Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > Promises

Chapter 2: Playmates

by TheEpicTales 0 reviews

Sally reminisces about her past with Knuckles.

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Amy Rose,Knuckles,Sonic - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2016-10-10 - 1424 words

Chapter 2: Playmates:

Later that night, Sally still lay in bed, her tears long since dried up. However her eyes were still red, puffy, and swollen as a testament to her anguish. She sat up and looked at a picture on her bedside table. It was a group photo of the core members of the Freedom Fighters. Sonic had his arms around Sally and Tails, Amy was on the other side of Tails, and Knuckles stood to Sally's left looking as if he wished he was anywhere else. Antoine, Bunnie, Rotor, and even Mina also stood behind them. It had been a long time since Sally had seen them since they left the force. Back then, things were difficult, but everyone was happier.

Sally set the picture down on its face. Things were different now. She stood up and walked over to her vanity dresser. In the mirror frame, several smaller photographs were inserted. One, older than the rest, was tattered and its edges had begun to yellow. On it was the image of two young kids smiling and had arms on the other. One was a tall and somewhat lanky, yet fit, scarlet echidna with wide violet eyes. The other was shorter and more regal, with brown fur and joyful irises of the same hue. Although it was taken a decade ago, Sally remembered how these two youths first met.
Sally, a much younger six-year-old version, wandered along one of the many paths that meandered through Angel Island's scenic wilderness. She had begged Father to allow her to accompany him and her older brother, Elias, on a trip to the echidnas' ancestral home. She had tried to focus on what exactly was being discussed, but her childish mind grew bored and began to drift. Locke had sent her to explore when she got too restless.

Over time, she became aware of a presence watching her. Nervous, she looked around but didn't see anyone. A nearby rustle made her jump. Whatever it was grew still. Summoning up her courage, she approached to have a look; Locke wouldn't send her out if there was anything dangerous after all. Carefully, she parted the bush and was shocked to find a pair of purple eyes staring at her.

The other, apparently as surprised as her, let out a little yelp as Sally stumbled backwards, falling on another bush on the opposite side of the trail. The stranger rose up out of the shrub and smiled slightly. Why, it was just a kid like herself. Suddenly feeling quite silly, she picked herself up and brushed the twigs off of her dress.

"Wh-who are you?" she asked rather shakily.

"I could be asking you the same thing. You're the trespasser after all," the echidna retorted.

"I'm not trespassing!" she denied haughtily, indignation overcoming her anxiety. "I'm a guest of Guardian Locke and a member of the Royal Family."

"That so?" he asked, hostility long gone. "Well excuse me, Princess; I was merely perfecting my sneaking skill."

"Well it certainly needs work," Sally huffed. As an afterthought, she asked, "What's your name?"

"Knuckles. And the next Guardian of the Master Emerald," he answered, puffing his chest out proudly.

"The next Guardian? That would make you…"

"Yep, Locke's my dad."

"I didn't know he had a son."

"Yeah, well, he usually keeps me pretty busy doing something or other."

"How old are you?"

"Six. Why?"

"Really? You look at least eight."

Knuckles blushed slightly and scuffed the ground with his shoe. "I'm big for my age," he explained. "What about you?"

"I'm six as well."

Knuckles smiled uncertainly, apparently not used to addressing someone his age.

"Want to play?" Sally asked.

"Play?" A confused expression clouded his face.

"Yeah; you know, 'tag you're it'?"

Knuckles still looked confused.

"You play like this," she began. She jabbed a hand at him and touched his arm gently. He looked at the spot she had touched. "Now you chase me and try to tag me back, got it?" He shook his head and she sighed. This was going to be difficult. "How do you not know how to play?" she asked, perhaps a bit more harshly than she had intended.

Knuckles shrugged. "Guess I don't have much time to play…" he mumbled as he stared at his feet.

Sally instantly felt guilty. "I'm sorry. Here, let me teach you. Go run and... I'll chase you." He stood rooted in place for a moment as if unsure. "Well go on," she gestured with a wave. Slowly, he began to jog off down the path, looking back at her occasionally.

She quietly counted to five then took off after her new playmate. Seeing her chase him, he instinctively increased his pace. She soon caught up with him though and gave a gentle shove on the back. He stumbled for a few steps then stopped. He turned back to see her quickly running the opposite way. He smiled a bit and chased her back. She didn't get far before he caught her. Playing was fun! However, his shove was perhaps a bit rougher than he had intended.

She launched forward and disappeared over a fern. He ran up to the edge and peered over the large plant, hoping to find her unhurt. She popped up suddenly, startling him and poked his chest. That, and his own backward motion, ended up with him falling on his rump. Sally giggled lightly. Knuckles couldn't help but a chuckle a bit as well.

Sally walked around the plant and began to run down the path. "Come get me!" she called over her shoulder.

Knuckles scrambled to his feet and tore off after her with biggest smile he had ever had.
Dusk was setting when Knuckles and Sally sat in grassy clearing later that day, exhausted from a full day's worth of frolicking. When they had gotten bored with tag, Sally taught him how to play Hide-and-Seek. Unsurprisingly, Knuckles turned out to be the best, finding incredible hiding spots and finding Sally regardless of where she hid.

"That was fun," she breathed.

"Fun," Knuckles repeated. Another strange word to him, but he was liking this new concept.

"Yeah. Don't you play with other kids?"

Knuckles shook his head. "Nope. I'm the only one."

Sally looked perplexed. "You mean that you and your dad are the only people on this entire island?"


"Doesn't it get lonely?" she wondered aloud.

"Sometimes, but I'm usually too busy to notice."

Sally looked at her newfound friend. He looked wistful, as if he was an outsider looking in. She reached out and took his hand. "Well I'm your friend now."

"Friend?" Knuckles tried out this word. It gave him a warm feeling, something nice that he didn't usually feel.

Before long, a rich voice could be heard over the treetops followed shortly by a deeper bark that distinctly said, "Knuckles!"



Both blushed slightly at having talked at the same time. The two heaved themselves up and began a slow trot toward the origin of the voices.

By the time they arrived a helicopter was waiting for the Royal Family. The King, looking stately in his business clothes, waited nearby along with the bearded Locke to his right and 12-year-old Elias to the left. "I see you made friend, Sally," the King observed.

"Yes, Father."

Locke looked evenly at his son. "Giving the Princess a tour of the island were you?"

"Yes, sir."

Locke gave an approving nod and turned to the King. "This is my son, Knuckles, and future Guardian," he explained.

"Well how about that?" the King mused, "A playmate for my daughter. Perhaps it was a good thing I brought you after all, my bean." The King smiled warmly and extended a hand to the young echidna. He took it and shook it firmly. "Nice strong grip," the King noted, "You'll make a fine young man one day."

"May we leave? My feet are growing tired," Elias complained.

"Of course," the King answered. He turned to Locke and tipped his head courteously, "Until next time then, Guardian."

Locke returned the nod with a stiff bow. "I look forward to it. Perhaps our friendship may bring our nations closer together."

"Perhaps," the King replied. With that, the Royal family boarded the chopper as it began to power up. Sally waved out the window as it ascended into the sky. Knuckles returned the gesture likewise.

Father and son were soon left standing in an empty field. "Dad?" Knuckles ventured.


"They'll be back right?"

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