Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Truth Is, You Should Lie With Me

Happily Ever After Below The Waist

by suchaphuckinladyy

So this is the final chapter of this story as of right now. I'm sure I'll be doing an epilogue, but I may or may not add a few more chapters. I might not, though, judging by how long it took me to ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2015-10-11 - 7743 words

Two weeks have pass since Gerard had the whole incident with Frank and Louis. He still hasn’t done anything about either of the boys. Gerard still says hi to Frank in school and he still longs to do more than that, but nothing ever happens. In fact it always seems like Frank is in a rush to get away from him and Gerard can understand that. Gerard hasn’t exactly been the best person to him recently.

Someone else Gerard hasn’t been the best to is Louis. They still talk and see each other but there’s a difference in each encounter. Louis seems detached now and he barely seems to have anything to say to Gerard. Even when Gerard finds the topic of discussion Louis still doesn’t like to keep up with it. Gerard’s at a standstill with both of the boys and at this point in his life he’s wondering what the point is.

Gerard is taking Louis on a date with him tonight at Mikey’s birthday get together and they both have full knowledge that Frank will be attending that dinner. Louis was hesitant to agree to going, and can anyone really blame him, why would he want to be in the same vicinity of Frank again knowing how Gerard feels about him? The only reason Louis agreed is because it’s a couple’s thing and knowing Frank would be bringing a date calmed him down a little. Knowing that had a different effect on Gerard. He couldn’t stop wondering who’d be there with Frank.

Mikey claimed that he didn’t know who it would be but Gerard could tell he was lying. He decided to leave it alone especially since it would only anger him more that his brother would side with Frank and lie to him. Gerard’s just going to have to wait until tonight to find out. He knew it was immature of him but he repeatedly chanted to himself for the guy to be unattractive or at least less attractive than he is. He sighs and goes over to his closet.

Gerard starts gathering his clothes for the evening and his same old dusty converse. He has to pick up Louis at seven o’ clock and it’s five forty five already. It takes Gerard a while to get ready, what can he say? It takes him five cups of coffee and four bathroom runs within an hour before he gets in the shower. He can’t waste that much time tonight though so he’s getting things together so he can enjoy a drink instead of coffee before heading out.


Frank opens his dorm room door and smiles at the boy on the other side of it.

“Hey you.”

“Hey Frankie.”

The boy enters the room and hugs Frank tightly with one arm. When they part he pulls his other arm from behind his back and presents a rose and a bottle of cheap wine to Frank.

“You still love giving me roses huh?”

“Of course. You deserve every single one.”

“Oh cut it out.”

The boy closed the door behind him and follows Frank over to the bed.

“Long time no see.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. I was a little surprised when you called me up to be your date.”

“Hey, just like high school right?”

Bert smiled and nodded at Frank.


Bert gave Frank the rose and Frank took it smiling fondly.

“So where is your roommate?”

“He’s already with his fiancée. Wow, that’s so weird to say.”

“Oh, yeah. Adam right?”


“Yeah, everyone heard about his engagement. A lot of people are shocked at how much he changed and that’s he’s in a more committed relationship than any of us.”

Frank laughs and nods his head with a huge smile on his face.

“Yeah, man. It’s unbelievable but it’s good.”

“Yeah. So when are we going to leave?”

“We’ll head over at seven.”

“Cool. So let’s open this up and have a few sips, yeah?”

Bert raises the bottle of wine in the air and Frank takes it and walks over to his dresser to grab some cups.


Bert smiled at Frank as he began opening the bottle and pouring it into the cups. Frank sat the bottle down and smirked at Bert as he walked over to him with both cups in his hand.

“Here you go.”

“Thank you.”

Bert takes the cup from Frank and sips some of it. Frank sits down and mirrors Bert’s actions. Bert looks over at Frank and sighs.

“Can I kiss you?”

Frank recoils and raises his brows at Bert with a smile on his face.

“Your liquid courage sets in quickly huh?”

Bert laughs loudly and shakes his head.

“I just love your lips and your piercing. I remember the first time I kissed you was when you first got it done.”

“Kiss me.”

Frank didn’t know what possessed him to say it but he did and Bert took heed to it. He leaned forward and pulled Frank in by the back of his head. Frank wrapped his arm around Bert’s waist and moved into the kiss. Bert snaked his tongue into Frank’s mouth and Frank sighed. It’s been a long time since he kissed someone without feeling heartache.

“I think you’ve gotten even better there Frankie.”

“I think I’d have to say the same about you.”

Bert smiles and takes a gulp of his wine. He sits the cup on Frank’s stand and takes Frank’s cup and puts it next to his. Bert then took Frank’s chin in his hand and moved his lips to his again. They both sighed into the kiss and Frank smiled.

