Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 7 > Blown Mission

chapter 5

by Renosgirl 0 reviews

In which President Jack Shinra gets skewered, and Reno reveals just how much of a bastard the old man was. Also in which the cauhl gains a name. The boys also discover OTHER uses for healing it...

Category: Final Fantasy 7 - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Characters: Reno, Rude - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2006-08-27 - Updated: 2006-08-28 - 7566 words

Reno fervently wished for time to just turn back. unfeel the confusion in his mind, to unknow just how sick the fatass had been. .. Kitty was the only somewhat decent thing to come out of the experience, and he told Rude as much. "I know you don't like him, yo, but he saved both of our asses." he sniffed a few times, trying to clear his nostrils.

Rude sighed, blinking as a couple stray water drops hit his face near his eyes. After a long pause, he spoke.

"I am not cleaning the litter box."

He giggled, the sound a bit hysterical. "I'll walk him, yo.. .Rufus was trying not to laugh." He was trying to regain his euilibruam, something which took a bit after one of his meltdowns. He was also usually a bit physically shy afterward, reluctant to stir the demons again by moving too quickly.

"We'll need food," Rude said, making a mental checklist of the items they'd need for their -- no, Reno's -- new pet.

He reached around Reno, turning off the shower. They were both as clean as they were going to get.

"Coffee should be done," he muttered, wanting to get to the java-flavoured nectar of the gods.

He nodded, drying off, the remnants of the upheaval beginning to fade. .the puncture wounds across the pale flesh had faded a bit, though here under the brighter lights a few of the newer scars were obvious...including a long mark that looked like a lash mark, but went deep, as if the hand that had wielded the whip had been specifically LOOKING to mark.

Rude dried off quickly, not looking at any of Reno's new or old scars. They both had remnants of their pasts imprinted on their bodies; Rude considered it polite not to stir up old demons that didn't need stirring.

He walked out of the bathroom, through the bedroom, through the living room, and right into the kitchen, naked as the day he was born. While he wasn't into public nudity, nudity in the comfort of your own home with your lover wasn't an issue. Oh, and he guessed he could add said lover's damn cat.

"What're you going to call it?" he asked, taking down a couple coffee mugs from the cup tree on the counter.

"Thought I might just leave it at Kitty." He chuckled, the cuahl instead of Dark Nation's sheer black was a snowy white with inky black stripes, he was really a very pretty cat. He gave Kitty a rub behind the tentacle, something he knew Dark Nation particularly liked, and it appeared Kitty did just as well, as the big cat purred loudly.

"You can't name it Kitty," Rude protested lightly as he poured coffee into the two mugs. "That's like naming a dog 'Dog' or a bird 'Bird'."

He set Reno's mug on the island countertop. Turning to his own, Rude took out the sugar bowl from the cupboard above the coffee machine and reached into the fridge for the hazelnut creamer. While Rude may look like a man who likes his coffee black, he was, in truth, only after the wakening effects of the terrible tasting brew.

Reno added his typical heap of sugar and enough creamer to make it taste good. . ."Sometimes simple is good. ..besides, if we named him realistically we'd have to call him somethin' like Livewire" It was the truth, the cat was actually a lot like Reno, a bit impetuous, rather hyperactive.


Rude took the first drink of his coffee, then tilted his head back, eyes closed, face resembling his in the throes of orgasmic bliss. Mmm, yes. Coffee.

Reno laughed, he always laughed at that face...but he remembered the time they'd been on stakeout for five days with NO coffee. had been the worst fight the two of them had ever had, not an experience he wished to repeat, though he had to admit the makeup sex had been absolutely mindblowing.

Eyes still closed, Rude took another sip before finally looking at his laughing redhead. He blushed slightly, just like he always did when Reno made fun of him.

"Your cat want some?" he asked, looking around for the animal.

He saw it by the sliding glass door to the balcony, chasing the moving sunlight on the floor as the curtains billowed in a slight breeze.

"On second thought, the cat gets decaf," he muttered, taking another sip from his mug.

"Good idea"He said, a bit sloshed over the top of the cup, which Livewire immediatly dove after "Great. ..he likes coffee. .. Gods help us." As soon as he'd licked it up, his tentacle immediatly stood straight on end, and his bright amber eyes twitched at the corners and he started chasing dustmotes.

Rude sighed and just shook his head. One hyperactive redhead was more than enough, but add on a hyperactive striped cuahl? Rude polished off his coffee, pouring himself another cup, feeling slightly more human.

"He needs a walk," Rude muttered as he prepared his second cup. "I'm not walking him."

