Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Dead Rising


by Spyash2 0 reviews

With the last of the Elemental Staves in their possession, the rag tag group of zombie killers discuss on what their next move should be.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Sci-fi - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2016-04-25 - 2018 words - Complete

Dead Rising


Naruto, Samantha, Fuu, Dempsey, Nikolai and Takeo are now in their base in the other dimension. The elemental Staves they had collected are set down on the round table with the six sitting in their places.

Naruto started off with what they knew.

“So let's count this off: we met Richtofen's younger self before he was insane. We learnt that the very fabric of reality itself is on the line. And, finally, Group 935 is trying to control unnatural forces that is far beyond them. Did I miss anything?” The teen asked.

Dempsey nodded. “Yeah. You missed out of the fact that one of the major players' here is gone.” Naruto's eyes flashed with remembrance. Iwagakure. With to few survivors that Hidden Village is officially defunct.

“Wait, what do you mean?” Fuu asked, prompting everyone to look at her for a moment. Then realization slowly dawned on them. The mint haired girl didn't know Iwagakure No Sato is now overrun with zombies.

Samantha decided that she would be the one to break the news to the Seven Tails Jinchuuriki. “One of zhe Hidden Villages is overrun vith zhe undead.”

“...What one?” Fuu asked in a small voice.

“Iwagakure.” Naruto answered.

Fuu's blood drained from her face. Iwagakure is the third strongest of the Hidden Villages. If they're gone, that would mean there is a huge disruption in the balance of power within the Elemental Nations. While she didn't particularly care about the Hidden Villages, she acknowledges the fact they're their only hope on keeping the undead at bay. The Mysterious Five – or Six now – are considered to be the only ones who's trying to actively stop them by going to locations that have the undead heavily entrenched.

But with one of the major five powers eliminated the balance they kept is gone. No one is going to be able to take advantage of this because of the crisis, but that doesn't mean it's not going to be a problem later on! She wondered if the other Hidden Villages even know of Iwagakure's fate.

“Did you find any survivors there?” Asked the mint haired girl.

“We found few. Samantha found rest. All of us got survivors we could out of there.” Nikolai replied, to Fu's relief.

The former marine sighed and leaned back in his chair. He looked at everyone with a calm gaze. “Now that that's out of the way: where do we go from here?”

“The other Richtofen has said the very fabric of the universe itself is at stake.” Began Takeo, leaning forward on the table as he looked at everyone with a serious expression. “We must find a way to repair or at the very least lessen the damage Group 935 has caused. We have the staves of our ancestors in our possession, we should use them.”

Everyone stared at the Samurai in silence before it was broken by Naruto.

“That has to be the most words you've said in like...ever.” The teenager said jokingly; then he wore a serious look on his face as he added. “But all joking aside Takeo is right. We have the Elemental Staves in our possession, we should use them to our advantage.”

“Not to burst your bubble kiddo but we can't be in two places at once.” A grim looking Dempsey pointed out. “Sooner or later the zombies are going to get lucky and overrun the countries just like they did to that place you mentioned before.” The marine paused and leaned back in his chair. “Sorry to say this but unless we find a way to stop 'em for good, we're just prolongin' the inevitable.”

“The future looks grim does it not?” Nikolai asked, knowing full well it is a rhetorical question.

“Something about this is not right.” Fuu suddenly said and everyone looked at her with intrigue.

“Whaddya mean?” Questioned Dempsey.

“Call it a gut instinct, but, you four aren't from around here are you?” The mint haired girl said looking specifically at Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo and Samantha.

All five were able to school their surprise.

Naruto on the other hand is quick to jump to their defence. “Of course they're not from around here. They came from the other side of the world!”

Fuu looked Naruto directly in the eyes. “I think you're spouting lies. First of all when you five first appeared and disappeared you always left behind a strange energy. Something that has chakra sensors across the Elemental Nations stumped. There is nothing to indicate that you four, excluding you Naruto, were here before. No one's even heard of you before all this. You all have weapons that are more advanced than anything the Countries have managed to produce. You've met someone you know that is younger, which means time travel of all things is involved.” She paused to take a breath and pointed at the tactual map behind Naruto, Dempsey and Samantha. “Not to mention you have a big. Fucking. Map that shows the entirety of the Elemental Nations in real time. I think you came from some place else. Somewhere that is not a part of this world.” She said and gave them a look that dared them to go against what she said.

Through the response and the points she made has gotten everyone to stare at Fuu in stunned silence. Then the sound of someone whistling filled the air. Everyone turned their head to the direction the noise came from and found it is coming from Dempsey.

The American is looking at Fuu, impressed, but not surprised that she had deduced all of that. “Well. Dang, kid. You're smarter than you let on. You found us out.” He said.

Fuu leaned back against her chair. Surprised. “I-I did?”

Naruto sighed and leaned against the circular table. “I guess the cat is out of the bag, huh?” Naruto inhaled and exhaled. “Good for you.”