“Don’t you think I should start getting ready?”

“Yeah, you should, but I don’t want you to.”

“That requires me to be naked.”

“By all means then.”

Frank smirked as he stood up and took off his shirt. Bert bit his lip and ran his eyes all over Frank’s body.



Mikey sat the last dish on the table for the night. He and Adam had been cooking all day. They had taken a few breaks when certain foods were in the oven to make each other feel good if you know what I mean. Adam walked into the dining room and started setting the plates, napkins, and silver wear. Mikey went into the kitchen to grab the glasses and bottle of wine.

Mikey came back to the table and sat each glass next to a plate. After he was done with that he opened the bottle of wine and filled each glass with the red liquid. He sat the bottle in the middle of the table and stood back to admire the setup he and his fiancée had created. Adam came out of the kitchen and walked over to him to join him in taking in their progress.

“We did pretty good Mikes.”

“Yeah we did. I’m glad you share the same intimate setting as me. People always thought I had an old soul or something. A lot of my friends would’ve wanted us to go out and party and get wasted. I don’t like to do that. I like to have the most important people with me for dinner and get drunk that way.”

Adam chuckles and squeezes Mikey around his waist.

“I love that about you.”

“I’m glad.”

Mikey leaned down and kissed Adam on his forehead.

“You know, we have a while before people start arriving. How about we go have a little fun in the bedroom?”

Adam smirked and pulled away from Mikey. He turned and started walking towards their bedroom with a little sway in his hips.

“What are you waiting for baby?”

Adam disappears inside of the bedroom and Mikey smiles as he rushes in behind him.


Gerard pulls up to Louis’ home and exits the car. He walks up the pathway and knocks on the door once he’s in front of it. It takes Louis awhile to get to the door which leaves Gerard a little antsy. He thought he was backing out or went somewhere with someone else. When he opened the door, though, Gerard could see why he took so long to get to the door. Louis looked overly dressed to impress and he damn sure impressed Gerard.

“Wow, you look amazing.”

“Yeah, well. You know. I’m up against stiff competition.”

Louis turns away and grabs his keys and wallet before stepping outside and closing the door. Gerard put his hand around Louis’ waist.

“Louis, come on. What is this, huh? We’re supposed to be having a good night and focusing on us.”

“There is no us, Gerard. Just stop kidding yourself.”

Louis pushes Gerard’s arm off of him and starts walking towards the car.

“I just want to see how far you can go with this sick little game of yours.”

Gerard sighs and moves to the passenger side to open the door for Louis. Louis thanks him and gets into the car. He busies himself with his seat belt while Gerard walks around the car and gets in. Gerard puts his keys into the ignition and started the car up. He puts on his seat belt and turns on the radio then pulls off.


Mikey and Adam both landed on the bed out of breath and giggling.


“I know.”

Mikey interrupts Adam and laughs.

“We should get ready. It’s about that time for everyone to arrive.”

“Okay baby.”

Adam sits up in bed and wraps his body in the sheet. Mikey slaps his butt as he climbs off the bed. Adam smirks back at him before disappearing out the room to go to the bathroom. Mikey continues to smile in the direction his husband just disappeared in. He gets up after a while of being in the same position for too long and starts to gather his clothing for the evening.


Frank walks up the pathway to the house with his arm linked with Bert’s and holding a bottle of wine in his hand. They get to the door and Frank knocks. They stand there patiently for a while until the door is pulled open by a freshly dressed Adam.

“Hey guys, I’m so glad you could make it. Nice to see you again Bert.”

“You too, Adam. You look great.”

“Thank you. Come on in.”

Adam moves to the side for them to enter the house. They walk in and Adam closes the door. He takes the wine from Frank and takes it to the kitchen while Mikey and Bert rid themselves of their jackets. They hang them on the coat rack and go into the living room. Adam comes and joins them after he comes from the kitchen.

“Mikey will just be a moment. He’s probably trying to get his eyeliner straight.”

“That’ll be the only thing straight in this house.”

Frank says and they all laugh.

“You’re just about right about that. I’m going to go tell him you have arrived. I’ll be right back.”

As Adam climbs the stairs there’s a knock at the door. Frank’s heart stops for a moment, because he knows exactly who it is and who’s going to be accompanying him.

“Could you get that for me Frankie?”

Adam calls over his shoulder as he gets to the top landing of the stairs.

“Of course.”

Bert takes a seat on the couch as Frank walks to the door and opens it.

“Oh! What a surprise. He answers the doors of other people’s homes. Lovely.”

