Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > You Looked Cute As A Little Boy And Still Are: Sluff Fanfiction

Chapter 1

by Alienguts 1 review

Duff had been best friends with Slash for a couple of years now and adores him. What he doesn't know however is that Duff loves him more than that of a best friend... As seen on Fanfiction...

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2016-03-28 - Updated: 2016-04-01 - 784 words

"Hey Duff, can you come here for a second?" Slash requested to his chum, Duff McKagan, who was practicing for the band's next show. Duff stood up and walked over to Slash, wondering what he wanted.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Look at this picture of you", Slash cooed, "you were such a cute little boy. Just look at you with those chubby cheeks"

Duff's face turned red with embarrassment. He thought that he looked quite weird as a child and in fact still does to this day to the point of wondering why women idolize him. However, he knew how Slash was and has grown used to his friend complimenting him. Duff had been best friends with him for a couple of years now and adores him. What Slash doesn't know however is that Duff loves him more than that of a best friend.

"Really? Do you really think so?"

Slash laughed, thinking how silly Duff sounded.

"Of course, silly. Much cuter than I was".

"That's a bullshit lie, dude", Duff denied, "you were so damn with that hair of yours. Especially with those cute puppy dog eyes".

"Stop it, Duff!" Slash giggled, covering his flushed face, "you must be saying that just to be nice. Honestly, I think that I'm very ugly".

Duff felt stunned when he heard this and held him against the wall and whispered to him to not say that again.

"But Duffie", Slash whined, "it's true, though!"

"No, it's not"

"Yes it is"

"No, it's not"

"Yes it is"

"'s not"

"Yes it i-"

In advance to Slash arguing with Duff, Duff grabbed his armpits and tickled them. It felt a bit painful due to armpit hair, but it gave him the jitters and it made him giggle.

"Hahahaha! Duff st-st-stop!"

But Duff refused to listen to Slash's pleads. All he wanted to hear was his laughter and his voice. It made his erection harden a little bit.

"No", Duff said teasingly, "not until you admit that you're cute".

Slash tried to say it so Duff can stop. But it was fairly hard for him to breathe due to laughing so hard. Catching his breath, he cried out,

"Okay! I'm cute! I'm cute! I'm the cutest human to exist on Earth! Just stop tickling me, Duff! Please!"

Duff released his armpits and within a moment afterwards, he wrapped his lips over Slash's Adam's apple and sucked on it for a moment. The feeling of Duff's tongue on the tip of his throat made Slash feel a bit uneasy and made him start sweating from his forehead. This wasn't like Duff what so ever. He wouldn't be doing what he was doing right now since they're men and the fact that they're friends and NOT boyfriends.

"Duff? What are you doing?"

Duff looked up at his beautiful brown eyes, still licking the lump of his throat and said to him,

"I'm tasting you, baby. Your girlfriend was right. You DO taste good!"

Slash raised a brow, confused.

"What? What are you talking about?"

But Duff ignored him and added,

"I just wish that I can taste more of you"

Slash disgusted pushed Duff far from him.

"What has gotten into you? Did you drink more vodka even though Axl told you not to drink anymore until further of notice?"

"No", Duff lied

Axl Rose had told Duff to keep out from drinking vodka until he says so to prevent him doing actions that will have the police involved. Actions like the incident the week before when Duff had gotten into an argument with a woman on his way home which resulted in the police being involved. Slash squinted his eyes at him, knowing that he's possibly being dishonest.

"Are you sure?"

Duff gave him a goofy grin.


Slash rolled his eyes and sighed, knowing that Duff won't tell the truth

"Whatever. But if I see you doing so, I WILL tell Axl".

"Okay, Saulie".

Slash walked out of the room to check how Izzy was doing. Before he shut the door, he called out,

"Keep practising, and NO drinking!"

Slash shut the door, leaving Duff having his dirty thoughts coming back to him.

"Oh, Saul", he sighed, "if only you realized how much I want to make out with you and make you feel like a bitch."

Now, Duff had to figure out how to convince Slash into having a little fun with him. Suddenly, he had an idea.

"Since tonight is a drinking night for Slash, maybe I can convince him with a bottle of Jack Daniels. He can never say no to that".

Thinking of this excited Duff. He couldn't wait to play with his playboy-to-be.

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