination to endure whatever it took to survive had increased his admiration tenfold.

If she were anyone else's girlfriend but Tommy's, I'd do whatever I could to make her mine instead.

But she was, and that was very definitely /that/.

So, Jason gritted his teeth and continued walking through the gathering darkness until he had himself under at least nominal control again, torn between unrequited needs and the demands of his body, mind and heart./ /At last, close to exhaustion, he'd stopped. Taking a look around, he realized that he'd walked almost halfway around the lake - far farther away from camp than was safe, especially at night when the local predators were about to come out from their lairs to hunt.

Jason laughed mirthlessly to himself.

"Great. I have a choice between getting attacked by wild animals, or face Kat. Dunno what's worse."

He felt his ears burn at the thought that there was, in all likelihood, no way that she could not have noticed what the sight of her standing naked in the water had done to him. And it was anyone's guess how she would react to that.

If I'm lucky, she'll ignore it. As I'm gonna have to.

Really, there was no choice at all. He could not and would not hurt either Kat or Tommy, and that was what was going to happen if he ever gave in to his desires. So, he would pretend nothing had happened, and try to go on as normally as possible. No matter what it might cost him.

Jason prayed that the control he'd learned over the years, both as a leader and through his karate, would be equal to the task.

Heaving a sigh that seemed to rise from the very earth beneath his feet, he squared his shoulders and made his way back to their camp, firming his resolve as he wended his way through the shadowy forest.

Once he arrived, he saw that Kat hadn't returned yet either. Grimacing at the thought what her probable reason might be, he looked around somewhat helplessly for a few moments, before he shrugged in resignation. He hadn't meant to intrude on Kat's privacy, had certainly not intended to reveal his growing feelings to her. But he inadvertently had, and there was nothing he could do about it now but face the consequences. They'd just have to deal with them together as best they could.

Hopefully, she'll just think it was a purely physical reaction for me. I mean, it's only natural that I'd react at seeing her naked, especially unexpectedly like that - and won't realize that I feel anything else for her. Even if I do. Maybe then we can at least salvage our friendship.

Because that was the one thing Jason didn't want to lose, even if he'd lost a chance at anything more even before he knew her.

Tommy, you have no idea how much I envy you, man. And with any luck, you'll never find out. I'll bring her back to you even if it kills me - if just by making sure we both survive until you guys can get us back.

However, if - when - that should ever come to pass, there were more immediate concerns to be dealt with. Like, seeing that their food supply was adequate. And while he was waiting for Kat to return, as she eventually must, he might as well do something useful. With a resigned groan, Jason retrieved one of the birds he'd stowed in their "cellar" earlier and began to pluck the coarse feathers.


The two looked at each other across the flickering flames of their fire, trying to read each other's thoughts ... and failing miserably. Both could feel the color rising in their cheeks and were profoundly thankful that the other couldn't see it in the uncertain light.

Feeling awkward and slightly foolish, Kat at last stepped into the circle of brightness cast by the fire and sank down across from Jason. She wished she knew how to break the uncomfortable silence between them, but couldn't find the words.

Neither could Jason; he'd paused in his plucking and regarded his blonde companion warily, not knowing at all what to expect. Anger and recrimination? Cold fury? Tears of embarrassment? All of the above? He had no idea at all how Kat might react, but anything had to be better than the way she was pointedly avoiding his eyes. Jason really wished to say something to end this impasse, but simply didn't know what or how.

/Damn, /he thought.

And repeated it aloud almost immediately as a small but strong breeze blew from the lake, stirring their fire into sending up a shower of sparks ... and caught the pile of feathers next to him, making them dance and fall all over the place like a multi-hued very small snowstorm.


Jason dumped the bird's carcass onto a convenient stone slab, jumped up and hastily started collecting the feathers again; they needed them for ground cover. Moss and dried grass just didn't cut it - not in the long run, anyway, and with inadequate weapons they couldn't get enough animal hides to provide bedding as well as clothing and shelter.

With a soft exclamation of dismay of her own, Kat hurried to help him, quickly grabbing the rather tattered blanket from their shelter. It was hardly sufficient to store their supply of feathers, but it would do to collect and contain them until morning.

Like a well-oiled machine, the two castaways fell into a rhythm of working together, like they had learned to do during the long months of their stay in the past. When they were done at last and had secured the tightly-folded blanket with a rock, they shared a triumphant smile and settled back at the fire, more than ready for their dinner. Which Kat provided with a few practiced movements. It was too late now for the stew she'd planned to start, but there was no reason why they couldn't munch on the strips of dried meat and few vegetables that were supposed to go into the pot instead. Hungrily, they started to eat.

The brief, frantic activity, though, served to break the ice between them, and they were able to converse naturally again, for which both were grateful. By mutual, if silent, consent, they decided to ignore the little scene at the water inlet. That is, they didn't mention it at all - except when Kat got up to stow their utensils, Jason softly called her name.

"Um, Kat?"

She froze momentarily, but made herself look over her shoulder. "Yes?"

He looked contrite ... and just a tad sheepish. "About earlier..." He swallowed hard. "I, uh, I didn't mean to barge in on you like that." For a second, it looked as if he wanted to add something, but didn't. Instead, all he added was a very sincere-sounding "Sorry."

Now Kat knew she was blushing. Fiercely. This was all? There had been so much more to it than simply coming up on her unawares; Jason had/ to have watched her at least for a few minutes to react as he had, and all he could say was that he was sorry? Kat suddenly found herself wanting to discuss what had happened, very reluctant to do just that and at the same time relieved that it /had been mentioned and forgiveness been asked. Relief won out. Thus, she was unable to do anything other than accept the simple apology.

"I know. It's okay."

The broad shoulders sagged in obvious relief. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it."

"I won't."

She couldn't help herself, she just had to say it, with a big show of wiping off an imaginary sweat drop. "Whew."

And had the satisfaction of hearing Jason's laughter follow her.


/Angel Grove, The Present /

"How are they holding up?"

