Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

Crazy Train

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

"It's Luna isn't it…what happened?"

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Harry,Luna,Pansy - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2016-10-31 - 1899 words - Complete

Harry didn't see much of Luna after that or anyone really.
The next 3 weeks had gone by relatively quickly and Harry spent the whole time moving to Hogwarts and preparing for the new school year. Today Hogwarts was officially reopening for the first time since the end of the war and with the school being the site of Voldemort's death, everyone was enlisting at Hogwarts.
Harry looked around at his unpacked office. The room was full of artifacts he had collected on his travels including the remains of the Horcrux's he had destroyed and Gryffindor's sword. It was also full of gifts he had been sent. It felt strange having wizards he never even met wanting to thank him for beating Voldemort, but every now and then he was given something he couldn't resist. One time, just crazy however, he was even given a Basilisk egg...which was just a chicken egg.
Harry was in his new office preparing for what tomorrow would bring, when he heard a knock on his door. He waved the door open to see The Headmistress standing there, she was looking disheveled.
"Mr. Potter we have need of your assistance."
"Already? What is it? None of the students are even here yet" Harry asked curiously.
The Headmistress gave an almost bewildered look "The problem is not here...but on the Hogwarts Express."
Harry sighed rubbing his forehead where his scar used to hurt. He had a feeling he knew why McGonagall was coming to him for help.
"It's Luna isn't it…what happened?"

Earlier that day everything was going as normal. Of course things were never normal for the dreamy girl at the back of the train. It was a quiet, boring trip with most of her fellow DA members not returning to Hogwarts. Luna found herself missing Harry, which was strange since she never missed anyone...except for her mother of course. That said, she never had a real friend before, and she now felt closer to Harry than she had to anyone, beside her parents.
Luna was usually content reading the latest addition of the Quibbler, but she even found that boring. So she turned the book upside down for the challenge. It wasn't easy to read upside down but she had developed a knack for it.
"Why do you read upside down?" Luna didn't even need to look up to see the snotty Pansy Parkinson.
"Why don't you?" Luna answered without much thought. Pansy sat in the seat facing Luna who ignored her completely.
"You'd think a Loony such as yourself would like some company," Pansy sneered.
"What do you know about what I think," Luna asked curiously not looking up from her paper.
"I know a lot about what you think. It's the same thing a chicken thinks when you cut its head off." Pansy snorted laughing like a pig would.
"Have you ever been transfigured into a chicken and had your head cut off," Luna asked.
"WHAT? NO! What's wrong with you," Pansy asked with a repulsed look on her face.
"Then you have no more of an idea for what a decapitated chicken thinks than what I think," Luna answered factually.
"You're even worse than Hermione," Pansy snarled
"Thank you."
"That wasn't a compliment."
"Do you not know Hermione?" Luna asked more confused.
"I know she's a stuck up, know it all, bitch! But at least she's not a psycho who puts people in the hospital wing just for making fun of your mommy." Pansy was now getting infuriated. She had come here to pick on Luna but it felt like she was the one being made to look foolish.
Luna, who had not taken her eyes off the quibbler the whole time looked up at Pansy thoughtfully. "I never meant to hurt anyone. I don't know what happened to those kids. I just want to help people."
"That's funny since you put my friend Millicent Bulstrode in St. Mungo's for a month in our second year," Pansy hissed.
"I still feel bad about that. I've visited St. Mungo's and it's not that bad. It's not the worst thing that could have happened," Luna thought out loud.
"Then what is the worst thing that could have happened," Pansy practically shouted.
"Well I could have killed her." Luna replied, off in thought. Oblivious to the fact that her reply had sent Pansy reaching for her wand. Luna blinked when she realized it was now pointed at her face.
Luna looked confused "You asked what the worst that could have happened was. I was just answering your question. I don't want to hurt anyone."
"I knew you were dangerous, you're a psycho freak," Pansy screamed at the startled girl.
Luna was now feeling threatened and found herself speaking more seriously. "Please put away your wand."
Luna blinked and Pansy's wand was gone.
"How...How are you doing that?" Pansy asked in amazement.
"I...I don't know. It must be the Nargles," Luna mused.
Pansy's wand was floating above their heads. As Luna moved her eyes the wand seemed to follow. Other students where now coming into the compartment to see Luna's amazing wand-less magic. Luna noticed them and blinked again causing the wand to fall to the floor.
"How did you do that?"
"So weird."
"That was amazing!"
"Loony that one, I'm telling you."
Luna found herself being pushed to the back as students forced their way in the compartment and barraged her with questions.
Luna felt herself getting crushed and blinked her eyes again...
The students were suddenly forced back in a moment that stunned Luna as much as anyone. However she decided to take advantage of this opportunity and make her escape.

