Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist > Anaconda Vol. 6

Tasting Temptation

by Noizchild 0 reviews

The succubi go out hunting for their prey as the Fallen World opens up. Song Recommended: "Possum Kingdom" by the Toadies

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2015-11-30 - 413 words - Complete

Tasting Temptation:

Simone’s Notes:

Behaviors termed sexual intercourse may be defined by different words, including coitus, copulation, coition or intercourse, which is typically shorthand for sexual intercourse. The term coitus is derived from the Latin word coitio or coire, meaning "a coming together or joining together" or "to go together"; it describes a variety of sexual activities under ancient Latin names, but usually refers exclusively to penile-vaginal penetration, which is often termed vaginal intercourse or vaginal sex. The term vaginal sex, and less often vaginal intercourse, may also refer to any vaginal sexual activity, particularly if penetrative, including vaginal sexual activity between lesbian couples. Copulation, by contrast, most often means the mating process of non-human animals; it is generally defined as the sexually reproductive act of transferring sperm from a male to a female or sexual procreation between a man and a woman, but may also denote any sexual activity between opposite-sex or same-sex pairings.

The ladies of the night are out.

They are hunting down their prey.

The new world is just about to born.

Little Iris

She is up for anything.

Tonight, she wooed two sailors back to her place

It didn’t take much either

They wanted some action anywhere

“You won’t get any sleep tonight, boys.”


She likes action

A shmuck at the bar liked what he saw

Easy prey for her

She’s more than happy to be the one in control

“You’re going to be my bitch tonight.”


She’s into the kink

Her “patients” will keep her busy all night.

They aren’t complaining.

She’s happy to supply their medical fetish

“Who’s up for their shots?”


She likes to fake romance.

Young men are her specialty

They all just want love

She’s all but happy to give

“Mother’s here all night for you.”


She likes it rough.

Her date is a masochist

It perfect tonight

She needed to get out her violent sexy hunger

“On your knees, you piece of shit!”


She doesn’t care how she gets it

Two privates are happy to give it to her.

This is nothing new for her.

Only now, she will truly enjoy it

“Come and get, boys!”

All Girls

They found their men.

The gates to the Fallen World creaked open

They all indulge into the curse

Then the morning comes

Next Night

Next Time: Santa's wild night with her first prey in the Fallen World.
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