Categories > Anime/Manga > Saiyuki > yellow feathers

clear sky

by queasy 0 reviews

Gojyo finds a dead bird.

Category: Saiyuki - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Sha Gojyo - Published: 2005-06-19 - Updated: 2005-06-19 - 186 words

clear sky

He's never had a pet, though as a child he'd often looked at the cages full of colourful birds as he passed them in the street, and wondered if he could hide one under his bed. It wouldn't be a constant reminder of his presence underfoot, like a cat or dog would be, and it wouldn't be hard to feed, needing only breadcrumbs and seeds.

He would take it with him when he went out to play in the morning, and it would sing, and seem happy in his presence. It would stay with him even when he let it out of its cage, and not go off like Jien sometimes did when he needed space away from his troubled mother and needy little brother. Or it would fly away into the clear sky, free and happy. It would bring a little family to see him when the little birds were fledged and able to fly.

On the ground before him lies a bundle of bright feathers with legs stiffly extended, fallen to cold or hunger. Gojyo is glad he's never had a pet.
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