Categories > Original > Romance > I Want it That Way

Chapter 2

by TeenieBooks 0 reviews

'Do I like him?' asked all my friends. Well, you know what?/.............. No.

Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2015-11-26 - 168 words

Genevieves POV

I walk to school in this outfit:

"Hey Logan," I greet my boyfriend. We kiss softly.

He then walks me to class as we have a flirty conversation with winking, eyelash batting, and whispering. "Oh! I have to go in here!".

"Detention room?" I whisper.

He nods and walks off. I feel hands wrap around my hips. I jab the guy. James.

"Morning princess," he smiles blushing.

"Shut up!" I whine, "why suddenly do you like me?". Silence "I bet its for a bet! You like girls like Missy. Good, pure, but secretly bad."

"Maybe I like bad girls."

"Woah, I'm a straight A, popular, and friendly girl, what makes you think I'm bad?" I ask James confused.

"Genevieve, I think we both know you are a bad girl who hasen't been caught," he says flirtatiously.

"Whatever!" I snap, "get to class Dorknozzle."

"Bye princess!" I hear behind me.

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