Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemical Mafia


by Ballroom_Blitz 0 reviews

*NEW CHAPTER!* Gerard almost has a heart attack!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2016-05-27 - 516 words

Gerard's P.O.V

"So when are you going to tell Scarlette you love her?" I chocked and spluttered. Damn Mikey was gonna end up giving me a heart attack!
"WHAT?!" I eventually managed to force out. A nurse poked her head round the door just then, shushing me and giving me a very dirty look. I couldn't help but flip her the bird as she left. If only she knew the lunacy that had just been spoken!
"What drugs are they giving you in here if you think I love Scarlette?!" Mikey laughed quietly.
"I don't know but they are making me feel warm and fuzzy...Ugh, I hate myself for saying that" This time it was my turn to laugh a little.
"Get some rest Mikey, I need you fighting fit as soon as possible".
"I'll be out in no time, Gee" I smiled, he hadn't called me 'Gee' since we were little kids.
"...What happened at the house? Is everyone okay? Did the girls leave...?"
"You did well little brother. The girls are safe and fine. Although both of them are highly pissed off. That's nothing unusual for Scarlette but you ain't ever seen our resident marshmallow so angry" Mikey looked relieved. "Don't go worrying about the house, you worry about yourself and get better".
"Maybe you could bring the girls in...I'm sure seeing them dance would make me feel much better", he said with a sly grin. Even shot in hospital you just couldn't stop this guy!
"Oh yeah? Frank would beat your ass before the music even started!" He laughed before wincing and clamping a hand to his bandaged ribs.
"Ow ow ow...okay. No laughing just now. Fuck, ow." I stood up, not knowing what to do. Mikey peered up at me through his usual floppy hair.
"Sit back down Gerard, you can't do anything. You ain't a doctor and you don't even like needles!" Mikey moved the arm with the I.V in about to illustrate his point. I couldn't even look at it with out wanting to throw up or run away from it. Maybe even a mixture of both. I'm not afraid of death, or of any of the other Made man, or guns, being shot, killed, tortured but show me a needle and I'm outta there. I could see Mikey was starting to fall asleep, probably from a mixture of pain meds and that it was the early hours of the morning. It had been a long night for everyone. I patted his hair lightly before getting up to leave. I wanted to leave as quietly s possible to not disturb him and not to be shushed again like a kid in a library.
"At least tell Scarlette how you feel Gerard...I don't think you'll ever meet anyone like her again".
At that moment I could have cursed him, a relationship with Scarlette was just out of the question. As close as were I just don't think he'd understand. Mikey had never been in a relationship long or serious enough to understand heart break.
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