Gerard squeezes Louis’ hand and makes a noise deep in his throat telling Louis to stop. He’s holding a homemade cake in his other hand for Mikey.

“Hello… Laurence is it?”

Frank says knowing full well that that’s not Louis name at all. Louis lets out a fake chuckle and gives a smile just as fake.


“Ah, right.”

Frank looks at Gerard and smirks a little just to make Louis bristle. Frank isn’t on good terms with Gerard at all, but he doesn’t want Louis to know that so he puts on a good face and greets him.

“Hello Gerard.”

Gerard smiles nervously and nods to Frank.

“Hey, Frank. Nice seeing you again.”

“Always a pleasure.”

Frank’s smirk grows and he moves out the way. He can feel Louis burning a hole in the side of his face with his eyes.

“Come in. Mikey’s just finishing up in the bathroom. They’ll be down in a moment.”

They walk into the house and Frank closes the door. They all walk to the living room and Gerard stops and stares at the kid on the sofa.


“Hey, Mr. Way. It’s been awhile huh?”

“Yes, it has. I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

“I think it’s a thing Frank and I have established. We’re always each other’s stand in for if we don’t have a date. It helps that we have a little unfinished business each time too.”

Gerard raises a brow at Bert and Frank chuckles. At that moment Mikey and Adam descends the stairs.

“Great, everyone’s here. Shall we eat?”

Mikey hugs Gerard and they start to the dining room. He takes the cake from him and sits it in the middle of the table.

“And you’re sure you didn’t know who he was bringing along?”

Gerard whispers to Mikey.

“No clue.”

Mikey smiles and walks to his seat at the table. Mikey sits at the head with Adam at the other end. Gerard sits on the right of his brother with Louis next to him. Frank sits opposite Gerard with Bert next to him. Everyone scoots their seats closer to the table and starts plating their food.

Everyone takes what they want and passes it to the next person until all of the food has been rotated. Frank stands to open the bottle of wine that he brought. He pops the cork and goes around the table filling everyone’s glasses. When Frank gets to Gerard’s glass he can feel Gerard staring at him as he pours. Frank looks at him and goes back to his seat.

“Everything looks amazing.”

Bert says.

“Yeah and it smells amazing too.”

Louis adds after him.


Gerard says and Frank looks at him briefly.

“Thanks guys.”

Everyone gets quiet as they start to eat their food. A few of them gives approving groans at one point or another. When they get half way through dinner Mikey decides to start a conversation.

“I hope I didn’t pull any of you out of important plans for this dinner. I just wanted my close family and Louis to be here.”

“The shade... is real.”

Frank says and Bert and Adam can’t help snickering. Louis just smiles and takes a sip of his wine.

“Thanks for inviting me this time.”

Mikey raises a brow at him and sees the look on Gerard’s face. It’s obvious he lied to Louis and Gerard doesn’t want Mikey to blow up the spot. Mikey nods and smiles at Louis.

“Right. So anyway… thanks for coming guys.”

Everyone let’s out a no problem or something of the sorts and continues eating.

“Mikey almost burned dinner.”

“No, I didn’t. That was you.”

Adam laughs and shakes his head.

“He had the oven so high. It was a good thing I just happened to be going into the kitchen and saw it in time. We would be eating our plates right now.”

They all laugh and Mikey sticks his tongue out at Adam across the table.

“How old are you now Mikey?”

Louis asks and Frank has to stop himself from rolling his eyes at the sound of his voice.

“I’m actually not sure.”

Mikey attempts to joke with Louis and Louis laughs.

“Very well.”

He takes another sip of his wine and Gerard clears his throat and speaks.

“So what else do we have planned for tonight?”

“Oooh how about drunk Twister?”

Bert laughed and nodded in agreement with Frank.

“I’m in.”

Adam chimes and looks at Mikey.

“Fine with me.”

Adam claps his hands excitedly and jumps up from the table.

“I’m going to go get it and set it up. You guys finish eating.”

Adam leaves the dining room quickly and Mikey laughs.

“He’s always enthusiastic. Especially when drinks are involved.”

Louis laughs and rests his head on Gerard’s shoulder.

“Sounds like Gee here.”

Frank visibly cringes at Louis calling Gerard, Gee and Gerard doesn’t miss it either. They connect eyes and then Frank’s reaching for his drink. He finishes the whole glass and grabs the wine.

“Trying to get a head start huh?”

Louis says and Frank looks at him.

“Something like that.”

He pours the wine and looks at everyone else glasses.


