Categories > Original > Humor > Deep Space

Tech Fight

by Noizchild 0 reviews

It's Saturday and Aki, Mark, Sick Boy attend the weekly Robot War convention.

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2016-07-03 - 779 words - Complete

Tech Fight

Saturday was Robot Wars. Aki wasn’t going to let Haru get her down. For three weeks, she worked on the ultimate mini-machine. She smiled at the final touches.

“Perfect!” Aki said. She turned to her “boyfriend” sitting on the couch. “What do you think?” Mark shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s fine to me,” he said. Aki turned back to her black, purple, and red robot.

“Perfect!” she said. The woman broke into an evil laugh. Mark shook his head. This wasn’t his thing, but at least she wasn’t complaining about her sister.

“I will win this week!” Aki shouted. “That brat will eat my dust!”


Aki, Mark, and Sick Boy went downtown to the conviction center. Mark’s friend looked around at the long line they stood in. Many nerds stood waiting for the doors to open with their robots. Their toys had many features and styles to them. From simple to sophisticated, the robots looked ready for a fight. Sick Boy frowned.

“What the hell is this?” he whispered to Mark.

“You’ve got me there,” his friend whispered back. Aki grinned to herself, rubbing her hands.

“I will kick that little brat’s ass this time!” she muttered to herself. Mark and Sick Boy eyed her with discomfort.

“What’s wrong with her?” Sick Boy asked.

“Don’t ask,” Mark said. At ten o’clock, the glass doors were opened. The nerds with their robots stormed into the convention center. Mark and Sick Boy did their damnest to keep up with the flood.


The sounds of machines grinding could be heard all around the lobby. Aki sighed up for the main battle on the computer at the front desk. Sick Boy nudged Mark in the ribs.

“Why are we here?” he asked.

“She insisted,” Mark said. Aki set down the electric pen and clapped her hands together.

“Already, gentlemen!” she said. “Main event is at three. That leaves us plenty of time to look around and spy on the competition.” The boys gave her odd looks.

“Are you serious?” Sick Boy asked.

“Yes!” Aki yelled. He quickly put up his hands.

“Okay, okay,” the blonde man said. “Chill.” Aki stuck up her nose.

“I’ll be in the main arena at three,” she said. The boys watched her walk away.

“Now what?” Sick Boy asked. Mark shrugged and shook his head.

“You are asking the wrong person,” he said.


Aki made her way to the training room. For five weeks, she was beaten by Takeru. Thinking about each loss made her grit her teeth.That bastard! Aki slammed her fist against the lockers behind her.

“I will take him down this time!” she shouted.

“Is that right?” a voice asked. Aki’s head jerked upwards with a sharp look on her face. A boy about ten years old stood inches away from her. He looked like a typical geek boy. He smirked as he pushed up his glasses. Aki’s face looked like an angry bulldog.

“Takeru,” she hissed. The little boy put his hands on his hips.

“Ready to eat my dust again?” he asked. Aki stood up straight and puffed up her chest.

“You will be eating my dust this time!” she shouted. “Kobo VII will crush your machine!” The woman patted her black, purple, and red robot on the head. The bunny-like ears flapped up and down at the movements of her head.

“Suck on that, brat!” Aki shouted. Takeru snorted.

“Your piece of junk can’t beat my Zabu,” he said. The boy switched on a remote and a black and silver mini-robot walked up to Kobo VII. Aki didn’t flinch at the inches over her own robot.

“Ha!” she said. “Your junky robot doesn’t scare me! I will take you down this week!”

“We’ll see,” her child rival said. He turned and walked away with Zabu following him. Aki gritted her teeth.

“I will take you down, you little shit!” she shouted. Kobo VII flapped its ears up and down by the sound of her voice.


Around three o’clock, the robot wars were ready to start. Mark and Sick Boy sat in the crowd unimpressed.

“How long will this take?” Sick Boy asked.

“Until night, I think,” Mark answered.

“Fuck,” his friend said. Down in the arena, Aki stared down Takeru as their robots faced each other as if hungry for blood.I will take you down this time, brat, she thought. She couldn’t wait to wipe that smug look off of his face. The ring girl raised a green flag in the air.

“Ready… fight!” she shouted.
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