Categories > TV > Angel > Ten Things That Never Happened To A GodKing

A Change To Blue

by LightSpinner 0 reviews

Who else could Illyria have infected?

Category: Angel - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Illyria - Published: 2005-06-18 - Updated: 2005-06-19 - 126 words

Ten Things That Never Happened To A God-King
Drabble #4: A Change To Blue

Disclaimer: ... or HP,...
He couldn't explain why or how, but something was drawing him to that stone sarcophagus. Life was so miserable nowadays. But why did he have the feeling that large casket would have the answers. In particularly considering no one knew how it had arrived. Maybe somehow it could have them.
As soon as he touched the damaged purple stone, a circle on the sarcophagus opened. He started coughing and shortly after fell drastically ill. Then his eyes changed, from emerald green to ice blue. As Illyria came to consciousness in Harry Potter's body she made one comment. "This will do."
Next: How would one react to research on ancient gods?
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