Reno actually smiled, the cuahl dancing around his feet, nudging at him, somehow the cuahl knew he wasn't completely up to snuf yet, and he nudged him with a soft mew, an almost motherly sound. "Heh, he's a hen, too" Rude would know he meant mother hen, but in reality it was one of Rude's qualities that he knew had saved his ass multiple times. Rude always knew when to keep him from overextending himself.

"Great. Competition," Rude muttered, polishing off his second cup of coffee. Give him a cigarette and a pair of pants and he was ready to face the day.

Reno got himself dressed, then whistled to Livewire, leading him out into the front of the complex so he could do his business.

A growl and then a loud screech sounded from out front, then Reno's angry tones as he literally beat the HELL out of whoever had been there.

Rude decided to make good on that cigarette and those pants, but not in that order. One too many times growing up he'd gotten the cigarette first, only to have an ash fall on a rather sensitive place and cause a rather unpleasant mild burn.

Rude pulled on Reno's pair of black sweat pants, the ankles making them look a little like floods. He figured, Reno wore his, so he could wear Reno's. He took his cigarette out on the balcony, looking down at the busy city streets. The balcony faced the complete opposite direction of the entryway, and he heard nothing but the peaceful sounds of the morning in Midgar. He liked it that way some mornings.

Reno comes back up the stairs, grumbling about stupid kids. "Kid threw a rock at Livewire. ..well, more like teenager, he was probably about 16...touch my cat I'll beat your ass."

"Who's the mother hen now?" Rude asked from the balcony. As much as he loved his job, he was not looking forward to the debriefing meeting with Tseng and Rufus that afternoon.

"Same kid who threw paint on my bike, so I got a lil' grudge against him. ..he hates Turks."

Rude looked over at the cuahl, watched it wash its paw for a moment, then took another drag from his nearly gone cigarette.

"The cat can take care of itself, Reno." He flicked the butt off the balcony, stepping back into the room. "And a lot of people around here hate Turks. Thought you were used to it."

"Thought I was...guess I'm startin' to look around at the rest of the world an' wonder what's gonna become of the rest of us when the boss takes over. ..Things are gonna change. .He's not like the old man, yo. Not saying he's some great man or anythin' like that, but he's not so ruthless either. Our lives and the nature of our jobs is gonna change and we may need to be able to get along with the public." Contrary to popular belief, Reno did have his moments where he thought about the future.

"worry about that when it comes," Rude said, padding over to the large couch in the middle of the living room and sitting down. He looked back at Reno, then patted the couch next to him.

He was rather surprised when Reno's cuahl jumped up on the couch and laid down next to him, head plopping on his lap as the cat started to purr to elicit some pettins. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. Damn cat.

Reno sat next to him, motioning the cat to move aside. "'swierd, yo.. usually you're the one thinkin' about the future and I'm the one livin' in the moment. ..guess. ..this with past few days got me thinkin'. ..about how if I died tomorrow. ..would I die with regrets. I wanna be able to say no, but I know if I did I'd be lyin'."

That made Rude think for a minute. Did he have any regrets? A couple, but nothing too major to worry about. He frowned. Just what did Reno regret that was giving him such a hard time. He reached out with both hands, one going to the top of the cuahl's head to scratch behind its ears and the other going to the top of Reno's head, ruffling the hair there thoughtfully.

"I mainly regret the plate, yo. ..Lotta innocent people died so the old man could have his damn scapegoat...You remember I protested my orders at first? I never did tell you why I went through with it, did I?"

Rude shook his head. He didn't ask Reno about it, and Reno didn't tell. At the time, Rude thought it was better that way, safer for the rocky time they were having in their relationship at that time. They were having quite a few issues, issues that caused Rude to move out for a few months prior to the plate drop.

"You, partner. ..the old man found out about us. .told me. ..if I didn't do it. .." he broke off for a minute, the reason for all of that rocky time had been because he'd been trying to protect his partner. when he continued it was just above a whisper. "The old man was gonna have you executed and force ME to do it if I didn't set off the charges."

He stood, pacing. "Because I was selfish all those fucking people died. ..'salso why I look forward to Rufus finally offing the abusive bastard, even though things are gonna change."

Rude had made the mistake once of making it well known his opinion of Jack ShinRa. In fact, Rude had referred to him as 'Jack Shit' on more than one occassion. He knew the President wasn't too terribly font of him, but to attempt to have him executed...? Rude decided a regime change was needed a little sooner than Tseng thought.