He doesn’t wait for anyone to answer before he starts pouring wine into Bert’s glass and so on and so forth. Once he’s done he sits back down and starts drinking from his glass again. Gerard watches him over the rim of his own glass and Frank catches him. Suddenly Gerard feels something inching up his leg and he looks across at Frank to see him smirking in his glass. Louis stands up and that causes Frank to stop and Gerard to sit up straight.

“I’m going to go to the bathroom. I guess the wine is getting to my bladder.”

Gerard nods up at him and smiles. Louis leans down and kisses him on the lips and Frank has to restrain himself from groaning in disgust. Louis smiles at Frank and heads to the bathroom. Frank turns his attention back to Gerard and his leg. He starts moving his foot up again and Gerard jumps a little when Frank gets to his inner thigh.

“I’m going to go help set up the game.”

Bert kisses Frank’s forehead and leaves the room.

Frank moves his foot to kick off his shoes and then moves his foot back to Gerard’s thigh. He moves it up and down for a bit before moving it to Gerard’s cock. Gerard grabbed Frank’s foot to stop him and they both looked at each other. Frank started moving his foot despite the hold Gerard had on it. Gerard’s cock took no time in responding.

Mikey stood up and removed himself from the table after analyzing what was going on and Gerard was happy. He moaned lowly in the back of his throat and Frank pants on the other side of the table. He keeps moving his foot and Gerard still has a hold on it but not for the same reason as before. Frank bites his lip as he watches Gerard react to his administrations on him. He is loving everything Frank is giving at the moment.

It came to an end though and rather abruptly. Louis walked back into the kitchen with Adam and their voices snapped Gerard and Frank out of it. Frank and Gerard straightened themselves in their seats and Frank kicked off his other shoe to get ready for twister. He grabbed his glass of wine and Bert’s and looked at Gerard one more time before turning and heading into the living room. Gerard watches him walk away and stands with his own glass.

“Shall we get the games started?”

Gerard asks as he heads for the living room.

“We shall.”

Adam replies as he grabs his and Mikey’s glasses and Louis takes his own and they head back out to the living area.


Mikey laughs at the pretzel that Frank, Gerard, and Louis are stuck in. Adam is still standing clear luckily and he’s pretty happy about that. Bert was out of the game long before it even started. Mikey spins and laughs when it stops.

“What is it?”

“Left hand green!”

“Ah man!”

They all say and Mikey laughs his ass off as they all try to reach and maneuver over one another. Louis gives out which causes Gerard and Frank to go down too. Gerard’s on the bottom with Frank on top and then Louis on top of him. Frank pushes Louis up and then climbs off of Gerard.

“That was an interesting game.”

Frank grabs his glass and starts pouring more wine. Bert holds up his glass and Frank gives him more too.

“Yeah, it was. Even more interesting to watch.”

Bert says and Frank looks at him.

“You think so?”

“Maybe not.”

Bert sips his wine and Frank sits the bottle back down and does the same. Frank looked around the room and noticed everyone was in fact drinking. He had to laugh at that and then slowly the rest of them joined in. Frank sat down next to Bert, Adam next to Mikey, and Gerard next to Louis.

“So are we making this a good night for you Mikes?”

“Of course, Frankie. Whenever we’re all together is a good night, day, evening.”

They laugh and Frank bumps fists with Mikey.

“So what did Adam here get you for your birthday?”

Everyone looks at Adam and he smirks.

“Or has he not given it to you yet because we’re still here?”

Everyone hooted and whistled as Adam blushed and kicked at them playfully.

“If you must know he’s already gotten some of it right before you all came. Why do you think he was taking so long to come out? I laid it on him and he had to recuperate.”

Everyone hyped the situation up and pointed at Mikey. Now it was his turn to swing and kick at them.

“Shut up, shut up. Let’s get some music going and more drinks so we can dance our asses off.”

Everyone hoots and hollers as they jump up. Some going to mess with the music while the others go for more alcohol.


Frank and Bert tumbled into his dorm room kissing and touching all over each other. Bert kicks the door closed and moves them deeper into the room until they land on Frank’s bed. He moves his hands to the hem of Frank’s shirt and began pushing it off. Frank sat up and helped him move along the process.

“God, look at your body. Your tattoos.”

Bert moved his lips down to Frank’s hips and began sucking on them. Frank moves his hands to the back of Bert’s head and pushes his hips into his mouth while tugging on his lip ring.


Gerard opened Louis pants slowly and pulled them down around his ankles. He pulled Louis cock threw his underwear and began pumping him quickly.


This is the first time he and Louis are doing anything and all Gerard can think about is Frank. He doesn’t know why his mind is stuck on him. Maybe it’s because he knows he went home with Bert. They may be handling that unfinished business Bert had mentioned early in the evening.



