Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Light

The Punch

by Everliah 0 reviews

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of places, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Published: 2016-04-06 - 3314 words

When all four girls were done, they made their way down to the Great Hall. Lily hooked her arm through Hermione's, and they laughed loudly and freely at Marlene's terrible impersonation of Professor Slughorn.

It turned out that Remus, James and Peter were already there, helping themselves to some food. Mary immediately took the space next to Pete, who tried to hide his blush. Hermione sat between Remus and James, and (much to both their delights) Lily took the seat on his other side.

As soon as Remus glanced at her, his face cleared. She felt unnervingly uncomfortable, painfully aware of what she looked like, but all he did was stare at her. It looked like he wanted to say something.

Eventually, he licked his lips, looking away.

Peter gaped at her too, and his eyes widened. "You look beautiful, Mione!"

Her face went hot. "Thank you, Peter. I was the victim of one of Lily Evans' attacks this morning."

Lily let out a short burst of laughter, leaning forward to peer around James at her. "Oh don't even lie! You loved it!"

Hermione just beamed. Her gaze fell to the table and she couldn't help but notice the three half-drunk cups of teas in front of him.

She bit her lip to bite back a laugh. Hermione leaned closer to him. "Do you happen to like tea by any chance, James?"

He raised his eyebrows, looking at her in mock-surprise and exclaimed, "Why yes, Hermione! I do! However did you guess?"

Remus eyed the three cups, and shook his head. "Really, James? Three? The amount of sugar you put in one cup of tea is bad enough, never mind three."

"He had one this morning," Hermione contributed, sticking her tongue out at James, whose mouth had dropped open.

"Thanks for selling me out, Betrayer!" He said. "And you know, Remus, I really don't appreciate your tone."

Remus sighed, and retorted dryly, "You never do. It's often because I'm right."

"Is he often right?" Hermione asked James knowingly, who seemed to consider the question. He couldn't even bring himself to deny the fact that it was indeed true, and he nodded in defeat.

Hermione and Remus shared a triumphant grin.

They each savoured their breakfast and allowed the din of school chatter to wash over them. Marlene was marking shapes into her scrambled eggs, and James and Lily were having a surprisingly civil conversation.

It was at that moment that Sirius decided to grace them with his presence. He had bags under his eyes, but he still managed to look flawless and somehow pull off the half-dead look.

His eyes brushed over all of them, snagging on her. They locked eyes for a fraction of a second. Hermione felt her heart skip a beat. There was something theatrical to the way he looked.

Flopping down onto the bench, he sighed loudly, not moving his face from his hands. Hermione glanced at James, and raised an eyebrow.

He shrugged and said carefully, "Sirius-?"

"I'm a saint, you know," Sirius announced. "I'm a living saint, and do you know what I get from it?"

"Nothing?" James guessed.

"I get absolutely nothing!"

Remus snorted into his hot chocolate, peering sideways at his friend over the rim of his mug, then glancing at Hermione. Marlene looked as if she'd swallowed something sour.

"Well," Hermione said, not exactly sure how to react to this. "You get a false feeling of superiority-"

Sirius moaned dramatically, "That is nice, but this time it is not enough!"

"And why exactly do you feel you are a saint?" James asked precariously, sucking his lips in.

Sirius peeked through the gaps in his fingers and said, "I've got the reasons alphabetised or in order of importance. Which would you prefer?"

James simply stared at him. The lines of his face and narrowed eyes made it impossible to tell what he was thinking.

"Remus, please keep an eye on Sirius today. He's going to say something to the wrong person and get himself punched," he said tiredly.

Remus raised his eyebrows, head tilted in vague interest. "Sure, I'd love to see Sirius get punched."

James shot him a look and said, "Try again."

He sighed and repeated monotonously, "I will stop Sirius from getting punched."

Hermione let out a loud laugh and it poured from her lips at their antics. Remus quirked a single eyebrow at her.

Sirius pouted and said sulkily, "I do not need a babysitter."

"He's not a babysitter," James diffused smoothly. "He's a bodyguard."

Remus scoffed.

"I can fight my own battles!"

James winced. "Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. No. He's not there to fight your battles for you, but to ensure there are no battles being fought."

Sirius mulled this over. "So he's essentially my babysitter."

"Essentially," James confirmed cheerfully.

