Categories > Original > Drama > Why Does This Exist?
"Oh wow!!!" Josh shouted looking at colorful poster on the wall.
"Holy fuck." Makena said with a gasp, placing her leg on the wall, seductively, stroking the orange hairs along it.
"I'm going to bring my pizza rollz!!!" Mary exclammed.
"da fuc is going on here" Julie walked up the the group of her friends with a questioning look.
"It's SPRING FLINGGGGG!!!!!ONE1111!!!!!One!!!!!!2!" Makena screeched, draggging her leg along the wall and tearing the poster off with her foot. The poster slowly fluttered down landing in the hands of Juli.
"Sprung Flung, huh?" She whispered with a mischevious look.
"Yeah! I wonder who's gonna win Spring Fling King/Queen!" Josh said in a faggy voice.
"Me, obviously." Julie said tossing the poster at Makena. Makena caught it with her leg.
"YOU?"Hannah said, grabbing her own titty. "And why would everyone want to choose YOU?"
"Because, I'M FUCKING GREAT." Julie responded, flinging her hand onto Makena's boob.
"omg Juli will u b my date bb" Makena whispered in amazement. "I'll giv u dat good pussi after IF you do become queen" she said.
"ye bb" Julie said pinning Makena against the wall and making out with her. Hannah clenched her fist and stormed off. Once she was away from the others she pulled out her phone and called Mary.
"Mary, nevermind killing Julie." She whispered. "I have a better idea."
"What's the idea?" Mary whispered over the phone, straying from the rest of her friends so they would not hear her.
"We steal spring fling queen from that BITCH."Hannah explained. "The Makena will give ME da good pussi and not HER."
"I still think this is a horrible idea." Mary sighed.
"BECAUSE OF HER I CAN'T FKN MASTURBATE. MY CLIT IS MISSING MARY." She screeeched so hard into her phone that it fucking exploded. Mary sighed shaking her head and hanging up.
"I think I know who I'm going to ask to the fling." Ari stated looking over at her sexi ass wife Crystal Southdick. She approached the slutty cowgirl. "Hey slut" She said. "Wanna b my bitch?" Crystal Meth immediately knew what this meant. She burst into tears and tore off her shirt revealing her grade A tittiez.
"I THOT U'D NEVER ASK!" She squealed throwing her arms around Ari. Ari got a boner.
"Oh man!" Josh thought quietly to himself. "This is my chance! I'm gonna ask Mary 2 da spring flung!" Josh was happy that he'd finally found the perfect opportunity to ask the weeaboo of his dreams out. "Hey, Mary!" Josh said. "Who are you taking to da fling?"
"I'm considering asking my pizza rolls." She said, not even looking up from her phone. Josh died that night from the horrible rejection he had just faced. But not really because he's still plot-relevant.
"MAN I'M GLAD TO BE GAY" Makena shouted walking down the hall. Julie was next to her eating a pink popsicle. Because it resembles a dick. That's the joke. Ha. Ha.
"same tbh" Julie said, shoving the popsicle into her vagina.
"Gittin that gewd pussi every day is the reason i haven't kille myself yet" Makena breathed.
"me 2" Julie agreed, queefing out the popsicle.
The Meme Team was excited for the Spring Fling. It was perhaps, the most exciting event in their horribly meaningless lives. All except for Luke. He had some frog business to take care of (masturbation.)
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