Trini's concerned question caught Tommy just as he entered the Power Chamber; Dimitria had agreed to issue the former Rangers teleportation devices that allowed them access, but nothing more. They needed to continue their rescue efforts if they ever hoped to get Jason and Katherine back, and it was just too impractical to have to rely on the active-duty team for transportation.

He shrugged, his expression hovering between depressed and resigned, and wandered over to the far side of the large room, where he sank down to lean against one wall, head bowed over his knees. He was the picture of abject misery. It was Kimberly who answered her friend, having teleported in right behind her ex-boyfriend. Sending a worried look in Tommy's direction, she, too, shrugged.

"How do you think? Eaten up with worry, cursing one minute, crying their hearts out the next. Well, at least Doris and Helen are doing the crying; the dads are more, like, trying to avoid drinking themselves into oblivion," she sighed. She and Tommy had just visited the Hillards and Scotts. It had not been a pleasant experience.

"I can't say I blame them," Trini murmured. "I don't even want to imagine my parents in that situation." She shuddered.

"Me neither. How are things at this end?" Kim wanted to know. Billy was hunched over a computer console, doing who knew what, with Adam hovering close by. There was no sign of the others. "Any progress yet?"

"Not really," the slender Asian sighed. "Billy really needs Justin to help him, as he's the only one who comes even close to understanding half the calculations he's doing, but what with school, living much more closely supervised at the shelter than we ever did and generally lacking the knowledge and experience that comes with ... well, being just older, it's tough going."

"Not to mention that pirate chick interrupting at the worst possible moment all the time." Kim grimaced as the alarms went off yet again and five multi-hued streaks of light convalesced in the pit before Dimitria's warp tube. Billy visibly started, yanked out of whatever scientific realm he'd been in.

The girls rolled their eyes at each other and moved aside to let the Rangers have the room they needed to deal with the newest monster attack. They itched to help, but without a viable power source that naturally was out of the question. There was no choice but to stand back and let the newbies handle things. Soon, TJ gathered his team and vanished, leaving Alpha Six busy at the monitors, to engage Divatox and her minions in battle once more.

As the always-frantic activity surrounding a monster attack muted to a busy hum, Billy rubbed his eyes, stretched and got up from his chair, gradually working the kinks out of his back as he joined his friends.

"Have you got anything, Billy?" Kim asked hopefully, only to sigh when he shook his head no.

We all seem to do a lot of that lately, Kim thought privately to herself. /Sighing up a storm like characters in a gothic novel. /It made her smile briefly as she pictured herself and her friends wandering over storm-swept moors. Soon, however, the levity vanished, to be replaced yet again by a concerned frown.

"Nothing at all?"

"No," the scientist replied tersely, feeling immensely frustrated at his inability to produce results. "I've scanned the historical records of this area for any sign of Jason and Kat's presence; there's a minuscule chance that they might have devised some method of letting us know where - when - they are stranded, but that didn't produce any viable results. Which in all likelihood means they're too far back in time for there to be any chance to leave us a message of sorts. That is assuming that they even think of this method and/or have the means to implement it. Another possibility we may not disregard is that they might well be stranded beyond any form of civilization that would allow them to leave a clue for us."

Unspoken remained the thought that their friends were incapable of making a mark of sorts because they were incapacitated - sick, injured or worse. Billy was not a natural optimist, but against logic he refused to take that scenario into account; he had too much trust in Jason and Kat's ingenuity, determination and sheer stubbornness to believe that they wouldn't at least try to contact the future - them - if they could.

Besides, if I consider failure I might as well save myself the effort of searching for them. What was it Jason was - is! - so fond of saying? 'With the Rangers, anything is possible.' Therefore, defeatism is not an option.

Still, it was growing increasingly difficult to stay positive and keep working when one ran into one impenetrable wall after the other.

"Bummer," Kim muttered. She looked up briefly as the outer door swooshed open and their other four friends entered together - Rocky, Tanya, Aisha and Zack. Their eyes zeroed in on Billy as if drawn by a magnet. She hated doing it, but had no choice - before Rocky could do more than open his mouth to ask the question on all their minds, she shook her head to forestall him.

"Still nothing."

"Aw, man!" Zack groaned. "How long is it gonna take to find them, anyway?"

"I don't know," Billy admitted. "I am working as fast as I can, but so far any positive results remain unfortunately elusive. And I simply cannot risk choosing speed over diligence; not when their lives may be at stake."

"How long has it been now since they were sucked into that time hole?" Aisha asked. Tanya checked her watch.

"Almost forty-eight hours."

"I don't even wanna think about what all can happen to them in two days," Rocky mumbled. His imagination insisted on showing him pictures of wild animals attacking, Indians torturing them, desperadoes taking them captive ...

Stop it, DeSantos. You've been watching too many black-and-white Westerns again!

"Neither of us does," Adam said quietly, having made a short detour past a food synthesizer. He wordlessly handed Billy a plate with sandwiches and a cup of juice. When Billy was about to refuse automatically, he copied his mother's best disapproving expression.

"I'm not hung-"

"Don't give me that. Your mind may not feel like eating, but I bet you anything your stomach does; you have been stuck at that console for - what, six hours now without a break? When was the last time you had a bite, anyway?"

As if on cue, the blond's stomach growled loudly. Billy blushed, and everybody managed a grin or a chuckle.

Adam barely suppressed a smug grin, just thrust the plate with sandwiches at his friend. Billy dearly wanted to refuse again, but a second loud rumble from his midsection changed his protest into resigned acceptance.

"Point taken. Thank you, Adam."

Feeling suddenly famished, Billy reached for and bit into the top sandwich. The taste of BLT on rye exploded on his taste buds, and he nearly moaned with pleasure; it had been ages since he'd had one of those! "I missed this on Aquitar," he admitted, barely remembering to swallow before he spoke. "Algae sausages and kelp pie may be both tasty and nutritious, but they don't really compare ..."

He was interrupted by Tommy who had decided to join his friends now that the group was complete.

Not quite. Two are still missing - the ones most important to me.