Gerard had been so consumed in his thoughts with Frank that he hadn’t noticed Louis had been calling his name for quite some time now.

“Where’s your head?”

“I’m here.”

“You sure?”

Louis looks at Gerard and Gerard nods.


He leans down and kisses Louis as he starts stroking him again.

“I’m sure.”

Gerard moves his mouth down to Louis chest and starts nibbling on his nipples.


Bert took Frank into his mouth and began sucking him. Frank groaned and arched up into the air. He began tugging on Bert’s hair and pumping his hips into his mouth.

“You’re so good.”

Bert kept sucking him and looking up at him to see his reaction. Frank bit his lip hard and groaned again and louder than before.

“Shit… so close.”


Gerard watched as Louis shook and came into his hand. Louis slumped into the bed and pulled Gerard down with him. He kissed him as he moved his hands to Gerard’s pants. He opened them and pulled them down. Gerard wiped his hand on the sheets and helped Louis remove his pants.

Louis got Gerard’s cock into his hand and began pumping as he moved down his body. Louis takes Gerard into his mouth and begins sucking him slowly. Gerard moans and let’s his head fall back. It’s been so long since he’s had someone else other than himself on his cock and that someone is using their tongue to service him. It felt damn good and Gerard couldn’t deny that.

“You’re so good.”

Little did Gerard know Frank had just spoken those same words to another man.


Frank shook and came deep inside of Bert’s mouth. Bert swallowed him down while staring up at him and smirking around his cock.

“You even taste amazing Iero.”

“Mmm, I’ve been told.”

Frank smiles and pulls Bert up his body. He wraps his legs around his hips as he begins opening Bert’s pants. He pushes his hands into them and pushes them down. He pulls Bert’s hips and cock into him with his legs and begins moving his hips.

“I want you to get off on me. Cum all over me.”

Bert groans and pushes down into Frank.

“Fuck, yes.”


Gerard gets up and goes into the bathroom to get something to clean them off with. Louis sits up and goes over to his dresser to get some pajamas. Gerard comes out of the bathroom wiped off and hands the wash cloth to Louis. He begins putting his clothes back on while Louis cleans himself and watches him.

“So I’m going to assume you’re not staying the night.”

“No, not tonight. Sorry. I have work to do before this weekend is over.”

“Work. Right.”

Louis starts putting on his pajamas and then heads to the bathroom to put away the wash cloth. Gerard sighs and grabs his phone off the floor and then his keys off the dresser. Louis comes out of the bathroom and opens the bedroom door.

“I’ll see you out.”

Gerard walks through the door with Louis behind him. He stands by the door as Louis opens it.

“I enjoyed tonight.”

Gerard leans down and goes in for a kiss on Louis mouth but he turned his head and Gerard caught his cheek. Louis gives a fake smile and nods.

“Me too. Clearly you didn’t enjoy it as much as I did.”

Louis goes back inside of the house and closes the door. Gerard stands there for a moment before turning and going to his car. He climbs inside and buckles himself up. He turns on the car and messes with his radio until he finds a song he’s satisfied with. He pulls off and heads back to the campus.


Bert cums hard between them while kissing Frank and moaning into his mouth.

“God, you’re so heavenly.”

Frank laughs and kisses Bert again.

“I’ll take your word for it.”

Frank pushes Bert up and off of him.

“You should get going soon. I have homework to get to.”

“Really? It must be a lot of homework since you can’t use all off tomorrow to do it.”

“Yeah, it is.”

Bert laughs and gets up off the bed to find something to clean them off with.


Gerard pulls into the parking lot and parks in his spot. He turns off his car and gets out. He starts to make his way over to his part of the college when he sees a door to one of the dorms open and sees Frank coming out with Bert. Frank leans in to kiss Bert and wraps his arms around his neck. Gerard’s skin heats up as he feels anger consuming him.

Bert walks away and gets into his car. Frank watches as Bert’s car disappears. Just as he’s about to go into his dorm Gerard rushes over and pushes him inside. Frank screams and turns to see who’s attacking him. Gerard’s face comes into view in the moonlight shining through his window and Frank gasps.

“What are you doing!?”

“What the hell was that about!?”

Gerard points to the door as he refers to what he just watched happen between Bert and Frank.

“What was what about!?”

Frank looks at Gerard as if he’s insane.

“You sat there and flirted with me and then came back here and fucked him!?”

Frank places his hands on his hips and looks at Gerard.

“That’s pretty bold of you to assume!”

Gerard got in Frank’s face and pointed his finger in it too.

“Oh, please! I know you, Frank! Your hormones were raging tonight and every other night when we were dating! You came back here and you let him fuck you!”

“If I had let him fuck me, trust, he wouldn’t have left.”