Harry walked out of the furnace of the train followed by McGonagall. He still hated floo powder but it was the only way to get aboard the moving train. McGonagall led him into the empty room normally reserved for the Prefects.
"I'm sorry to call you here. I know you are very busy getting ready for your first class tomorrow but no one else can get through to her," McGonagall explained as she rubbed her eyes.
"What did she do?" Harry asked worried.
"I have gotten so many different stories from the students I don't know what the truth is. The stories range from her setting off fireworks, to running naked through the halls. Whatever she did led to some pandemonium among the other students. They are all acting like they have gone mad. It's not surprising that she decided to escape from them."
"Where is she?" Harry asked, seeing the look in McGonagall's eyes.
"She climbed out a window and..."The headmistress said no more and just looked up at the ceiling. "We can't get her back down."
Harry was levitated onto the roof of the train where he saw Luna in the distance. To his horror she was doing cartwheels and back flips. Of course she is, Harry thought, frustrated, of all the places to do back flips.
Luna spotted him and stopped, giving him a wave before skipping over.
"Hi Harry," Luna hummed in her typical dreamy voice
"What are you doing up here? You've got half the Hogwarts staff trying to get you back in the train." Harry panted. The wind was viciously strong and Harry was surprised Luna hadn't been blown off the train.
"The view is wonderful from up here," Luna sang before looking at her bare feet. "My shoes must have fallen off while I was doing you want to help me find them."
"Umm...I don't think we will find them this time." Harry said looking over the edge of the train. "Listen to me we have to get back into the train before you get hurt or in trouble."
"I'm already in trouble," Luna said before running to the back of the train and sitting on the ledge. Harry slowly sat beside her. "What do you mean?"
"The magic giveth, and the magic taketh away," Luna sung sadly.
"Let's start from the beginning, tell me what happened?" Harry said in his most comforting voice.
Luna told Harry how Pansy was antagonizing her and how Luna levitated the wand with her eyes. Harry's eyes widened at this.
"I think it's a sign that the Nargles are coming back for me. After I levitated her wand everyone started to attack me. So I climbed up here, it's beautiful, isn't it, almost like flying?"
Luna drifted off as she looked at the amazing sights. Harry had to admit it was beautiful but he continued to focus on Luna.
"What do you mean the Nargles are coming for you?" Harry asked.
Luna's face darkened, something Harry had never seen from her before.
"People don't believe in a lot of the things I believe in. I don't mind, it's not personal. I know you don't believe in Crumple-Horned Snorkacks or Wrackspurts and it doesn't bother me."
"Whether you believe in them or not Nargles ARE real and will hurt you whether you believe in them or not. I have something of theirs and they want it back..." Luna drifted off again.
"What do you have?" Harry asked the strange girl who now seemed to be ignoring him. Harry realized that she wasn't going to say anymore on the subject.
Luna then looked at Harry. "I'm sorry Harry but I'm not going back in the train."
Something about the way Luna had phrased this statement gave Harry an idea.
"Then we won't go back in the train." Harry said with a smile. "How about we apparate to The Three Broomsticks and get some butter beer while we wait for the train."
Luna thought about this before nodding. Harry sent a Patronus to inform McGonagall before taking Luna's hand. He saw she looked nervous and a thought occurred.
"Have you ever apparated with anyone before?" Harry asked and Luna shook her head.
Harry squeezed her hand tighter. "Well it's not pleasant but it only lasts a second. Hold on tight and...Try not to throw up."
They arrived in The Three Broomsticks a few seconds later. Luna immediately dropped to her knees and threw up. She then stood up smiling as if nothing had happened.
"Are you OK?" Harry asked concerned.
"Why wouldn't I be," Luna wondered aloud. "It's in the past and I'm never doing it again. So I have nothing to worry about."
Harry smiled as they went inside and silently shared a drink.
"Thanks Harry for helping me out today. I missed you over the last few weeks but I know you're busy with the school." Luna said calmly.
"You have no idea" Harry laughed taking another sip from his drink. He then looked up at Luna seriously. Of course he didn't believe in Nargles but if Luna felt she was in danger he needed to make sure she was safe.
"The Nargles, they aren't going to hurt you are they?" Harry asked. Luna looked up surprised, before looking out the window.
"No they won't hurt me, they will just take back what's theirs...look! is that a moon frog?" Luna asked conveniently changing the subject. Something that did not go unnoticed by Harry.
Luna was hiding something there was no doubt about it. The only problem was, with a girl like Luna Lovegood. She could be hiding anything.
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