Categories > Original > Romance > Anxiety (Ohmwrecker x Reader)

His Name is Social Anxiety

by sasugaara 0 reviews

Social Anxiety disorder, also called social phobia, is an anxiety disorder in which a person has an excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations. Anxiety (intense nervousness) and self...

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2016-09-25 - Updated: 2016-09-25 - 261 words

Poem is by a good friend of mine; His name is Charlie Hornbuckle. Please do not steal the poem or anything from this story. Thank you.

I can't quite remember 

when he moved in.

Maybe he's always been here. 

Maybe I only noticed him first when I was 12,

and ordering food no long came easy to me

and tapping became a bad habit that

annoyed everyone around me.

It was this age I learned, people think I do it for attention.

He rally started coming around when I was 13,

I would open my mouth 

but he would steal my words from my lips

like they were never even mine. 

It was this age I learned people do not like mumbles and stutters.

He started effecting my grades when I was 14,

and raising my hand was equivalent to

climbing Mt. Everest.

It was this age I learned

people think education is more important 

than mental health.

He started effecting my every day life

when I was 15, 

people couldn't be too close 

or talk too loud without me flinching,

and I started scratching my hand

until it bled,

and wounds can't heal when you can't stop scratching.

It was this age I learned

people do not like damage.

He started taking people from me.

When I was 16,

people kept leaving and I couldn't even say my name

without stuttering with uncertainty, 

and you can't meet new people 

if you can't say hi;

and my self worth dropped to single digits.

It was this age I learned

no one will stay,

except for him.
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