Hermione raised her eyebrows at Remus, leaning her head closer to him and said, "Have fun."

He stared at her, his feelings about this predicament clear on his face. Then, he stood up, picking up his satchel from underneath the table and saying, "I'm going to class. I need to speak to McGonagall about the homework assignment. Come on Sirius."

Sirius groaned, but he clambered to his feet nevertheless, slamming his hand down on the table. He paused when he was standing beside Remus, looking at Hermione and said, "You coming with, Kitten?"

She licked her lips, staring at her empty plate. She never ate breakfast normally, but even as she moved to follow the boys, she grabbed an apple, taking a bite and winking at James.

The three of them made their way out of the Great Hall and up the many flights of stairs. Sirius had his hands in his pockets, effortlessly cool, as he strode beside Remus. They were so different. As Hermione walked beside them, she stole glances at them both.

Whilst Sirius was dark and brooding, Remus was a tall and impossibly tattered being. He was indescribable. Sirius was all black tones and stubble, all shadows and smirks, whereas Remus was… Remus. There was no way she could really explain it.

She walked in the middle of them, and Sirius casually threw an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him roughly. He dropped his cheek to rest on the top of her head for a moment, and his before-of-a-beard scratched her.

They reached McGonagall's classroom in no time, and Remus stopped and turned to look at them.

"Don't do anything stupid," he said.

Hermione frowned. "Why are you looking at me?"

A faint smile tilted his lips, and without another word, he disappeared inside, leaving the two of them in the corridor.

A few girls walking past, looking to be fifth-years, giggled when they saw Sirius, erupting into a chorus of whispers behind their hands. Hermione scoffed; they weren't exactly subtle about the whole affair, despite their attempts to be so.

Sirius smirked, and winked at them. Their giggling intensified.

Hermione raised an eyebrow, and tried to ignore and battle down the flame of jealousy that ignited inside of her. A short laugh left her lips.

He looked at her. "What?"

She returned his gaze in exasperation. "What do you mean 'what'?"

"What are you laughing about?"

"You," she said.

"Me?" Sirius repeated, eyebrows raised.

"Yes, you."

"And pray tell, darling, what exactly about me do you find so amusing?"

"Those girls were clearly ogling you and vying for your attention, and you purposely led them on," Hermione said, her pompous tone perhaps giving away how she really felt. She pursed her lips, praying he hadn't noticed.

He had. Sirius asked, amused, "Is someone jealous?"

She didn't reply, merely shoved his arm off of her. His face dropped. "I was joking- Hermione, are you actually jealous?"

"No," she replied shortly, despite that fact that a) that was a complete and total lie, and b) yes, she was slightly jealous. Not that Sirius needed to know that. "You just shouldn't be leading them on. I am a girl, you know. We're sensitive."

Sirius stared at her.

"Unless you actually like one of them…" Hermione continued unsurely, avoiding his gaze.

"My heart belongs to someone else," he said, and she forced herself to look at him.

"Oh? And who's the lucky someone?"

"Unfortunately, my one and only true love is and always has been myself," Sirius said, and his face split into a grin as he pulled her into a bear hug. Hermione allowed herself to smile, and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"That is tragic," she laughed.

"Darling," Sirius began. "If I could run down the beach into my own arms, I would."

They broke apart when Remus slipped through the door, hair mussed up as he had clearly been running his hands through it and he raised an eyebrow at them. "I leave you alone for one minute, and I can't tell whether you're hugging or trying to strangle one another."

"We were hugging!" Sirius clarified, as he plucked her apple out of her hand and bit into it.

Hermione scowled at him. "Don't speak too soon, Black."

The bell chimed, signalling first class and she jumped, her hand instinctively reaching for her wand. Remus noticed.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, faltering. She plastered on a smile. "I'm in History of Magic! I'm going to have to run!"

And she started walking away, a defiant spark in every step. Pausing, she turned around and stared at them both for a second. Then, she ran back to them, throwing her arms around both of their necks and pulling them into a group hug.

"Don't be an idiot," Hermione muttered to Sirius. He huffed a laugh, putting one arm around her waist.

"Thanks sweetheart."

"Don't let him be an idiot," she said to Remus. He saluted her as she pulled away, turning back around and striding down the corridor.

Hermione only looked back once.

They both stared after her, before Remus nudged Sirius and they started walking in the opposite direction to Divination.