"You know I almost killed him myself that day, yo. ..unfortunatly he had a few Turks still loyal, only Gods know how. ..You know how when we went out I had that big bruise of my eye, where I told you I ran into the door? Well, I lied." He shakes his head. He was fiercely loyal to Shinra as an entity and as his workplace, they had taken him off the streets, given him a means to eat and put clothes on his back, as well as the love he currently had in his life. That loyalty however did NOT extend to the one who ran it. J. Shinra was just a tad on the insane side. ..the his phone rang and he picked it up. "Yo, Reno here. You say what? that silver haired bastard was IN THE BUILDING? give me a casualty list, yo."

Rude raised an eyebrow. He did not need another drama. He wanted just one drama-less day, just one. His mental stability required it.

"No worries, yo, Tseng's got it under control. ..but looks like we got our wish. ..old man got pinned to his desk by the crazy bastard. He and Elena are gonna chase his ass down. . .Only thing the boss wants from us is guard duty dearing his induction ceremony day after tomorrow." Reno is actually grinning ear to ear about the old bastard being dead.

Rude nodded and grunted once, still scratching the cuahl's head.

"What about the debriefing meeting?" he asked, hoping he would be able to just stay home all day and relax.

"Boss is comin' HERE to do it, says he wants outta the building anyway. ..oh, and he says attire is to be as casual as you feel comfortable with."

Reno gave one of his famously cheeky grins. "Now if it were as causual as I felt comfortable with we'd be nude an' fuckin' on the sofa while bein' debriefed."

Which didn't mean Rude wasn't going to be dressed in his suit. Someone like the soon-to-be President wasn't greeted in a pair of too short sweatpants and a bare chest. Nor was he greeted with Reno's idea of 'comfortable.'

"When?" he asked, wondering if he would have time to press his suit.

"in 'bout an hour, I need ta get my pants n' shirt on...oh, and I gotta lock Livewire in the room he says last thing he wants is him knockin' up Darkie while we're in the middle of this insanity."

Just enough time to press his suit. He stood, shaking his head and muttering about how the damn cat couldn't keep its pants on... not that it wore pants, but still. And why did the soon-to-be President need to bring his cat? Just want Rude wanted, to clean up after two shedding cats...

"I know what yer thinkin', and you know he's had that damn feline since he was 7 and she was 6 weeks old. ..She goes EVERYWHERE with him."

Rude grumbled an incoherent sound as he walked into the bedroom. Reno knew him too well. Far too well.

"Need to do laundry today," he called as he pulled his suit, the iron, and the ironing board from the closet.

"Had plans to send the cleaning out yesterday. .but. . .things went a little nuts." Reno always sent their suits to be cleaned on wednsday evenings because it was half-price day at the cleaners.

Rude was extremely happy to have three different suits. The one he'd pulled from the closet was the only clean one left, however, it needed to be pressed badly.

"I'll take it today," he said, setting aside the jacket and placing the pants on the ironing board. The pants were easy, so he always started with those.

Reno didn't bother, just slid his last clean suit on, "Hey, you seen the rest of my hair elastics, yo? The box is gone from the medicine cabinet."

Rude shook his head. With having no hair, what use did he have for hair elastics?

"Check your wrist," he offered, knowing that sometimes when Reno took them off he would put them around his wrist.

"Didn't take the last one off, yo, it snapped. . .ah, here's one! I'll hafta get a new box next time we go shopping.* He found a black one in the back, grabbing his loose hair he pulled it back, his hand making two quick winding motions to slide the elastic in place. He then got out his hair gel and started spiking the front. ..once he had that done he began to feel a little more human.

Rude placed his freshly ironed pants on a hanger, not intending to put them on until Rufus actually arrived, lest they get messed up. He promptly went about pressing his shirt, carefully making sure there were no odd wrinkle lines in it.

He walked up behind Rude, putting his arms over his shoulders. .. actually feeling a bit less like a kid and a bit more like the almost 23 year old Turk he was.

Rude smiled at Reno's touch. He then held up his shirt for inspection. Not a wrinkle. Excellent. He turned off the iron before putting the shirt on a hanger by the pants. All he had to do was put on a pair of boxers and a wifebeater, then wait for Rufus to show up.

"Feeling better?" he asked, even though he knew the answer.

"Yeah, I do. .. hearing that bastard was dead helped immensely yo." Again that grin showed. It was no secret he had hated the old man as much as Rude.

"Good," Rude stated, turning to place a little kiss on Reno's lips.

Just then a knock sounded at the door. "He's early yo, I'll get the door and get some coffee so you can finish getting suited up."