Briefly, his eyes flickered to Kimberly, but he looked away again when he met her sympathetic gaze. He couldn't deal with her right now - not when there had been moments when all he'd wanted to do was gather her into his arms, hide his face in her caramel locks and pour out his anguish to her - like he'd done when he'd lost the Green Ranger powers, when Jason had left for Geneva or when the responsibility of being the White Ranger and new team leader had threatened to overwhelm him. Tommy knew, deep down, that he still had unresolved feelings for Kim which he kept buried most of the time, that he still cared, but he had /not /expected those feelings to resurface at this most unsuitable time!

I should be worrying about Kat, my girlfriend, about how she's doing and trying to get her back safe and sound, not whether my Ex will think less of me when I lose it!

To hide his embarrassment and twinges of guilt, Tommy searched for - and found - an outlet for his mounting frustration.

"How can you be eating when Kat and Jason could be starving?" he snapped, more harshly than he'd intended. "Waxing rhapsodic over a sandwich when they might be in danger ..."

His rant was cut short by Aisha. Exasperated, she shook her head.

"Don't be an idiot, Tommy," she stopped him. "You know that's not fair; Billy is doing the best he can, and it's hardly his fault that things aren't going as fast as you - as we all - would like them to go!"

Tommy glowered at her mutinously.

More calmly, Aisha continued. "Besides, he has to eat. /And /sleep, eventually. If Billy collapses from overwork, it'll just take us that much longer to get them back."

"Aisha is right, Tommy, and you know it," Trini soothed. "We all know how you must be feeling and believe me, we sympathize fully, but we have to be reasonable about the whole thing. As Billy and Justin said, we can't afford to make any mistakes; if we do, it could prove more dangerous to Jase and Kat than anything they're facing right now. It won't hurt them to go without food for a couple of days if they really have to, as long as they have water. And taking proper care of ourselves by eating and resting is the only way to make sure that we stay as alert as we have to be."

"I'm truly trying as hard as I can, Tommy," Billy supplied quietly, sending a grateful glance at the two former Yellow Rangers. Having Tommy mad at him was not something he cared to experience. "I care about them, too."

"I know it's not gonna be easy, but be reasonable, man," Rocky added, for once very serious. "Billy's the best chance we've got."

Breathing hard, Tommy looked at his friends. They were right, but in his present state of mind, especially after facing the two sets of distraught parents, he simply didn't feel like being reasonable. He wanted Jason and Kat back, and he wanted it /now/! But in the face of their unstinting compassion, knowing that they all worried almost as much as he did, he couldn't say that, could he?

Feeling helpless and frustrated, he rubbed the back of his neck, searching for something to say to express his feelings, but nothing sprang to mind.

I hate this!

Cursing under his breath, Tommy whirled around and stormed away, out of the Power Chamber, leaving his friends behind.

"He's taking it hard," Zack commented.

"Wouldn't you, in his shoes?" Tanya queried. "I mean, we've all gone through times when one of us was in danger, right? And every one of us was going bonkers. But this time it's two, and the ones Tommy's closest to. He has a right to be upset."

"Even if it's more so than usual," Rocky added.

"Yes," Trini agreed. "Besides, before we always had the Power to help us; we don't now."

Aisha sighed. "I know how helpless /I /feel; I don't even want to imagine what it must be like for Tommy. If it had happened to you guys ..." She looked significantly at Adam and Rocky, who couldn't suppress pleased smiles at the unspoken admission of the affection the childhood friends shared.

"Yeah," Adam said quietly. "And we're not even in love." Instinctively, he moved towards Tanya and slipped an arm around her waist. She snuggled up against him and gave him a grateful look full of understanding. Slowly, the others nodded in agreement, and there were a lot of pensive looks in evidence.


Standing a bit apart, Kimberly's mouth formed a moue of speculation. She very definitely shared her friends' feelings, but ... there was an added element for her that she was very carefully keeping to herself. She knew Tommy better than anyone else, and wanted very much to help him - only, there was nothing really that she could /do/. And the one thing she /could /offer him - a shoulder to cry on and her unconditional support - might be too much.

What if he does come to me, and I can't stop myself from, well, kissing his worry away, like I did when Zedd was draining his Powers?

Because that was what deep down she wanted to do. Breaking up with her boyfriend had been the worst mistake of her life, and she'd give almost anything to retract that stupid letter. However, the past couldn't be undone, and if returning another woman to the man she still cared about was what it took to make him happy, then that was what she'd do. Even if it meant burying her own feelings so deeply that nothing and nobody would ever find them.

I just wish I didn't feel so good about it when he chooses me of all people to confide in, she thought with yet another sigh. I can't help but hope and wish that there's still something left between us.

And not for the first time in the past two days Kimberly faced the thought that the way would be clear for her to win Tommy back if Kat would never return.

NO! She's my friend, too. I do want her to come back, and Jase, and I want everybody to be happy again ...

Feeling horribly guilty about even thinking such a thing, the petite gymnast resolutely shoved her hair out of her eyes and left her friends quietly discussing things with Billy and wandered after Tommy.

She found him outside, on the rocks overlooking the desert. Her heart ached for him when she saw the dejected slump to his shoulders, and knew it was time for another pep talk.

Not that I haven't told him not to give up on Billy and Justin yet a dozen times already ... but sometimes, Tommy just won't listen.

"Tommy? Are you okay?" she asked softly when even after a few minutes he wouldn't turn to look at her. It was a pretty silly question, all things considered, but she had to get him to talk /somehow/.

Kimberly wasn't surprised when he only replied with a mirthless laugh.

"What do you think?!?"

"I think that you shouldn't give up hope yet. It's not as if everybody isn't trying."

"Trying, trying ... what if trying isn't enough? For God's sake, Kim, it's been two days! You know what all can happen in two days!"

"Yes, but I also know that Jason and Kat are neither stupid nor completely helpless. They will make sure to avoid danger." The petite brunette kept her voice deliberately low and soothing.

"What if they can't, though? What if whatever situation they're in is too much for them to handle?"

She rolled her eyes at Tommy's back. He was being his usual stubborn self again, but the pessimism was not like him. At all. Gotta snap him out of it, fast. "Why do you keep on seeing things in the most negative light? For all we know, they may be sitting safe and sound at the lakeshore, just waiting for us to open a portal."