They were in no hurry to get to class, as Divination wasn't exactly their favourite lesson and the teacher was certifiably blind or deaf or both. It was as they rounded the next corner, in relative silence, that they both froze in their tracks.

The scene that greeted them chilled Remus to his bones and dread seeped through him.

Lucius Malfoy had a Hufflepuff second-year hanging upside down. The poor boy's face was slowly tinging red, as the blood dribbled to his head. His legs were straining to kick and his arms were trying to drag himself upright, but it was futile. The blonde prick's magic was too strong.

"Tired of picking on people your own size, you colossal bastard?" Sirius spat, starting forward to intervene. Remus firmly planted his hand on his friend's shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.

Malfoy elegantly craned his neck to look at them. It was then, as he stepped back and the second-year was rotated around, that another person came into view. Sirius' face turned pale.

Regulus didn't seem eager about the whole ordeal and his cheeks went hollow when he caught sight of his brother. He seemed even more affected when his eyes snagged on Remus' hand on Sirius' shoulder.

Malfoy's lip curled. "What do you want, Black? Or should I call you Blood Traitor?"

"Oh please," Sirius snarled. "I'd much rather be a Blood Traitor than be associated with that fucking family."

He adamantly avoided looking at his brother.

Malfoy's face twisted as he hissed, "You should be proud to be a part of that family. You should be proud of the purity running through your veins, you ungrateful disgrace!" Then he added, "Why can't you be more like your brother?"

Remus and Sirius both halted. Remus' eyes narrowed on Malfoy, and he retracted his grip on Sirius' shoulder.

A good friend stopped you from killing someone. A brother knew when to let you kill a bitch.

And Sirius leapt forward, his hands immediately lifting Malfoy up by the scuff of his uniform, and pinning him against the wall. Remus quickly let the second-year down, and the small boy fled from the corridor.

Malfoy's face went even whiter and he looked murderous. Sirius leaned in so their noses were inches away. He bared his teeth and his breath fanned over Malfoy. His voice was low and deadly as he growled, "Don't. You. Dare. Talk about my brother. Don't you act like you know him."

Remus stood back and watched it unfold with a blank face. He glanced at Regulus and said softly, "Why don't you get to class?"

The younger Black regarded him with wide eyes. He looked so much like Sirius.

Malfoy said loudly, "Don't even think about running away, Black!"

Sirius rammed him into the wall. Harder, this time. "He is not yours!"

Remus raised his chin, sensing the shift in his friend's demeanour. He moved forward, gently pulling Sirius away. It looked as if he wanted to shrug off his hand, but eventually he conceded. Malfoy spat on the floor, shooting a dark look of contempt at the Gryffindors.

Sirius and Remus paused, heads tilting ever so slightly to the side. Although no one else could hear it, they detected a faint humming, accompanied with footsteps slowly but surely making their way towards where the four boys were. Their canine hearing really did come in handy.

Swirling around, Sirius' eyes were wide and eager, and he said, "Punch me in the face."

Remus stared at him.

"Punch you?"

Sirius sighed, hurriedly confirming, "Yes. Punch me. In the face. Didn't you hear me?"

"I always hear "punch me in the face" when you're speaking, but it's usually subtext," Remus replied dryly. Nevertheless, he pulled back his hand, wincing. He paused and added, "I really don't see how this is going to improve the situation-"


Remus swung his arm forward, and his knuckles collided with Sirius' cheekbone. The latter was propelled backwards, his hair whipping across his face. He looked up, eyes incredulous, and then glanced at the end of the corridor, where he could hear the jovial whistles of the Potions Master. Sure enough, Slughorn strolled around the corner and Sirius let out a wail, clutching his face.

"I can't believe you hit me!" He cried, glaring at Malfoy, feigned shock painting his expression.

"Mr Black? Mr Malfoy?" Slughorn boomed. "What is the meaning of this?"

All heads whipped to look at their teacher, who was trying to advance quickly but ended up looking like a bustling walrus. His cape was flapping behind him and his face was dangerously pink.

Malfoy's face was priceless. He turned back around and pointed at the two Gryffindor's. "I- We didn't do anything! Lupin punched him! I swear-"

"And why would Mr Lupin do that?" Slughorn asked coolly. Remus rubbed his bruising knuckles behind his back, feeling vindictively pleased with himself. Malfoy didn't even have time to reply. "Oh, enough of this! I have somewhere to be! Detention, Mr Malfoy! For being an embarrassment to my house!"