Rude nodded, padding quickly to the dresser and pulling out a pair of boxers and a white wifebeater. As he put them on, he mused on just why said item of clothing was called a wifebeater, especially when worn by someone who a) didn't have a wife, b) wasn't going to have a wife, and c) only beat people who deserved it. He pulled on his pants, then put on and buttoned his shirt. Rude carefully tucked in his shirt before putting on his tie, and he could hear Rufus' voice in the living room say something that sounded like, "I said casual, Rude..."

Reno chuckles, he'd already handed Rufus his coffee, while Dark Nation had somehow managed to open the bedroom door and was playing tag with Livewire. "Not my fault sir, yo. ..your cat's just smart."

"Damn cats," Rude muttered, straightening his tie and sliding into his suit jacket. There. Now he felt more human himself. He put on his sunglasses, going through the bedroom door and trying to avoid the scrambling cuahls.

"Sir," he said in acknowledgement to Rufus.

Rufus nodded his head, those deep, glowing blue eyes pinning both of his most loyal men. mentally reminding himself that the employee fraternization policies were going to be the first thing to go. He personally didn't WANT to have to hide his relationship with Tseng anymore, and he didn't want Reno and Rude to have to hide, either. "sit.. .let's get started."

Rude nodded, sitting down on the couch and watching Rufus sit almost elegantly in a large armchair.

"Where would you like us to start, sir?" he asked, trying to get all his thoughts in chronological order to relay them to the soon-to-be President.

"From the beginning is usualy a good place" Rufus' demeanor was warm and relaxed with these two, always was,

Rude nodded, figuring the incident as the hospital was the best place to start, especially since Rufus already knew everything prior.

"The two guards stationed outside our hospital suite were compromised, believed to be dead. They attacked with at least one, probably more explosive devices, geared both towards distraction and destruction." Rude paused, looking over at Reno before continuing. "One of Corneo's bodyguards, Skotch, lead a pair of men into our room where they proceeded to kidnap both Reno and myself. I was unconscious due to strain on my injurie at the time. I'm an uncertain as to Reno's state."

Reno nods. "semi-conscious due to being hit by a 3rd level bolt spell, sir.I also discovered from one of the survivors. . .one of our two guards was a plant" It was a detail he had failed to mention to Rude simply because until now it had slipped his mind.

Rude took it all in stride, continuing his explaination.

"When I awoke, I was strapped to a rack with an electric current running through it. After discussion with Reno, I found that we were captives of Corneo. We decided it was in our best interest to escape as opposed to continue the mission I had originally set up for a later date."

Reno also took it in stride, his head had been a mess the past few days, it was possible Rude HAD mentioned taking Corneo out on their to do list and he had simply forgotten He did NOT look forward to the revelation of how he had acquired Livewire, but it had to be done. . .so he did it as quickly and as delicately as he could, trying to spare himself as much embarrassment as possible,

Rude explained their escape down the hallway, up until he came to the mention of the summon materia. He shivered one, remembering.

"Which was when Reno summoned the fire demon," he ended, knowing that Reno would pick up where he left off, partially because the less Rude thought of Ifrit the better, but mostly because Rude was too busy running away rather than riding the damn fire demon's back.

"I ended up mind-linked with the damn thing, at least 'swhat I think happened, at which time he cast Hellfire and destroyed the target."

Rude nodded, choosing not to add his initial intent to break into, then hotwire what turned out to be Rufus' car. That was a skill he would rather very few people know about. Much like his ability to sew. Nobody needed to know about that, either.
Michael TW Kelley: Though Reno did, due to the rare occasion on which he tore one of shirts. Rude had patched MORE than one for him.

Rufus just nodded, then snapped his fingers for Dark Nation to return to his side.

"I see," he said, standing.

Rude stood as well, straightening his suit as he did.

"You two have the rest of the week off," the soon-to-be President said. "With the exception of your body guard duty tomorrow."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir," Rude said.

Reno leaned against the wall, the bruises on his face both from the beating he had taken that first day and from the previous day's abuse had begun purpling finally. ..though when he peered in the mirror again he could see that one eye would likely be useless by the morning and went to get an ice pack from the freezer. "All in a days work, yo" he mutters.

"Excellent," Rufus said as Rude walked him to the door. "Nine a.m. sharp tomorrow, gentlemen," he added before he and Dark Nation left.

Rude closed and locked the door, turning to face the living room and the cuahl on the couch. He stretched, joints popping with overuse.

"Bed?" he called to Reno, walking towards the bedroom to get into more comfortable clothes.

Reno fairly stumbled back into the bed. .. Gods was he tired, and he was just realizing how tired. his right eye even with the ice had swollen most of the shut and he looked like complete and utter hammered shit.

