Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Bloodlines


by LilliTai 0 reviews

A newly-turned vampire, Pete must navigate his urges and how his new affliction changes his relationships. He reaches out to old bandmates and with the added help of an enigmatic vampire hunter Kar...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2016-01-26 - 1995 words

The air seemed still in the city of Chicago. As the sun set, giving the sky a harsh red glow, the streetlights blinked on. The area had a drowsy feeling like a child being laid down for a nap.

A shrill scream pierced the air, cutting through the silence.

Down on the street, a rowdy group of men pulled two people parallel to one another, one man and one woman, both struggling against their captors’ grips. The man kept his mouth screwed shut, bucking wildly and defiantly in the gang’s arms.

“Go on, newblood, kiss her,” a man with a mowhawk sneered, the apparent leader. He grabbed the other struggling man with a dirty hand and pulled his ear close to his mouth.“Taste the sweet blood rushing through those veins.”

The screaming woman was shoved toward the man, who groaned and began to pant. As he opened his mouth, the woman began to sob at the sight of his elongated canines. The gang laughed at this, revealing their own fangs, and edged the vampire closer to her.

He panted heavier and gazed at her under his jet black fringe, little droplets of blood appearing in his eyelashes. The leader howled, doubled over in laughter.

“The newblood is tearing up! Who knew Beckett liked little weaklings!”

The vampire snarled furiously and fastened his teeth onto the arm of one of the vampires restraining him. With a swift punch, he sent the other flying back into a nearby wall. The group quickly forgot what they were doing and moved in for the kill.

As more vampires surged on him, the woman tore away. She stepped back almost uncertainly, but managed to catch the newblood’s eye. A drop of blood rolled down his cheek, and she stifled another sob before running off into the darkness.

The newblood’s punches grew faster and sloppier during the gang’s continued attack. The group noticed this and piled on quicker, overwhelming the vampire. The leader cackled when the vampire cried out.

“Right, asshole,” a confident voice stopped everyone in their tracks, “because picking on a newbie is what strong vampires do.”

A girl leapt down from nearby roof and landed coolly on the pavement. Under the streetlights, her smooth mocha skin seemed to radiate light. As she stepped to the side as if sizing up the scene, the newblood noted her brazen blue eyes, which seemed to have a light all their own. But he also noticed something even more shocking.

Her scent.

A powerful wave of—something—rolled off of her, something that made the newblood’s mouth salivate. He, like all vampires, could sense blood moving within a human body, but a human’s scent was something else entirely. It was typically subtle, sometimes sweet, sometimes tinged with a strange sourness. But this girl smelled…warm, comforting almost. The newblood certainly didn’t have much experience with smelling humans, but even he could tell that this was Not Normal. He wasn’t the only one to notice, of course.

The leader raised a hand, keeping his gang back as he stalked toward the girl, locking eyes. His lips pulled into a grin whereas the girl kept a tight smile on her face. She took a step closer to him, though it looked more like a dreamy stumble.

“That’s right, baby,” the leader growled in his sharp tone, “let me give you a kiss.”

It was like he was charming her somehow, some tactic the newblood had never seen before. She continued toward the leader, tilting her head to the side as if exposing her neck. Although his arms were yet again held behind his back, the vampire struggled to get to her. The leader chuckled at the sound while the girl came to a stop before him.

Suddenly, she delivered a high kick to his temple, causing him to crumple to the ground in pain. She unsheathed a stake from a holster hidden around her back and aimed for his chest.

“That is by far the worst Coercion I’ve ever seen.”

The leader cried out as she drove the stake through him and pulled it out again sharply. His veins bulged and grayed, the strange effect spreading throughout his body as it appeared to shrivel up grotesquely. The girl threw the dried out husk to the ground and smirked devilishly at the astonished remaining vampires.

“I hope that wasn’t your best.”

With that, she hurled the stake at a perfect spiral, impaling another vampire near the newblood. As this one decayed similarly to the leader, the gang finally had the sense to continue the attack and they all moved toward her.

The newblood joined the fray, keeping a watchful eye on the girl. She was lithe and moved with uncanny agility, seeming to evade any attack both quickly and effortlessly. It was clear she had training of some sort and was leagues ahead of anyone else in the brawl.

It appeared the gang reached the same conclusion he did, and they dispersed swiftly, their numbers significantly thinned. The girl watched their retreat with a grin, allowing the newblood to get a better look at her.

Her silky black hair was plaited into twin braids that traveled to her shoulders, a look that, coupled with her small frame and build, made her look slightly childish. There was no denying that she was pretty, high cheekbones and long eyelashes. Her scent, to a vampire at least, would make her irresistible.

But besides her youthful exuberance, the vampire noticed the way her skin stretched taut over her collarbone and her muscles flexed comfortably under the long-sleeved black shirt she was wearing. She bounced on the balls of her feet, as if coming off of a high. So not only was she well fit for her work, but she enjoyed it as well. The perfect vampire killer.