He glared at her briefly over his shoulder. "Or they could be fighting for their lives."

Kim huffed exasperatedly. "Against what? Or whom?"

Tommy shook his head helplessly. "How should I know? The possibilities are endless ... wild animals, the natives, settlers ... even the elements. What if there's an earthquake?"

She groaned. Guess the Guilt King of Angel Grove is back. Sheesh. "Tommy, Jason grew up here in California. He's been an Eagle Scout, too, with a bunch of merit badges in woodsmanship. Plus, he knows better than to risk a run-in with people, if there even are any. Remember that this region wasn't even settled before the Gold Rush in 1848? Angel Grove was founded well /after /that."

"Yeah well, maybe, but ..."

"No buts," she interrupted him firmly. Looks as if for once, being reasonable works ...

"Do yourself and us all a favor and think positive? If we use up our energies to imagine all the things that could go wrong for them, we won't have enough to spare to work on a solution on our end."

Kim's words made an awful lot of sense, Tommy knew, and part of him felt indeed cheered up, at least a little. He sighed deeply, and finally stepped away from the cliff's edge, to sit on a convenient rock. Running both hands through his long hair, he looked up at Kimberly, his brown eyes forlorn.

"I know that. But I can't seem to help myself."

She smiled and sank down next to him. Kim very much wanted to drape an arm around his shoulders, but didn't quite dare, for fear she wouldn't be able to stop herself from more.

Like kissing him ... /She pushed the thought away. /

"The inactivity is getting to you, huh?"

"Yeah," Tommy sighed. "I mean, I know Billy is doing the best he can, but I just wish there was something /I /could do, y'know?"

"We all do," Kim agreed. "But except for Justin, and maybe Trini and Adam, we can't. At least not now, while we still have to find them in the first place."

Tommy snorted. "Yeah."

They were silent for a minute, then Kim nudged him just a little with her elbow. When Tommy sent a questioning glance her way, she ventured a tiny grin. "Waiting sucks, right?"

To her relief, Tommy gave her the hint of an answering grin. "No kidding."

The pause following this profound exchange wasn't as heavy or as long as some others before. Before it went on too long, though, Kimberly put a hand briefly on his forearm.

"Tommy ... if you need to talk, about anything, I'm here. And willing to listen."

The offer was tempting. But could he really share his feelings for Kat with Kimberly - his /ex/-girlfriend? He knew she was aware of the bond he shared with Jason; after all, she'd been there every step of the way when they became the best of friends, as close as brothers. She would understand. But to talk about his new love to his former one ... no. He just couldn't do that.

"Anything, Tommy. I mean it," Kim interrupted his thoughts gently, repeating her offer.

Hmm. Kim is a good listener - always was. I can't tell her how much I miss Kat, but ...

"I'm just so afraid that they'll get hurt, or something, before we find them," he admitted at last, choosing a legitimate concern. It /would /help to share at least something of his fears, as his friends - and Kim especially - had taught him years ago. "I know Jase will look out for Kat, but what if he has an accident or stuff? What'll happen to her then?"

Kimberly opened her mouth to reply, visibly swallowed whatever she was going to say and instead just gave him a Look. One that made Tommy feel slightly foolish and put him instantly on the defensive.

"What? It's a perfectly good question!"

Kim tilted her head. "Maybe," she conceded. However, there was one thing Tommy - being Tommy - was conveniently overlooking. And it galled her. Well, apparently it was time someone pointed it out to him. "Tell me, Mr. Macho, has it ever occurred to you that if/ /Jase should be hurt, Kat would look after /him/?"

Clearly, it hadn't.

"She's not some damsel in distress, you know," the gymnast added, letting just a trace of smugness show in her voice at his denseness. "Kat's been a Ranger, too; she may not have your or Jason's fighting experience, but she's hardly helpless."

"She's always calling for my help in a fight," Tommy protested. "You did, too!"

"Sometimes, yes," Kimberly acknowledged. "But that didn't mean that in a pinch I couldn't take care of myself if I had to - /and /my team mates. And I'm sure Kat can do it, too."

"How would you know? You never served on the same team with her," Tommy murmured petulantly, uncomfortably aware that the argument didn't quite wash. Both his girlfriends had demonstrated often enough that they were anything but the 'weaker' sex. He just didn't like to admit that if they were really as strong as Kim indicated, they might ... not need him. And that was something Tommy knew he'd hate.

"I fought her on Muranthias, remember?" Kim said dryly. "It didn't look then as if she had any problems fighting back, or needed your help."

Damn, she's right!

"But ... but ..." he started weakly, only to be interrupted right away.

"But what, Tommy?" Kim wasn't cutting him any slack, neither now or when they still had been a couple. "You like helping others, whether they need it or not. Especially if you care for someone. Which is all good. And to be frank, it's kind of nice for a girl to have a big strong guy to call on, sort of like having one's very own knight in shining armor. But that doesn't mean we can't cope if he's not around."

That was exactly what he feared. He knew it wasn't a very healthy mindset, but couldn't help himself. Feeling wanted and, yes, needed made him feel good, and finding out that he wasn't ... truth be told, it was one thing that had bothered him most about Kim breaking up with him. Tommy honestly wanted her to be happy, and if that was with someone other than him, well, he'd learn to cope. Somehow. But to think that she didn't need him in her life anymore - well, that had /HURT. /In a very big way. And he still didn't know how to handle that. If the same thing happened with Katherine ... he shuddered.

"I need her," he whispered out of his thoughts. /To be safe, to come back, to need me ... /

Kim winced inwardly. When had he ever said that to her? Even during the dark days when he was losing his Powers not once, but twice, he'd told her how much he appreciated her help and support, he'd given her words of love even once they became a couple, but never had he mentioned his need of her. And it hurt, now as much as then.

However, this was not the right time to bring it up. Right now, they needed to focus their efforts on bringing their friends back from the past, and to do that, they all had to be at their most efficient. Self-pity had no place, neither for her nor for Tommy.

"I know you do," she soothed, her heart breaking just a little. "But have a little trust in Billy and Justin, okay? When they find them, they're going to need all of us to help."

