Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Life or Death

chapter 11

by youngandreckless 3 reviews

chapter 11

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Published: 2006-08-22 - Updated: 2006-08-23 - 407 words

sorry it took so long for an update...i was really discouraged by the illiterate rating..but i figured there were still readers who loved it and it wasnt fair to yall..laura also talked some sense into me...sorry guys!

Chapter 11

Pete's POV

Oh god. He is still has her and stacey is still here. Our 24 hour time limit is up. I cant loose her too!

I looked around the small hotel room. Joe was on the couch with his head in his hands and stacey was curled up next to me.

"what do we do now?" Joe asked from being his hands. None of us knew what to say. "I am so sorry. I was so sure it was him." Stacey mummbled hiding her face in my arms. Which were wet looking down I saw her tears.

"stac.." I was cut off my the ringing of my phone.

"I see you didn't take my warning.
Now you will be left mourning.
First it was only one
Now my fun has truly begun.
Two it will be
She should have fleed.
But now that I will have two
Which do I choose?
Enjoy your last night together
Life as you know it can change like the weather."

I heard the click signaling the end of the conversation. I snapped the phone closed throwing it against the wall. Oh god!

Stacey's POV

I heard the entire phone call and I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. This man was crazy and I knew it.

But he only wants one. I knew what I had to do. Even if it ment pete hating me forever. That night I curled up to pete waiting for him to fall asleep. As soon as I heard his breathing slow I knew it was time to move. I gently slid from under his grasp and kissed him softly. "I'll always love you"

I didn't know where I could find the crazy man but I took a guess and went to the park.

"Didn't you know its not safe here at night
you might just disapear out of sight..." I had a feeling he would show. Cutting him off I made my offer

"you said you only wanted one
so let this be done.
My life for hers
And I'll be yours."

"you'll take her place?
Is this the case"

I shut my eyes tight fighting back the tears.

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