Frank raised a brow at Gerard matter of factly.

“So what did you do? Did you perform oral on him?”

“Didn’t have to.”

Frank smirked at Gerard and Gerard advanced on him. He pushed Frank into his wall and yelled in his face.


“It’s none of your business! You don’t own me! I’m not yours anymore! You have someone! I’m sure you’ve even had them yourself and now you’re upset that I’ve done the same!? It’s not fair!”

Frank pushes Gerard.

“It’s not fair!”

He pushes him again and makes him lose his footing. Gerard gets up and stares at Frank.

“You are mine! You’re always going to be mine!”

Frank scoffs and Gerard moves back into his personal space.

“You’re always going to be mine.”

Gerard takes Frank’s face in his hands and moves in to kiss him. Frank pulls back and pushes Gerard.


Gerard nods and moves towards Frank again.

“Yes, Frank. We belong together.”

Gerard takes Frank back into his hands and kisses him again. Frank lets it happen, but he doesn’t kiss him back.

“Please kiss me, Frankie.”


Frank begins pulling back, but Gerard only tightens his grip on him.

“Kiss me.”

Gerard kisses him again and Frank moans. He pushes back again and Gerard just stares at him this time.

“What do you want Frank? It sounds like you’re unsure.”

“I want you to be sure.”


“I want you to be sure that you want me. I need to know that I’ll be you’re one and only. I need to know that Louis means nothing to you and that he will be gone after tonight.”

“I promise… I will make sure of it.”

“Does he mean anything to you?”

“No, Frankie. It’s always been you. It will always be you.”

Gerard knows how wrong he is to have kept stringing Louis along and even more wrong for getting into bed with him knowing his feelings for Frank. Gerard can’t help it, though, he loves Frank too much. He’s known this from the beginning, but he thought with time he’d start moving on, that didn’t happen though. Now Frank’s here and Gerard knows he won’t move now. Not with Frank here, not with him willing to let him in again.

“You’re right.”

Frank walks over to Gerard and runs his hands up his chest and to his hair.

“It will always be me.”

Frank kisses Gerard and pulls him towards his bed. Gerard more so started pushing him there and Frank didn’t protest. Before he knew it he was falling back on it with Gerard over top of him. He reached up and pulled Gerard down by the nape of his neck and kissed him. Gerard pushed his tongue into Frank’s mouth and explored him.

“Did you let him kiss you like this?”

Frank shook his head no as he traced Gerard’s lips with his fingers. He replaced them with his tongue. He pushed it into Gerard’s mouth after a little more teasing. Gerard sucked on it and moved his hands down into Frank’s pajama pants. Frank opened Gerard’s shirt and moved down his chest to flick his tongue across his nipples repeatedly.

“Shit, Frankie. Missed this so much. Missed you.”

Frank bit down on Gerard’s nipple and chuckled softly.

“I missed you too.”

Frank then sucked on his nipple while moving his hand to Gerard’s pants. He took them off and noted the precum already staining the front of them.

“Eager are we?”

“I want you so bad.”

Gerard started leaving soft bites along Frank’s jawline until he got to his ear where he started nibbling there.

“I’m glad you do. It’s your fault why you haven’t had me though.”

Frank pushes Gerard pants down and then the rest of the way off with his feet.

“Yeah so you decided to give yourself to someone else?”

Gerard pushed into Frank and lifted his leg.

“Well you did too, didn’t you?”

Frank looked up at Gerard and he looked back down at him.

“I guess, only a little.”

Frank nodded and shrugged.

“The same thing I did.”

“Did it mean anything?”

Frank stared Gerard in his eyes and shook his head.

“It meant nothing Gerard. I was just having a bit of fun.”

Gerard sighed and looked back at Frank.

“And what is this that you have with me?”

Frank smiles a little and bites his lip softly.


Gerard moves his hand down Frank’s body. Frank pushes his shirt off his shoulders and arms.

“I want you to wear that for me like you used to.”


Frank pushes Gerard off of him softly and gets up on his knees. He picks the shirt up and slips it onto his body. He buttons the bottom four buttons and leave the others open for Gerard to admire some of his body and tattoos. Gerard groaned and leaned forward. He raked his nails down Frank’s thighs and moved his mouth to his neck.

He bit down causing Frank to cry out loudly. He licked the spot soothingly and Frank moaned in response and moved up into the touch. Frank held the back of Gerard’s head as he kept moving his tongue. He wrapped his legs around Gerard’s hips and moved up into him. He could feel Gerard’s cum coating their cocks together.