"How can we help them? How can /I/? I'm not a genius like them, there's no monster to fight, I don't even have Powers to give anymore ..." He remembered how effortlessly he'd offered his own communicator to Billy when the then-Blue Ranger had asked for the devices to bring Kimberly back from 1880, not caring that as team leader he really shouldn't ...

"How? By not nagging them; by giving Billy moral support, if nothing else. By letting them work at their own pace. And once Jase and Kat are back, they'll want you around to help them get over the experience, I'm sure. They're gonna need you then."

"You think?" The hopeful look in the chocolate eyes was almost painful to see.

"Yes," Kimberly smiled. "Trust me, Tommy, it'll be a long time until we can do without you. In a lot of things."

He gave her a grateful smile back, managed to draw a deep, cleansing breath and squared his shoulders. "In that case, I better see if there's anything I can do. Even if it's only to supply Billy with donuts, or whatever." He'd often teased his friend about his tendency to gorge on sugary things when he was working on a particularly hairy problem. Kimberly saw it with relief.

"You do that. I'll get the cola. We just gotta keep Rocky away from it," she grinned, got up from the rock she'd sat on and surreptitiously dusted off her bottom. "Yuck, my jeans!"

Tommy felt secretly amused, but made no comment. This was vintage Kim, and he still missed it sometimes. All he did, however, was hold out his hand towards her. When she placed her slender fingers in his palm, he gave them a small squeeze. There was so much he wanted to tell her, to express his appreciation for what she had done - was still doing for him, but couldn't find the words. So he settled for a simple "Thanks, Kim."

She pressed back. "You're welcome." She knew he was thanking her for more than the pep talk.

"Let's see if we have to make a supply run to the sweet shop?"


Together, the two returned to the Power Chamber.

Angel Grove, The Past

It wasn't there.

The meadow where, in their time, Angel Grove Park existed was the same serene stretch of plain, /empty /grass it had been the moment she and Jason had tumbled out of the time hole. Only the small stone cairn they'd set up to mark the spot was different. And there was no sign at all that a time hole was forming, had formed when nobody had been looking or would form in the near future.

It's not fair!

Kat hadn't truly believed that she would find a way back home when she'd ambled over from their camp, but she had hoped ... and with more than a trace of desperation. Today marked the one-year anniversary of their temporal displacement, and while she'd actively tried not to put too much significance on the date, she hadn't been able to help herself. So, after feeling increasingly antsy all day, she'd finally abandoned her chores and made her way back to where it had all started.

"I should have known," she sighed forlornly. The blonde sank to her knees, staring blindly at the ground, fighting tears. Why, oh why had she let herself believe that just because 365 days had passed, today would be the day their friends would rescue them? If they managed the feat at all, it was just as likely that it might have happened last week, would happen tomorrow or a month from now ...

... or maybe not at all.

For the first time, Kat fully faced that possibility, something she'd been reluctant to do until here and now. However, it had always been at the back of her and Jason's minds, but so far, both of them steadfastly refused to think of it - because it would take their already difficult situation beyond desperate into utterly hopeless.

Her shoulders shook as she fought her tears. Crying, as she had learned, served no purpose and would only give her a headache on top of the always-present faint hunger pangs. Jason did his utmost hunting and fishing, and Kat herself had become quite adept at foraging for edible fruit and plants, but somehow it was never quite enough. The days when they could both eat their fill were few and far between, and after a year the effects of a pretty monotone diet were starting to make themselves felt. She'd even had dreams of milk, bread or sweets sometimes.

I always wanted to lose those eight extra pounds, but not like this!

"They have to get us back. They /have /to!" she whispered into the wind, clenching her fists around clumps of grass to prevent herself from beating the earth in utter desperation. "Tommy, why haven't you found us yet? Why are you leaving me here all alone?"

Naturally, no reply was forthcoming, and Katherine breathed harshly, trying to stifle the need to sob, to cry out her anguish as waves of need for her friends, her family, her boyfriend warred with upsurges of fear that she'd never see any of them again - that she'd be left stranded in the past, all alone and helpless. She couldn't remember ever feeling so lost ... or so abandoned by everything or everyone.

~But you aren't.~

The thought managed to still her trembling. I'm not?

~No. You have Jason. As long as he's with you, you're none of these things.~

It was like talking to herself, in a way, and yet it wasn't; Kat was familiar with that little voice at the back of her mind; it usually helped her argue a way through her small (and not so small) dilemmas. She didn't want to go so far as to call it her conscience - most of the time, anyway - but it often came very close to being just that. The voice did always manage to give her some insight and perspective, however, and now was no exception.

Okay. So where does that leave me, though?

~That is entirely your choice.~


~Either you decide to stay as miserable as you are now ... or you throw your lot in with him.~

But I've already done that!

~Have you really?~

And with that enigmatic question, her little voice fell silent again./ /

What's that supposed to mean?

There was no answer, but the Australian neither expected nor really needed one; she knew all too well what her 'nag' was hinting at. She had grown very close to Jason; not a totally unexpected development, given their isolation and mutual dependence, but much to her secret chagrin, there was more to it than that.

Ever since that little episode at the water a few weeks ago there had been a new awareness between her and Jason - not enough to make her truly uncomfortable, but it was /there/. He had changed from being just a friend (albeit a very close one) to ... well, a /man/, and a very attractive one to boot. She knew in her innermost being that it was the same for him, even though they hadn't spoken about it. It was disturbing, yet oddly comforting, too - it gave her a feeling as if she only needed to reach out, and she'd be safe again.

"I can't," she whimpered very softly to herself. "I must not see more in him than my friend!"

For if she did, she'd be betraying Tommy.

Only, Tommy was so far away, possibly out of her reach forever, and the distance between them seemed to grow with every passing day. What was she going to do if they were truly stranded in the past - permanently? Even now, there were moments when she had difficulty recalling Tommy's smile, his touch. Kat fought it as much as possible, but it was getting harder and harder.

And she /needed /so!

Needed to be no longer hungry, scared and alone, needed to feel safe, needed to have someone hold her ...

Moaning, she clutched her middle and bent over, hiding the tears she could no longer hold back behind her long hair.