Rude was not fairing much better. His entire body hurt; he wasn't even sure he could take a full inventory of his injuries without writing them down. He was both exhausted and sore. After carefully removing his suit, he climbed into bed in just his boxers and wifebeater.

Reno scooted back into Rude's warmth. .. the tears gone, though he flinched with every touch. ..he was that badly bruised all over the slender body. ..the lash Corneo had graced him with as a mark of ownership stung like fuck, and the scratches Livewire had dealt him had popped back open and begun to ooze slowly.

Rude didn't say anything, but he climbed back out of bed and walked towards the kitchen. Neither of them had enough energy to use materia, so he pulled a couple of potions from their cabinet next to the stove. He walked back into the bedroom, and a yawn broke through his exhaustion.

"Roll over," he said, gesturing with the potions.

He did so, hissing as the bruises on the front made themselves apparant as well. "Shit, yo. ..didn't know I was gona hurt this bad, ,,:

Rude straddled Reno's hips, pouring the first potion onto the redhead's back like massage oil. He gently moved his hands around, paying careful attention to the cuts, scratches and puncture wounds.

"We both look like pounded shit, yo. .." another hiss as Rude's legs found the bruises on his hips that he had discovered were in the shape of fingers...Again a sign someone had taken some advantage of him while he was out that he did not remember.

Rude watched as the potion soaked itself in, closing some of the smaller wounds and shrinking some of the larger ones. He carefully worked his hands over the handful of knotted muscles he found there as well before moving down to Reno's legs.

Reno knew he'd find the finger marks, and likely ask questions he didn't have answers to, but he was prepared for that. ..his ass was sore as Hell too, but he attributed that to the ill usage he'd gotten from the feline who was now his pet.

Rude didn't have to ask questions, so he just lovingly ran his fingers over the bruises as he slid the liquid over them, watching them disapper. Besides, anyone who could have done such a thing was most likely dead, thanks to that, Rude shuddered, fire demon.

He finished Reno's back, most of the surface wounds gone while the deeper ones were smaller. He climbed off, asking Reno to, "Flip."

He flipped onto his back, and the hiss didn't come legs, chest, and even his face were all a deep purple, his right eye finally completely swollen shut, his lips torn and swollen even though they no longer had dried blood on them.

Opening the second potion, Rude poured a little bit onto his hands, deciding to start at Reno's feet and work his way to the more serious injuries. The slight cinnamon scent of the potion tickled his nose as he worked the liquid into Reno's skin.

Reno sighed as the knots began to loosen...his right cheek ached like a bastard, he suspected the cheekbone was cracked, but he couldn't confirm that. the lesser injuries healed the more serious aches began to make themselves known. .."Thanks, yo. ..never thought a week would rival how bad I was hurtin' after the plate, but this sure as hell did."

Rude grunted in ackowledgement, bypassing Reno's favourite body part in favour of placing more of the potion on the bruises that covered the redhead's chest and abdoment.

He almost MOANED as the healing fluid hit his chest and the rib that had been scraping against his left lung and reducing his lung capacity popped back into place and healed. .for the first time in 4 days he could take a deep breath without pain.

Rude smiled slightly, moving higher to cover Reno's arms in the healing fluid. He then took the small remainder of the potion and, using his fingertips, gently massaged the liquid into Reno's face.

The bruises on his face began healing, going from a deep purple to a greenish yellow color, even if they did not heal completely. . .the swelling along the cheekbone lessened some as the cheekbone began to knit together in a way that said it had indeed been fractured. again, a light moan at the relief from the pain, even if the swelling hadn't died down enough to free his vision in that eye yet, it sure as Hell hurt a lot less. He stretched langorously, like the cuahl. just felt good to NOT be in pain.

Rude smiled, noting just how much Reno acted like his damn cat.

"Better? We have more potions..." he offered.

"Nah, yo. ..we might need 'em tomorrow. ..I ain't gonna say I got a bad feelin' 'cause last time I did we had the shittiest four days of our lives." Some of the fluid from his back dripped into the crack of his ass when he shifted a bit and he moaned again. ..the tearing inside healed and the extra. . .well the extra left the area tingling. ..

"Shit. ..I forgot the effect the healing items have on uninjured flesh. . ." He flipped back over on his belly, his ass was moving around in the air in an extremely telltale manner.

A concerned frown formed on Rude's face. Did he miss someplace? He paid careful attention to Reno's movements, only to discover that said movements didn't look painful at all. In fact they looked rather... pleasant.

A chuckled rose from deep within Rude's chest. "Problems?" he asked.

