Categories > Cartoons > American Dragon: Jake Long

Pyschological Illnesses And Speed

by MaxwellWells22

I come fromVenezuela

Category: American Dragon: Jake Long - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Crossover - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2016-01-30 - 407 words


Speed is a stimulant substance from the amphetamine family. It accelerates the signals going to and from your brain. It can make you think satisfied and dynamic, but also paranoid, anxious or psychotic.

Doctors could lawfully prescribe some amphetamines to remedy conditions like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Other types of amphetamines, such as speed and ice, are created and marketed against the law.

Speed comes as a tablet, powder or capsule and can be put into the mouth and swallowed, shot through a syringe, inhaled like smoke or snorted. It's also recognized as louee, uppers, fast and whiz.

Speed consequences/outcomes

Speed concentrates on your brain's 'reward system' and tends to make you feel glad, self-assured and a good deal more dynamic. Many users crave these types of emotions, which can generate drug dependence.

Emotional/coginitive health problems

There are plenty of emotional/coginitive health problems linked to using speed. Most of them are linked to coming down after consuming speed, or long-term ingest.

They include:

depression symptoms and fear and anxiety

difficulty falling asleep

paranoia, auditory and visual hallucinations and confusion and stress

irritation, mood shifts and anxiety and panic episodes

problems with recollection and focus

aggressive behavior.

High amounts and repeated consume could produce amphetamine or speed psychosis. It's unbelievably similar to paranoid schizotypal personality with symptoms of auditory and visual hallucinations, and out-of-character violent and aggressive behavior.

Speed binges are also linked with hostile and reckless practices.

As bodily and emotional/cognitive overall health challenges, users risk societal, job functions and monetary problems. Regular use of speed could cost a lot, and suffer from a damaging effect on how your do your work and interact with family and close friends.

Quitting Speed

Quitting the dependency can be troublesome, but most withdrawal symptoms settle down after a week then eventually disappear altogether. Throughout this time frame you may:

crave the drug

be incredibly hungry

genuinely feel confusion and stress and short-tempered

truly feel drained

struggle with difficulty falling asleep

truly feel uncomfortable, paranoid and depressed

have some soreness and pains.

Speed is a stimulant substance from the amphetamine family. Speed targets your brain's 'reward system' and is likely to make you think satisfied, self-confident and a good deal more full of energy.

There are a great deal of cognitive/emotional concerns linked with ingesting speed. Most of these are connected to sobering up off ofspeed, or long-term use.
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