Regulus merely stood there, lips sealed tightly shut, and he almost blended into the wall. Slughorn continued on, fuming and proclaiming loudly as he went. "Picking fights in the corridors! Dear Merlin! I cannot believe I have to deal with this so early in a morning!"

As soon as he disappeared, Sirius smiled. Remus bit back a chuckle at Malfoy's furious face.

He pointed a finger. "I'll get you, Black! Mark my words! I'll get you!"

Later that day, when school had finished, the Marauders and Hermione all returned to the Common Room. James and Hermione, having been in the same room last lesson, had already taken over the large settee near the fire, and Peter had just joined them.

They were all deep in conversation about the importance of phoenix feathers when the portrait hole burst open, rendering them silent.

"It wasn't my fault," Remus said immediately, as soon as he entered.

Hermione frowned at him. "What wasn't your fault?"

Her answer came in the form of a battered Sirius Black, the skin of his cheekbone blossoming in a purple bruise. Sirius ignored her question (an answer wasn't really necessary) and instead said indignantly, "It was entirely your fault!"

Remus stopped walking and whipped around. "You told me to!"

"If I'd told you to jump off the Astronomy Tower, would you?"

He gaped, mouthing unintelligible words. "W- I- That is completely different!"

James looked at Hermione, who seemed just as perplexed as he was unamused. "What are we talking about here?"

The two boys glanced at him. Sirius pointed an accusatory finger. "Remus punched me!"

"You told me to!"

James' face turned incredulous. "You punched him!? What did I say? What did I specifically say?!"

"He told me to!"

"And that makes it okay?" James asked. He gestured wildly. "It's Sirius! He's certifiably insane!"

"Wow. Not only does my face hurt, now we're attacking my heart."

"Boys!" Hermione raised her voice, and she tried to keep a straight face, although her amusement was bubbling. "Why don't you sit down and explain what happened?"

"He punched me," Sirius said glumly.

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, I gathered that much, Sirius. Now what really happened?"

Remus moved to collapse in the armchair, whilst Sirius pushed James out of the way to sit between him and Hermione. He let his head flop onto her shoulder as soon as his backside touched the cushion.

Remus opened his mouth to explain, when he caught Sirius' eye. He looked so much younger in that moment, and unbelievably ragged, like he was worn down to the very frays of himself. With Sirius, everyone, including Remus, seemed to forget how young he actually was, how vulnerable and broken and crumbling he was. His façade was something that barely cracked, and it was only in snatches like these did Sirius let his guard down.

"Nothing major," he lied, and he locked eyes with him. "Just ran into some Slytherins."

"So you punched him?" Peter asked.

Hermione had a nagging feeling that there was more to the story than they were letting on, but she didn't push. She could feel Sirius' dawdling energy. Whatever had happened had clearly taken its toll on him. James must've been thinking the same thing, for he, too, remained silent.

"I can't believe you punched me," Sirius said suddenly, eliciting a groan from Peter who surveyed them all in exasperation.

Remus threw his arms up. "You told me to!"

"Yes," Sirius admitted, and he sulkily reached up to pet his bruised cheek. "But I didn't think it would hurt that much…"

"Well think of it this way," Hermione said, trying to bite back a smile. "At least now, you look badass."

He scoffed. "Please, I always looked badass."

James exchanged a look with Pete, whose eyebrows had pulled into an incredulous frown. For all of his minimalist approaches to life, Peter sure did have some extreme facial expressions.

Hermione threaded her hands through his hair. "I always thought you looked like a puppy."

Sirius jolted up, blatant offence written across his lovely face. His mouth was open. "I am not a puppy! I am a very dangerous hoodlum with a passion for pranks, women and motorcycles! There is nothing even remotely puppyish about that-!"

"Oh alright Snuffles, we get the idea!" Hermione laughed, and Remus snorted at the name. Peter squeaked in surprise and James guffawed uncontrollably.

"Snuffles?!" Sirius repeated in a high-pitched voice. And it was only then that Hermione had realised what she had called him, and her heart leapt into her throat, and her laughter died on her lips.

She wondered whether this was just as a result of her being from the future… Or whether it was actually a result of her being in the past.
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