“We cannot explain everything.” Said Takeo stoically. “There are things that even we do not know about.” The samurai added; and that is the truth. There is a lot of things happening they do not know or understand.

Samantha saw that Fuu has questions. “I can tell you have questions. Tell us vhat you vish to know und ve vill do our best to answer.”

“You get one question though.” Naruto quickly said when he saw Fuu open her mouth to ask something. When he got an annoyed glare from her though the spiky blonde gave her a glare of his own and added. “Remember not even we know all the things that are happening. But if we don't know the answer to your question, you'll get another one. That good enough for you?”

Fuu thinned her lips. Eyes narrowed in thought. Then, after a full minute of contemplation the mint haired girl nodded with acceptance. Finally she could ask the question a lot of people in Konohagakure no Sato must be dying to know.

“You've been missing for three years. Where were you?” Questioned Fuu to Naruto who looked surprised to have that asked.

“Uh, heh heh, I was with these four.” Naruto answered with a chuckle while gesturing to his companions. Seeing the annoyed look on Fuu's face Naruto shrugged his shoulders and put on his game face. “Alright. All joking aside. I was with these four. But not here.”

The eyes of Takeo, Nikolai, Samantha and Dempsey went wide as they looked at Naruto with surprise.

“Kid.” Dempsey said. You sure you wanna tell her that?”

Naruto looked at Dempsey for a moment and nodded. “Yeah, Tank. I'm sure.” He looked at Fuu again. “My memory is hazy, but, from what I remember I somehow ended up getting thrown into another dimension entirely during a mission to retrieve a deserter called Sasuke. Hey, don't give me that look, I'm tellin' the truth!”

“You honestly expect me to believe you were sent to another dimension where your friends came from?” Fuu rhetorically asked.

“I don't see what's not to believe. You're living in a world where people can breathe fire, manipulate the earth, clone themselves, and do all other sorts of god-like shit.”

“No one's attempted it.”

“Oh really? Because I can remember, from my fractured memories, that ninjas are able to summon talking animal giant or small to their side. Where do you think THEY came from?”

“Wait.” Dempsey interrupted. Naruto looked at the man as he added. “Ninjas can summon giant animals?”

“Yeah. It's a thing some of the people in this dimension can do. The contracted animals are not always giants though. A lot of them are the size of regular animals. I remember one of my old mentors being able to summon a pack of dogs.” Naruto explained; then he looked at Fuu and looked at her with narrowed eyes.

“...You have a point there...” Fuu conceded. The summons is a good argument in his favour. Something that Fuu is unable to counter as summoned animals do come from a dimension that is separate from theirs but is still connected to the Elemental Nations in some way. It's how the zombies are attacking the summoning realms. They must have somehow found a way into the other dimension, and are preventing the summons from helping because the walking dead is constantly attacking them.

Takeo leaned on the table with a look of intrigue. “The ninja of this dimension is capable of summoning...?”

“Yes. But if the rumours from the contracted are true then getting help from the summons will be unlikely as they're in the exact situation as we are.”

Takeo looked disappointed at that but tilted his head in confirmation. Dempsey had a deep frown however and looked at Naruto. “Kid, when you said these animals can be giants. How big are we talkin' here? Like a full sized house big or...”

Naruto dug deep into his memory and tried to pull any memory of giant animals to the surface. Then, minutes later, he found one and he inhaled sharply at the memory of it; slowly he gazed up to stare in Dempsey's eyes and with reluctance said, “...More like a thousand foot.”

Nikolai summed up what was on the minds of Dempsey, Samantha, and Takeo.

“...Well, shit.”


Three days later.
Konohagakure no Sato.
Hokage's office.

“Iwa has been overrun?!” Tsunade exclaimed in shocked disbelief as she read the report given to her by the messenger bird. It is the status of the Elemental Nations. This is bad. This is really, really bad. With one of the Major Five defunct their chances at stopping the walking dead has decreased.

The survivors are safe in Wave Country thankfully. But their numbers are lower than Tsunade would like. 50 in total. That's not enough for them to be a big help but with them in Wave they would make a good defence there.

Team 12 and 13 had been sent out and made their way towards Wave Country when that mysterious energy associated with the Mysterious five was detected in the Land of Earth several times before appearing in the Land of Wave for the third time. With the Land of Earth being the closest to them, Tsunade had sent both teams the allied country and discover what is happening.

It is there they met the survivors and the one leading them. Kurotsuchi the granddaughter of the late Third Tsuchikage, Onoki. They learned Iwa had been overrun by the zombies one week ago and the survivors were rescued by the Mysterious Five. They were there looking for something. What it was Kurotsuchi would not divulge from from how the girl was acting it had been pretty damn important.

Tsunade turned around in her chair and peered out of the window to look over at the seemingly peaceful village.

This news is going to cause panic everywhere once it gets out. The sad thing is, due to the alliance they all have with one another, she has a duty to inform the other Hidden Villages about Iwa's now doomed status. She is not going to enjoy the backlash of this.
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