Jason was watching Kat from the tree line, giving her as much privacy and space as possible. The camp had been uncharacteristically deserted and he'd seen that not much had been done. He had a pretty good idea where he might find her, though, so he'd quickly seen to it that their fire would not go out and had followed the path to where he suspected Kat had wandered off to. For he, too, was aware of the date; while he tried not to put too much significance on it, it had been a constant companion in his thoughts all day. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw Kat kneeling next to the low cairn they had erected a year ago, and it pained him to observe her anguish.

Kat's body language spoke volumes, even from a slight distance, but Jason didn't want to intrude on her. I've done that once already, even if I didn't mean to; I'm not gonna do it again! He felt himself grow hot all over as he recalled the image of her in the nude, standing only hip-deep in the clear water, her skin beaded with glittering droplets and looking so very desirable that he still didn't know how he'd managed to walk away. With an effort, he wrenched his thoughts back to the present.

I'll just keep close, in case she needs me. But I will stay away until she asks for me.

However, Jason's resolve was shattered when he saw her doubling over, her slender body wracked with crying. Taking a few long, hasty steps, he stood behind her, a last vestige of insecurity staying his hand from reaching out.

Kat sobbed once, then emitted a sound halfway between a moan and a wail.

It was too much for Jason; without further hesitation he sank down next to her and gathered Kat in his arms.

She froze for an instant, then gave in to her feelings; she turned into the broad chest, flung her arms around Jason and started to cry in earnest.

He held her, rocking her gently just like he'd done a year ago when they'd first realized what had happened to them. As then, he crooned softly without words, hoping that just the sound of his deep voice would soothe her enough to let her regain her composure. Jason knew that she might need the relief her tears would hopefully give her; to be honest, it awarded himself no small measure of comfort to be close to someone, to experience the simple ease a friend's touch could bring. And by resting his bearded cheek on the flaxen tresses, he could let himself shed a few tears of his own at the apparent hopelessness of their situation.

"Shhh, baby. It's okay. I have you." His voice was rough with emotion.

Kat just continued to tremble in his arms. Jason tightened his grip.

"Let it out, hon. Just don't make yourself sick," he murmured, swaying back and forth just a little. Kat must've heard him, because she wept harder, great wrenching sobs that tore at Jason's heart. He desperately wanted to do more, to ease her anguish, but didn't know how - not when he was feeling pretty much helpless himself. So, he just stroked her hair, her back, her arms, anywhere he could reach, easing them into a more comfortable, half-sitting position on the springy turf, praying it would be enough.

Seemed it was; after a long time, the desperate crying abated gradually, but the two continued to cling to each other; Kat was still shaking, and Jason was loathe to let her go.

I just wish it didn't feel so damn good to be holding her!

It would be far too easy to shift just a tiny bit, to brush Kat's smooth forehead with his lips ... giving her a caress that had been innocent once, but would no longer be so.

If I kiss her cheek, I don't think I can stop myself from doing more. And I must not do that ... for all our sakes!

So Jason kept hugging his friend, trying with all his might to ignore how well Kat fit against him, how soft her arms felt around his waist ... how enticingly her scent surrounded him.

Tommy'll never forgive me ...

His thoughts were interrupted by Kat's voice, hoarse from crying. Her tear-wet face was buried in the crook of his neck, her breath a subtle eruption of air against his skin. Involuntarily, Jason shivered, but managed to hide his reaction. Barely.

"I- I'm s-sorry," she gasped.

"Don't be. You've held up so great all this time, there's no need to be ashamed if you lose it just once. You're entitled."

She gave a weak, humourless chuckle, closing weary, red-rimmed eyes.

"Like you aren't. But you don't."

"That's different."

"How? Don't tell me you haven't felt on occasion that you would like to cry ... or at least cry out," she said on a heavy sigh.

You have no idea how much, or how often, I wanted to do just that!

"I won't, because you're right. But what good would it do?"

"About as much as it does - did - for me."

"Yeah well ..."

There was nothing much either could say to the sheepish admission. Kat swallowed another, dry sob and finally voiced her greatest fear.

"We're never going to get home, are we?"

"I don't know," Jason admitted with painful honesty after a long moment. "I keep thinking that our friends won't give up on us, that they will find a way someday to get us back, but ..."

"It's been a year, Jason," Kat murmured, sniffling. "Surely in all that time they ought to have found a way by now."

He sighed, instinctively rubbing slow circles up and down her back. "We don't know what's going on back home, babe," he reminded her. "For all we know, the guys may not be able to use the Power Chamber; whatever menace is threatening Earth by now may not leave the Rangers any choice to free resources to rescue us ... the possibilities of something hindering them are endless." It was the leader in Jason speaking, used to facing and evaluating all angles of a situation. However, Jason-the-man found it nearly impossible to meet the pain-filled blue pools in Kat's pale face.

"Yes, but ..."

He shook his head regretfully. "No buts, sorry." He inhaled deeply, wearily. "Kat, we mustn't give up hope yet. I honestly have no idea how long it's going to take until we get back to the present, but I do know that our friends will try everything they can to find us."

Kat was quiet for long moments, then whispered softly, so low that he almost couldn't hear.

"What if they can't? Ever?"

It was a possibility neither of them dared face. Jason's breath caught on the answer he wanted to give - 'they won't' - but couldn't. After twelve months, he very much feared it might be a lie.

So, he just held Kat more tightly, giving and finding solace in their embrace.

Kat waited for a reply; when it didn't come, she sighed tiredly, closed her eyes again and nestled against the broad chest, feeling herself gradually relax as the solid warmth of Jason's arms surrounding her eased the ring of pain around her heart.

"We will get home one day. We have to," he murmured like a mantra.

"I guess," Kat sighed with very little conviction, then fell quiet. After a short while, she spoke up again in a very small voice.



"Can you hold me just a bit longer?"

There was so much pain and need in that innocent-seeming request that he couldn't bring himself to refuse.

"Sure. As long as you want me to."


