Categories > Movies > Underworld > Reincarnate

She Must Decide

by Mada 0 reviews

Rated PG13 for language. This is a story about if Lucian had been looking for a female Corvin instead of Michael.

Category: Underworld - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Kraven, Lucian, Marcus, Michael, Selene, Sonja, Viktor - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2005-06-18 - Updated: 2005-06-19 - 808 words

Marie laid on her bed staring at the ceiling. So many things were going through her mind.

Lucian was all that her new thoughts centered on. Memories flooded her mind now of him. Watching him, being watched by him, and most of all, being with him.

Marie shook her head, trying to rid herself of the images.

"Gross, gross, gross," she said, to herself.

She sat up, looking around. It was dark and dank as usual. Marie bent down reaching for her shoes.

After she tied her laces, Marie stood up, sighing. She stretched her arms up and yawned.

Marie looked over at her clock and saw it was 6:00pm. Dinner time. She hadn't realized how hungry she was until she thought of food and her stomach growled loudly.

Marie stepped out of her room, she looked around the hall and saw no one.

"They're probably all eating dinner," she thought to herself.

She went up through the halls and noticed that everyone was gone, but as she got closer to the large meeting hall/cafeteria she could hear voices. Lot's of voices.

She came up to the large double doors and pushed them open. Countless adults were all around a series of long tables covered with food. Most were just eating, some were talking.

Most of the children sat at one table together eating and playing games.

Marie looked toward the middle table. Michael sat next to Selene, they were sort of eating and talking. Sarah sat across from them next to Pierce, who seemed in rapture of his plate of food.

At the head of the table in the biggest chair in the room, sat Lucian. It seemed as though he'd already eaten. Marie noticed the only seat near Michael was next to Sarah, and to the right of Lucian.

"Great," Marie muttered to herself. She walked over and sat down. Lucian stiffened, noticeably.

"Don't worry," Marie said to him, sarcastically. "I won't stay long."

Before Lucian could say anything, Marie started talking to Sarah.

"Sarah," Marie asked. "Why do you think all of Sonja's memories suddenly came to me?"

"Somehow, Marcus' bite awoke the memories that were hidden deep inside of you," Sarah said.

Marie sat, staring at her.

Sarah sighed, "Marie you need to realize that you were born for a reason. I think you are Sonja's reincarnate."

Marie shook her head, "I can't be, because I'm Corvinus' reincarnate."

"You have the memories for a reason, Marie," Sarah said, her eyes pleading for Marie to understand.

"And I'm guessing that reason would be to pop out babies for one of the races?" Marie asked, sarcastically.

Sarah looked at her plate.

"Wonderful," Marie said, sighing.

Marie sat for a few more minutes but decided to get up and go back to her room.

Lucian watched her leave and sat thinking about what to do.

"Go after her," Michael said. "The least you could do is try."

Lucian looked to Michael and nodded, getting up. He went out the great hall and into the passageway.

As he got closer to Marie's room he could hear a faint sobbing sound. The closer he got to her room the louder it got.

Alarmed, Lucian ran the rest of the way and burst into the room.

Marie was on the floor clutching her head, crying, and saying over and over again, "Go away, go away, go away."

Lucian rushed forward and grabbed Marie by the shoulders.

"Marie!" he said. "Marie, what is it?"

Marie tried pushing him away, shouting loudly, "GO AWAY!"

Suddenly she stopped, and looked up at him. Something about her eyes was different, Lucian couldn't understand it.

"Lucian," Marie said, in a soft voice.

Her hand came up and gently touched his cheek. Lucian's eyes closed, the feeling of it was incredible.

Lucian's eye opened as she whispered.

"I never thought I would be allowed this pleasure again, my love. You do not know how long I've ached just to be near you."

Lucian's eyes widened. This was not Marie, it was Sonja, his Sonja!

"Sonja?" he asked quietly. "Are you,...are you here for good?"

She smiled in a sad way, "In a way. It will all be decided soon. She must choose."

Lucian's brow knitted in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"I cannot say, but son she must choose one and decide everyone's fate."

Suddenly, her face contorted again.

After writhing in pain once again, she stopped, breathing heavily.

"Lucian," it was Marie. "Lucian, why does this keep happening?"

Her eyes had filled with tears and she broke down all at once collapsing in Lucian's arms.

Lucian sat stunned for a moment, then, slowly, he wrapped his arms around her, comforting her.

The rest of the night consisted of him claming her when she went into hysterics, and watching over her as she slept.
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