Categories > Original > Drama > Why Does This Exist?

Meet Sexy Pepsi

by nerdvodka 0 reviews


Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Parody - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2016-03-20 - 897 words

Every world needs a super hero. This includes this strange deranged universe where all of this took place. And who was that hero? Well, the answer isn't as simple as you'd think it is. In fact, it's far more complicated. Let's take a look at our hero, Sexy Pepsi. Or, should I call her Crystal Southdick?

Crystal, much like the rest of her friends seemed like a fairly normal girl who lived a fairly normal life. But much like Luke Coward, she had a secret of which nobody knew. Crystal Southdick lead a double life. By day, she was a normal girl who attended AHS, hung out with friends and did what any normal teenager did. But by night? By night, she turned into Sexy Pepsi. A bad-ass cowgirl, set out to save the world from a super villain named the Black Cat. Who was Black Cat? Nobody knew.

"Bye, guys!"Crystal waved to her friends one evening after school, before running off. She had to get out of there fast so she could change into her super hero self and save the day. Quickly, she jumped into a bush and jumped out about five sexonds later as Sexy Pepsi. She had a brown vest with fringe that went about to her midriff with no shirt underneath, jean shorts and white cowboy boots with heels. She pulled down her tan cowboy hat and grinned. "I'm coming for you, Black cat." She said, pulling out a pair of guns and running off into the distance. It was pretty unfortunate that she didn't have a horse because that would make it a lot more dramatic.
When she arrived at the scene, Black Cat was already there with her claws out. "You're too late." Black Cat laughed. "I've already like, kidnapped and killed a bunch of people." She smirked, perching herself at the edge of the building the two were standing on.
"No you haven't!" Sexy shouted, pointing at Black Cat.
"You're right, I haven't! I'm just fucking with you!" Black cat, suddenly leaped onto the building next to the one they were on and Crystal followed, taking a dangerous leap. "But I'm about to!" All of a sudden Black Cat backflipped off of the top of the building, landing on her feet. The building they were on top of, happened to be where Black Cats evil was taking place.
"You're not escaping that easy!" Sexy Pepsi shouted, pulling out a lasso. She threw it over a chimney on a house across the street and swung down to safety landing on her feet. She pulled out her guns and followed Black Cat inside the building. By the time Sexy got inside, she was greeted by Black Cat standing there with three random people tied to chairs, struggling for their lives.
"What are you going to do to those people!?" Sexy Pepsi shouted, worried.
"I'm going to blow up this building with them in it." Cat said.
"Why would you do that!?" Sexy Pepsi pointed her gun at the feline villain.
"Because I feel like it!" she said, laughing. "But don't worry, my dear cowgirl. You'll be able to get in on the fun too!" She said. Sexy Pepsi pulled the trigger on her guns multiple times with it aimed at Black Cat. She stealthily rolled to the side and moved over and around, being missed by the bullets each time. Until eventually, Sexy Pepsi ran out of ammo and lost sight of where her enemy went. Suddenly, Black Cat came down from above, tackling Sexy to the floor.
Soon, Sexy Pepsi woke up, finding herself tied to the chair along with the three other terrified people. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" Sexy Pepsi started kicking and stomping trying to free herself to no avail. Black Cat smiled.
"Think of it this way, Pepsi." Black Cat said, on her way out. "You'll finally be out of my way and I can do all the evil I want!" With that, she slammed the door, leaving Sexy Pepsi alone with the three strangers. Quickly, she formulated a plan. She realized that Black Cat hadn't tied her arms. Quickly she untied herself and rushed to untie the civilians.
"Hurry, get out of here!" She said to the people.
"Thank you, hero!" The woman said as she ran out with the two men. Once Sexy Pepsi was alone she looked up and saw windows on the roof.
"You failed again, Cat." She said, pulling out her magic lasso. She threw it up and it pulled around the handle on the ceiling windows. She pulled it open and pulled herself up to the roof of the building. Quickly, she jumped off the top of the building, running for her life as it fucking exploded behind her. Bad ass cliche right there.

As Crystal got home, she pulled out her phone and dialed the number of her date to Spring Fling. Ari. "Hey!" She said. "What have you been up to all day?" She asked.
"I just got back from taking care of something" Ari responded casually.
"Oh, well I was wondering, what you were gonna wear to the Spring Fling?" Crystal asked. She continued her normal life as if, nothing had happened before. As if Sexy Pepsi didn't even exist. Even though she knew, the next day, she would repeat the same thing again.
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