"Just. ..fuck, I'm tinglin' like a bitch. .." when he shifted again some of dripped down to his crotch. .. he gasped, tilting his head back as the fluid brought him to instant hardness. "Ngn. ." the sound in his throat was completely inarticulate. ..the potion having sunk into the flesh of his shaft had left it hard as a stone cliff face.

Rude chuckled again, an almost dark sound to anyone who didn't know him. He took a single finger and traced the line where Reno's buttocks met his thighs, watching his redhead squirm even more with the intimate, yet not, touch.

"Is there something you'd like?" he asked.

He arched off the bed pratically at the touch. ..between the previous day's link with Ifrit that would have had him tingling if he hadn't been in pain amd the affects of the potion on the flesh that was now healed he was so sensitive he could almost go off wihtout any erogenous zones even being touched. "Fuck, stop teasin' yo..."

"Why?" Rude asked, smiling predatorily at the back of Reno's head. "Maybe I like to tease you..." His finger moved higher, tracing the redhead's spine slowly from tailbone to neck and back.

He arched even higher, breath leaving him in a hitching gasp. ..his teeth sinking into his bottom lip and his eyes squeezing shut as he did his best to get contact to more intimate areas.

Rude chuckled again. He really did like to tease Reno. The redhead made the most interesting noises and came up with the most interesting phrases when nearly delerious with desire. All of which went straight to Rude's groin. His finger travelled across Reno's back and up his sides, short nail scratching ever so lightly as he did so.

"Fuck, son of a bitch, yo. ..m'on fire. .." and a deep growl echoed from his lips as he bucked up and down against the bed, which rubbed the fluid even more into him, causing a tingle which was almost painful. .. before he grinned. ..winking at Rude he fliipped over and grabbed one of the potions, popping the top and taking a small sip into his mouth he slid Rude's boxers off...with a minxish smile he took Rude into his mouth which was full of the healing fluid, letting the potion-laden saliva drip down the mocha-colored appendage.

It was a most delightful feeling having Reno's mouth around him, and with the added potion, it was most divine. Rude's head tipped back, a loud groan issuing from his mouth as he slowly laid back on his back, head hanging off the side of the bed. With the potion soaking in and causing all kinds of tingles with each breath of Reno's that stirred the hairs on his groin... He really had to stop thinking or else he was going to get off before anything even started.

Reno hummed around him. ..that hum actually soft moans as his whole body lit up like a christmas tree, The cinnamon tinge of the potion with the earthy tang of Rude's was almost enough to make him cum by itself. ..He then guides Rude into the bed in such a way as he was in it straight, it wouldn't do to have a repeat of the one incident where Rude had been hanging halfway off the bed and when Reno had straddled him he'd fallen off. sticking his fingers in his mouth moistening them with the potion he slowly works first one into the tight entry. ..then two. ..biting his lip again to hold back the shriek of pleasure that threatened. ..once he was sure he was prepared he put the STRAIGHT potion from the bottle onto the large shaft and then lowered himself slowly onto it.

It was like the heavens parting and coming down on Rude, having Reno like that with the potion and all. In fact, his hands went instantly to Reno's hips, stilling the redhead's movement as his cock twitched uncontrollably inside him. He tried to fight off the tide of orgasm with the best thoughts he could. Jack ShinRa naked on a cold day. Ifrit masturbating to kiddie porn. Why hot dogs came in packages of 10 and hot dog buns came in packages of 8.

Reno chuckled and wiggled just the tiniest bit, the throbbing inside him felt. ..Gods, it felt heavenly, the tingling spreading in a wave all over. .."Even if ya go, that shit'll put ya right back up, yo. .. 'swhy they put it in impotency meds, not that we'd ever have a problem with that, eh?"

With a cry to every deity he could remember at the moment, Rude came, hard. Damn Reno and his ability to move just so. Damn his weakness for redheads, that one in particular. Damn...

Rude paused when he heard a noise at the bedroom doorway. No one was supposed to be there, and with the week they'd been having, his entire body tensed, regardless of his recent orgasm. However, he relaxed slightly when he saw what was there.

"Reno," he growled, voice rough from his cry. "Your cat is watching us."

Reno turned and laughed as Livewire looked at them with a soft whimpering mew. "Uh, no. ..sorry, boy, you are NOT joining in." He gets up JUST long enough to shut the bedroom door and the comes back into bed, he climbed back aboard and drove straight in, as he had predicted the potion had Rude back up in five seconds flat.