So the newblood felt reasonably surprised when she turned and extended a hand to him.

“I’m Kara.” He stared blankly at her hand, which she dropped with a slight grimace.


Pete pivoted on his heel and began walking. Anywhere else was a preferable alternative to this girl and her baffling scent. But this hunter girl didn’t seem to get the message and fell into step next to him.

“Where are you going?”

“I don’t know.”

He didn’t know. Breaking into yet another abandoned basement to stay during the day was an option, but this practice was not a sustainable one. A permanent shelter was definitely a logical step. Unfortunately, logic was something he’d been forced to abandon when he woke up a vampire.

Pete jolted awake on a bed with starch white sheets, trapped in a windowless room like a mental hospital. Unlike his previous stint in a psych ward, however, the area was still and silent, uncomfortably so. He tried to move, but noticed his hands and ankles were manacled to the steel bed frame. Everything preceding that revelation warranted suspicion, but now he knew something was not right.

He tugged at his manacles futilely, moaning lowly. As the sound passed his lips, he realized how parched his throat was. It was a raw feeling that only intensified as his breathing grew ragged, anxiety building up with each passing moment. He pulled at the chains for what felt like hours, screaming at the top of his lungs regardless of the pain in his throat.

Finally, the door across the room swung open and shut in a single fluid movement and a man entered. His straight toffee locks fell down to his shoulders, framing his classically beautiful face. He was tall and thin, reminding Pete of some horror character he couldn’t name. The man fingered the cuff of his expensive-looking jacket idly before turning toward Pete with a smile that revealed his teeth. His overlong canines. That was when Pete really screamed.

“Why’d you stop?”

Kara was standing a few steps ahead of Pete looking quizzical. Evidently, he’d stopped walking in the middle of his recollection. It made him think of something.

“How… How do you know about vampires?” The girl tilted her head curiously and walked back toward him. As she got closer, Pete instinctively raised a hand to his nose, which she noticed and smirked at.

“I’m a hunter,” she replied as if it were obvious. She’d finally stopped about a foot from Pete. “I’ve been one since I can remember.”

Pete had decided that yes, it was an obvious answer that accompanied a rather belated question. But this girl should have shoved a stake through him without a second thought, not made small talk about his living situation. She had skill, no doubt, but what kind of hunter was so selective?

“Can you teach me?”

Kara looked mildly surprised, like she was expecting this, but not this fast. Still, she even looked surprised by her response, delivered with that ever-present smirk.

“Sure, but it’ll take a while. And if you think we’re training in the middle of a street…”

Pete laughed shortly, noticing how the sensation felt in his chest. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed. He supposed he’d been with…

Of course.

Conveniently, a payphone stood at a nearby intersection, and Pete strolled toward it. He searched his pockets for any change and turned in Kara’s direction to ask. The girl had disappeared. Huffing, he dialed the number anyway on collect.

His old bandmates (his current bandmates, really, but who knew what they were doing in the – fuck, how long was he gone?) had mentioned renting a huge warehouse together. They’d have more space for their instruments, it was cheaper than an actual apartment, and it was surprisingly spacious. And it was a “rad party space” as Joe put it.

But Pete had presumably been AWOL for some time, and did he really want to bring his friends into this? They had no reason to respond to such a ridiculous story with anything but a suggestion he revisit the hospital for extra meds. Maybe this was a stupid—

“—you have received a collect call from—”

“Pete Wentz.” He finished for the automated voice quickly, then cursed himself. Did he really expect Patrick to pick up?

The call was accepted within a second with a breathless, “Pete, is that really you?”

Pete nearly gasped. He never thought he’d actually hear his best friend’s voice again. Stifling a sob, Pete replied.

“Yeah, Trick, it’s me. Listen, I—I got into something bad. Something really fucked up happened to me. I,” Pete couldn’t repress a choked cry, “need you guys.”

“W-What is it? Where are you?”

Pete sort of wished Patrick weren’t so willing to accept this kind of shock so easily, but he was simultaneously grateful. At least, he was feeling lucky until the next words passed his lips unconsciously.

“I’m a vampire, Trick. Fuck, some vampire kingpin or something kidnapped me and turned me into a fucking vampire. Dude, I’m terrified.”


“Okay, where are you?”

Pete wanted to reach through the receiver and kiss Patrick. He also wanted to throttle the kid for taking such a fantastic story, but he knew not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Still, he let out a disbelieving laugh, laughing harder when Patrick returned it self-consciously.

“Just remind me where the warehouse is. I can be there soon. Also, there was this girl, but she—”

He was startled by a sudden tap on the glass from Kara. She was holding a compact leather carrier and gesturing to the top of the building she’d descended from as if to say she’d stored it up there. Pete nodded in response.

“Her name is Kara. She’s a hunter, like a vampire hunter. I think… I think she can help me.”
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