Gerard reached over for Frank’s nightstand and opened the drawer to locate the lube that he knew was there. It didn’t feel slippery like it was used recently so that made Gerard feel a little better. Still he was going to show Frank that he was his again. Once and for all. No more games.

“I’m going to make you mine again.”

Frank nodded and reached for the lube from Gerard to help move along the process. He opened it and squeezed a pleasant amount onto Gerard’s fingers. Gerard coated his fingers in the lube and then moved his hand under his shirt and to Frank’s opening. He pushed one finger in and as he pulled out and pushed back in he added another finger. Frank hissed and scratched at Gerard’s back while squeezing his hips around him.

“You still like it like that, right?”

Frank moans and moves down onto Gerard’s fingers slowly riding them.

“Yes, Gee.”

Gerard bit his lip as he watched Frank’s face screw up in ecstasy. He looked so beautiful and Gerard was happy he was lucky enough to be seeing him like this again. He doesn’t want the last person to have seen him like this to be Bert. He digs his fingers in deeper and crook them searching for Frank’s prostate and locating it.

“T-that’s m-my spooooot!”

Frank’s hips shakes and he squeezes around Gerard’s fingers. Gerard adds another finger and continues to hit Frank’s spot. He smirks down at the boy who’s eyes are now rolling in the back of his head.

“God, baby, and I haven’t even slid my warm pulsating cock into you yet.”

Frank has always been one for dirty talk and Gerard hasn’t forgotten that.

“You still drive me crazy with not much effort.”

“I’m glad baby.”

Gerard slides his fingers out of Frank and starts putting lube on his cock. Frank pants and stares down at Gerard’s hand working over his cock. He bites his lip and groans while arching up into Gerard.

“God, just fuck me. I want to feel you… need to feel you.”

Gerard moaned and gripped Frank’s clothed hip with one hand and his cock with his other. He moves to Frank’s opening and takes a deep breath before he starts pushing into him. Frank groaned deep in his throat followed by Gerard moaning loudly.

“Fuck, baby. Still so tight.”

Frank moans as Gerard pushes deeper into him. He moves his hips down and shrieks as Gerard bottoms out.

“God, Gee.”

Frank grips Gerard tightly and pulls him down to kiss him. The kiss is dirty but passionate and this is what they’ve both been missing. The way they can make each other feel naughty and used, but still loved and wanted; all at the same time.

“Well… go on. Make me yours again.”

Gerard moans into Frank’s neck as he starts moving his hips into him slowly. Frank tightens his legs around him and moves his hands to Gerard’s hair. He pulls his head up and starts kissing Gerard again as he moves his hips down and in circles around his cock. Gerard starts moving into him harder and deeper causing them both to moan through the kiss.

“I forgot how good you make me feel.”

Frank moans and sits up causing Gerard to do the same. He pulls out of Frank in the process and Frank pushes Gerard on his back.

“Well let me remind you.”

Frank climbs on top of Gerard and runs his hands over Gerard’s torso. He leans down and licks Gerard’s nipple before moving to the other. Gerard grips Frank’s hips and Frank smirks to himself. He moves up to Gerard’s ear and whispers softly.

“I’m going to make you never want to leave me again.”

Gerard moans softly and Frank reaches down to take Gerard’s cock in his hand. He sits up and lines it up with his opening. He slides Gerard back inside of himself slowly while letting out a long moan.

“Oh shit, Frankie.”

Gerard moves his hands over Frank’s half exposed chest and bites his lip. Frank moves his hands to his hair and starts moving himself up and down on Gerard slowly. He wants to drive him insane, starting from beginning to climax.

“This is only the beginning.”

He starts moving in circles much like he had been previously doing and rocking back and forth. He can feel Gerard’s cock brushing his prostate and lifts himself up a little so he won’t end up too consumed in the feeling of Gerard’s cock on his prostate. He starts moving faster and faster.

“Frankie… oh… Frankie…”

“You love it Mr. Way?”

Gerard looks up at Frank and nods and let’s out a very shuddery ‘yes’. Hearing Frank call him Mr. Way still does something to him and he knows deep down inside it always will.

“Say it. Say you love it.”

Frank starts rocking harder and moaning. Letting himself enjoy what he’s doing to both of their bodies.

“Saaay it!”

Frank moans loudly and Gerard has to force the words out.

“I-I-I l-love it. I love it.”

“Oh God!”

Frank moves faster and pushes himself all the way down on Gerard and hits his own prostate.

“Oh! Oh! Oh Gee!”

Gerard groans and grips Frank’s hips. He moves up into him as Frank keeps riding him wildly. His hands still in his hair and his thighs tightly clenching Gerard’s hips.

“Your turn.”

Frank bites his lip and looks down at him. His mouth falls open and he pants shakily while trying to get the words out.

