Categories > Books > Harry Potter > just a little starnge

Chapter 3

by DarkDawn 0 reviews

Thaliana receives a visit from the minister of magic, the three headmasters of prestigious schools for magic and Madame Promfrey too wonder what could happen

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2016-08-25 - Updated: 2016-08-25 - 332 words

Chapter 3
After I finished with the breakfast the twins gave me a group of people were ushered in by one of the older men that I saw earlier during my fight. One of the women in the group came bustling towards me I leapt out of my seat and pushed myself against the fabric wall of this "tent". "please be calm my dear" she exclaims pulling a stick out of her apron and chanted Petrificus Totalus and I froze I couldn't move a mussel she then approached me and tapped the stick on my arm and the bandages fell off she and the others gasped then an old man stepped up and waved a similar looking stick at me and I could move again I darted away from the lady in an apron but I didn’t leave because the door was blocked the old asked for everyone to leave the room and he approached the table he sat “ my name is professor Dumbledore” he said in a gentle voice “can you please give me your surname” he asked I looked at him “I never chose a last name” I said he looked at me confused “ what’s your first name” he tried “ I chose the name Thaliana” I answered “ you chose your own name?” he asked I leaned back and smiled “ yep just like all the others did” what others his eyes seemed to ask but instead he reached into the pocket of his robe and pulled out a book he held the book out to me I grabbed it curious and tried to open I sliced my finger a bit which I didn’t care about cause come on that took maybe 3 seconds to heal but I still accidently got blood on the book it warmed up in my hands and opened to a random page there was list of peoples names in the P section I was about to close it when I saw my name in the book
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