Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Life or Death

chapter 16

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

chapter 16

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-23 - Updated: 2006-08-23 - 396 words

haha so we got ANOTHER iliterate review! makes me laugh. i know there are people who love this story so just know we are writing for you. and who ever is giving the shitty rating. Get a new hobby.

Chapter 16

Stacey's POV

"you're going to tell them tonight right?" Blake asked walking past me and grabbing a drink off the counter. I sighed and sitting down on a bar stool laying my head in my hands. "what if they don't want to see me" I felt his arms wrap around me.

"kid if you knew the people I've seen in the past two years then you wouldn't be sitting here right now." I could hear the honesty in his voice but I was just scared.

And seeing petey with a new girl and her having my bell broke my heart more than anyone would ever know. But if he is happy then so am i.

I sighed nodding my head and getting up to go get dressed. "is that a yes?"

Laura's POV

"smile!" Andy yelled jumping next to me on the couch. We were backstage for another local concert. I gave him a small smile. I was about to answer him when my cell phone cut me off. I glanced down seeing a text from an unknown number.

"now you will see
just whats ment to be.
I was once gone
But man, its been to long.
I will see you tonight
Please don't fright."

My heart caught in my throat. Omg god! Crazy man is back! I screamed dropping my phone. Andy gave me a questioning look before reading the message allowed. "what does this mean?" Mirah asked pulling away from pete's arms.

I like mirah but there is only one person that belongs in his arms and its not her. Before anyone could answer another one came through. Andy opened it reading it allowed

"the past 2 years have been hell
did he really give her my bell?
Have you figured it out
Or is there still some doubt?
Thought I would have some fun
Now that the game is done.
But this rhyming is getting old
So the truth needs to be told.
I have missed my family and friends
Now my patients is at its end."

My mouth dropped open. "no way" I looked around and realization dawned on everyone.

She's back!
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