Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Rebellion [Part 1]

The Rebellion [Part 1]

by puggyiscool 0 reviews

A queen is killed, and the king has grief. [WARNING: SWEARING, TW, AND POSSIBLE NSFW AHEAD.]

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2016-10-09 - 942 words

1: His Grief

A king stood on the hill where his wife's grave was. He stared at the grave, crying. Her crown was around the king's neck. The king slowly sang, "There will be no, soft sounds this time. No arms, not mine at least. Should've expected this, I guess," His voice rang through the realm. "No 'shh' can sooth your beast. And it was my problem once, that violence inside your eyes." He sung, smiling. "Bright red and high with death and pie, and rage that never dies. And I used to blame myself, Then I blamed everybody else, But never you." He took a deep breath. "Cause you were just a messed up kid, Who'd step in it, get scared and sit, and prey for goats and gods, who would know what to forbid." He started to cry. "And when you would reach out, Well I'd run my big mean mouth and make it worse." The leaves on the trees started moving. He cried more. "And maybe I deserve that hurt, Destruction of my universe, So if you gotta beat somebody up, Don't make it her." He took another deep breath, a pink leaf landing on him. "Im sorry, I messed up. Im not a leader anymore. Im sorry I messed up. Im not a leader... Im not a leader... Im not a leader... Friend." He stopped. He picked up the leather journal.


2: Flashback
~~~~Queen Lauren's POV~~~~ (duh because its her journal)
I walked down from my throne, ready for my birthday. I heard a splatter. I ran out, a shadow there. Dawn was laying on the floor motionless as the shadow had blood on its sword. As a familiar voice rang through the realm. "Lauren." The shadow spoke, brown hair spilling out from the head as the hood lifted down. "Im back. For round two.." Robin looked at me, a robot part on her eye, left arm and left leg. She stared. "You betrayed me... EIGHT YEARS AGO..." I said. I heard Blaine blowing the airhorns, I knew he didn't give any fucks just 'cause he became king a few months ago. ( just putting this here) He blew the fucking airhorn in Robin's ear as I was slowly losing my fucking temper. Robin said "OOWWWWW" and fell. "Fucking piece of shit gets hurt by a fucking airhorn..." Blaine said, snickering. I facepalmed. Blaine gave me my airhorn and grabbed Dawn's backpack, pulling Dawn's sword out. I gave him the airhorn as I grabbed the sword. Robin got up. "HAHA FUCKING BITCH! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO-" Robin trailed off as Blaine looked at her. He grabbed a bit of grass and threw it at Robin. "Fucking weirdo." Blaine said as Robin yelped in pain. That was enough to attract the rest of the order. I pushed Robin down the steps as Song healed Dawn. Song had her glasses on. She looked amazing to be honest. Dawn immediately got up and helped Song up. "Isn't Song just a Pegasus?" Blaine asked. "She has that weird healing song.." I said, giving Dawn her sword. I pulled out my axe-sword fusion. I turned into Souldust and Blaine turned into Ice Star (his true form). Ice Star looked at Robin. I walked down and put my sword to her head. "Kill me." Robin said. "Really?! You're gonna give up that easily.." I said. "Yes I am, fucking Starrylight." She said. "HOW DARE YOU USE THE QUEENS NAME THAT WAY!" Dawn yelled, holding her sword out. (great robin now you got the fucking queen of anger, mad.. you fucking dingus) Robin got up, grabbed the blade of my sword WITH HER FUCKING BARE HANDS, and threw me. The order chased after Robin. Well, it wasn't really fair... long story short, Robin got pinned to the ground and Dawn was STILL mad. Wolfine held her full soul. She finally had a form, after 8 years... Im happy for her. She finally got a full soul when she was 33. Ice Star stared at Robin, Robin pinned to the ground. Blaine could tell I've snapped. Chase, Bryse and Deni came. "LAUREN! WHATS WRONG!" Chase and Deni said. "CG, whats wro-" I interrupted Coolman (Bryse). "Robin.." I said. "THAT BITCH?! REALLY?!" Deni asked. "Yep.." I sighed. The order was stuck in a trap as Robin ran up. She tried to stab me as I turned around. I kicked the sword out of her hands "U WOT M8?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Blaine started laughing. (btw me and Blaine are still in our true forms..) Robin pulled out a knife. I teleported my armor on and grabbed the blade of the sword. "FUCK I FORGOT MY GLOVES...." I thought, holding the blade of the knife as I threw it. I healed my form and teleported my gloves on. I grabbed my fusion sword and ran to Robin. She hit her sword against mine, pushing mine to the side. I put up my hands, crying. She put the sword by my throat. "Give up." She said. I grabbed the blade. I snickered. The snicker turned into a giggle and the giggle turned into a laugh. "BITCH!" I said. "Puh-lease.." I continued, staring at her with my Souldust eyes. I smiled, kicked her, and threw her. She charged at me as I grabbed the blade of her sword. The next thing I knew, blood was on the ground. I was on the ground. I tried to heal myself but she punctured the healing part of my magic. I coughed out blood, ash scattering across the ground.

(Each Part will be 2 chapters)
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