Rude was horribly embarassed... of a cat, of all things. However, Reno's attentions made him forget all about said cuahl and moan as if he were a piano and Reno a master pianist. The way the redhead could play him startled him sometimes.

"I'da told him to go jack off but his paws sorta make that a problem." He laughs heartily at that then groans as the lift and drop slammed Rude like a frieght train right up against the sweet spot, the tingle that ran through him causing his arms to tremble as his head tilted back. .. another delicious hum coming from his mouth.

"You don't get to help him, either," Rude mentioned before another moan slid from his lips. He felt Reno's muscles tighten around him as his tip hit that spot deep inside Reno's body. He could already feel the humming along his nerves indicating that another orgasm was already well on its way.

He didn't even bother touching his already throbbing cock. ..he didn't have to, and it felt so incredibly wonderful, the deep sensation of an orgasm by thrust alone.. .. he picked up his pace as his eyelids grew heavy, drifting to half-mast. . .soft whimpering mewls coming from him as his nerves began buzzing. . .he could feel it coming closer with each lift and drop, muscles growing tighter, he shifted the angle a bit so the head literally DRAGGED against his prostate, then those mewls become a loud, unrestrained scream as his body tensed, going completly still as he paints his belly with white. . .his body them goes limp as the blood rushed back into it and he nearly passed out.

As Rude felt Reno constrict around him, his eyes nearly roll into the back of his head. He releases inside his lover, but makes an 'oof' sound when said lover falls limply onto him.

"Reno?" he croaked, voice wanting to break at the harsh treatment it'd been given over the past few days. "You alive?"

Oh, he was alive allright. fact more so than he had been in an entire week. ..a langorous smile was plastered across his face, his breathing soft and even, even if his heart rate was a bit elevated not only due to the force of the release, but also due to the aftershocks which still rained over his nerves.

"Take that as a yes," Rude muttered before trying gently to get Reno off him. Rude had his little quirks, one of which involved not getting semen on the bed... mostly because he hated changing the sheets more than most any other chore.

He rolled off with the slight pressure without even waking up, his head dropping onto Rude's chest, he curled into him even in his sleep, that smile never fading.

Rude was careful not to wake Reno as he took off his wifebeater -- still wondering why they called it that... and who the hell was 'they' anyway? Rude tended towards weird contemplations after spending quality time with Reno. He used the shirt to wipe up as much of Reno's release as he could, trying to get a few of the potion spots from the bedsheet as well. Dammit. He was going to have to change the sheets afterall.

Reno whimpered just the tiniest bit as Rude's warmth was taken from him, then rolled over onto his belly with a soft sigh. . .he had this tendency when he wasn't in pain or troubled to spread out over as much of the bed as was unoccupied. ..his left hand had fingers winding among red strands, milk-pale flesh gleaming in the dim lighting, he looked so damn beautiful, like an angel lit up that way.

Tossing the dirty wifebeater towards the laundry hamper, one of Rude's hands went behind his head as the other gently fingered Reno's hair. It had been quite a week thus far, and while he should have been absolutely exhausted, he found that he couldn't sleep. Instead, he chose to watch Reno sleep, something which was simultaneously infinately mentally stimulating and infinately boring.

A moan rises up from the still form and he suddenly curls in on himself. ..nightmare. ..something that happened with enough frequency that Rude would know the signs. The first several of them had left Reno sitting bolt upright awakened by the scream that ripped from his throat. most of the time they were about his childhood...but this one. . .this one was something he thought he'd never relive again. his dream he watched his partner being shoved to his knees... him pressing the cold steel agains the back of the bald skull. ..the explosion of sound and the splatter of blood and brain matter on his hands and skin. ..The vivid image that haunted his dreams for months after the plate drop, though he'd never told Rude what they were.

As Rude was contemplating the merits and weaknesses of nut-covered cheeseballs, he heard a sound. It sounded like a whimper. Rude frowned, hoping it wasn't that damn cat whining about wanting to sleep with them.

He paused, cheeseballs forgotten, finding that it was Reno who was making the whimpering sounds. He gently worked an arm under the redhead, other arm going around him to hold him in a light embrace. As much as Reno didn't need the nightmare, Rude was sure he'd had more than his fair share, Reno just as much needed his sleep. If Rude could comfort him through the nightmare without waking his lover up, the day was going more swimmingly than originally planned.

Reno let out a sudden, almost heart-breaking screech, his back arching up and his body flopping itself away from Rude, but he never awakens all the way. .. after the dream ran its course he curled back into Rude, body shivering, a few more soft, hitching whimpers coming from his lips before he settled into the deeper, dreamless stages of slumber.