They sat close together on the sun-warmed earth, the grass crushed beneath their legs smelling sweetly as they held each other. It was actually a rather pleasant feeling, Jason thought hazily, shifting minutely into a more comfortable position. Kat accommodated the movement by rubbing her cheek against his shoulder, leaning her forehead more firmly into Jason's neck. She found herself drifting into an almost dreamlike state, caused by both physical and emotional exhaustion. Liking the sensation, she let herself slip deeper into the warmth and comfort, letting the quiet sounds of nature embrace them.


Jason briefly tightened his arms, then allowed himself to indulge in the comfort their embrace provided. It was ... nice, holding his lovely companion like this, sensing the trust she offered him by being so open and vulnerable, letting him share her deepest fears even though Kat must've known he couldn't ease them. He blanked his mind for the now, gaining as much support as he needed in the physical contact, knowing that the feeling was quite mutual. And that, despite their predicament, felt decidedly good.

Too good.

Because while Jason might be able by sheer force of will to shut out his conscious thoughts momentarily, his body ran on instinct. Furthermore, that instinct had been honed by a year of living constantly on edge, trying to survive under most primitive conditions. The primal force of that had helped to keep them alive, but there was more to life than just subsisting. Life tried to reaffirm itself, in another basic urge, and that way lay danger.

This danger sent up screaming sirens of alarm as Kat's lips moved in a soundless murmur against his throat, caressing his skin in an unconscious touch that fired all of his senses. His heart began to race, and everything in him wanted, no, longed to take things just that tiny step further, to lower his head until his mouth would cover hers in a kiss that would sear not only themselves, but burn all bridges behind them.

No ...

But the voice of reason, which had enabled Jason to step back into the solitary shadows of the forest only a few scant weeks ago, was growing weaker by the second, losing ground with every breath he took, with every pulse of his blood which yearned for completion, with every instant that he continued to hold temptation in his arms.

With a last-ditch attempt of his willpower, Jason let go of Kat.

Or at least he tried; for as soon as the blonde felt his arms loosen around her back, she held him more tightly, whimpering a wordless protest.

"Kat, don't," he requested, keeping his touch light with difficulty.

"Don't let go of me," she begged, lifting wide, desolate eyes to his. "I need you ..."

Jason threw his head back and groaned, his face rigid. "I know. That's the problem!"

"I ... I don't understand ..." She only knew that she couldn't lose the feeling of safety she had just experienced in his arms, that she'd be utterly and completely alone if Jason moved away. Tommy's already lost to me. /That thought somehow had crystallized in her mind without her realizing - nor wishing - it. I couldn't bear it if Jason left me, too! /

Midnight eyes bore into hers with an intensity she had never seen in them before - except one time, when they both had done their utmost to free Tommy from his brainwashing by Prince Gasket.

"Yes, you do. Remember what happened at the inlet recently? I'm only Human, Kat; I can't fight both your need ... and my own!"

She blushed fiercely at the reminder of his visible reaction to the sight of her, but didn't look away.

"I'm Human, too. And maybe ..." Kat swallowed hard; the admission wasn't easy to make, but here and now it seemed the right thing to do. Even though it was defeat. "Maybe I don't want you to fight the need anymore," she finished in a whisper.

Jason's heart gave a lurch; had he heard right?


The blonde felt her shoulders slump and fresh tears gather in her eyes. "I'm tired, Jason. So tired and sick of being lost and alone and frightened ... and when you hold me like you did just now, all that seems not quite as bad as it is when I'm by myself. Is it so bad of me to want at least a little relief?"

He felt absurdly pleased, and his expression softened. "No, of course not."

"Then why won't you let me stay here just a little longer?" 'Here' meant in his arms, as they were both aware.

It was Jason's turn to blush. He would have liked to give anything not to have to say it outright, but Kat left him no choice. "Because when I hold you like this, I can't help but want to do more. Like, kiss you. Really /kiss you. And I don't think I could stop there," he confessed. "You /know what would happen then, don't you?"

Her gaze never faltered as Kat pondered the implications of Jason's admission. Deep inside, she had known it would boil down to this - a choice between Tommy and Jason - and that it was going to be up to her to decide one way or another. After what seemed like a small eternity, she answered at last.


It was the merest whisper, hardly more than a breath, and yet Jason could hear clearly that the small word, all of three letters long, contained far more than a simple affirmative to his question. It was instead acceptance of everything he had just offered, against reason, fuelling his wildest hopes ... and making /his /need almost unbearable.

His mouth grew dry, and he felt suddenly dizzy. A remnant of clear thought made him ask what he had to, given the man he was, even though it cost him dearly.

"What about Tommy, though?" he whispered hoarsely.

Kat sighed and grew slightly pale. She didn't really want to think about the decision she'd just made, but ...

"I don't know," she replied. "I miss him, yes, and I don't want to hurt him, but ... "

"We both will, if we do not stop."

/Oh God, this is so hard! /Haltingly, Kat tried to put into words what until now she'd only felt subconsciously.

"Possibly. Probably. But Jason ... you and I both need each other, too. For survival. Physically, we've managed so far. Do you really think he couldn't forgive us if we tried to survive emotionally, too? Because that's what it is, this thing between us. Isn't it?"

It was that, and yet so much more, at least for Jason. But he couldn't tell Kat; not when she was looking at him with so much need and hope.

"I guess. And I wish I knew. I hope so." The instant he said that last sentence, Jason wished he could take the words back. It was as good as acquiescing to Kat's request. And he was too aware that neither his strength nor his will were enough anymore to refuse. His defeat was complete when Kat reached up with an unsteady hand and cupped his cheek.

"We'll have to trust he'll understand."

"Kat ..." he murmured, torn with longing.

"Just hold me," she begged again. "Don't let go of me ..."

It was too much. Surrendering himself to need and sweet temptation, Jason once more wrapped his arms around the slender form resting so trustingly against him and bent his head.

God, forgive me. And Tommy ...

He kissed her. Softly, gently at first, then with gradually rising passion as he found no resistance, just unhesitating response.

Kat. My Kat. At last.

It was the last coherent thought he had for quite a while.