“I love it, Gee.”

Gerard moans and rolls them both over. He pulls out of Frank and turns him on his stomach before linking his fingers with Frank’s and pushing back into him.


Frank’s eyes roll in the back of his head as he feels Gerard press into his prostate again and again. Gerard grips his hands as tight as he can while pushing into him and moaning. He bites down on Frank’s shoulder, through the shirt, causing him to cry out in ecstasy.

“Harderrr! Bite me harder, Gee!”

“You’ve always been such a slut for being bit.”

Gerard bites him again and complied with his wishes. Frank shudders and Gerard can feel Frank starting to tighten around him.

“You gonna cum for me baby?”


Gerard groans and pushes into Frank harder. Loving every moment that’s passing, every moan that’s pouring from his lips, every quiver that runs through Frank’s bones. Before Gerard even has a second to think he’s cumming deep inside of Frank.

“That’s i-it G-G-Gee. Oh, yes. Fill me up.”

Gerard moves his hand to Frank’s neck and starts choking him while still gripping his other hand in his. That along with the fact that he’s basically fucking into the bed sets Frank off and he starts cumming and screaming loudly.

“Mmm… yeah, Frankie. Missed that sound.”

Frank keeps whimpering as he finishes cumming into the mattress. Once Frank settles down Gerard pulls out of him and moves down. Frank isn’t expecting it and gasps when Gerard pushes his tongue into his opening.


“I’m not even halfway done with you.”

Frank moans and pushes his head back into the mattress. Gerard swirls his tongue inside of Frank tasting himself along with the lube.

“You taste so good with me in you. You wanna taste?”

“Oh, God, yes.”

Gerard pushes his fingers inside of Frank without warning and moves up his body. He turns Frank around and pushes his tongue inside of his mouth then his fingers. Frank’s tongue moves hungrily, trying to taste all of them, and not having enough.

“More. I want more.”

Gerard moves his hand back down and into Frank again. He moves his fingers inside of him, collecting as much of his cum as possible. He moves his fingers back to Frank’s lips and watches as Frank’s tongue snakes from between his lips and around his fingers. Gerard can’t hold back the soft moan that escapes his own lips. Frank keeps sucking on his fingers as if they were hijs cock.

“I want you to cum for me again.”

Frank looks at him and nods. He swirls his tongue around the digits again before pulling them from his mouth. He pushes Gerard’s hand back down to his opening and pushes his fingers back inside. That alone drives Gerard crazy. Frank holds Gerard’s wrist as he makes him fuck into him.

“Shit Frank.”

Frank bites his lip and moves down on Gerard’s fingers. He moans when Gerard crooks them and hits his prostate; his semi growing a little more.

“You’re so naughty.”

Frank moans in response and starts moving his hips more.

“Touch yourself for me.”

Frank nods and moves his free hand to his cock. He starts pumping himself slowly, the touch being too much after just coming. He keeps going despite that, only wanting to please Gerard more and more. Gerard picks up the forgotten lube and takes Frank’s hand that’s on his cock and puts some into it. He moves Frank’s hand back to his cock and watches him move.

“So amazing.”


“So beautiful like this.”


Gerard keeps talking as he watches Frank’s cock come to life in his own hand.

“So fucking perfect for me.”

“Ah, ah, ah… I’m…”

“Don’t cum until I tell you to. I want you to lose it for me.”

Frank groans loudly and his eyes roll back. He’s so close and he should’ve known Gerard was going to make him hold it. Gerard pulls his fingers out of Frank and replaces them with his tongue.


That’s what Gerard wanted to hear. He wants to hear Frank lose it from his own hand and his tongue. He wants to feel Frank pulse around his tongue. He wants to watch Frank erupt. He circles his tongue inside of him, opening his mouth wide, so he can push his tongue in as deep as possible.

“Oh God, Gee. Oh God… God…”

Frank can feel himself falling apart and he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold back.

“Gee… please!”

“Please what?”

Gerard puts his tongue back inside of Frank and he shakes.

“Please let me lose it for yooooou!”

Gerard sold and as soon as Frank feels him nodding against him he starts cumming. Shooting himself everywhere and Gerard gets exactly what he wants. He feels him pulsating around him tightly and that makes Gerard cum again, having gotten hard because of Frank’s noises and moves.

“Goodness Gee.”

Gerard chuckles a little and moves up the bed next to him. He finds himself cleaning Frank’s cum off with his tongue. Frank watches him and plays with his hair with a content smile on his face.

“Now that I have you again I’m never letting you go.”

Gerard looks up at Frank and smiles.

“I could say the same thing baby."
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