Rude shushed the redhead, holding him as tight as he dared. When Reno woke up, he would have to ask him about that particular nightmare. He waits a few more minutes before carefully extracting himself from his partner's embrace. His stomach was demanding something a little more substantial than coffee, and Rude was certain Reno's cat would be hungry as well.

Livewire whimpered again, this time pawing at the refirdgerator door where his keen nose picked up the scent of Reno's leftover squid and dragon noodles from the previous evening.

"I hear you, I hear you..." he said to the cat, opening the fridge and taking out said leftovers and holding them up in a sort of question. "You want 'em warmed up?"

He paused for a minute, realizing that he was talking to a damn cuahl. He shook his head, still waiting for an answer as he mumbled, "And you're taking the blame if he wanted these still..."

Not that it mattered if Rude fed the cat the leftovers, Reno never remembered they were in there unless Rude reminded him, as the state of the fridge when Rude had first moved in would attest. At first Rude had accused him of "Conducting illegal biological experiementaion."

Figuring that the cuahl was a little more than just the standard housecat, Rude put the styrofoam container into the microwave, heating the noodles up slightly before dumping them into a bowl and setting it on the floor for the cat.

"Let's see what else is in here..." he mumbled, opening the fridge up again to look for something for himself.

He did so only to have his nose assaulted by the foul odor of week old sushi. . . though he couldn't really lay the blame on Reno this time, as they had been away for most of that week.

"Ew," Rude said, taking said sushi and couple unidentifiable, unlabeled styrofoam containers and dumping them in the trash. He turned to the cuahl still eating Reno's leftovers. "Don't get in the trash. You don't want that either." He went back to the fridge, finding the appliance a little barer than usual.

Reno strode out into the kitchen now, stretching slowly, clearing all the evidence that he had even had a nightmare as well as he could from his face, doing his damndest to look completely like his normal sleep-ruffled morning self.

"Order in?" Rude asked, taking two bottles of beer from the fridge before closing it. He handed one bottle to Reno, then opened the other one, taking a long drink before asking, "Did we wake you?"

"Just woke up an' couldn't get back ta sleep.' yeah, pizza. ..we'll do the shopping after our duty shift tomorrow."

He took two swigs off the beer, trying to ease the tremor in his hand before Rude saw it. "How'd you sleep?"

"Didn't," he replied, grabbing the cordless phone from the charger on the wall. "Usual?" he asked.

"Yeah, everythin' but the anchovies."

Rude took another drink from his bottle, then hit the speed dial for the pizza place down the street.

"Hello? Delivery... yeah, that's us... the usual... yes, half everything but anchovies, half just ham... On the tab... Thanks."

Rude hung up the phone, nodding to Reno. "It'll be here in 20 minutes."

"You didn't sleep. .that means you saw. .." he trails off, not quite sure how to broach the subject.

Rude nodded, stooping over to pick up the empty cat's bowl and putting it into the sink. Finished off his beer, setting the bottle in the sink as well, then turned to Reno. "You wanna talk about it?"

He shuddered the tiniest it, then nodded. "You might wanna sit down first."

If Reno wanted him to sit down, it was definitly something that would require a beer as accompaniment. He grabbed another beer for himself, and another for Reno before sitting on one of the four bar stools that rested around the kitchen island.

"Shoot," he said, indicating with his bottle that Reno should start.

Reno gave an all over shudder. "I wish you hadn't put it in quite that way. . .well, they started after the plate.. .you remember when I'd wake up screaming for the first 6 months afterward?"

Rude nodded, raising an eyebrow in question as to why his word choice was so poor.

"Well. ..they would start out with me holding you...then you'd suddenly be gone. ..n' I'd be led out into the president's office and you'd be standing there. . .they'd shove you to your knees. ..and I'd be holdin' my service pistol to the back of your head. .." He started shivering as he got deeper in. "Then the gun would go off.' I'd feel your brain tissue spattering my hands. chest. .. Hell even my face. ..then I'd wake up screamin'."

It took Rude until the end of his beer to fully process what Reno had said. How did one exactly react to his partner having dreams of being forced to kill him? So Rude just sat silent, waiting for Reno to either elaborate, continue, or whatever.

"'scausea o' what he held over my head . .had onesa me fallin' with the plate, too. ..was afraida heights for months after, they still bug me.. ..but if I'd hada ta do that. woulda destroyed me. ..I'm so glad that bastard's finally dead. .." He was shaking...losing Rude was one of his greatest fears.

Rude nodded, standing to take Reno into his arms. "He's dead," he said, as if that simple statement alone should make Reno feel all better.
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