It was raining; one of the infrequent but steady drizzling downpours that wasn't really uncomfortable or overly cold - not in California, anyway - but which made any kind of outside activity thoroughly unpleasant. Consequently, Jason and Kat had quickly taken care of the most pressing chores around their camp, then spent most of the day in their shelter, doing nothing but fiddle with minor things - some sewing for Kat, sharpening knives for Jason - while they waited for the rain to stop.

Ever since their first kiss in the meadow, the two had grown closer with each passing day, but much to Kat's surprise, Jason had not made any more moves towards her. Yes, they kissed on occasion, he would hug her with no reason every now and then, but that was it. For three weeks now, she'd expected him to take their relationship to where it was inexorably headed - consummation - but he seemed content to take it very slow.

Although they'd never actually spoken about it, both knew that they would eventually become intimate. Given their situation, it was the next inevitable step. On one level, Kat was grateful for the reprieve, glad that Jason didn't rush things, but on another, she felt it gave her way too much time to think. She'd made her decision after her emotional breakdown; what she neither wanted nor needed was to re-evaluate every little detail. Somewhere along the line, Kat had decided to live just for the moment, not to worry overmuch about what the next day would bring.

Well, unless it's about food and weather and so on.

But she no longer fretted daily about getting rescued, and that new attitude brought her a measure of peace that she hadn't known for all of a long, wearying year. However, Jason's reticence threatened that peace.

/Why can't he go on with it already? /Kat thought a bit resentfully, watching him munch on an apple while he was idly honing the edge of a small blade against the rock he was sitting on. His face was turned towards the shelter's exit, lost in the monotonous drip of rainwater from the nearest trees. If he's waiting for me to make the first move, he's got another think coming!

Blowing a strand of hair out of her eyes, she packed her sewing away. It was getting too dark to see, anyway. Then, the look in her eyes softened as she caught a whiff of the blooming twig Jason had brought for her yesterday. The scent was sweet and elusive, and Kat loved it. Carefully, she ran a fingertip over one of the delicate blossoms. It had been such a tender, even romantic thing for Jason to do; she couldn't help but be touched.

/Just like three days ago when he brought me those berries! /The first tiny strawberries of the year, found behind a rock, incredibly rare and so sweet the taste nearly brought tears to Kat's eyes as she slowly ate them from Jason's hand, savouring every morsel. Just as sweet had been the look from the dark eyes as he watched her blissful expression ...

The memory caused a rush of heat to Kat's cheeks. She'd fed him the last berry, and had felt shivers race up and down her limbs when the firm lips nibbled at her fingertips, licking the last drops of juice away. And the kiss they'd shared afterwards ...

Oh my.

Kat was still virgin; she and Tommy hadn't yet taken that final step in their relationship, but she'd thought often about how it would be like; if she would be afraid when the time came. Well, it wasn't going to be Tommy who would be the first man for her, but Jason - but that kiss had left no room for fear, just eagerness and anticipation.

Which Jason had summarily ignored, or so it seemed. And was still ignoring.

It was driving her crazy.

Slightly disgruntled, Kat decided to ignore him right back.

"I'm going to sleep," she announced, and without giving him another glance slipped under her covers.

"Good night," the deep voice just said, sounding faintly amused, or so Kat thought. "I'll be a little while yet. Sleep well."

"Hmph." Hitching the furs up to her ears, she turned her back towards Jason and determinedly closed her eyes. I will sleep!

It was easier said than done, though. The day of forced inactivity had let Kat rest, and while she dropped off quickly enough, she only managed little more than a light doze. Some time later, when night had fallen completely, she woke once more. Unconsciously, she'd turned and was now facing Jason again as she opened her eyes sleepily. He had moved to sit beside her, and was regarding her with an expression Kat had never seen before. She caught her breath, then felt her pulse begin to race as he reached out and gently stroked her face with his fingertips. The smile playing around the firm mouth was wistful and tender, and Katherine felt herself responding without thought.

Languidly, she captured the calloused hand and nestled her cheek into the palm, brushing the fleshy base of the thumb with her lips. The hand stilled.

"Kat?" he whispered, her name an eloquent plea on his lips.

As she had in the clearing, Kat replied simply and all-encompassingly.


Jason closed his eyes briefly. When he opened them again, Kat felt seared by the fire in the night-dark depths. Then he bent towards her ... and his mouth and hands made her burst into flames.


Much later, the two lay closely entwined on their bed, skin to skin and heartbeat to heartbeat as they regained their breaths and their bodies cooled down. With a replete sigh, Kat rested her head on one broad shoulder, letting one hand trace idly around the hard sculpted muscles of Jason's chest. He, in turn, was doing marvellous things to her thighs and lower back.

"Mmmm," she purred contentedly. He chuckled.

"Little cat."

"Mreow," she smiled, then, with a slightly wicked grin, scratched him on the arm.


"Cats do that," she said innocently.

"Only if they're not afraid to be punished," Jason rumbled.

"Punished? How?"

"You don't want to know."

Kat couldn't resist, she scratched Jason again. For good measure, she nipped his shoulder. "I'm so scared. Not!"

"Oh yeah?"

Before she could even emit a startled yelp, Kat found herself flipped on her back and thoroughly kissed. She was gasping for air and feeling more than slightly aroused - again! - when he let up. With a smug grin, he pulled her back into their former position. Kat laughed.

"If that is punishment, I'll have to be naughty more often," she murmured suggestively, sliding her leg over Jason's thigh. She wasn't quite bold enough yet to use her hands to explore.

"Mmmm." Jason replied, not in her former ladylike purr but a satisfied lion's growl. Then, he kissed her hair.

"No regrets?" he asked softly.

Kat took a few seconds to formulate her reply.

"Right now? Not a one," she finally said, feeling the broad chest heave a silent sigh of relief under her cheek. "I may have a million tomorrow, but here, tonight ... everything is perfect. "

"Yeah," Jason agreed after a moment's reflection, completely understanding. They both fell silent again, listening to each other's heartbeats, idly kissing and touching until sleep overcame them both.

Outside, the rain stopped and thousands of diamond-like stars filled the velvet of the nightly sky.

To Be Continued ...

/ /

To Be Continued ...
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